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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8542892 No.8542892 [Reply] [Original]

what are the most visually impressive and/or interesting shmups?

>> No.8542907

I really like the twin stick shooter esque controls of Eco Fighters.

>> No.8542910

I dunno OP what do YOU think?

>> No.8543676

Sexy Parodius
R-Type Delta
Border Down
In The Hunt
Radiant Silvergun

>> No.8543732
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Darius Gaiden

>> No.8543742
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Parodius games are a feast for the eyes.

>> No.8543793


>> No.8543795

eagle has nice feet

>> No.8543798

Gradius Gaiden is one of the most beautiful shmups I've ever seen, and I don't even really like the genre.

>> No.8543808

I'm going to risk triggering the "not retro" censors, and say Deathsmiles is actually pretty fun visually.

>> No.8543817

Some of my favourites visually:

- Parodius trilogy
- Thunderforce IV
- R-Type and R-Type Delta
- Gradius Gaiden
- Axelay
- Ikaruga
- Space Invaders '95: Lunar Loonies
- Dodonpachi
- Fever SOS
- Harmful Park
- Sengoku Aces
- Gunlock

>> No.8543819
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Air Gallet (blows your socks off) because reflections are the pinnacle of graphics.

>> No.8543842

The Guardian Legend mixes two genres: top down exploration with vertical scrolling shooting sections. The bulk of the game is played in the top down mode, and the shmup sections may be a little lacking in depth because of that but it's an interesting concept that really never got tried again. But it's Compile, so you know it's decent.

>> No.8544418
File: 60 KB, 960x720, Space Harrier Stage 7 Cyclops Mammoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visually impressive and/or interesting shmups?
This made boomers shit an coom an piss there pants back in '85

>> No.8544423

why is is a flying 80's dude wearing a jacket

>> No.8544432

No shooter looked like that at the time. It’s still fast and fluid in a way that’s impressive, like a lot of the super scaler games.

>> No.8544447
File: 99 KB, 480x640, 2E7357C6-EB5E-4839-A8E0-DBBD175AFDED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raiden Fighters Jet is the pinnacle of the 2D Raiden games. It was that period where 2D artists and programmers were at their best, right before everybody switched to 3D.

>> No.8544525

The only other game back then that had a similiarly impressive sprite scaling was Hang On and that was released just a few months prior, Space Harrier is still a better game visually.

>> No.8544596

And the weirdness too. Space Harrier was also amazing because of the odd atmosphere and the strange feeling of seeing those surreal creatures coming at you thanks to the impressive scaling technique.

>> No.8544632

Great game. Seeing a Dom come at you is so surreal.

>> No.8544646

Thunderforce 3 and 4
Gate of Thunder
Lords of Thunder
Rayxanber 3
R Type Leo
Last Resort
Blazing Star

>> No.8545279
File: 12 KB, 300x297, 7AC6F898-7559-4F7A-A280-D7E9F5E897A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it so much bros

>> No.8545334

My favorite player sprite is from Agony but not much else stands out there.

>> No.8545573

Axelay? More like Assplay
Einhänder? More like Zweihänder
Thunderforce 3 and 4? More like Thunderfarce Pee and Whore
Gate of Thunder? More like Gate of Blunder
Lords of Thunder? More like Lords of Hunger
Rayxanber 3? More like Rayxanber 3
R Type Leo? More like Retard Type DEOH
Ikaruga? More like Ickyfoodah
Borderdown? More like Boredom all around
Gaiares? More like Gayass
Last Resort? More like Last Retort
Blazing Star? More like Flaming Faggot
Viewpoint? More like Pewpoint

>> No.8545657

>Rayxanber 3? More like Rayxanber 3

>> No.8545735

music is where it stands out the most

>> No.8545740

Lol at you and all the cucks claiming it looks dated. Space Harrier looked good then and looks good now. That Cyclops wooly mammoth has been designed perfectly. You wish your favourite game had this amount of love poured into it.

