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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8664485 No.8664485 [Reply] [Original]

Post games that you consider the worst.

>> No.8664494
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>> No.8664495
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>> No.8664501
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>> No.8664506


>> No.8664524

>we're living in an era where Halo isn't ostracized

What a day.

>> No.8664528

idk that looks pretty good, but not really sure what that is so maybe not

>> No.8664532
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>> No.8664538

Four resident evil?

>> No.8664542

4 u.

>> No.8664551
File: 6 KB, 256x240, hoshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoshi wo Miru Hito, shittiest JRPG ever made. It came out less than a year after DQ1 and it has an actually unplayable amount of bugs. The music is grating, the tilesets are ass, combat is retarded, your character walks a tile a second at best, half the stats are worthless (agility doesn't matter because you choose turn order at the start of a battle, defense is abysmal), you start off at level 0 for some reason and your stats suck while at it, encounter rate is retarded, the 1st town in the game is invisible, collision is broken half the time, your cursor can scroll out of the menus, they literally didn't program the final boss... I can go on. Here's a sample of the OST for your listening displeasure. https://youtu.be/E8a29lcGkWI

>> No.8664571

On the NES this game is a total abomination. On the ZX Spectrum it would be considered a classic and make top 10 Spectrum games lists 30 years later.

>> No.8664589

The developer was an outfit called Another, which was likely some Micronics-level thing. They made a total of 7 games two of which reached America (Black Bass and Championship Bowling). These were all low budget junk with small ROMs outside of President no Sentaka, an amusing business sim game that has yet to get an English translation.

>> No.8664723

Why does every picture of that box look like it was left in the sun?

>> No.8664737

git gud

>> No.8664751


>> No.8664813
File: 15 KB, 220x225, images - 2022-02-26T145438.263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like this game and I simply cannot fathom why it's cherished

>> No.8664818

Looks like Aresident Evil to me

>> No.8664913

This is easily the worst game on the console, I'm stunned people think Ganso Saiyuki is worse. It's #2 at worst. At least Ganso Saiyuki has understandable visuals and acceptable sound, and they even tried making a true to scale journey from China to India. For 1986 that's impressive.

>> No.8664949

It has Bokosuka Wars to keep it company and some Micronics stuff like 1942 is up there.

>> No.8664951 [DELETED] 

That music reminds me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0HGHuTEAlI

>> No.8664958

Of course A Week of Garfield is often mentioned even though the game is perfectly fine from a programming standpoint (runs at 60 fps, doesn't have glitches or broken features, etc). It's more the incredibly stupid and poorly thought-out gameplay, and the fact that it has 1985 graphics in a 1989 release.

>> No.8664986

To add some points for people who've never played it
>melee attack has terrible, basically zero range
>no invincibility frames, so basic enemies can almost immediately drain your health to zero, especially when trying to use your basic melee attack
>items are randomly hidden, including keys - scrolling will stop at certain points while you randomly jump around a screen hunting for the key
Also the game is just incredibly boring. There's no hooks, no fun story bits, no interesting platforming, no nice scenery, no cool bosses (all the bosses are lame and extremely same-y), very few laughably bad bits (of note: Jon's dialogue, Garfield's all-fours walking animation, Garfield's sudden face to floor death), just repetitive, bland backgrounds, stupid clipart enemies, and irritating combat. Unlike some games which are amusing in their shittiness, Garfield is just boring

The only saving grace is that the credits song is nice and some of Jon's random "dialogue" between levels is very mildly amusing.

>> No.8664996


>> No.8665489

It's fun :)

>> No.8665493
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>> No.8665602
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not counting avgncore or computer systems. worse than shaq-fu

>> No.8665608

learn to aim :)

>> No.8665614


>> No.8665791

The music is lame too and Garfield looks retarded.

>> No.8665798

Heroes of the Lance is another of the worst NES games of all time

>> No.8665806

Beethoven the Ultimate Canine Caper. Another awful shovelware game with clipart graphics and astonishingly boring gameplay.

