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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 192 KB, 1024x661, Sinclair_ZX_Spectrum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8898048 No.8898048 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite spec-em-up, anon?

>> No.8898114

I like Moon Cresta on the Speccy a lot. But Rogue, SimCity, and Rescue on Fractalus are my favorites.

>> No.8898132 [DELETED] 

I smile at the British, and say "salaam, have some acid on me it's a real trip"

>> No.8898167 [DELETED] 

Just as bad in Germany and France, wanker. At least we had good games.

>> No.8898253 [DELETED] 

>At least we had good games.

>> No.8898539 [DELETED] 

Only in bigger cities, I moved to Germany recently and in towns and countryside, you only see white. People are still super racist there. Some of the ex-East German provinces have bigger places too where right wing politics are in seat and push out non-whites.
Kind of sad, but oh well.

>> No.8898541 [DELETED] 

Feels good living in a non cucked EU country
We beat sandniggers up here for fun, but you rarely even see any, refugees don't like to stay here

Jesus Christ that's sad

Good to know now all is lost

>> No.8898703

Lunar Jetman
Skool Daze
Knight Lore
Tornado Low Level

>> No.8898706

The rare titles

>> No.8898730

the speccy version mogged both the C64 and Amstrad version, what a chad.

>> No.8898795

I don't suppose this is in any way related to the Mitsubishi Starion.

>> No.8898941

I'm not sure but I thought it only came out for the speccy, the C64 and the Amstrad

>> No.8899005

I noticed the spectrum doesn't have a joystick port as standard. If you don't buy an expansion, you just have to play with the keys? How playable is it?

>> No.8899052

beautiful car

>> No.8899057

Mushy. Anyway most Spectrum games support either Kempston or Atari sticks depending on which adapter you have.

>> No.8899065
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Xarax. It's a Xevious ripoff but it's very good.

>> No.8899117

Ok, I'm planning on buying a speccy but I guess I'll have to get an adapter too then.

>> No.8900342
File: 1.77 MB, 3024x3445, PXL_20220318_175906135.PORTRAIT~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get an Omni. It's all the fun of original hardware but without the headache.

>> No.8900368

Literally just emulation

>> No.8900456

>cant connect it to a computer and use it as a regular keyboard

>> No.8900741

>Using the same CPU and modern parts to create a machine which successfully boots the original system ROMs and runs the same software
Tell me you don't know what a hardware clone is without telling me you don't know what a hardware clone is

>> No.8900742

If anything I wish it had a USB port just to connect an actual keyboard to it. The spectrum rubber keys are basically a nightmare no matter what you're trying to use it for

>> No.8901423

lol retard
Mine just broke, puff of smoke and gone. Looks like the power regulator blew up —didn't trust ordering another, so I got a Humble48 based clone instead. Will probably buy a replacement board for the Omni at some point, but feeling a littler burned. It was only a year old and it's literally impossible to contact RetroRadionics unless you have a facebook account, which I do not.

>> No.8901553

they sell a bluetooth mockup if you want to do this

its absolutely retarded to do so anon
even speccy owners that had the launch system will tell you the keyboard is ass
my thing is, i want the omni to support av
the games will look like shit on anything else

>> No.8901642

>mogged both the C64
In the spirit of this I would like to add Chase HQ, Super Hang On and Rastan

>> No.8901837

the Spectrum was generally better at 3D or vector games like this due to its architecture

>> No.8901849

>unless you have a facebook account

why do companies do this
its v cringe

>> No.8902168

They don't. Anon is retarded.

>> No.8902171

boomers do it too
>post vectrex
>post crt for free or cheap
>only faceberg users can get deals

it makes me so mad
i made a fake profile and people just ignore it because i dont have hundreds of real friends on there

>> No.8902381

Bubble Bobble
>3 channel sound - clear as a bell
>smooth as silk
>NO color clash
how is this even possible on a speccy? this is helluva achievement

>> No.8902521

>my thing is, i want the omni to support av
The Omni does support AV, it uses a Genesis/Mega Drive 2 AV connector. I bought a Genesis cable and ran mine with composite; it ships with an RGB SCART cable.

>> No.8902523

im not a keyboard autist so i dont really care but if im gonna spend $130 on something it better do double duty

>> No.8902526

You can get a PS/2 adapter for the expansion bus.
$130 is dirt cheap in the world of retro computers.

>> No.8902530

$130 is expensive as fuck and always will be. fuck outta here
>inb4 poorfag
no but it will never not be a lot of money

>> No.8902592

Ah yeah I've heard there's some issues when using batteries, I haven't tried it yet. Facebook is definitely the best way to get in touch with them which kinda sucks but the ZX Omni Facebook group is absolutely the best place to get info on the Omni since it doesn't have any proper documentation. Even the official FAQ is pretty much just a collection of copy/pasted Facebook posts. The guy who runs it is pretty good about replacing Omni components that break, but of course he's buried with orders so it takes ages.

>> No.8902594
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This, I use it more on my PVMeme than I do with the laptop screen. The RGB is great.

>> No.8902604

Regardless of what one's value of a crisp American dollar is, retro computing is definitely expensive as fuck, and a 100% brand new machine with SD Storage built in for under $150 shipped is unheard of.
yeah it's a bummer, I'll probably just buy a replacement board for $88 or whatever and throw it in the old case. My lack of a facebook account unironically made the Omni experience mediocre because I could never get it configured correctly; Z80 files randomly stopped loading shortly before it let out the magic smoke. I got a Humble48 clone machine in the mail today as a replacement. It's barebones, basically what a real Speccy would be. Still need a joystick adapter, but the squish-keys aren't actually that bad for gaming, especially knowing you can buy cheap replacements if you fuck them up.