>> No.8546039

Bastugun, garegga, etc

Saturn and playstation had good ones

>> No.8546076


>> No.8546516

Geometry Wars
Psyvariar 2
Darius Gaiden

>> No.8547313

Does Omega Boost count as a shmup?

>> No.8547629

I personally don't count rail shooters as shmups but i'm sure plenty of other people do

>> No.8547704

Okay, then what do you personally consider a "shmup" to be?

>> No.8547706

Personally I think Zanac Neo from the Zanac x Zanac compilation on the PS1 looks fucking fantastic.


>> No.8547712

not him but agree with what he said, for me it's anything that doesn't pull us into a debate on whether games like After Burner or Star Fox can be considered shmups

>> No.8547758

Jets'n Guns
Lethal Xcess
Xenon 2 Megablast

>> No.8547771

>shmups visually impressive
that and the music is all they have going desu and to be honest

>> No.8547775

And the fact that they have the most amount of gameplay of any other genre excluding maybe puzzle games

>> No.8547806

>rote muscle memorizing one routine from start to finish

>> No.8547816

Pretty much all videogames are about memorization, unless they are movie games that you can just coast through.

>> No.8547834

>Pretty much all videogames are about memorization
not to the extent shmups take it and reward it

the sort of routine memorization that shmups reward is similar to speedrun routing, which sucks all the ''game'' out of their ''play'' and creates a soulless autism experience, and the easier shmups are worse than playing movie games

>> No.8547993


>> No.8548003

No mention of Summer Carnival 92 Recca?

>> No.8548205

looks nice

>> No.8548221 [DELETED] 
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>my wife's son

>> No.8548256

Shmups is like Sonic but only for higher-functioning autists, there is something cold and soulless about them that only stimulates an insect-like focus on motorical repetition.

>> No.8548290
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>> No.8548437

>Rayxanber 3? More like Rayxanber 3

more like raymanbear 3

>> No.8548540

more like gay man bear 3

>> No.8548580
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Cho Aniki

>> No.8548689

>Rayxanber 3? More like Rayxanber 3

>> No.8548715

>Borderdown? More like Boredom all around
I can't believe I laughed at this

>> No.8548719

I always used to play Raystorm and had a lot of nostalgia for it, but I found Raycrisis later and really liked the digital aesthetic and the concept of traversing an AI simulation to destroy it.


>> No.8550438

>that shmups reward is similar to speedrun routing, which sucks all the ''game'' out of their ''play'' and creates a soulless autism experience, and the easier shmups are worse than playing movie games
I can't believe shmupfags are in denial about this. Hell, I speedrun myself, but I would never go as far to say that shmups aren't this exact same autistic ocd experience

>> No.8550442

good choice

>> No.8550557

Raycrisis is super underrated, one of the best shmups ever. I think Taito really pushed the PSX to the limit with it and I love the attention to detail, like the way the music changes depending on the order you play the stages (which also change, depending on the order they are selected), how the loading screens are incorporated into the cyberpunk/simulation theme, so clever. It also has a pretty high amount of bullets on screen at times, almost like a nice blend between classic shmup and bullet hell in terms of gameplay.

>> No.8550562
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Layer Section is one of my all-time favorite shooters, along with Battle Garegga and Espgaluda

>> No.8550582

It really depends on the attitude going in and perhaps more than anything else, simply on how much you actually enjoy shmups on a fundamental level. Everytime people say these things it's just clear that they don't actually enjoy shmups, but people always feel like they have to take something apart and criticise it instead of just admitting they don't like it. It's like listening to EDM and complaining that it's not classical music, or vice versa, just pointless.

>> No.8550607

I mean, there's plenty of shmups where you do have a pretty good amount of freedom with how you want to move around the screen and clear the stages, also not everyone playing shmups is trying to beat the WR or whatever, a lot of people just play for fun. If you don't like it you don't like it, but pretending that shmups are the only genre that heavily reward memorization is a bit ridiculous.

