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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8472821 No.8472821 [Reply] [Original]

What's like the "best" games for this console that people actually played when it was the "main" console. Not some youtuber buzzfeed list. That includes games that nobody owned like little samson??

>> No.8472824 [DELETED] 

Mario, Zelda, the list goes on...

>> No.8472826

The normal shit like Mario, Zelda, Mega Man, Castlevania, Tetris, etc.

Then you have the games everyone owned but probably never beat like TMNT.

>> No.8472827

Just look up old issues of Nintendo Power

>> No.8472838

The oft-reviled sports stuff was among the biggest selling NES games and the black box Nintendo sports carts, Bases Loaded, Tecmo Bowl, etc were extremely common. Next to that platformers like TMNT, SMB3, etc were major sellers everyone had.

>> No.8472843

Thatd be cool. Where do you suggest I start ?
Thinking about it now I wonder how many people beat battle toads. Lmao yeah that makes sense. The classics you cant go wrong with >>8472824

>> No.8472849

The youtube buzzfeed lists are actually accurate though, it was mostly first party shit and the popular third parties like Mega Man and Castlevania with lots of middling shit like Karnov or any sports game at all.

I don't get why people think there's anything left to discover about the retro scene.

>> No.8472854

If you looked at Famicom lists it was no better and it would just be sports games, Dragon Quest, and crummy licensed games based on manga/anime.

>> No.8472856

Especially with the NES. Fact is once you get past the A and B listers the library falls off a cliff and is a sea of unplayable trash that maybe is known for being a tie-in like Beetlejuice or something.

>> No.8472861

>Fact is once you get past the A and B listers the library falls off a cliff and is a sea of unplayable trash
name a platform where this isn't the case

>> No.8472874

I'm not above playing old sports games. I like playing mutant foot ball and hockey for the genesis

>> No.8472881

>the other week
>in thrift store
>find collection of Atari 2600 carts
>which is just sports games and Combat
>let me guess, it was one guy's game collection--Combat was the pack-in game and then he bought nothing but sports shit

>> No.8472882


a zillion great random games to pick up and play in moments

>> No.8472891

That's the point bro.
But people keep trying to dig up all the "hidden gems" as if they aren't all well known by now, and half the time the hidden gems aren't even that good.

>> No.8472894

My dad played a lot of the Casino sims.

>> No.8472898

>a zillion great random games
Zelda II, Mega Man 3, StarTropics, Dragon Warrior III, Final Fantasy III, Wizards and Warriors II and Super Mario 3. The rest of the library is trash.

>> No.8472909

I can tell you the best games that I played as a kid.
>Mario 1/2/3
>Zelda 1/2
>Mike Tyson's Punch Out
>Metal Gear 1 & 2 (yes, 1 was good; but yes, the MSX one is better)
>Bubble Bobble
>River City Ransom
>Tecmo Bowl
>Megaman 3 (didn't play any others in the series until much later)
>RC Pro Am
>Dragon Warrior

>> No.8472916

That's pretty accurate. I'm still discovering interesting NES games. Pretty much every episode of Gamecenter CX features something that looks really cool, that I never heard of.

>> No.8472923

>"best" games for this console that people actually played
>That includes that nobody owned?
You answered your own question.

>> No.8472931

Yeah, God fobid playing something other than commonly accepted classics and "hidden gems" repeated by different youtubers. God forbid searching for something you actually personally like.

>> No.8472938

I meant doesn't include those games my bad >>8472909
I'll check all these out

>> No.8472941

Retard, OP asked what the best games on NES were. This subject has already been disected to death since the console is several decades old. Most of the shit that isn't talked about much isn't talked about for a reason. If you want a "best games list" for NES, simply look up "Best NES games" list and you'll have your answer.

What the fuck do you want us to say? "Yeah Dino Riki and Black Manta are top tier games that you shouldn't sleep on",. fuck off.

