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8384785 No.8384785 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so easy to die?

>> No.8384801

never played it but isn't it a horror game based on horror b movies? most people die quickly in horror b movies too

>> No.8384809

Because if it was too easy to survive, the enemies wouldn't be scary and the game would have no challenge. It's survival horror, not an on-rails movie game with checkpoints every ten seconds and no real fail state.

>> No.8384870

get good

>> No.8384879

it's not. you probably just fell for the dumb memes idiots parrot about having to dodge enemies. shoot things and you'll realize how easy the game actually is

>> No.8384902

To make it tense/scary

>> No.8384942

Don't listen to this guy. You will run out of ammo and the game will be impossible to finish

>> No.8384949

>just go guns a blazing bro
>ammo depletes to nothing after one zombie
That doesn't work


>> No.8384984

you don't have to kill every enemy, just run past them

>> No.8385029

what's the point of the ammo then? i mean sure it'd be kinda cheap if you could kill everything but like why's it even exist?

>> No.8385041

Didn't work for me, they hit ya

Ammo is because it's a survivor game, gotta preserve ammo

>> No.8385057

>Didn't work for me, they hit ya
hit the regular zombies. Dogs, Lickers and Tyrants are avoidable because they hide and jump around a lot

>> No.8385080


You mean Hunters. Lickers are best avoided in RE2 when you can though.

>> No.8385148

Resident Evil is a branching adventure game masquerading as a 3D survival shooter.

You'll probably die a lot, it's ok.

>> No.8385197

Take your time and plan it out. This is survival we are talking about here.

>> No.8385201

>Why is it so easy to die?
artificial difficulty

>> No.8385210

This game still creeps me out decades later.

>> No.8385330

This is true.
This guy doesn't know that most (non-zombie) corpses have ammo on them.

>> No.8385343

Chris can take more damage than Jill. Give him a try.

>> No.8385371

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so.

>> No.8385580

What's that mean

>> No.8385643

played this for the first time over Halloween, just shoot what you can't reliably avoid. There really is nothing else to it other than avoiding using the knife

>> No.8385654
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Most enemies have sorta random health, like a a zombie is supposed to have like 900-1400 health or something like that. The first game is pretty hard at some parts, especially as Jill IMO, most enemies you can just run right past though, I pretty much only ever killed enemies that were right next to a puzzle I needed to solve. But yeah Chris has 150% more health than Jill and is more likely to crit IIRC, he also doesn't get the grenade launcher, which actually made him easier, since you get alot more shotgun shells as a result, but he has 2 less inventory slots and he doesn't get the lockpick, so he has to find small keys which take up an inventory slot, to open up extra things that jill would normally be able to do automatically

>> No.8385657

Because that makes it spooky and harder. For the love of god, you NEED to preserve ammo. The game will be basically impossible to finish in the final act if you go around killing everything. A good tip is to shoot a zombie until it falls down and then finish it with the knife while it’s on the ground. If that’s too much, Ignore them and move past them. I can not stress enough how important it is to save ammo. I’m assuming you’re playing as Jill, so stock up on Grenade rounds and their variants. Different shells work better on different enemies (the acid rounds make the snake boss eat shit and die, the fire rounds absolutely destroy the spider boss, etc). A good tip for preserving shotgun ammo is to let a zombie get close to you, aim up and fire with the shotgun. It blows a zombie’s head off and insta kills them. The game might seem insurmountable in places but remember to avoid any confrontations if needed and to only heal when you’re in the red. You’ll cover more ground and not piss away your herbs and then get stuck on a hard segment. Thankfully RE1 doesn’t have limp mechanics when you’re hurt, so you can still move fast when you’re on the brink of death. It might seem unfair and tough having to redo all your shit when you die but the plus is that you now remember what route to take and how to approach different enemies. It’s tricky, but rewarding when you finally make it to a lockbox/safe room after stumbling around in the dark for a while. Remember to wait for Barry when he goes to get the rope and to collect the MO disks when you find them, you’ll need them for the good ending. There’s no shame in looking at a guide if you get stumped, some of the game can be cryptic and annoying at times. You can do it, I believe in you

>> No.8385663

Chris is the hard mode of RE1. Jill takes less damage but she has more inventory slots, can use a lock pick to get in rooms that require a key for Chris, gets the grenade launcher very early which destroys everything in its path (low ammo though) and she also gets the best cutscenes with Barry. Chris has two less slots, needs small keys to open certain rooms and can’t do certain puzzles which means Rebecca has to step up to the plate to help. The plus is that he takes more damage and gets the magnum which is brutally overpowered (but has very little ammo pickups. There’s only about 25-ish bullets for it in the entire game). In certain versions of RE1, hes listed as the hard mode. You will have a much harder time with him, and the constant back and forth and juggling of keys and ammo for him isn’t the best pay off for some extra health. Stick with Jill for your first playthrough and when you’re confident enough to go back in, try Chris.