>> No.8550631

>Everytime people say these things it's just clear that they don't actually enjoy shmups,
>It's like listening to EDM and complaining that it's not classical music, or vice versa, just pointless.
lots of good speedrunners and shmup players quit their genres not out of ignorance or superficial reasons but because the repetitive, predictable grind stops being fun and interesting. speedrunning and shmups reward the player for doing the exact same movements in the same sequence over and over, from start to finish in a game, this type of rigidity is what helped kill the shmup genre as other genres offered more dynamic challenges and what keeps speedrunning mostly a spectator ''sport ''

>> No.8550632

I'm afraid to tell and you laugh at me. Promise you won't laugh first!

>> No.8550639

Well, sort of. With speedrunning you pretty much gotta commit to the routing, the memorization and the grind because the game was never meant to be speedran. It's a whole separate mindset. You can speedrun casually but it might take 5 hours compared to a 1 hour a properly routed run would take. Where shmups are much easier to just play and finish in a realistic span of time, focusing on just the movement. I would say shmups are speedrunning-lite, but still similar to that whole process.

>> No.8550646

>there's plenty of shmups where you do have a pretty good amount of freedom with how you want to move around the screen and clear the stages
and those will appeal to new players with low-skill while average, intermediate and good players will get bored of those freeform stages and say ''the game doesn't really start till stage 3 or 4...'' when routing becomes important etc.

> also not everyone playing shmups is trying to beat the WR or whatever,
that's doesn't change the nature of the challenge in shmups, which isn't flailing in easy stages but routing and ingraining muscle memory reactions in your brain. Since shmups auto-scroll the challenge comes from the player performing movements in split seconds where the time between decisions is too short to discover on the fly, so you have to route and memorize. If the time between decisions is long enough for you to feel freedom and enjoy the scenery and ''set pieces (wow that waterfall! so pretty!)'' then we aren't talking about what the genre is as a game but what it is as a spectacle

>> No.8550671

memorization isn't the issue with shmups, its the start to finish routing that gets dull, even if you dont do it on purpose youll end up having a route that works and just repeating it over and over each time you play with small variations sometimes waiting for a mistake to happen or hoping for some bad RNG to spice things up

>> No.8550694

shmup devs didnt figure out how to balance skill and practice with variety and unpredictability properly, Raizing tried but their games suck.
shmups relied on the lazy design formula where stages run the same way each time with the same patterns and enemies in the same orders.

an idea that might work is having a set amount of patterns the player should memorize and practice but they appear in stages in different orders and difficulty spectrums

>> No.8550702

people compare shmups to speedrunning and rhythm games, both are total trash if you think about it

>the sort of routine memorization that shmups reward is similar to speedrun routing, which sucks all the ''game'' out of their ''play'' and creates a soulless autism experience
100% true

>> No.8550710

Not retro, but Crimzon Clover.

>> No.8550713

i remember watching a guy solve a tetris-like puzzle game really fast on youtube, i was impressed until I read the comments and realized it was a static memorizer he just memorized all the shapes and sequences. No thinking or analysis involved or interesting decision making. Downvoted it and told him to play a real game, memorization is the lowest tier of skill

>> No.8550716

>memorization is the lowest tier of skill
yes if a game boils down to memorization and muscle memory its not a game it's a recital and shouldn't be taken seriously

>> No.8550728

how many people who play and enjoy shmups put the kind of pressure on themselves to play at such a level that they burn out?

>> No.8550731

these anons just hate shmups

>> No.8550734

it's not enough to dislike something, you have to convince yourself that you're intellectually superior to the thing and the people who enjoy it

>> No.8550750

for good and correct reasons.

>how many people who play and enjoy shmups put the kind of pressure on themselves to play at such a level that they burn out?
apparently most of them since barely anyone plays shmups anymore and the genre is bankrupt

it's not enough to like something you have to convince yourself anyone who finds flaws with it is ignorant and doesn't ''get it''

>> No.8550751

100% true, and it's something you'll see everywhere, doesn't even matter what kind of media is being discussed. Never fully understood it myself.