>> No.8472942


>> No.8472965

Lmao I didnt even think of this

>> No.8472973

Monster Party
Double Dragon 1 and 2
River City Ransom
Ghosts and Goblins
Chip and Dales rescue rangers

>> No.8472997

Loads of perfectly good games barely get talked about. Especially if they were Japan only. Ever heard of Pizza Pop? Because I hadn't, until recently.

>> No.8473017

A lot of NES trash was barely functional. It was much less likely to run into games that didn't work right on a fundamental level as you move forward in time. Though I don't know what kind of garbage was on the Japanese PS1. I'm sure there's tons of similar nonsense over there.

>> No.8473024

Depends how you define "barely functional". You not liking a game doesn't mean it's barely functional.

>> No.8473034

Volume 1

>> No.8473050

I mean barely functional. Like collision and basic movement was a mess. Things like proper hitstun wasn't yet common practice. A lot of the things that we take for granted today were formulated in that era and took time to spread.

>> No.8473053

Lol well naturally but what would be a good safe site to find them?? Archive ?

>> No.8473059

I don't think that makes something barely functional. It's just functioning in a way you don't like.

>> No.8473064

Good to know that falling through platforms and not knowing whether I'm getting hit or not is "it functioning in a way I don't like" and not a failure in fundamental design practice.

>> No.8473065

SMB was actually impressive for how developed the physics and controls were for the time. Most NES games were much more primitive.

>> No.8473070

Agreed. Nintendo really did great work when there wasn't a lot of universal direction.

>> No.8473071

Which game is that?

>> No.8473075


>> No.8473089

>Yie ar kung fu not on the list
I loved that game, I assumed it was a best seller

>> No.8473093

not only was game design still just being explored but coding a NES game was difficult. everything was done in assembly language, development and debugging tools were primitive, and adding or removing game assets was tedious A lot of times if a game mechanic that sounded good on paper proved not so good when actually implemented you'd be stuck with it since the game had a deadline to be completed and shipped.

>> No.8473128

Archive.org probably has them, but they're all floating around in a big pack online in various places. I was a kiddo at the tail-end of the NES's lifespan, and I never had one, but my friend and I would play TMNT II at his house all the time. Everyone loved that game, I still do.

>> No.8473132

What a bizarre list
Yie Ar Kung Fu didn't have an NES release at all. It was very common on multicarts, so you may have played it on an NES at some point. Obviously was very popular on Famicom.

>> No.8473145
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>> No.8473153

later period NES games definitely improved but if you were to try something like Milon's Secret Castle it's a crude game with limited physics that has aged like sour milk

>> No.8473167

Castlevania is the classic example of a NES game that controls like a brick.

>> No.8473217

More like Milon's shitty asshole

>> No.8473269

Based that worked
I was a kid around that time too but maybe a little after. I know the nes was discontinued in like 94 95 or something pretty late but every one I knew growing up had a snes or genesis that was my era as a kid.

Then immediately ps1 n64. So I never really played nes games much

>> No.8473524

I get it, Mike Matel said that right? Funny funny stuff.

>> No.8473532

final fantasy
megaman 1-3

not good games people played:
bart vs. the space mutants
back to the future
star force
double dragon 3
indiana jones and the temple of doom

>> No.8473549

That's your example?

Jesus christ...

>> No.8473575

No it was the angry videogame nerd you little shitpickle

>> No.8473587

>"best" games for this console that people actually played
Ice Climber, SMB and Mega Man

>> No.8473595

NES was mostly ass. But where it shines it shines HARD.
OTOH the SMS has more good games but nothing that really touches those Nintendo shines.
The PC Engine was the first home game console with consistent good games, and from there things just got better.

>> No.8473634

Punch-Out is easily the best game on NES, it's shocking how high-quality it is compared to every other game on the system. Has aged phenomenally.

>> No.8473640

You know, this isn't really inaccurate.

>> No.8473659

Sports games, games with guys with guns shooting things, and licensed crap.

>> No.8473662

You forgot the best puzzle games ever.

>> No.8473664

OP asked what was popular with normies in the heyday of the system's lifespan. It wasn't puzzle games.