>> No.8385671
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Yeah forgot to mention the shotgun trick, also you can tell when a zombie is actually dead cause it bleeds out, if it didn't bleed out it isn't dead and can get back up. When I actually first played through the game for the first time a few years back, I got stuck for like 3 days straight as Jill, after you come back from the guardhouse and the mansion is now overrun with hunters, I was playing the longbox version and didn't know about the autoaim thing, so the hunters were hard as shit to hit with the grenade launcher
People always say that Chris is harder, but I had the exact opposite experience, maybe because I played his second and it was immediately after I played Jill's so I was just generally more experienced at that point. But I just found the increased health and shotgun shells made combat way easier for him, at about the halfway mark in the game I just used my shotgun as my primary weapon til the end of the game. Like I mentioned though I played the longbox version, so maybe the grenade launcher is alot easier to use in the versions with autoaim

>> No.8385674

also IIRC, chris and jill both get the magnum and I think the flamethrower was unique to chris but you only use it like once

>> No.8385684

Oh man the hunters. The game is gonna get pretty fucking hard when they show up, OP. You’ll know what they are when you see them. My best advice is to not even bother fighting them and to just run. Only kill them if they’re blocking the door or a hallway. They swallow ammo and can insta kill you (not to mention they’re probably the only part of the original version that is still actually scary and hasn’t aged like milk in the sun).

I actually did have a similar situation with Chris where I had a generally easier time with him after I played Jill’s campaign first cause I knew where things were/the game’s quirks. However, the anon above suggested that OP tackle Chris first if he’s having trouble which is really not w good idea for your FIRST playthrough of the game. Jill is a bit of a tough experience but her mode is signifactly easier to handle if it’s your first time playing than Chris. The plus side is that if it’s your second time playing, Hard mode doesn’t seem as hard because you’re used to the game and the tricks it can pull

>> No.8385693

Ah my memory was a bit fuzzy regarding the magnum. I don’t think I ever used it in Jill’s campaign, probably because I had zero ammo for it. The flamethrower is utterly useless anyway, except for the weird switch puzzle in the caves. It’s funny that the game is kind of pushing you to use it against Black Tiger, yet it’s actually harder to kill it with the flamethrower instead of just using shotgun shells/the odd magnum round.

>> No.8385704
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I personally don't think it aged too hard, I actually really liked playing it before I ever touched the remake, made the changes they made alot more surprising. I agree though that Chris should probably be the 2nd playthrough, the smaller inventory and small keys are alot easier to deal with when you remember where all the keys and items go.
I used it with Jill to fight the chimeras. I could also be misremembering but I think you actually get like 1 or 2 more ammo pickups for it with chris. And yeah I didn't bother with the flamethrower either

>> No.8385891

>Why is it so easy to die?
It's not, you can take like 3 hits before you die.
As Chris even more.

He is right, that faggot >>8384942 not.

You can kill every single enemy in the game and still have enough ammo.
Ammo is a little rare at the beginning of the game though, so you may want to leave 1-2 enemies up until you get more ammo.
When you get the shotgun, you can kill 2-3 enemies with a single shot if you align them correctly and aim for the head.

Git gud, don't waste ammo by missing shots and you can kill everything.

>> No.8385937
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RE zombie bites do a surprisingly high amount of damage for the most common enemy in the series, and Jill has much lower HP compared to Chris. To put it into numbers, Jill has 96 hitpoints and Chris has 140, and a zombie bite does 10 damage per hit and can hit up to seven times if left unimpeded. These numbers are for the PC version which is based on the JP difficulty, which is a bit easier than the US version.

Keep in mind that every non-boss enemy in the game can be dodged and at the same time aren't that durable, and the knife is a very reliable weapon. Knifing a downed enemy will save you a lot of ammo.

>> No.8386019

Post no hit every enemy killed run through, now

>> No.8386139
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Don't kill the Black Tiger, he's a bro and just wants you to get out of his house.

