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8805808 No.8805808[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>We did a rough translation of the text, and then we just, like, threw it out bro.

>Like, we thought the actual dialogue would be creepy for US audiences, so we just made up some other stuff.

If you're a localizer and you're reading this thread, I'm going to pirate every single Japanese game for this very reason, and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.8805809

>reading fan fiction made by sub human americans
Such a big mistake

>> No.8805835 [DELETED] 

>Anno Domini MMXXII
>caring about remake, remasters or re-releases

>>“We thought it might be a little creepy for US audiences”
>We are so weak.
posts the person with an anime-profilepic lmao

>> No.8805841
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Original source:

>Ah, nice!
lmao holy shit

>> No.8805843

>Official Translation is basically just a rewrite
applies to most things aimed at Americans
Power Rangers approach is standard procedure

>> No.8805849
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Aah the Samurai Pizza cats approach.

>> No.8805886
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>seething about the translation of a game that's more than 20 years old

>> No.8805906

This looks entirely made up and considering the source is fucking Fandom, I doubt this is legit.

>> No.8805909

Considering this is still happening right now, I don't doubt this
Just look at any modern jap game and this still happens

>> No.8805916

It took you 7 years to throw a tantrum over this?

>> No.8805959

this really is becomming a redflag

>> No.8805998 [DELETED] 

Dunno, do you like pedo shit?

>> No.8806020

I generally enjoy translations by some old boomer or half-Jap hapas than I do translations from autistic trannies and shut ins. Byuu's stuff is just unreadable because he has no fucking clue how people speak or behave.

>> No.8806046

go make another speccy-thread

>> No.8806116

>>Ah, nice!

>> No.8806162

is everything pedo to you?

>> No.8806184

Any other old information we all knew for years you want to dredge up?

>> No.8806193

Youre not cancelling VG twitter bitch

>> No.8806221

Another japanese work of art ruined by disgusting westerners

>> No.8806225

a bib a toot?

>> No.8806231

how can you be so unhinged over a >20 year old translation for a childrens' game?
you realise jap fantasy plots are generic as fuck and completely interchangable

>> No.8806237

I actually started this game up a few weeks ago on my Gabe cock and remember seeing this on the Wikipedia article, too; iirc it notes that Sega JP had veto rights and kept oversight so its not like the japs didn't know, at least to some extent.
Shame the GC Versions got more content but worse music and the same conversion issues that SA suffers from with transparency borders and the like, but I'm pretty enthralled for someone who normally can't stand JRPGS.

>> No.8806256

Faggot western fanfiction is worse

>> No.8806265

>Nguyen, Tony
Gilder’s quote about women being like sunsets.
Originally, it was about doing the things that have never been done before.
But I like the sunset change.
Vorlick, Klayton
That was Chris. I shook my head when he came up with that line haha
Nguyen, Tony
It’s pretty funny! And I think it suits Gilder!
Vorlick, Klayton
Yeah, totally fits the character.
I think my favorite line that he wrote was Vyse’s father in the beginning after he shoots the soldier and says something like “I only see 3 of you.”
In case you couldn’t tell, he’s a huge fan of Joss Whedon’s work and tries to emulate his style of nonchalant sarcasm haha

>> No.8806268


>> No.8806275

he needs a twitch streamer to force-feed him old news

>> No.8806290

>Joss whedon

>> No.8806314

I never heard of it. There are, ya know, better things to do than keeping up with tardslator "news" like, I dunno, actually playing video games...

>> No.8806368
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Eh, disappointed but not even surprised at this point. Damn near all JRPG localizations from back then were borderline rewrites at best, the idea of staying reasonably faithful throughout was rarely ever a goal with them, even when censorship restraints of console manufacturers weren't really an excuse anymore.

I caved in and started learning Japanese very recently, I know it's not the sort of thing anyone wants to hear but if you want to get away from localization botchjobs, new and old, it's your only real escape. Just fucking do it.

>> No.8806373

>actually playing video games
Alright so go do that instead of wasting our time with shit threads.

>> No.8806379

>Damn near all JRPG localizations from back then were borderline rewrites at best
That's the funniest part of this thread. Throw a dart at a 90s rpg and you're likely to hit a game that this happened to. Dumb fucking thread designed to try to provoke a /v/-tier rage thread.

>> No.8806386

But it's janny approved cuz they're based.

>> No.8806510

It was actually based as fuck in that instance, though.

>> No.8806624

>In case you couldn’t tell, he’s a huge fan of Joss Whedon’s work and tries to emulate his style of nonchalant sarcasm haha
haha now that’s all culture haha haha kms

>> No.8806628

>Throw a dart at a 90s rpg and you're likely to hit a game that this happened to.
This isn’t really true. In the 90s I can only really think of Working Designs doing this with RPGs. Most 90s translations were stilted and literal.

>> No.8806638

Dub try joke but felt flat.

>> No.8806641

Still aged poorly trash.

>> No.8806703

American translators don't really seem to like to accurately want to translate things

>> No.8806736

>Damn near all JRPG localizations from back then were borderline rewrites at best
Completely fucking untrue. JRPG localizations back then were mostly true to the original Japanese scripts. Why do you think Working Designs got so much hate for rewriting Lunar?