>> No.8473665

Tetris says "hello".

>> No.8473668

also beat em' ups. Specifically the TMNT II and III games and Double Dragon.

>> No.8473671

NES Tetris wasn't especially popular.

>> No.8473710

Oh sorry. I only watch him for his horror movie discussions. I think his angry boy thing is cringey and it put me off of looking at any of the other content he had to offer for years.

>> No.8473762

>I don't get why people think there's anything left to discover about the retro scene.

seems 2 sided to me

>gamers looking for their next fix
>new youtubers trying to get ahead of the curve for subs

>> No.8473769

>I can tell you the best games that I played as a kid.

i'll bite

>Guardian Legend
>Gradius / life force
>Castlevania 1/2 (got fun-filtered by 3)
>River City Ransom
>Double Dragon
>Dragon Warrior 1/2/3
>Ultima 3 and 4 (not very fun in hindsight if you dont respect the grind)
>rc-pro am
>rad racer
>Iron Tank

>> No.8473784


Sega Master System > NES

>> No.8473803

I got my first Nintendo Power in the hospital when my parents bought me one when I had my tonsils out. Started with the full strategy guide ones they did for a while with Ninja Gaiden 2 and Final Fantasy.

>> No.8473804

I would say N64 comes pretty close, but that's because it wasn't a third-party friendly console.

>> No.8473848
File: 71 KB, 400x400, Hydlidechamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>74. Hydlide
Hydlide bros we keep winning!

(I think OP would like a list with non-japanese sales figures though)

>> No.8473858

SMB games
Mega Man games
Castlevania games
Dragon Warrior games
Final Fantasy
Games that were kind of shit but everyone had or rented were probably things like LJN games, Street Fighter 2010, lots of Data East games.

>> No.8474197

What's amazing is that you'd think Mike Tyson being in the game would date it but it really doesn't.

>> No.8475324

Nobody knows. Everyone just parrots youtube lists. They don't play games just shitpost about them.

>> No.8475435

Doing this also
>SMB 1-3
>Bubble Bobble
>Megaman 1-6
>Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers
>Contra and Super C
>Final Fantasy
>Kung Fu

>> No.8475446
File: 3 KB, 256x224, nemo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little Nemo
bonus points if you ever watched the movie

>> No.8475459

You got a problem with Pizza Pop?

>> No.8476773
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What about bonus points for reading the original comic book from 1905?

>> No.8476976
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A good bet is looking at Nintendo Power Top lists. Check the list in every issue and every time a new game pops up, add it to your play list

>> No.8477312
File: 1.39 MB, 1532x2100, SCAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if all of these were big hits and popular or anything, but I can confirm these to be good:
>Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, & 3
>Ninja Gaidens
>S.C.A.T / Action In New York
>Bubble Bobble
>Fester's Quest
>Blaster Master
>Gremlins 2
>Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
>Duck Hunt
>Lone Ranger
>Wizards & Warriors
>Life Force / Salamander

TMNT and Battle Toads were games which most people probably never beat back then, they're so fucking good, but so fucking harsh. I saw someone describe TMNT as "Finding the fine line between just hard enough that it's fun, and so hard it's fucking impossible, then taking a huge shit on it."

He's still famous, and his reputation as a boxing titan of the era I think still carries. Dude was an absolute machine in his prime, so having him as your final boss in your boxing game I think simply works.
It'd be like having a game about trick shooting featuring Annie Oakley, she was the absolute best to the point that her name is associated with being a crack shot still to this day, many decades after her passing.

Streetfighter 2010 is one of those games which is on the brink of being good, but has some bad design decisions which hold it back hard. There's a bunch of other games like that in the library too, prime romhack material.

>> No.8477349

Bonus points for Famitsu lists

>> No.8477354

Are we talking about the actual libraries that normalfags had on the NES back in the day? Really not much different than any other library including modern day consoles. People generally had a mix of the really obvious typical stuff as well as a bunch of sports games trash.

