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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 18 KB, 640x400, deathlord (Electronic Arts C64 1988).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8464934 No.8464934 [Reply] [Original]

>Seven huge continents
>day/night cycle
>permadeath--get killed and it's written to your save file so you have to start over from scratch
>and fit entirely on a single floppy with no need to go multidisk
>no jarpig was ever this hardcore

>> No.8464942

Superior genetics is the answer.

>> No.8465028

Is it actually fun though?

>> No.8465116
File: 698 KB, 840x859, dsc_77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it actually fun though?
meaning what exactly?

>> No.8465140
File: 570 KB, 594x766, f9754ea9f0d543f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you fuck up transparencies on a .png? Did you save a jpg as a png, or save not render/export in GIMP/PS?

>> No.8465147
File: 1.20 MB, 1914x832, Shogi_board_pieces_and_komadai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ultra dultra hardcore Asian turn based game
>perfectly balanced units
>no xp progression, no pay to win
>brutally strict Human competition surprisingly advanced Computer AI
>critically acclaimed long running franchise spanning centuries

>> No.8465154
File: 795 KB, 450x639, shogi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quality waifus

>> No.8465178
File: 2.66 MB, 418x400, 1542910552207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like shit though, I wanna play a cool kawaii character

>> No.8465190

And thats why jarpigs are insanely popular and the only exponent of that genre is some literal autist playing cataclysm for 30 hours to make a tent

>> No.8465194

Based ai ishima enjoyer

>> No.8465215

can anyone translate this from schizo to English?

>> No.8465240

He insinuates that the pursuit of role-playing experiences of japanese origin are widely enjoyed, contrary to tedious offerings such as the one discussed here, where a large time investment is necessary to produce even the basest of structures, such as a, at least tetrahedral, temporary abode

>> No.8465243


I don't know or care about that game and I don't care about this thread, but that dog-looking character there is awesome. It's great when expressive sprites and simple but effective AI work together to put a disproportionately large amount of personality into a character. It reminds me of the red arremer in Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts... Every game company working on impressive-looking but non-interactive animation sequences should look at this sort of thing and learn to treat it as a model to imitate or surpass. Back on thread topic, 3D Final Fantasy games' summoning animations are garbage and should never have existed, no matter how cool they do or don't look.

Deathlord looks unpleasant but I imagine I can trust it not to waste my time with non-interactive content. Not that Americans are immune to that disease of course - some of them made a fair effort to ruin Planescape: Torment that way, for instance.

>> No.8465252

>And thats why jarpigs are insanely popular
It's not though, Turn Based Jarpigs are pretty dead outside of Atelier and Dragon Quest. Notice shitposters shit on Final Fantasy but got nothing on CHADtelier, that's because it's literally perfection.

>> No.8465257

>He insinuates that the pursuit of role-playing experiences of japanese origin are widely enjoyed
If you weigh 300 pounds live with your mom at 35 and have a dakimakura I'm sure they are.

>> No.8465276

why were all the dynamic action games on C64 European ones? Americans never seemed to make anything but autistic neckbeard simulators.

>> No.8465289

and the only exponent of jarpigs are literal autists who play Dragon Quest to grind for 30 hours to level up their health 2 points

>> No.8465293

Only dummies that don't know late game areas drop seeds and metal slimes and rare pets.

>> No.8465312

it was like that when I got it

>> No.8465348

Not really, most of the C64 games made before 1986 were american. I wish more people made games that combine dynamic action with autism simulator though, like Raid on Bungeling Bay.

>> No.8465370

I played an atelier for about an hour, got bored and never touched one again. If I were a woman I may have liked it more

>> No.8465453

it's a thing about floppies vs cassettes being differently widespread between continents

>> No.8465475

Filtered as intended.

>> No.8465508

Filtered for being male and not liking that cheesy style of anime. I think I can live with that

>> No.8465515

You tried it and immediately got filtered, perfectly as intended. That's why I said shitposters got nothing on CHADtelier.

>> No.8465542

Holy mother of tism....

>> No.8465554

JRPGs that aren't final fantasy have literally never been popular and sales reflect this.

>> No.8465573

Final Fantasy isn't very popular either and hasn't been in 20 years. Anons are not even living in real life past anymore, it's a delusional 'tism fantasy past of their own creation.

>> No.8465576

It's not hard to get if you aren't a retard.

>> No.8465589

lunatic dawn did all that with better graphics.