>> No.8386748

It's not that bad and I would say it's fairly balanced. Sounds like you suck at 90's survival horror.

>> No.8386776

in the earlier RE games. i think you're suppose to run away from like 90 percent of the enemies. only killing them when absolutely necessary to do so.

>> No.8387203


>> No.8387213

>t. retard that talks about games he didn't play
Retarded faggot why are you posting.
Kill yourself holy shit fucking mentally handicapped idiot.

>> No.8387537

Sorry. I meant post YOUR no hit all killed run. My bad

>> No.8387683

Running from hunters you can run from is good advice, but they can only use the instant kill when you're at 60% or below. Yellow fine starts at 50% so it seems like they can kill you at full health, but if you test it they'll never use the decapitate after a first aid spray, they need a few claw swipes first.

There are tons of people who have killed every enemy in a run of Resident Evil, you just have to know where the ammo is. There's hidden ammo pickups that are visible in the japanese version scattered all over the mansion, you can kill everything with ammo to spare. As a new player you just have to press X on parts of the environment that intuitively might hide items in real life, for the most part.

>> No.8387701

because its not made for stupid faggots like you

>> No.8387752

Hunters won't fuck with you too much as long as you don't engage them. If you just run all they'll do is chase you and use their low swipe attack. As soon as you point a gun or shoot at them, all bets are off and they'll start jumping around and using their instakill attack.

>> No.8387831

I was actually working on this many years ago with Chris on Advanced Mode (Director's Cut). It's definitely possible (because I did it using save states) but you need a little bit of luck with critical headshots, though.

Knife only, no damage and all clear is more fun though. But that can't be done normally, unfortunately.

>> No.8387841

Yes, their AI is very predictable when you mess around with it. Dodging the attacks, not easy. They have some weird hit boxes, especially when they jump around.

>> No.8387881

Why would you not kill the few lickers the game throw at you,re2 gives you even more ammo than re1,i had so many by the end of the time after rampaging through zombie and lickers.

>> No.8387895

Theres no switch puzzle in the cave,you must be talking about the remake.

>> No.8387906

You first meant it was even impossible to kill every enemy you fucking faggot,now stfu and stop this propaganda that omg the ressource are so scarce in resident evil when it was literally made so that fucking kids could complete the game in the 90s.

>> No.8387917

Kids never completed it...I was one of them

>> No.8387926

Because you won't stop touching yourself at night

>> No.8387980

Because you're not used to this type of game.
Take things slow. Conserve ammo. Try to avoid taking out zombies when you have room to run around them. Only kill zombies in hallways, if the room is a dead end, just try to avoid them.

>> No.8388128

Op here, Im still struggling in the mansion. If I conserve ammo I get too close to the zombies by stabbing them and leave myself vulnerable to their attack, how do I defend their attack? I can't get them off me
Alternatively if I waste my amount, I'm fucked

This game filtered me, go on without me boomer chads

>> No.8388282

just fucking shoot them retard the game gives you three times more ammo than you need to kill every enemy

>> No.8388383

Do you have the shotgun yet?

>> No.8388387

>get shotgun
>do this to zombies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JA5qB1SpUxE&t=9250s
>finish game with 200+ ammo for each weapon

>> No.8388389

No it doesn't, especially not I the first hour which is where I'm struggling


>> No.8388415

Cool, you didn't even finish the first 30min of the game then.

>> No.8388417

Maybe he is not a speedrunner

>> No.8388418

Yeah, I keep dying on the second floor

>> No.8388450

>I keep dying on the second floor
Good, you aren't meant to go there yet anyway, the shotgun is on the first floor.

Also I'm pretty sure Barry even tells you to first search through the first floor.

>> No.8388456

BTW, when I say second floor I'm counting ground level as floor 1...the shotgun is not on ground level..

>> No.8388468

Just to make sure we are on the same page here, you play Chris or Jill?

>> No.8388478

>how do I defend their attack?
I'm pretty sure you just mash the action button until you push them off. There's no special sequence.

>Knifing a downed enemy will save you a lot of ammo.
This. But you probably don't even need to. I only remember doing that when I replayed as an adult.

>I didn't beat the game as a kid therefore no kids did
I beat it when I was around 7 and don't remember it being any more difficult than any other game. Just scary.

>> No.8388485


>> No.8388502

Played through both scenarios recently and think I only died a couple times on the snake

>> No.8388520

Oh okay, sorry I thought you are playing Jill, OP image and all.
Chris gets the shotgun a little later, I forgot how late though, I played his route many years ago.