>> No.8665905

we’re in a worst games of all time thread, it’s obvious bait

>> No.8665920
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>> No.8665930

Any Nintendo game

>> No.8666703

When I think of worst games, this shitty Street fighter mortal kombat wannabe comes to mind. Even the name is unoriginal, just combined words from the two games it's trying to knock off.

>> No.8666725

Most really bad games are just on that tier of shovelware where I can't even care about them. Like Bob the Builder for Playsation. It's a game for toddlers. I do not care.
The game I personally hate the most is Small Soldiers for Gameboy, because I had it, and there's no fun to be had in that game at all.
Anyone posting some commonly well regarded game in this thread is either trying too hard, or needs to play more games.

>> No.8666948

Cope, your pretty boy shooting game is not a RE game by any means.

>> No.8667153

Lol you're completely right. Never change britbongs

>> No.8668009

The franchise as a whole is pretty mediocre imo but gets a pass because it popularized arena style fps multiplayer on consoles for that generation of kids. It's obviously not as good as quake/UT at that but they obviously wouldn't/don't know better.

>> No.8668019

>your cursor can scroll out of the menus, they literally didn't program the final boss...
These two got me. Holy shit

>> No.8668029


>> No.8668032
File: 179 KB, 800x769, 191606-dragon-warrior-vii-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst RETRO game I've played is easily Dragon Quest VII. You might be thinking that's unfair, because some shovelware exists or whatever, but the thing is I don't play all the way through games I don't expect to enjoy. I really expected to enjoy DQ7, since it's a Dragon Quest game, but really it's more like a fuckin Draggin' Quest game because fuck my ass it takes 25 hours to unlock jobs. And THEN you have to grind INDIVIDUAL BATTLES to level up those jobs. There are NO shortcuts like Metal Slimes, which are the crux of what makes the DQ EXP system satisfying. I could not fucking give a shit about anything by the end. What a slog. Some of the individual stories were ok, but the experience as a whole was soured by the gameplay.

>> No.8668034

Its a reskin of a Ranma 1/2 game.

>> No.8668037

>Whenever you leave a town or dungeon, you're teleported back to the beginning of the game for no reason.

This is hilarious. Holy fucking shit.

>> No.8668041
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There's still more to it if you want to hear, have a pic of the off-menu cursor for your interest.

>> No.8668046

This is a thread of the worst games, not about what's the worst at fitting into your series of clunky "horror" games :^)

>> No.8668048

Championship Bowling is actually good, if a bit exploitable. I played it a lot growing up.

>> No.8668059

A lot of people consider II and VII the worst Dragon Warrior games.

>> No.8668062

Dr. Jekyll's better than most post-6th gen games

>> No.8668112

I now have a strange desire to make a homebrew RPG for a retro system that has a number of completely broken things in the game like this. Invisible locations, invisible warps, unique weapons/armor with no name or description or visible stat changes, spells that say they hurt the enemy while healing them or buffing them, stats that do nothing, quest items for quests that don't exist, enemies that are "glitched" and can do insane damage like deleting your equipment or lowering a stat permanently to 3(complete with garbled text so the player has no idea what has been done until after the battle is over), and the ability to walk through any wall just by pushing against it for longer than 10 seconds.

>> No.8668124

And it would be hailed as a great throwback to the days when games didn't hold your hand.

>> No.8668134

You could probably do all of that unintentionally. The NES is a weird console to program for and you'll likely come across bugs during programming.