>> No.8466243

so this is like Wizardry IV level of unholy torture, right?

>> No.8466256

Nice parallax

>> No.8466525
File: 192 KB, 800x834, 1486230849534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's saying that JRPGs cut out a lot of tedious, time-consuming bullshit that WRPGs insist make them "superior" Every time I hear someone jerk-off about Wizardy, it makes me realize that playing D&D would have literally wasted less of my time to play, because at least I'm doing it with other people.

>> No.8466636

>JRPGs cut out a lot of tedious, time-consuming bullshit
Aren't jarpigs full of story sequences, long narrations, cringeworthy character interactions, slow and linear design where you can't skip anything, and grinding? You could beat Morrowind and Fallout 2 in less than 30 minutes if you wanted.

>> No.8466698
File: 25 KB, 320x240, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How pathetic. Channer's one and only experience with the genre ever was Final Fantasy either way you have a fast forward key, fucking use it.

>> No.8466727

i mean jarpigs sure as shit aren't

>> No.8466730

We don't take no secular worldy ""FUN""" in this Christian home.

>> No.8466734

only if you use obscure speedrunner tricks, otherwise it takes hours to do the main questlines

>> No.8466735

Fair point. I think the conclusion sane people have reached is that RPGs in general are just a horrible type of game and there should be constitutional amendments banning their production.

>> No.8466738

I don't mind ignorance at least it keeps the threads alive but you're still wrong.

>> No.8466741

Vagrant Story did the balance really well and even lets you disable cutscenes but combat is very unfun for some reason even though everyone claimed to love timed hits.

>> No.8466776

Of course, ignorance is what it takes to play RPGs you know.

>> No.8466780
File: 140 KB, 1080x1080, 1546810140843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i emulate C64

>> No.8466803

So you’re basically stating that you prefer the grinding aspect with no challenge and engaging puzzles. Funny part is that this screenshot isnt even the “hard” part but you couldnt know any better right? Go fap to your loli rpg models, stinky pig.

>> No.8466825

Nice one keep the threads bumped.

>> No.8466829 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 1500x1000, shogi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Difficulty and puzzles are jewish tricks, the more game skills you have inversely correlates to how much pussy you slay. Care to join me on a game of shogi?

>> No.8466847

It's why I told you guys to play go and shogi, turn based, tough as nails human and AI competition, waifus!

>> No.8466893

Chaturanga is based

>> No.8467018

The first stage is a cool, maze-like town, but the second is a generic, linear forest. I only player those, how are the other stages?

>> No.8467050
File: 754 KB, 1500x844, 1542990966714 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a varying complexity, last one's a castle.

>> No.8467307

cheating permadeath required a lot of disk swapping hijinks

>> No.8467320

use CCS64

>> No.8467334

The game is also on the Apple II but no DOS port sadly.

>> No.8467578

Overrated game is overrated.

>> No.8467698
File: 6 KB, 300x165, 1640887221791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8467712

Boring shit no matter who makes it

>> No.8467730


>> No.8467990

Final Fantasy XV sold 9 million copies, dumb fuck.

>> No.8468054


>> No.8468085

Dead hooker simulator

>> No.8468104

Some brave soul will boot this game up on VICE and play it for us.

>> No.8470558

remove Stinko and you have a point.

>> No.8472189

Not even clever, jesus christ.

>> No.8472339

FFXIV is most popular MMO

>> No.8472569

Crpg addict has. I will too.

>> No.8472947
File: 84 KB, 514x600, 1462133207187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm saying I'd rather play AD&D because Wizardry is a shitty facsimile that tried to compensate for your inability to make actual real choices.

>> No.8474154

but see these computer RPGs were too quiet console ones at least had music

>> No.8474279

Ultima 3-5 have decent music if you don't play the unpatched IBM versions.

>> No.8475852

They why aren't all WRPGs like this, still?
All JRPGs are basically Dragon Quest with extra bells and whistles, so why isn't the same true for Wizardry or Ultima?

>> No.8476518

Because the japanese the japanese game industry has always been corporate controlled largely. But in the west, until the recent years, the game industry was dominated by small to medium sized publishers that mainly focused on microcomputer platforms because they were cheaper. Until the CD and DVD era, the majority of console games were Japanese.

>> No.8476603

Everyone loves to explain history with bullshit narratives. Add in a racial east vs west component and you have recipe for autism. Jesus Christ.