For example the NES was my first console but I got it in the mid 90s from someone giving it away. So I got the console itself and one of those nintendo carrying cases that holds 10 games. The stand-out titles I got were SMB1, SMB3, Punch Out and Double Dragon 2. The rest were all sports games like bases loaded, golf, some volleyball game, etc.

>> No.8477367

my sister had a PS1 and although she had many of the usual standards like Crash, Spyro, and FF7 we never had a single sports game. I take pride in that.

>> No.8477374

The only sports game we had on NES was Blades Of Steel. I guess Duck Hunt counts if you select the clay shooting game.

>> No.8477378

I don't understand the mentality of people who buy sports games. You can have anything in the world, and you want a no thrills virtual recreation of that sport you watch on TV, because that's the extent of what your imagination will allow. I just feel like they're lesser people somehow.

>> No.8477379

Any NES game by Nintendo, Capcom or Konami. They can be filed under the assumption that they are a safe quality standard

>> No.8477380

They had the occasional lemon here and there and Konami purposely mangling the NES release of Contra so they could use a smaller, cheaper cartridge ROM is hard to overlook.

>> No.8477410

That's still a great game though. It just lacks some extra sprites.

>> No.8478429

>Street Fighter 2010

This game is really good though. The only thing that would have led people to dislike it back then is the bizarre use of the Street Fighter name.

>> No.8478454


My favorite NES sports game was Baseball Simulator 1.000 because it let you play with crazy superpowers, which of course changed the game quite a bit. But you can also play without them... in fact the game presents them as if they're a secondary option, with the main option being a simulation (as the title suggests) of a season of mundane baseball. It amazes me on some level to think that anybody might ever even consider actually playing that game for a full season WITHOUT any teams capable of using superpowers. But people like that surely exist.

>> No.8478653

While I agree it's a pretty good game, it's pretty hard to ignore the admittedly janky controls.

>> No.8478685

there are tons of empty NPCs who feel nothing inside and play only sports games. oh well, it's a necessity to bring home the bacon. the gaming industry makes like half or more of their total profits from sports games. perhaps your favorite obscure Famicom shmup could not exist without 10 million copies of Bases Loaded being sold.

>> No.8478701

I had a shitload of Sunsoft games that I played, Ufouria was my favourite as a kid

>> No.8478726

Every single game made by Nintendo R&D1 is a must play. Nothing defines the console more than those games.

>> No.8478729

I am very surprised nobody has brought up Gimmick

>> No.8478730

Blaster Master and Faxanadu were two games that I had that I loved a LOT

>> No.8478740

Blades of Steel is one of the best games on NES. Play continues immediately from where the fight started and it's the loser who gets the penalty.

>> No.8478747

It's far from the worst game on the NES but TMNT does fit that description. Collision is really wonky in that game.

>> No.8478753

NES games are prone to really bad collision detection since there's no hardware collision registers. It requires you do manual bounds checking and sloppy coding could result in stuff like falling through the platform things in the Ice Man stage in MM1.

>> No.8478758

Mega Man 1 has a lot of weirdness. Mercy invincibility from enemies but not spikes catches you off guard.

>> No.8478765

It wasn't just the NES, to be fair. It took a long time for designers to appreciate the importance of proper hitstun. It's probably the number one reason why Street Fighter 1 is so much worse than Street Fighter II.

>> No.8478803

They were still experimenting with the game design at that point and the lead programmer was a guy who'd coded control software for industrial equipment so he didn't know vidya all that well.

>> No.8478814

Nintendo has never included collision registers in any of their 2D consoles.

>> No.8478824

great game but OP literally said that he doesn't want games from some youtube vid that nobody owned

>> No.8478861

I have a theory that this is why Nintendo was so good at making video games. While almost everyone else in the industry came out of electrical engineering and TV/computer technology, Nintendo was a toy company and Miyamoto's background was in industrial design. So they were uniquely interested in the ins and outs of how the user actually interacted with the product and what feedback they'd get from it.