>> No.8668204

Let me list some more "funny quirks" of the game.
>You can't run away from battles but enemies can
>TO run away from battles you need to use an ESP skill with 3 possible results, said results being:
>-It works and ONLY the caster teleports out of battle
>-It FAILS and the whole party is teleported out
>-The enemies JAM the teleport and make it so your party is sent to basically a death dungeon
>You can't swap equipments between party members
>The best equipment in the 1st overworld is the only thing that deals reasonable damage to enemies... but the enemies in the 2nd overworld take NO damage from it
>You can't unequip items
>Your bare fists are better than most of the weapons, so equipping them actually DEBUFFs you, and even then your fists are abysmal
>There's a forest in the game that has random entry warps that will send you to a shitty dungeon which, once you exit it, sends you back to the starting point
>NPCs can block you inside houses
>The last digit of your HP isn't displayed in battle
>Any new party member also starts at Level 0
>The encounter tables are based on overworld, not overworld region, which combined with the encounter rate, means you can encounter the strongest enemy in the game as early as the 1st tile
>The game has a password save system
>-Said password system works in such a way that it rounds your level DOWN to the nearest multiple of 4 (i.e. save at level 7, load the save, you're at level 4)
>One of the enemies, the Chimera I believe, is a meme in Japan because while it's one of the "weaker" enemies, it can paralyze you, which you can't do anything about, so it's guaranteed death.
>It got a Switch version and recently, for some ungodly reason) https://youtu.be/YtR5EI0u_4U
>Apparently the game was done by actually 1 guy
this game fucking sucks i love it

>> No.8668302

This is the result of a game in the first month of development where you're just implementing the basics without too much concern for it actually working right and without warning the boss knocks on the door and tells you to ship it.

>> No.8668704

Wait, is that actually what happened?

>> No.8669118

No I'm just speculating but the game's failings are indicative of something like that having happened.

>> No.8669134

That or an inexperienced dev shipping out an abandoned project to recoup their losses.

>> No.8669241

Yeah, the one guy got the flu and nothing was documented or able to be completed so they shipped it to hit a deadline? Back then games were made very seat of your pants and I bet most companies had a low bus factor.

>> No.8669849

Wasn't this game supposed to get a western release on Switch?

>> No.8669860


>> No.8669897

This lie again. I think the only grinding I did that was job related is 30ish mins when I first unlocked the jobs to get two characters out of the priest job
Otherwise, the only other time I grinded was to get money for the end game ship shop
That's like an hour or two of grinding on like 105 hours

>> No.8669915

>the only time I grinded was when I grinded
Even if you disregard that stupid attempt at an akshully, the entire game is a fucking grind because its 5 times longer than it needs to be.
Every single DQ game is the exact same, fun for the first 10-15 hours, middling for the next 5 as you wait for something interesting to happen or for the game mechanics to evolve, and then a slog for the rest until you drop it after realizing they never will. The entire series is a bunch of 100 hour long games that don't have any reason to be longer than 20.

>> No.8669923

>Even if you disregard that stupid attempt at an akshully
2 hours you fucking moron out of 105. Ain't even reading the rest
That's less than 2% of the game
That game has a wrong reputation of being "grindy", but that's basically just retards playing a JRPG when they don't even like JRPGs

>> No.8669930

I like how you went from "the game isn't grindy" to "it's ok because grinding is a part of JRPGs anyway" in the same sentence

>> No.8669956

>105 hours
This is why people hate it. That's an absurd amount of time for a game.

>> No.8670835

Never thought this one was that terrible tbqh. The concept is cool it's just very badly executed due to the clunky as all hell controls.

>> No.8670878
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Evidently there's a hack that tries to improve the game, but I guess you can only do so much.


>> No.8670946

What a shitload of fuck

>> No.8670951 [DELETED] 

odd, you cultists have been doing that since the first Mario game.. how everysingle one of them is a masterpiece - they're not, asset flipped pieces of shit, everyone of them.. you manchildren deserve the rope

>> No.8670976 [DELETED] 

Careful not to choke on your tea, Nigel.

>> No.8670981


Meh, Hydes got the Psycho Wave, and you don't, OP.

>> No.8670985

The Three Stooges on NES or Swamp Thing on NES.

>> No.8670994

Probably FF1 on the NES

>> No.8671230

>Swamp Thing

Beat both of those this month and enjoyed them.

>> No.8671287


I saved up $40 for that garbage game back in high school

>> No.8671324

jRPG gameplay peaked on Fami-

>> No.8671341

Said nobody ever.