>> No.8476610

"The West including oceania and easter europe for some reason is highly masculine and trad so *WE* made thoughtful art for intelligent white people. The East which is actually just Japan is really gay and hates freedom so they make tranny propaganda for toddlers to keep them infantilized femmes". These threads always go like this.

>> No.8477684

That doesn't answer my question. If the difficulty and complexity of the early WRPGs make them inherently better than all JRGPS, why did WRPGs completely drop those aspects?

>> No.8477750

>If the difficulty and complexity of the early WRPGs make them inherently better than all JRGPS, why did WRPGs completely drop those aspects?
But it did answer your question. JRPGs were corporatised and intended for the wider audience. That's also the reason they're made for consoles. WRPGs were mostly made by P&P and computer strategy game enthusiasts and were most suitable to be played on a computer. And no, as corporatised modern WRPGs might be, they still retain the complexity of their predecessors in some ways. Modern Bethesda games might be very casual, yet they're still nonlinear sandbox games with extensive customisations. And if you look beyond the AAA titles, you will find that WRPGs have actually increased in complexity. Thanks to the popularity of Dwarf Fortress and other modern roguelike titles inspired by Angband and the likes, WRPG devs have increasingly incorporated procedurally content, complex character creation and statistics, permadeath, and extensive interaction system. As PC gaming became more popular in Japan, Japanese devs too have started making similar games such as Elona which is much closer to WRPG than JRPG.

>> No.8477785

What the hell is that?

>> No.8477908

Can I play this on my NES mini?

>> No.8477921

it's a C64 game not a NES one

>> No.8477927

Yes I know but I can emulate it on my NES mini or do I need to buy a Commodore 64?

>> No.8477938

Pretty much, it's funny to see Warpigs and Jarpigs fight over which side made the best piece of dogshit.

>> No.8477967

Fuck thi game and fuck the Commodore 64.
Fuck the whole Commodore 64 library.

>> No.8478128

>long running franchise spanning centuries
Please tell me about shogi 2

>> No.8478143

No, Wizardry just took out all the boring shit from D&D that nobody enjoyed. D&D is for neckbeards, Wizardry is for action hero chads.

>> No.8478162

Wizardry did a lot of stuff you couldn't really do in D&D. First person dungeon crawling just works a lot better on a computer.

>> No.8478326

There is a new trend where if you google for a transparent png, it shows a ton of clip art sites where the default preview has checkerboarded background. You have to log in/pay for the actual image.
This now happens with almost all illustrated reaction images, including frog pics and anime stuff. Before it would point you to imgur, reddit or even board archives. Now all the results are these nu-stock art sites with crazy SEO trying to grab traffic.

>> No.8478713

Wizardry's complexity is literally just a stand-in for a DM thinking on their toes to give the players a good time.

>Wizardry did a lot of stuff you couldn't really do in D&D
Like what?

>> No.8478732

Rogue-likes are not the same thing as dungeon crawlers. What modern game that ISN'T supposed to be a throwback builds on any of what's in the OP at the level it should be now? It seems like you're trying to imply that WRPGs SHOULDN'T do the things that make them superior to JRPGs because that would make them too much like JRPGs. The fact of the matter is that WRPGS were ONLY good back when literally no-one but the best and brightest were able to play them. You literally should NOT be able to play a sequel without having played its predecessors inside and out. Bethesda games pretend to have the same level of complexity, but in all honesty, them being nonlinear sandbox games is what drives them AWAY from being like their superior forbearers. You didn't make your own builds for the sake of making your own builds; you did it because you have to figure out on your own how to best proceed. There was not "single best way to win" like in modern games.

>> No.8478735

>Something hits you *MORE*
>Something hits you *MORE*
>You feel sick *MORE*
>You feel weak *MORE*
>You are dead.

WOah! Strategy!!

>> No.8479060 [DELETED] 

EA apparently forced them to give Deathlord this pseudo-Japanese theme, also it seems that they really wanted the 7 continents bit because it made for good marketing. They might have been better off advising the dev team to drop the permadeath bit.

It's too bad this game didn't get a DOS port which limited its audience compared with a game like Ultima.

>> No.8479067

EA apparently forced them to give Deathlord this pseudo-Japanese theme, also it seems that they really wanted the 7 continents bit because it made for good marketing. They might have been better off advising the dev team to drop the permadeath bit. It's also too bad this game didn't get a DOS port which limited its audience compared with a game like Ultima.

>> No.8479536

First person dungeon crawling.