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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8797250 No.8797250 [Reply] [Original]

have you ever played retro games for score, time or some other stupid challenge? Did it make it more fun or less? Ive been playing a shmup for score and I can confidently say it doesn't make it better or worse, just more tedious

>> No.8797252

I only really play OoT in randomizer form these days, I have a lot of fun

>> No.8797260

is that actually a challenge? sounds like might be fun instead \\\\\\\\\

>> No.8797274

Man, this board is so tsundere for shmups

>> No.8797276

based, same

>> No.8797284

I play games for score if they're designed to be played for score, like early-80s arcade games. most games with a tacked-on score system are not.

>> No.8797285
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It's difficult for me to deviate away of my preferred play-style depending on the game, but ultimately I'd say "No" to your question. If it's restrictive with strict rules than I avoid, but if it's like a Randomizer like the other anon mentioned, I enjoy those. An Armorless Megaman challenge I can get behind since the X games are fast paced and liner.

I tried doing a Nuzlock Challenge in Pokemon Red, but found it extremely tedious with the rules I chose. FF10 Remaster has an Expert Sphere Grid which every character starts in the same spot and that felt alienating.

>> No.8797334


have you tried deathless goals for action games? like deathless contra, ghouls n ghosts, castlevanias, etc?

>> No.8797393

>is that actually a challenge?
Not necessarily because you play with an item tracker to check off what chests/boss drops/quest rewards/etc you've already obtained, this is the one I use
I think the advantage of the Zelda style randomizer is that your mastery of the game is mostly based on knowledge. You know the game back to front so now you have to solve a puzzle because all the pieces are moved around. You know where the items are and what you need to get them, you just don't know what you'll find when you get there.

>> No.8797482
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No, that's 2hard5me. I'd rather a game give me an intensive for those kinds of challenges rather than it be a personal goal. I'm a milquetoast, basic bitch when it comes to my games, but I ain't no casual.

>> No.8797558

Most of the time yes, it creates an incentive for you to do something different to beat your last record.

>> No.8797571

I played warblade for highscore. I remember that I didn't turn off computer for 2 days (you can save game but I didn't know about that) So I get like over I still love this game

>> No.8797652

> I'd rather a game give me an intensive for those kinds of challenges rather than it be a personal goal
games dont give much incentive to do anything really, you just do what you like if the gameplay is good and appealing and if you enjoy getting better at it. It's not like seeing the credits or end screen has some value worth pursuing nor are the stories really good either, not worth dozens of hours of effort anyway
it should be up to you what's important and fun

>> No.8797663
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Sure, I wanted to see if I could complete Donkey Kong Country 101% in less than one hour, which I finally managed.
And after that, I tried to complete Donkey Kong Country 2 102% in less than 2 hours, which I finally managed as well.
And once I wanted to see how much money I could get in Ducktales and I was surprised to see that it is possible to get over $21 million.

>> No.8797892

>bragging rights isnt incentive enough
ive got some bad news for you casuanon

>> No.8797914

Casually, as in I just pick a controller and try to go as fast as possible. Mainly the RE games and DKC1. I've beaten those games over 50 times, doing a challenge run on them certainly made them fresh and interesting.

>> No.8798347

most shmups just happen to have terrible scoring systems, even when the games themselves are good
I'm often tempted to play shmups for score until I actually learn how scoring works and just lose interest

>> No.8798415

>more tedious
Agree. Have tried for 'max everything' in a few games and though fun, it's more trouble than it's worth. The point of the game is enjoying the challenges presented, not trying to collect every point.

>> No.8798830

playing for high scores is only fun when you're competing against your bros

>> No.8798902

I have done deathless Contra up to maxed out score counter, it's kinda boring but not very tedious (takes a few hours and is decently stimulating). Around 8 loops and hardly anything changes (more runners, more hp on some things).