>> No.8671362

You're right, I never did say it, but I do believe it. I'll make a thread about it someday because I bet I'm not the only one. In short it doesn't matter how great your battle system is or how deep your customization is if in the end it all boils down to press X to win

>> No.8671458

this was overhyped by european magazines in late 1999 and early 2000

>> No.8671869

Yes, that's how fucking JRPGs work you simpleton. JRPGs that just flows are mostly not /vr/ material or are just ridiculously too easy. Most of 'em requires you to, at the very least, beat most encounters you come across in a new area while exploring and from what I've seen here, most non-JRPGs players seems to even consider Earthbound grindy. DQ7 is one of those games, beat all encounters you come across and you'll be fine, it's not grindy
Don't fucking play JRPGs if you don't like the genre

>> No.8672635
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>> No.8672714
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Wow, I thought picrel was shit, but yours is some serious competition.

>> No.8672729
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>> No.8672732
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This is better described by the word "unfinished", than "the worst", I guess. But considering how unfinished it was, it was just a spit in the face, to even release it.

>> No.8672820 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 640x914, captain planet NES boxart coverart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from the Barbie game on the NES (terrible collisions, slow movement, jumbled graphics, uninspired level design, plot of absolute no importance and equally irrelevant stakes) I don't think I could pinpoint a game I would qualify as the worse.

And then there's Captain Planet And The Planeteers on the NES. It's not the worse, it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's like they had a few ideas on how to make the game and what it should contain, but they screwed up how to articulate the little bits together or what the challenging part of the gameplay should be. The shoot'em up sections are tedious because of the floaty acceleration and the way all attacks share the same power gauge (I get it: "don't waste energy, kids!"). The collision box is so big you're guaranteed to die over and over again on the first level on your first playthrough. The sections with Captain Planet have this weird time system that reminds me of Robocop: you have to pick up healing items constantly to not die of exhaustion... there might be a lore reason for that but it translates poorly as a game mechanic. It sucks because I like how they handle the power effects (like clogging oil pipes with stones) and it feels like it wants to be a puzzle/adventure game at times. But it's like programmers cared "just enough" to get a functioning game out. I think I wish it had been more polished... it's just full of little weird things like "select to pause and start to change power", title screen appears before licensing info, no password screen (it just pops up right after the credits). Also, fuck that level where you have to cut the road to trucks that accelerate or brakes depending on your altitude. It's easy to figure out but it makes zero sense.

>> No.8672826
File: 112 KB, 640x914, captain planet NES boxart coverart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from the Barbie game on the NES (terrible collisions, slow movement, jumbled graphics, uninspired level design, plot of absolute no importance and equally irrelevant stakes) I don't think I could pinpoint a game I would qualify as the worst.

And then there's Captain Planet And The Planeteers on the NES. It's not "that bad", it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's like they had a few ideas on how to make the game and what it should contain, but they screwed up how to articulate the little bits together or what the challenging part of the gameplay should be. The shoot'em up sections are tedious because of the floaty acceleration and the way all attacks share the same power gauge (I get it: "don't waste energy, kids!"). The collision box is so big you're guaranteed to die over and over again on the first level on your first playthrough. The sections with Captain Planet have this weird time system that reminds me of Robocop: you have to pick up healing items constantly to not die of exhaustion... there might be a lore reason for that but it translates poorly as a game mechanic. It sucks because I like how they handle the power effects (like clogging oil pipes with stones) and it feels like it wants to be a puzzle/adventure game at times. But it's like programmers cared "just enough" to get a functioning game out. I think I wish it had been more polished... it's just full of little weird things like "select to pause and start to change power", title screen appears before licensing info, no password screen (it just pops up right after the credits). Also, fuck that level where you have to cut the road to trucks that accelerate or brakes depending on your altitude. It's easy to figure out but it makes zero sense.

>> No.8673496

Drake and the 99 Dragons.

>> No.8673542
File: 18 KB, 256x327, Spyro_-_Enter_the_Dragonfly_Coverart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is it. Right here. The single worst game I have ever played in my life. It's the only game that continues to make me angry whenever I think about it.