>> No.8806953

Final Fantasy 6 with Celes' suicide is a notable example

>> No.8806980

What if I told you
Japs don't write as well
As you think they do

>> No.8806985

>Why do you think Working Designs got so much hate for rewriting Lunar?
Because of sweaty manchildren who worship tiny Japanese desk workers

>> No.8807004 [DELETED] 

You know Ted Woolsey received a ton of flak along the years but outside added jokes and censorship he was mostly accurate.
Final Fantasy 9 is egregiously BAD about this, almost every scene was rewriten and they still use the rewrite for the HD remaster.

>> No.8807012


>> No.8807013


>> No.8807109
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Western insects due to their genetic inferiority are incapable of creating soul of their own, so the only possible way for them to ever feel accomplished is to leech from superior cultures such as Japan. They are baffled at every turn to find that Japanese culture is better than them (at everything not involving violence and imperialism) so they come up with these strange coping mechanisms, not just in gaming but in also the corporate world such as "Lean Sigma Six" which is a soulless attempt to force the harmony of the Japanese work culture on the west without actually understanding or acknowledging why it only works over there.

>> No.8807115

What if I told you
being a translator
means you translate what it says

again, americans, not every westerner

>> No.8807136

Localization isn't not translation. Videogames are not UN documents.

>> No.8807140

God forbid that people have more respect towards the actual creators who worked on the games than the glorified middleman who decided to tamper with their work.

>> No.8807150

God forbid the writing be done by actual writers and not the programmer that the jap studio decided would shit out dialogue for the town they were coding

(obviously sometimes studios took writing more seriously)

>> No.8807160

How about you stop strawmanning and just admit you americans are lazy shits when it comes to translating entertainment
>Iocalization means I should just write my own fanfic because... FUCK JAP WRITING

>actual writers

>> No.8807168

Stop wasting time and go review your N3 kanji list

>> No.8807172
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>the game is still good and the story is still memorable
i fail to see the issue.
i don't know why you would get angry several decades after you've already played and enjoyed the game.

>> No.8807174

Are you seriously arguing that Vic Ireland is a more qualified writer than anyone in the original team? Guy's a complete hack of a writer.

>> No.8807212

That was censorship, not a total rewrite. The rest of the scene made it obvious what was actually happening. There are other issues peppered throughout the script that can't be attributed to censorship, but again, it wasn't like he completely made shit up all over the place.

>> No.8807230

WD scripts are full of character and humor where the original scripts are perfunctory and bland. Sorry, Japs didn't put as much thought into their dialogue as you imagined in your weeb-stricken brain.

>> No.8807238

If you consider Joss Whedon tier quips and story to be better than bland JP writing than you seriously should consider your taste to be no better than the average soiboy

>> No.8807361

>i don't know why you would get angry several decades after you've already played and enjoyed the game.
If the story changed so much from original then you didn't play the developer's intended story. Speaking as someone from the third world, we had tons of localization changes that added cultural references or make it more appropriate where I live, just like what these people are doing. I learned English to avoid my issue because it was waaaay different watching an anime in my language and then watching the same one but with English subs. It seems even American localizers do this shit, so you will be forced to deal with weird dialogue or story choices compared to the original release.

Even if you enjoyed the localized release, knowing that it's different from the original JP release puts a thought in your head that you never really experienced the actual thing and you never really beat the game, especially if it's an RPG.

>> No.8807363

t. Vic Ireland.

>> No.8807428
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>Speaking as someone from the third world

>> No.8807443

>God forbid that people have more respect towards the actual creators who worked on the games
If you actually cared you'd play the games in their native language (which you don't). Keep peddling your facade, poser.

>> No.8807452

you burgers don't seem to do either you fucking hypocrite

>> No.8807462

When's the last time any of y'all read a book

>> No.8807465

>dude, just learn every language in case you want to properly consume that country's media!

>> No.8807467

if the developers cared they wouldn't let things like this happen in the first place.
it strictly isn't as important as the weebs are making it out to be.

>> No.8807481

>"Dude, what do you mean you expect people they hired to do their job and the developers shouldn't be be on their ass on almost every line they translate?"
You people are dumb to an insane degree.

>> No.8807486
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Keep on peddlin', lil' larpers!

That's for true.
Why else would the Japanese companies make horrid business decisions like mobile cancer in vidya?

>> No.8807494
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>dude, just learn every language in case you want to properly consume that country's media!
I mean, if >>8807361 can do it, why can't you? Sounds to me you're either lazy, a poser or just want to shit on the West. Maybe even all 3.

>> No.8807502

Don't use my example as an excuse to learn a language, faggot. I thought Americans had standards and I wouldn't worry too much, but it turns out you're nothing but retards as well.

>> No.8807512

>Bumps the thread
3rd worlder AND a newfag /int/ard.

>> No.8807518

>3rd worlder
Why yes, I am from the US, how did you know?

>> No.8807524


>> No.8807526

>If you actually cared you'd play the games in their native language (which you don't).
But I do. I barely buy localized versions anymore unless it includes an original language option.

>> No.8807527
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I wan't /vpol/ to pls go.