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File: 114 KB, 680x383, steamworkshop_webupload_previewfile_288912696_preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8538543 No.8538543 [Reply] [Original]

What is the current best way to play FF7?

>> No.8538548

Duckstation and Steam are most convenient.

>> No.8538551

Sony Playstation + CRT

>> No.8538552


>> No.8538553

I like the goofy english translation in the playstation version the best. can't really go wrong with any version of it though

>> No.8538575

Convenience? Steam, PS4 and Xbone
Purist? PlayStation
The correct way? untranslated Japanese version on a Jap PS1 on a Japanese CRT with really bad glow and a faulty sound dial. You have to sit cross legged on the floor while you play it too

>> No.8538589


>> No.8538604

>best way
Yes, but what is best in life?

>> No.8538608

Buy the disc and use it as a urinal cake

>> No.8538614

PS2 w/ texture smoothing on CRT

...but ReMako has potential

t. fan since '03

>> No.8538617

With Your Hands

>> No.8538642

Steam version. It’s modable, and there are good overhaul mods/graphical mods if you’re into those kinds of things.

>> No.8538712

PS1, emulating at 240p so polygons and backgrounds are at the same resolution

>> No.8538724

mobile telephone

>> No.8538775

Why does the Steam version have some bullshit DRM thing where you have to log into Square Enix's website to play it?

>> No.8538783


>> No.8538791

Via Italian parliament Zoom meeting.

>> No.8538820

On the fucking Playstation the way it was meant to be.

>> No.8538965


>> No.8539023

If it's your first time, you should play it unmodded, vanilla version. After that, go crazy and play it how you want. I played the Remako mod of it recently, and I liked it.
Not him, but I don't remember having to log in. Granted I might have sync'd my account before, I've had steam since HL2 was released.

>> No.8539237
File: 2.26 MB, 2880x2160, ff7.e 2021-12-29 17-53-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Play on PS1 first.
The modded PC version after.

>> No.8539267

Can I play it at home if I do that or does it have to be played in a shoebox-sized single-room apartment that has never known the presence of a woman?

>> No.8539314

>all these retarded steam cucks
download the win98 version and get some mods from qhimm

>> No.8539384

The mods all work on the same versions.

>> No.8539396

PC version with SYM textures, ninostyle characters, and yamaha XG soundtrack.

>> No.8539426

nothing wrong with switch release imo

>> No.8539751

Can you link the Yamaha XG mod?

>> No.8539791


>> No.8539852

Nice shot.lol.

>> No.8539871

Thanks but I'll pass. Alot of these are just awful. Sorry.

>> No.8539879

these are garbage

>> No.8539914

There's some good stuff in the pack, but stuff like this makes it unusable

>> No.8539957


>> No.8540030
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Whatever you do don’t touch the remake under any circumstances. It’s genuinly kinda cool up untill the first reactor detonation, but then it turns into sonic 06 real fast. Me and my bro immediatly switched to playing classic ff7. Avoid like the plauge.

>> No.8540113

waitfagging for the ninostyle mod to be done

>> No.8540120

Duckstation works really well, it's much better than previous ps1 emulators. And you can use ReShade with it.

>> No.8540125
File: 22 KB, 640x400, True_Love_Junai_Monogatari_1658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does it have to be played in a shoebox-sized single-room apartment
Only if you play Final Oxymoron VII

>> No.8540192

This. Only zoomers would disagree

>> No.8541960

What about a PS2 on a CRT?

>> No.8541962

Just as good. That's how I played it when I was a kid

>> No.8541987

PS2 on a CRT with component cables.

>> No.8542029
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That what this shot it.

>> No.8542035


>> No.8542508

I grew up with Atari, and I think the best way to play FF7 is with a controller

>> No.8542520

I like that Jack Frost figure

>> No.8543034

ff7 while tucked into bed with the switch is max comfy

>> No.8543062
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I'll post here so as not to make a new thread.
What's the best way to play FF6? I know every version has its own pros and cons, is there a definitive way to play? Is the Pixel Remaster good, or does it look like a shitty mobile port?