>> No.8673601


I have never really played the NES Captain Planet game, but I will say that The Sega Genesis/ Mega Drive Captain Planet game is quite bad:

>> No.8673606

>Aside from the Barbie game on the NES (terrible collisions, slow movement, jumbled graphics, uninspired level design, plot of absolute no importance and equally irrelevant stakes) I don't think I could pinpoint a game I would qualify as the worst
That game is weird for how nightmare fuel it is, and being way too hard for the target audience. They seem to have totally forgot it was going to be played by 7 year old girls.

>> No.8673615

The Amiga Captain Planet is much worse than that even.

>> No.8673638
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For sheer abominations, not much tops the Amiga Double Dragon, which must rank up there with Atari 2600 Pac-Man for worst arcade port of all time, if it wasn't beaten by C64 Double Dragon.

>no in-game music
>enemies are literally palette swapped Lee Brothers
>hilariously awful "guy puking" sample when you get hit

This travesty resulted when the original programmer abandoned the project and Richard Aplin (who coded other, far better Amiga games) took it over and had to complete what was there on an absurd deadline.

>> No.8673648
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Battle For Bikini Bottom this isn't. A choppy, ugly, and unfun mess that runs at 15 fps, the only redeeming part is that Clancy Brown actually does Mr. Krabs's voice here while he wasn't in BFBB.

>> No.8673662
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Fist of the North Star is pretty terrible and a very odd choice for a US localization as the anime it was based on was unknown in the West at the time. The publisher (Taxan) was also strange as they were mainly known for selling PC peripherals.

>> No.8674014 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 300x250, Cleaning Old Glory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On the ZX Spectrum it would be considered a classic
Why would a bong dev ever make a JRPG? The genre wasn't popular. Kill yourself. mutt.
Kill yourself. mutt.
Kill yourself. mutt.
Kill yourself. mutt.

>> No.8674074
File: 2 KB, 256x240, jews_win.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will always remember this one for the /pol/ sprite hack.

>> No.8674210 [DELETED] 

le ebic avgn meme!!!

>> No.8674212
File: 1007 KB, 2048x1416, D4RgjyBXkAAd55O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it?
In Japan it sold 4.1M units and many consider it the best PS1 game, but in an interview before the release of DQVIII, Horii stated that only about 65% of players beat the game due to it being to long.
I can see why people hate it, whenever I replay it I use fast forward due to the grinding, the main story lacks compared to other JRPGs but each town you visit have very good stories, also the game has great extra content, but still the same is quite slow.

>> No.8674307

High school? How old are you, Anon?

>> No.8674389

This. Game would still be shit if the enemies didn't soak up damage like a damn sponge and stall the timer out basically making it impossible to progress without cheating. It's Amiga shovelware-tier shit.

>> No.8674443


Almost 50 now. Looking forward to an end to life on Planet Evil.

>> No.8676009


>> No.8678108

Custard's revenge.

>> No.8679551

It sound a lot like Mother 1 to me.

>> No.8681519

Pokémon Yellow.

>> No.8683598

Taking 25 hours to unlock jobs? How slow and incompetent are you? If you would have said 10 maybe i could agree but it seems more a case of you sucking ass.

>> No.8683796

Superman 64.

I know, it gets posted on this board a lot, but it is without a doubt one of the worst, most disappointing games I’ve played in my life. Its fate is sealed in the memories of many like me, who rented it at blockbuster expecting it to be like the 90s animated series and instead found a new definition of mediocrity and false advertising.

>> No.8683831
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I'm sure the devs were simply inexperienced and put on a harsh time schedule to move this out the door but yeesh. Don't ever do beat-em-ups with survival horror-style prerenders and tank controls.

Perfect Weapon on PSX is also extremely shit for very similar reasons.

>> No.8686187

the crow was really bad.

>> No.8687401
File: 35 KB, 220x312, Star_Fox_Adventures_GCN_Game_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember buying this game expecting it to be like the N64 game, but got a shitty Zelda clone. I could only get a new game every 6 months so I was pissed.

>> No.8687419

There are enough games doing it better. This is simply shitty rushed license garbage.
*drinks gasoline* *shuffles around* *looks edgy*