>> No.8478873

Even the way consoles were built conveys this. American engineers would put together a machine that can do "anything" and leave the programmers to decide how to use it. For geniuses like Carmack this can be a great thing but for everyone else it can be a problem. Nintendo basically built it's consoles with very specific functionality in comparison. The Jaguar's hardware, as an example, is actually pretty interesting but it's very sink or swim.

>> No.8478895 [DELETED] 

>geniuses like Carmack
reddit meme

>> No.8478902

as for example the Atari 2600

>there's no frame buffer you can draw anything you want provided you can do it in the available raster time go nuts

>> No.8478930

That race the beam shit still amazes me. The 2600 was rudimentary even by 1970s standards.

>> No.8479152

The only sports games i ever liked were nba jam and nfl blitz

>> No.8479162 [DELETED] 

A few weeks ago I found at a flea market a couple of Atari 2600 carts which were Combat and a few sports games (think most of them were Activision titles). My guess is it was all one guy's game collection and he was an extreme NPC ie. Combat was the pack-in game that came with the console and he only bought sports games.

>> No.8479167
File: 83 KB, 1024x560, 1024px-Bally-Arcade-Console.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on a more blessed timeline this boy won the 2nd generation

>> No.8479171

meant for >>8478930 lol

>> No.8479190

There's archives of old gaming magazines in lots of places, such as archive.org.
A lot of old magazines were really cool because they were full of guides, maps and cheat codes; stuff that can easily be found on the web now but was incredibly handy to have back then.
After the internet gained ground a lot of magazines and websites just sort of became a mouthpiece for the industry; sanitized reviews, cover stories recapping bullshit footage the final game wouldn't be anything like.
But binging these old ones is a great way to discover games you may not have played before, especially if they come with any material that teaches you about the game.

>> No.8479192

I didn't even know Joust was on the NES, neat.

>> No.8479206

In a way, but still more advanced than the Coleco Telstar and Channel F.

>> No.8479214


>> No.8479257

I wonder why Bally could neither make the license to Pac-Man less tight nor keep the home rights to their own arcade games like wizard of wor?

>> No.8479276
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>local community market in the neighbouring town
>my dad takes me there almost every sunday
>shit is magical, feel like I can find anything and always come home with a treasure
>various oldies selling off atari 2600 games, even in the early 2000s
>my dad kept his old atari 2600 and colecovision, collect games for both
>H.E.R.O. and cosmic ark are unbelievably based, my dad really likes asteroids but we find 3 broken copies in a row
>my dad bets $1 or $2 coins with me on games of atari 2600 tennis, have a blast
>use it to fund my bootleg yu-gi-oh card, old games, and book/vhs purchases the next sunday
thank you dad

>> No.8479646

I cannot cope with the controls and tight time limits.

>> No.8479652

Admirable effort in that case, because the game is ultimately still very playable, if rather hard.

>> No.8479661

Post-Soviet countries played that shit in the 90s, and they all had Disney Capcom games like Duck Tales, Chip & Dale, and Darkwing Duck. I suggest checking those out, it's some of the most impressive stuff on the console, even though it arrived pretty late.

>> No.8479662

>After the internet gained ground a lot of magazines and websites just sort of became a mouthpiece for the industry; sanitized reviews, cover stories recapping bullshit footage the final game wouldn't be anything like.
Kind of, but this was already happening in the 80s and 90s, shillrags and paid reviews are pretty damn retro.

>> No.8479663

Capcom's output of licensed Disney shit on Nintendo and Sega was bafflingly good.

>> No.8479668

Sounds very comfy. Aren't 2600 games still fairly inexpensive, or did WATA ruin that too?

>> No.8479718

back then we were buying them at the market for AU$1-3, I have no idea what actual market prices would be.
I'd say I have somewhere between 25-30 games I got at that price, but no clue how many still would work (they're stored at my parents' house somewhere and I can't imagine they're well protected)

>> No.8480109


I have no idea what you're talking about. I remember it just being a normal run-and-jump-and-shoot game? I mean, control-wise. It's kinda weird in some other ways.