>> No.8902615

>boomers use boomerbook to sell their boomer shit
ohes noes!
>it makes me so mad
What doesn't?

>> No.8903778
File: 3.14 MB, 3264x2448, humble48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got a Humble48 clone machine
Where can I buy this?

>> No.8903784

>EEPROM uncovered and exposed

>> No.8903874


>> No.8904034

thats pretty sweet
i was chasing the whale trying to get legit hardware in the united states

now i wont have to deal with a PAL signal?

>> No.8904110

>dunning zoomer uncovered and exposed

>> No.8904154

I found a single auction with one a guy had already put in a new case, new membrane, new keyboard pad, etc. It was too expensive but I couldn't find the boards anywhere else, seems like one of those "you can get the PCB made yourself!" things that only occasionally pop up as prebuilt on sellmyretro or ebay. It's a very nice clone, if you want an "authentic" Speccy experience.
>All my knowledge comes from YouTube
No, they're still PAL; all Speccys are unless you get a Timex 2068 (don't do that). I have 4 displays in my apartment and only one of them doesn't support PAL / 50hz. 5 if you count my one CRT, and I can adjust the VHOLD on that for 50hz.

>> No.8904158

ill have to get something that supports it

how about power? still need 240v?

>> No.8904160

you need a VERY strong light to erase those chips once they are written

you can leave them in direct sunlight and they will be fine

>> No.8904161

Just embarrassing

>> No.8904253

im getting the timex
but not for speccy purposes kek

>> No.8904296

Nope, they ship with whatever PSU you need. They're 9V DC Center +, a real Speccy is center -.
which youtubers are your favorite, anon?
I have a Timex for non-Speccy purposes, it's fun. The extra sound command in BASIC is pretty cool, as is the 64 column text mode.

>> No.8905010

You aren't going to find original Spectrum hardware in the US pretty much ever. The Omni still outputs a PAL signal but if you get the laptop screen with it you won't need to worry about an external display. It also comes with an international PSU so you don't need to worry about power. It's honestly the best option for an American, not to mention all the quality of life upgrades that you'd need extra hardware for on a real Spectrum (DivMMC, joystick ports, etc)

>> No.8905084

Better is still bad in this case.
The horror was obvious even back then.

>> No.8905648

Head Over Heels - GOAT 3rd gen game
Manic Miner not far behind

>> No.8905683

Thanks for the info... maybe I'll have to build one myself. At least the board is quite simple compared to the original.

>> No.8905689

>which youtubers are your favorite, anon?
Hypothetically, the ones that make fun of cringlings like you

>> No.8905825

It's worse than I thought

>> No.8905834

Does the spectrum have good stuff on it that'll have non nostalgic appeal? does it have RPGs? should I put a down payment on an Omni? Im american.

>> No.8905917

Anyway, TS 2068s are hard to come by and will not work with most Spectrum software due to different OS ROMs and NTSC. At best this will throw the timing of games off and cause them to run too fast, at worst it will cause glitches if the game does midline graphics changes (not as rare as you think) or uses PAL's longer screen render for additional processing time.

>> No.8906124

I'm a 33 year old American who never played Spectrum until I got an Omni last year so I've got zero nostalgia for the machine but I've been having plenty of fun with it. Basically if you like the kind of games you'd find on the Apple II you'll have plenty of enjoyment with the Spectrum.

>> No.8906156

>zx spectrum
This is a system for people who actually like games

>> No.8906214

There are Spectrum RPGs though not generally that big or complex because the tape format mostly limited them to single load games that could fit entirely in the computer's RAM.

>> No.8906312

Dont you still need to buy games for the omni AKA a flashcart?

>> No.8906449
File: 2.22 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20210810_205009101.PORTRAIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. It has a built-in SD card slot with UnoDos/esxDOS support.

>> No.8906472

THe omni is no different from a mister though. like you have no actual concrete proof. even a spectrum emulator is already perfect it s a fucking 8bit computer

>> No.8906505

>wifi card

>> No.8906550
File: 17 KB, 400x286, InigoMontoya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought

>> No.8906581


im getting the cheaper b&w timex machine first
and loading frogger from tape onto that shit

>> No.8906583

i want to use a crt
so i have to buy a pelco monitor (pvm) basically

>> No.8908008
File: 325 KB, 1137x840, omni mobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>THe omni is no different from a mister though
Wrong again. The Omni has an actual Z80 CPU and a custom CPLD in place of the Spectrum ULA. It uses actual dedicated silicon instead of hardware emulation via FPGA.

>> No.8908013

Yes, if you want to use the Omni with a CRT you're going to need a CRT that can handle a PAL signal.

>> No.8908016

Wifi card

>> No.8908176

you do know you don't need to use it, right? the machine functions just like a regular Spectrum whether it's there or not.

>> No.8908185

Head over Heels is superb

>> No.8908201

Have fun being backdoored

>> No.8908557

Most normal US spec CRT TVs won't accept PAL. HDTVs normally are region free.

Yeh you can still get new Z80s as they're sold for embedded apps. Of course they're CMOS which means you may break the odd Spectrum game that uses illegal opcodes.

>> No.8909342

Holy dunning–kruger

see above

>> No.8910138
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>> No.8911531
File: 18 KB, 474x362, Knight Tyme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knight Tyme, Manic Miner/Jet Set Willy and Jetpac

>> No.8911620
File: 93 KB, 900x450, Lords of Midnight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the #1 game of all time on the speccy is an RPG called "Lords of Midnight" and its sequel "Doomdarks Revenge".
its very Tolkienesque and half RPG half strategy game.

>> No.8912689

the ironic thing about dunning kruger is it literally is not real, yet idiots keep using the term

>> No.8912952

was zniggy ever finished