>> No.8543084
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>all this talk about mods
Just run it on duckstation and use pgxp if you must

>> No.8543254

Same thing happened to me. Once Tifa wanted me to do a bunch of bitch work in Sector 7 I was done. It didn't have to just be the Midgar section. If not for all that padding they could've actually remade the entirety of the original's first disc at least.

>> No.8543296

Steam with mods to fix sprites and a bunch of other shit. Steam is the best way to play almost all FF I can think of now.

>> No.8543561

FF7 on PS2 has a weird grid effect during fights, games looks better on PS1
For some reasons it's the only game I noticed this shit going on

>> No.8543573

A dither? You sure it doesn't happen on PS1?

>> No.8543576

I'll have to check that out for myself. I played on both my PS2 slim and a PS1 as a kid and didn't really notice a difference

>> No.8543579
File: 56 KB, 231x285, 121914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Final Oxymoron VII
I thought it's Final Fuck VII.
My memory is playing tricks on me.
Yaoi ending with her brother.

>> No.8544209

It even supports custom manuals. So you can add maps and guides. Definitely the best way to play.

>> No.8544265

Okay, that's really cool. I'm assuming you can do this for any PS1 game on PSP as well?

>> No.8544359

You can. Look up PSP DocMakerGUI.

>> No.8544906

The best way is to not play it at all. Random encounters ruin what otherwise could have been an amazing game. Having the flow of the game come to a dead stop every 20 seconds is atrocious. Makes exploring the environments unbearable, which is a shame because it's a gorgeous looking game, especially on a CRT

>> No.8544918

>Oh no random encounters
gb2 /v/, zoomie

>> No.8544931

>h...h...he pointed out a shitty design choice, i better tell him to go to v!!!!

you can't even defend random encounters lel, go ahead, tell me why it's a good idea to have them (especially when Square literally already solved this problem with Chrono Trigger)

>> No.8544947
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just imagine enemies in the field then

>> No.8544956

Also the CRT has to have a 16 inch screen at most.

>> No.8544972


I've had several freezes and bugs in the Switch version which I've never had in any other, and I've beaten the game numerous times on ps1, PC CD-ROM port, ps4 port, and steam.

Still a fine version regardless, portable Switch is my preferred way to game and the bugs haven't been frequent enough to kill my fun

>> No.8544974

The iOS version, they cut out a lot of the bullshit grinding you have to do along with a bunch of other QoL improvements.

>> No.8544983

I like random encounters, personally. It makes resource management while you're out in the field feel all the more dangerous

>> No.8544993


Chrono Trigger used stylistically similar 2D sprites and backgrounds from a constant top down view.

FF7 uses static 2D images for field backgrounds. If battles were on the world map Chrono Trigger style, there would be no dynamic camera.

FF7 also has a number of encounters where blind chance is an intended mechanic (chocobo catching, the red orbs that give AP in northern crater, Yuffie). You could argue that the RNG aspect of these is also bad design, but at that point I'd question how much you enjoy older JRPGs in general.

>> No.8544995



Anon... do you suck at video games?

>> No.8545026

>complete copy of Final Fantasy VII (NTSC, black label, misprint version)
>read through the intruction booklet
>original PlayStation console
>non-Dualshock PlayStation controller
>OEM PlayStation memory card
>900 TVL, 20" Sony broadcast monitor
>PlayStation connected to monitor via fully-shielded RGB SCART cable
>PlayStation connected to amplifier
>headphones connected to amplifier
>seated at the proper viewing distance
>in a dimly lit room
Now you are ready to game.

>> No.8545041

This only works if you get your parents to take you to a brick and mortar store to buy the game and you excitedly read the instruction booklet in the backseat on the drive home.