Here is a quick video I made, playing Jill though.
It shows 2 hidden ammo spots too, dunno perhaps that helps.

I think Jill is easier for beginners btw, Chris is not bad, I think he tanks and deals more dmg, but you should kinda know what you are doing with him.

>> No.8388525

virus don't click

>> No.8388528

Thanks bro, btw I didn't know the two characters played differently and picked up items at different stages...pure soul

>> No.8388764

It isn't, you're just fucking horrible at games.

>> No.8389191

Too late

>> No.8389243

I'm just here to say: if you never finished RE1 as Chris you never played the game. Jill's scenario is so piss easy. Only Waifu fags would argue otherwise

>> No.8389294

I was 11 in '98 cruised through it over a week or some during summer break.

>> No.8389345

Haha, when I played with Chris I actually forgot the room that Black Tiger was in, and for some reason walked in with just my pistol and the flamethrower because I think I needed it to open the door? I had to kill Black Tiger with just the flamethrower and he died just as it ran out of fuel. It was heart-pounding since I hadn't saved just before going in either. I made it out with no ammo and red health.

>> No.8389664

Wow, I had no idea he could clear the exit for you if you made him hit the door. That's pretty cool.

>> No.8389919
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Early game is easily the toughest when it comes to ammo/health, because you haven't stockpiled much yet.
Just try to engage zombies from a distance when you can with the pistol. Same for dogs. Listen to sound cues to know when dogs are getting back up and can be shot again (the growl means they're back on their feet).
Use things like tables or furniture to run around zombies, because they're slow, EG: the second floor of the dining room balcony, just run the long way around and the zombie can't touch you, save yourself the ammunition and risk of damage.
If you really get stuck with no ammo, forget trying to fight them with the knife, just take a hit and run past, heal up later and remember where the zombies/dogs are for later so you are prepared. Trying to use the knife if you're new to the game is really risky, and there's enough healing items you can take some bites if you just run for it.
Good luck, I believe in you!

>> No.8389949

A simple beginner's tip: the zombies in the west 2F hall that connects to the dining room balcony are practically harmless. Don't even bother wasting ammo on them. All they do is try to barf on you and I don't even think they can bite. It took me a couple times through the game to realize this and I always wasted ammo on them because it's a cramped area you go through a few times.

>> No.8390052
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I played through the Saturn version last night, I felt like I was playing a lost beta. I knew about a second tyrant and ticks, but I didn't know some rooms were changed.

>> No.8390073

Foaming at the mouth over a video game. Now please post your all kills run

>> No.8390096

I started the original cut today as well, but I went halfthrough both the REmake (GC) and the port of DS, AND watched the GameCenterCX special, so I think I'll jump directly to RE2 now so I can play the remake on christmas

>> No.8390110

You're supposed to
>Be scared all the fucking time
>Realize how ill-equipped for the task you are, so every bullet counts
>Get really good at avoiding the most conflict you can

Only REAL threat though in 1 are hunters, they can decapitate you in one hit if lucky.

>> No.8390146

Wait, which rooms were changed? I played Jill on PS1 and Chris on Saturn but don't recall any rooms changing.

>> No.8390352

I think he means shit like in his screenshot, they had to have the test tubes all broken because the Saturn couldn't do the transparency effect or something.

>> No.8390379

as if that's impressive anyway for RE1 considering the knife trick?

>> No.8390424

since this thread is here.
i remember hearing about a mod for the first game that people recommend on here.
anybody happen to have the name?

>> No.8390448

You’re going to have to be more specific. Any features besides it being a romhack?

>> No.8390452

i guess it's just an improvement mod.
people claim it as the most complete without having any crazy bullshit.

>> No.8390456

like the best version of 1 to play or something like that.

>> No.8390572
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Theres a lot of tiny little things that most won't notice

>> No.8390746

Classic Rebirth.

>> No.8390794
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decided to never play resident evil besides 4 and 5 since the whole thing about ammo being scarce but its your only defense/offense option against narrow one way halls that force you to encounter enemies that'll kill you in 4 hits or so. as far as i know they're bad games until 4.

>> No.8390795

Any way to mod it into Classic Rebirth?

>> No.8390892

alright, thank you.

>> No.8391041

What a depressing thread.

>> No.8391048

you can kill yourself anytime.