>> No.8550756

>an idea that might work is having a set amount of patterns the player should memorize and practice but they appear in stages in different orders and difficulty spectrums
that would take effort and skill, most shmup devs are terrible programmers and have no game design background since shmups were the easiest games to create in the 80s they would literally hire janitors and manga writers to join shmup game dev teams

>> No.8550761

>it's not enough to like something you have to convince yourself anyone who finds flaws with it is ignorant and doesn't ''get it''
100% true, and it's something you'll see everywhere, doesn't even matter what kind of media is being discussed. It's called fanboyism and they can never accept valid criticism of their product.

>> No.8550768

whatever shmups did they did it wrong which is why they died and are the worst, most bankrupt and most unfun genre today, my guesses are #1 auto-scrolling, no one likes autoscrolling levels in any genre #2 completely static and predictable levels and enemy patterns #3 over focus on pure memorization #4 horribly boring weapon system and character design in general

>> No.8550772

all true but #4 is mostly for older shmups were you just hold down auto-fire the whole game, newer shmups tried to innovate and added secondary lasers etc

>> No.8550776

>all true but #4 is mostly for older shmups were you just hold down auto-fire the whole game
they could get away with it back in the 80s when pong and pacman were the main competition lol but once consoles and PCs started pumping out good games (diablo, doom, starcraft, etc) and arcades got fighting games shmups got exposed and died simple as that

>> No.8550787

>All this nerd analysis
shmups are video games
video games are meant for small children and mentally stunted adults, so don't be so picky

if you want a real game for adult men you'd play chess or go (if you're asian)

>> No.8550809
File: 42 KB, 256x223, 197588-rendering-ranger-r2-snes-screenshot-blasting-your-way-through.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the stuff in Rendering Ranger is fucking nuts like the dive down into the city in stage 7 and the dozens upon dozens of sprites with no slowdown on the SNES

>> No.8550819

nah, you're a disingenuous twat

>> No.8550825

awful lot of samefaggotry in here

>> No.8550845

Never seen this before, looks great

>> No.8550931
File: 127 KB, 506x680, DRoEjELWkAE4fLI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh shmup bros?

>> No.8550941

Delusional retard, you never get out of the ship

>> No.8550974

he's right shmups are bad as game, bad gameplay but great spectacles to watch and see. a good spectator genre

>> No.8551010
File: 29 KB, 507x512, 4b207e38-843a-4e6f-ad64-2ede053c59ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bullet fan/funnel that takes up whole screen
>overwhelming waves of weak enemies
>large bullet sponges form a wall
textbook euroshmup right there, feels like the first stage of X2

>> No.8551041

You realize that chess or any other table game is way simplier than quite a lot of videogames right? There are even chess videogames.

>> No.8551162


>> No.8551186

>Rayxanber 3? More like Rayxanber3

>> No.8551197

You've probably never beaten a shmup in your life if you think you need to memorize everything to beat them.

>> No.8551202

you don't need to memorize everything since piss easy shmups exist, and easy stages exist that are boring right away from the start and take no planning...
but you will end up routing those too, unintentionally, and playing them the same way over and over, just like more memory heavy shmups or stages that require it, either way you lose and will be doing the same sequences the same way like a speedrunner which is boring and dumb

>> No.8551207

No it isn't

>> No.8551208

Unless you're a robot you won't play the "same way over and over" more than any other linear action game. You'll make small mistakes or miss enemies here and there and it won't be the end of the world. RNG shills always seem to make this impression that players are bots who just brute force games or something.

>> No.8551212

On that note I also saw rhythm games bashed before, but top Beatmania players ace songs with randomized notes all the time. The idea that these games rely on pure muscle memory just again assumes people are robots who brute force to play.