>> No.8545058

abstraction? in a video game? ew, no thanks

>> No.8545059

>buy cans of Surge off Amazon to drink
>when taking a break from the game listen to a mixtape of songs recorded off the radio in 1996 that's beat up through many replays

>> No.8545070

We used to get off the bus after school and turn on the radio and wait for them to play CRAWLING IN MY SKIN so we could record it on cassette.
We didn't have one with dual cassette decks so we had to wait for them to play it multiple times so that everyone had a copy. And yes we played FFVII while we waited. Everyone had their own save file and we went through the game together making sure everyone's file was at the same spot. Good times.

>> No.8545174

>Doesn't play Atari Star Raiders

>> No.8545193

PS1 version.
Modern versions of the game have dumb mouths put onto each character and some such as Sephiroth have an eternal gaping :o face

>> No.8545228

Is the PS4 version any good?

>> No.8545236

nta, but it's fine. it does have the added mouths and the new translation (I prefer the original, goofier translation myself), and the models are higher resolution than all of the prerendered backgrounds. it's still the same game, though

>> No.8545479

you might be confused about what board you're on - this is /v2/

>> No.8545559

Why would you connect your PlayStation to an amplifier and then go and use headphones? What about the lovely speakers you have attached to them?

>> No.8545680

Star Ocean 2 has a lot of overworld effects and other things that display differently on PS2 as well

>> No.8545686

That looks so good

>> No.8545959

Speakers are fine. I just prefer headphones.

>> No.8546334
File: 94 KB, 869x657, ff7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's weird how the PC version fixes many of the spelling and grammar mistakes while somehow being even less accurate to the original.

>> No.8546337

Don't get any of the PC versions, the fight menus work 20FPS compared to PS1's 60FPS. It makes the actually controllable parts of the combat, especially stuff like Tifa's limit break, an absolute chore to do while it's originally fun.

>> No.8546349
File: 515 KB, 320x305, tifa_idle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low poly Tifa makes me feel a certain way bros...

>> No.8546357

Transparent textures are always fucked on PS2 from what I've seen. There's this dark grid around the area that should be transparent.
On the upshot, a PS2 sounds better than any emulator.

>> No.8546584
File: 2.69 MB, 2880x2160, ff7.e 2022-01-02 06-23-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play the game at 2x speed in PC and don't have problems with Tifa's Limit Break.

>> No.8548206

Steam version with a mod: http://ff7.live/features.html

>> No.8548237
File: 241 KB, 1920x1080, 122221046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're gonna use the steam version it is extremely fucking important that you get the patch that removes the weird pc port mouths.

>> No.8549023
File: 1.83 MB, 2880x2160, ff7.e 2022-01-02 05-50-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol those mouths are so weird

>> No.8549035
File: 1.48 MB, 1152x767, FF6BE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again I shill the Old version with Atma Weapon. Though, if you can't get over the UI design, the GBA version is also pretty solid.

>> No.8549049

Same. It's what I play.

>> No.8550459
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshotter--YouTube-FF7PCwithTheReunionmodpart1-2’24”.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ew what the fuck

>> No.8550475
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>> No.8550871

We need a fucking sticky for this. We can't go 2 days without someone making a thread about this.

>> No.8550891
File: 812 KB, 1920x1080, 1642825882032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If JP: Any HD version on any platform, the font is so much nicer and more readable than the crunched pixelated shit we were stuck with in the 90s
If EN: PS1 original, English fonts are soullessly smooth in the HD releases and look nicer with a bit of pixelation/roughness.

>> No.8550903

100% sure, I'm not talking about dithering
the grid is not visible on PS1

yeah, noticed that too. some games have sprites have a visible square around them that is not visible on PS1

some games like Valkyire Prodile have fucked up sound effects when played on PS2

I'd say mednafen is better than PS2 for these games

>> No.8550908

>(especially when Square literally already solved this problem with Chrono Trigger)
Romancing SaGa solved the problem way before Chrono Trigger ever did, and added the mechanic of battle rank which turns battles into a resource you need to manage or else you get rofflestomped later in the game.