>> No.8391101

Op here, imo the scarcity of ammo adds another layer that makes the game more challenging as a survival horror....the ones after 3 are just generic third person shooters

>> No.8391161

Because you don't have the shotgun yet.

>> No.8391181

OP are you still here?
Any update on your progress?

>> No.8391285

>I would say it's fairly balanced
Not after you get the shotgun.

>> No.8391337

I've sort of given it a rest, I'll restart it all over with Jill in a few days, bit busy for now

>> No.8391783

To my eye anyway, the Saturn backgrounds look a little better than the PS1 versions in general. Like in the painting puzzle room, you can actually tell they're pictures of a kid, old man, etc.

>> No.8391890

This only works if you're somewhat experienced with the game and know how to kill enemies efficiently without unnecessarily wasting ammo.

>> No.8391986

If I can do it as a seven year old, he can definitely do it.

>> No.8392012

Played rhe Saturn version first. Always gonna be the best in my eyes. The slightly better looking models and the hideous mesh transparency on the water is too soulful

>> No.8392168
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>> No.8392193


This, i kill everything all the time

>> No.8392198

you can tell that they were all retaken from the original CG mansion model. even camera angles that look the same are often just slightly off/adjusted from the ps1 originals

>> No.8392203 [DELETED] 


>> No.8392221

Okay dude, we got it the first few years you and your ilk spammed the contrarian l33t bullshit online.

>> No.8392241

Bruh just cheat the magnum in with infinite ammo and skip all the busywork chest run garbage

>> No.8392262

No one ever thought these games were hard besides retards like you who heard some YouTuber who hasn't played it since he was 5 years old and could barely read, talk about how hardcore and scary it was.
I don't know what it is about this franchise that makes people desperately try to pretend these games weren't massively popular, selling millions upon millions of copies, and that everyone beat them.

>> No.8392301
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It forces you to make choices:
>Expend enough bullets to eliminate the enemy entirely
>Expend 1 or 2 bullets just to stun the enemy long enough to go around them
>Expend zero bullets, brush past and take some damage to go past them
>Expend zero bullets, find another way to your objective

Then you start getting good and realizing opitmizations:
>Expend 1-2 bullets to knock zombie, down, finish zombie off on ground with knife to save ammo
>Kill zombie using nothing but knife, sustaining one or two hits, and healing with my excess healing herbs afterwards in order to save ammo

>> No.8392330

Nah, it's pretty lenient. The first time I played RE1 I wasted a ton of shotgun shells on the dogs in the garden (because the manual told me to use it on fast moving enemies) and didn't make the right choices to get Rebecca to help with Plant 42 and I still wound up with enough ammo to blast my way through the Hunters to get the Python.

>> No.8392563

I dont record my gameplay faggot.but continue to believe its impossible.

>> No.8392629

I remember there being enough ammo to kill everything in the game but I can't remember if that was vanilla or Director's Cut. I remember you can't kill every enemy in the Gamecube REmake.

>> No.8392758

The absolute state of /vr/, disgusting.

>> No.8392769
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Ah yeah that makes sense. I actually didn't notice that they would change that stuff. I know the transparencies for items were mesh on Saturn which is a shame, though. I believe eventually they got transparencies on Saturn to work, but I imagine it was really hard? I think Burning Rangers and Sonic R had them for example.

Good luck, I think you'll find Jill a bit easier, especially right at the start.

Reading reviews from the time, I think the general consensus was that it could be challenging, but the games were pretty short so ultimately not too hard. I guess it was also more common to get 'punished' for dying back in 1996, so the idea of getting killed and going back to a save point wasn't a shocker when there was no auto-saving/checkpoints etc.
I see a lot of people get scared/fascinated by limited saves or dying and having to re-do progress, but in practice once you know where to go and what to expect an hour of 'new' gameplay can be knocked over in like 15 minutes on the replay after dying.

I've finished all the classic RE games, but I have to ask if I'm missing something about the knife in RE 1-3. I've tried shooting them to knock down and then knifing them, but they seem to get back up before they die, and then I have to run away, shoot them down and knife again and it almost feels like it's worth spending the extra one or two bullets to just shoot them instead of carrying the knife around the whole time. I never thought knifing them on the ground was viable apart from Code Veronica.

>> No.8392770

Quit samefagging you sad retard

>> No.8392783

Shut the fuck up, go play RE on easy if you are mentally challenged faggot.

>> No.8393565

How the hell those sharks dont kill you instantly when the room is flooded? At least they should be able to drag you around making you crossing even more of a pain in the ass.