>> No.8480758

>OTOH the SMS has more good games
No, and it's not even close. The SMS library is terrible
>The PC Engine was the first home game console with consistent good games, and from there things just got better.
If you're not in the mood for shooters then you're limited to a handful of games worth playing. Rondo, and Dragon's Trap are the only great non-shooters. And even its shooters aren't at the apex of the genre

The NES dominates both of these consoles combined, both in breadth of worthwhile games and in heights reached by their respective top tier games

>> No.8480762

Disney were shrewd at picking quality developers for their licensed games back then; they had Capcom for console games and Sierra for computer games.

>> No.8480993

Op here been reading the thread and just wanted to say thanks bros for all the reccomends. Got like 40 games. Itll probably take me a while to play through these

>> No.8481071

Holy shit were people completely incapable of filling in details a hundred years ago?

>> No.8481513

Add Legacy of the Wizard to the list. Idk why nobody ever talks about it. It’s fantastic.

>> No.8481870

Alright for sure.

>> No.8482824

Snow Bros.
Adventure Island
Kirby's Adventure
Circus Charlie
Super Mario Bros. 2 JP
Tiny Toon Adventures
Kid Icarus

>> No.8483095

Hope you have fun!

>> No.8483128

Dragon's Lair is super well produced for a NES game and it's just barely playable what does that say about devs who didnt care as much, there's a reason people circlejerk too hard the good and popular ones. Thankfully the genesis in a way feels like the NES except the chances of a game both looking and playing decently grow exponentially thanks to the lots and lots of competition publishers had by then.

>> No.8483138

Didnt PC Engine had rpgs too? Before Nintendo then sony became the designated consoles for them of course

>> No.8483147

Between that and Mario 3, one represents what people mean by "Nintendo hard" while the other one represents more what they would end up doing in the future. My zoomer ass played these 2 way too much even in an era with thousands of games available with emulation, trying to speedrun all SMB3 levels and just trying to beat punch out at all is peak NES experience to me.

>> No.8483157

>My zoomer ass played these 2 way too much even in an era with thousands of games available with emulation
Out of thousands, you picked two good games, I don't see the issue there.

>> No.8484075

Adventures of Lolo (and sequels) - good puzzles never get old
Marble Madness, short and sweet
Dr. Mario was quite popular
if you're into Gradius, maybe throw in Abadox; add Gradius II if you're willing to accept Famicom-only games
I liked Solstice a lot as a kid, and it's still one of the few Follin-music'd games I actually like
Maniac Mansion is unique (on the console) and good
Metal Storm is kinda one of those YouTube buzzy games but I did personally play it and like it as a kid
I loved Shadowgate as a kid; it's probably too shallow for an adult but you might enjoy its wackiness and soulful music anyway (if not then maybe the similar and allegedly superior Deja Vu would be worth trying)
I don't think ALL the Konami/Ultra TMNT games have been mentioned in this thread - but I do think that probably all of them are good and worth trying

>> No.8485143

>y shakespeare no emoji?

>> No.8485415

>Dr. Mario was quite popular

More falling blocks/block elimination games you could try if you wanted: Tetris of course, Tetris 2, Wario's Woods, Klax, Yoshi, Yoshi's Cookie. Most of these were artificially attached to famous franchises (Tetris and Mario), which means they probably sold pretty well and were thus games people actually played. All are quick and easy to try. Some will have "puzzle" modes that remove time pressure (as opposed to the standard action-puzzle mode, in which you're always hurrying), and that provide only handmade problems for you to cleverly unravel. That kind of mode is almost always fun for players who like logic puzzles, regardless of the quality of the rest of the game. Some (Wario's Woods, Yoshi's Cookie, Tetris 2) also have SNES versions, which are probably prettier and might have additional modes. SNES offers additional games of this type of course, including the miraculous Tetris Attack.

>> No.8485514

When you really like a sport, it's really fun to play a game of it. Watching is a completely different experience, why would someone even make that comparison in a videogame board.