>> No.8551276

Yes it is, even the average RTS/wargamer involves way more strategy than chess (if in multiplayer, obviously the singleplayer experience depends on how competent the AI is)
There is no such thing an "easy shmup" outside from some euroshmups, if you gave those "easy shmups" to the modern average videogayme player they would absolutely get wrecked.

>> No.8551314

I know it's bullet hell but check this shit out

>> No.8551334

They involve more rules, doesn't necessarily mean they have more "strategy" though. Complex /=/ deep. The biggest challenge is figuring out the rules in those games.

>> No.8551361

What separates an expert chess player from anther expert player is just their ability to guess the opponents moves, both know every single move available to them, they just need the time to process a plan in their mind. Some videogames are so complex that there is no way a player can know every detail of every possible thing that can happen, for example fighting games, even the top players know a couple of characters extremely well but they might lack knowledge about a lot of the others, the fact that its also in real time makes them even more intricated.

>> No.8551401

That just makes them random, not necessarily more intricate.

>> No.8551414

>shooters bad because I watched this wr replay of this now 30 year old game where the guy has to suicide at some checkpoint to squeeze every score.
Yes truly, you have to play them for the WR.

>> No.8551457
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Well yeah, if you want to know everything that's wrong with a game, ask the guy who got frustrated and gave up after 15 minutes. He's always an expert.

>> No.8551510

>Great game.
Agreed. Such a spectacle must have been nuts to see when it came out
>Seeing a Dom come at you is so surreal
Was Gundam known in the west when this came out?

>> No.8551921

Gundam was only known by a small minority of people in the states at the time. I only made the connection after reading about Gunam in Protoculture Addictd in the late 80s.

>> No.8551924

In The Hunt.

>> No.8552331

post your favorite genre desu

>> No.8552364 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 800x569, A29BEBAA-5795-4B95-89DF-76EE2C498ED8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very VERY hardcore fans knew of it. Some photos floating about of a super early anime convention in the mid 80s and there’s these two mad bastards dressed up as high ranking Zeon officers. Keep in mind your only access to these sort of shows was to basically get a bootleg tape sent to you from someone who happened to own a recording, and then you’d either sit down and deal with it in Japanese or you’d send it off again to someone who could hardcore subtitles into it. So these were some hardcore motherfuckers. The Yamato and Harlock cosplayers here at least had the courtesy of watching Star Blazers or the Macek version of Harlock, but damn early Gundam fans had to be dedicated to the grind

>> No.8552948

for me it's Tyrian

>> No.8553362

My first time playing mame shmups and they are pretty awesome
Awesome sound and graphics compared to saturn shmups.

>> No.8553376
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>> No.8553527



Great graphics and detail.
My first time playing.
Some parts were too hard cause i think the ship moves too slow.

>> No.8553720
File: 657 KB, 779x678, Screenshot_20220123-225531~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What pc stick would anyone here recommend for mame shmups ?

>> No.8554505


>> No.8554625

mayflash F500 but mod with seimitsu hardware

>> No.8554713
File: 20 KB, 240x320, Air-Gallet-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the game itself is slow except the last boss, even the music is slow in a nice way
but the visual direction is great where it's needed

>> No.8554719

>You wish your favourite game had this amount of love poured into it.

>> No.8554729

I have that same game for NES. Pritty gud.

>> No.8554772

>playing same sequences over and over the same way
can't think of a worse genre desu

>> No.8554775

Its very odd to me when i am playing certain shmups i am thinking. Am i doing something wrong ? Why is the ship moving so slow ? Is there a boost button i dont know about ?
But at the time, thats just how shmups were. Other shmups the ship moves faster and i wish more shmups had a speed boost button. Thats rare.

>> No.8554783

The point is that they are amazing sequences, instead of playing through the usual bland and boring movie slop that you zoomers enjoy.

>> No.8554790
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Shump visuals and speed impresses me.