>> No.8550910

Ultima Fantasia Siete

>> No.8550912
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>> No.8550923

>100% sure, I'm not talking about dithering
>the grid is not visible on PS1
Prove it and I'll believe you. If you don't, you're lying.

>> No.8550971

why would I lie about something like this? are you stupid or what
and should I really go the hassle of hooking my PS1 and PS2 up, take pictures and upload them so some dumbass get proven wrong? what do I gain from this?

>> No.8550978

Because you're stating it as 100% fact but have no evidence. Besides, I'm really interested in knowing if it's true. I know some PS1 games render alpha channels incorrectly on PS2, but I never heard of any issues with dithering. I have no ways of testing it myself, so I'd like it know if it's true, since you're 100% sure.

>> No.8551005

Can confirm this was how I first played it all those years ago and 15 playthroughs later still my preference

>> No.8551180

It's the cutest Tifa ever was.

>> No.8551196

this doesnt answer my question which was why would I lie about something like this
it's known that PS2 has issue with grapics accuracy with some games, see >>8546357
still I can take pictures but photos of CRTs are always tricky as they magnify the CRT scanlines and grain and that would probably covers the grid effect. wouldn't stand a "proof" either considering how thick you are

>> No.8551198

What are you doing in this thread, sister

>> No.8551226

This. Finished it Friday. Had no problems with bugs or freezes like other anons so not sure if it's been patched since. Super convenient on Switch.
Great game but I wish the Stat Boost button wasn't so easily accessible. Ashamed to say I used it more than I would of liked just because I was scared of dying and losing an hour or so of gameplay.

Thinking of getting FF9 next, anyone know how the Switch port is?

>> No.8551478

How does Cloud lift up that Buster Sword with those skinny arms?

>> No.8551716

Namura 06

>> No.8551717

This. Steam or an emulator are fine if you don't have a CRT, though. It really doesn't matter what version you play.

>> No.8551719

The PC release.
But with the original music and the Beacause translation mod.
If you can't figure out a scanline filter you can also get some HD background mod. I think I used one at the time.

>> No.8551861

He's level 6.

>> No.8551943

which tl? the default for 7?

>> No.8552097

he fell in the magic potion cauldron when he was little

>> No.8552560

Which port is this?

>> No.8552564

That's the Old Steam Version with mods.

>> No.8552575

Emulated on New 3DS XL during a road trip

>> No.8552580

Those texts are disgusting. I know RPG Maker takes after this and Dragon Quest, but what the fuck

>> No.8552597

How well does it play on it?

>> No.8552610

It has this weird smoothing filter, but other than that it’s fine

>> No.8552997
File: 444 KB, 795x624, 1620444745228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't rip the fonts from his favorite games and replace the crappy RPG Maker stock ones with them
not gonna make it...

>> No.8553437

What game

>> No.8553456

>Game preservation.
And not... being a simp chad for the Remake with built in spagetti-coded NFTs dogpile of SquareyEscam.

>> No.8553662

It's really amazing how stilted and obtuse the FF7 translation is compared to the FF games on Super Nintendo. I'm amazed people were accepting of it at the time.

>> No.8553741

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentations of their women.

>> No.8554468

By not playing it?
I don’t see the problem here.

>> No.8554498

Could be better because of the removed dithering, but that’s a preference
I just got a PS1 with an Xstation and it seems to run everything great
If the PS2 had an option for discless PS1 games I’d use that

>> No.8555302

Chocobo breeding is a slog at first, but it’s worth it to get the coolest summon in the game.

>> No.8556047

>He doesn't know about the recent 60fps patch for both PS1 and PC

>> No.8558019

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

>> No.8558043

Zoom zoom