Obviously playing it in real life is best but it's really not different from playing any other kind of game. Sports are games in themselves. And it's especially fun to compete against friends. Only thing I think it too much is getting the games yearly. But the people who do that have a network of friends who do the same and have to stay current since they kill servers of the last game and updates before the new one comes out.

>> No.8485673

>i have never played a sport in my life
It shows

>> No.8485682

Why would you not at least put death traps on the field though? Or make the players all beautiful women? The boundless potential of video games, and you want football. Just football. And every year the same football.

>> No.8485909

I just knew this comment was coming. I played NBA videogames by far the most when I was going to the park everyday. Everyone there played too. Total projection.

There are arcade versions like Street, and also simulation versions which people also enjoy. It's funny because same fags like you are the ones who hype up Blitzball which is awful.

>> No.8485920

I love boxing, but due to health problems I had to cut my ringtime short. Stuff like fight night helps me cope.

>> No.8485996
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>>let me guess, it was one guy's game collection--Combat was the pack-in game and then he bought nothing but sports shit
that is the average north American gamer. Sports games have been the backbone of every console gen since the 1970s.

The "top 20 best selling" numbers for each console get skewed because bundled packaging, virtual console sales, "flashback classic" bundles for later systems, and other re-releases of seemingly iconic games heavily pad the numbers and often leave out the sports titles. People look at wiki and are tricked by the endless re-releasing of mascot character games. There is a reason the thrift stores are choking on old sports titles for every console gen.

The thing people forget is that sports games have "dad appeal" and it is dad buying the consoles. For anyone who lived in this era, the games kids actually owned were sport titles. Getting your dad you buy you a baseball game was a hell of a lot easier than getting him to buy you some Japanese cartoon shit. At my school far, far more kids owned NES ice hockey, bases loaded, and tecmo bowl and the only mario games they owned came with their system. This carried through the 16 bit era as the EA annual sport titles drove day to day sales, in between the mega hits like street fighter 2 that rolled around every few years or flagship games like sonic/mario.

>> No.8486025

>used game stores with NES Baseball and Golf in stacks 20-30 cartridges high
The horror, the horror.

>> No.8486043

in Japan it's no better. used game bins are filled with piles of baseball and mahjong shit.

>> No.8486312

Kind of, you get this with old political comics. All the strawmen are prattling on forever, there' barely enough room for the test. The modern equivalent is putting labels on everything.

>> No.8486316

It had some very good Falcom titles for the CD addon, and what's amazing was that a few even came out overseas with dubbed voice acting.

>> No.8486330
File: 656 KB, 1200x1560, treason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some old political cartoons are alright.

>> No.8486335

it kind of seems like a transitional form of the medium, between picture books and what we see today (we still have narration though)

>> No.8486340

I like the PCE, but there’s a lot of mediocre junk on it, especially on hucard. I guess there’s a lot of trash on NES/FC but the library is so vast that that stuff fades into the background easily

>> No.8486430

You know I was actually thinking of that very one as a counterpoint to my post, as I hit enter. That's one of the classics.

>> No.8486474

Blaster Master
The Guardian Legend
Little Nemo
Kid Nikki the Radical Ninja
Iron Sword games

>> No.8486475

Seconding Shadowgate.

>> No.8486494

But shouldn't you have playing horse riding games when your mommy was taking you to the park every day to ride on the spring horsies?

>> No.8487376

Shadowgate is probably best, but Uninvited is not far behind

never did finish Deja Vu

>> No.8488137

the SNES has almost 350 more games than the NES

>> No.8488162

>maybe throw in Abadox
No fuck this troll post, Abadox is one of the worst bullshit shmups on the NES.

Salamander / Life Force
Burai Fighter
Dragon Spirit
Hell I'll even vouch for King's Knight over Abadox any day.

>> No.8489038

had all of those except castlevania (and including TMNT), can confirm
>Mega Man 2, to be precise

>> No.8490854

>Hell I'll even vouch for King's Knight over Abadox any day.

Speaking of troll posts...

Well anyway OP could try any and all of those, because why not? These aren't long games, and you can always just quit.