>> No.8554809

yeps it's the spectacle genre

>> No.8554820

I'm not the one spending hours picking flowers and watching cutscenes like a faggot

>> No.8554850

might as well be you're repeating the same sequences in the same way over and over from start to end lol

>> No.8554853

Mayflash is laggy shit pcb. Better pick a better base if you're gonna go trough the trouble of modding parts.

Also what's with antishmup autist? He's been doing it for years now hasn't he?
Is he never banned ? It's blatant spam and samefaggotry and part of the reason vr is so garage.

>> No.8554883


>> No.8554892

Ibara kuro black label

>> No.8554896

Aero fighters special

>> No.8554901

I really want to like Thunderforce IV but fuck it just seems so poorly designed. Do I just need to get good? I'm finding it a lot more frustrating than most shmups

>> No.8554920

>but fuck it just seems so poorly designed.
it's a shmup so thats expected

>> No.8554932
File: 1.43 MB, 192x192, LIGHTENING .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really want to like Thunderforce IV but fuck it just seems so poorly designed
Playing Thunderforce 3 & 4 this past year has actually gotten me to really like shumps but admittedly my experience to the genre Is still limited. Still I would rank Lightening Force a top 5 Genesis game.

>> No.8554936

Honorable mentions
Vapor trail and fire shark for sega genesis
Aero fighters for snes

>> No.8554943

I'm a bit of a casualfag but I can get through several stages of games like Gradius and Star Soldier before I start getting picked off and I've even managed to clear the snes port of Gradius III in a single life. In Thunderforce IV right out the gate I'm getting hit by shit I don't see coming

>> No.8554954

Blast wind-cool level design
Kyukyoku tiger ll plus-because helicopters
Sturmwind-because impressive visuals

>> No.8555016

I dunno who Tom is but I distictively remember mayflash scoring pretty badly in input lag tests consistently. I guess you could fond something on Google/YouTube. In fact the only reason I remember is because I did that exact mistake,I bought a mayflash and immedialy could feel it being off. Did some ressearch and Indeed they are pretty bad.

And I know some people don't care. It makes a difference tho. I could never beat ketsui at home but on the actual machine I 1cced it relatively easily in a couple tries, because input lag.

>> No.8555024


>> No.8555029

only the first 4 stages are fun, the rest is designed to fuck you up

>> No.8555039

TF4 has cool graphics and style but the game itself is basic and kinda shit for a shmup

>> No.8555042

but Metal Squad

>> No.8555043

The right feeling stick makes all the difference.

>> No.8555080
File: 211 KB, 509x679, gridseeker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some shmups where you fly over a city at night like in Grid Seeker?
also music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Te7k89_BhTw

>> No.8555151

I like it, there's a lot going on, just lots of enemy types and stuff. It is kind of a dick about stuff coming out of nowhere.

>> No.8555172

No love for garegga?

>> No.8555808

U.N. Squadron (snes and arcade), Strikers 1945 III, Eco Fighters and SpaceBombers (Love the UFO mythology references).

I like Shienryu too. Not the most revolutionary or beaufitul shump, but it's pretty well done.

>> No.8556143

Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi

>> No.8556180

>but Metal Squad
Welp.. debate over. Great job anon :)

>> No.8556271

Who owns the ip these days? If they can't be bothered to do anything with it themselves, I'd think Inticreates would be a good choice. The Curse of the Moon and Blaster Master Zero games are alright.

>> No.8556431

Starforce final

>> No.8558108

op asked for visually impressive/interesting shmups

>> No.8558232

>Mayflash is laggy shit pcb.
After the firmware update they have one of the faster ones now.

>> No.8558252

I want to say it got transferred to Compile Heart alongside everything else that wasn't Puyo Puyo, but those Bruderbund and Irem names do certainly make one pause.

>> No.8558938

Raiden overkill has a city at the start of the 2nd level

>> No.8560143

This nigga gets it. Cozy steampunk sci-fi aesthetic, great OST, and a unique scoring system that encourages experimenting with routing and seeing what sticks (with you, the player), rather than DoDonPachi games where you have to follow a very strict route.