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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8368123 No.8368123[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The absolute STATE of coomlectors. Emulate, get yourself an everdrive or just buy a chink repro cart for $2 on Ebay.


>> No.8368142

Reminder that antihardware-owners are all wojack posting autists and should be ignored.

I can afford to buy things, get over it.

>> No.8368148

>game cartridges
INB4 carts with expansion chips.

>> No.8368154

I don't know what that means. I own the consoles and I also own the games.

>> No.8368157

>want to ask "rare game" prices for a common game
>put out stacks of each game
I'm no business owner, but it would seem like common sense to not put out piles of games that you're trying to convey as being rare in order to ask top dollar.

>> No.8368158


>> No.8368162

Imagine being this pedantic. You knew what I meant faggot.

>> No.8368164

Remember when retro gaming was the budget option? Instead of buying the newest thing you could go to gamestop or a garage sale and buy a stack of old games for the same price? Emulation and flashcarts (to a lesser degree because consoles and controllers are getting insane too) are the only reasonable option anymore.
Whenever someone inevitably posts "what are you, poor?" I can only roll my eyes because they're either too new to remember how it used to be or they enjoy getting fucked in the ass by resellers.

>> No.8368168

That's not even close to pedantic. Hardware and software are two entirely different concepts.

>> No.8368169

Cartridges are hardware

>> No.8368172 [DELETED] 

Will you give me $80 for this cumsock? I have it on good authority it used to belong to gaben.

>> No.8368174

No they are not.

>> No.8368175

Hardware = Physical
Software = What you download

I don't even know what you're saying now.

>> No.8368181

>Hardware = Physical
The physical vs. digital false dichotomy has lead to some people making really stupid statements like this.

>> No.8368187 [DELETED] 

Hardware noun

(computing) the machines and electronic parts in a computer or other electronic system

Cartridges are an electronic part of a computer. Kill yourself.

>> No.8368191

>here is an incredibly vague definition I found online to validate my retardation, i win
It's not even part of a computer.

>> No.8368194

Oxford dictionary, that is the most valid definition possible.
>It's not even part of a computer.
N64 won't turn on without it.

>> No.8368195 [DELETED] 

Sounds like something the average Steam user would kill to get. Gotta huff our Lord Gaben's pheromones while pre-ordering DLC for games that were just announced! PC Mustard race! XD

>> No.8368197

cartridges and discs are literally just a medium to contain data

>> No.8368198

>N64 won't turn on without it
Because it needs software to run. Software that comes in the form of a cartridge.

>> No.8368204

A computer will turn on without things downloaded.
>Software that comes in the form of a cartridge.
Why not software in a harddrive? Why is harddrive different?

>> No.8368209

>A computer will turn on without things downloaded.
Motherboards don't work without BIOS.
>Why not software in a harddrive?
Because it was a game console from 1996.

>> No.8368215

N64 won't work without cartridge.
>Because it was a game console from 1996.
Modern definitions are the right definitions. You lose, pedanticism-kun.

>> No.8368218

>N64 won't work without cartridge.
Because it has no software to run.

>> No.8368220

there is a reason why hardware and software are separated by definition and it is monetary

>> No.8368228

>110 for Emerald
>70 for Leaf Green
>they're both basically exactly the same color

Is it just clever marketing? I know emeralds are considered more valuable than leafs but come on.

>> No.8368231

>they're both basically exactly the same color
are you blind?

>> No.8368236

Like a harddrive that has software?
No it's seperated based on one being downloaded and one holding thsamdse information.

>> No.8368241

Are you one of those people who argues "salmon" and "pink" are different?

>> No.8368242

>one being downloaded
Ah yes, I remember going to a store and my dad downloading Super Mario Bros 3 on NES for me

>> No.8368243

>Like a harddrive that has software?
I have no idea what you mean by this question.

>> No.8368245

Are you one of those people that think opaque and translucent is the same thing?

>> No.8368246

So it can't be downloaded, so it must be hardware.

>> No.8368248

No, of course not.

>> No.8368249

>So it can't be downloaded
I have news for you.

>> No.8368252

So you call CD's hardware?

>> No.8368262


>> No.8368264

The CD itself is hardware, but the content of it is the software.

>> No.8368265
File: 1.31 MB, 3024x4032, qndzotflhpf31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid paypigs

>> No.8368274

holy kino

>> No.8368275

>put in $20
>game gets stuck on the hook

Heh, nothing personal, but thanks for the donation.

>> No.8368282

>blue advance wars cart
these are fake

>> No.8368303

The overwhelming majority of retro games on the market today are bootlegs. Imagine paying out the ass to get scammed.

>> No.8368308 [DELETED] 

poorfag cope

>> No.8368310

Clearly you don't have to imagine it.

>> No.8368312

I don't because I already own what I want when it was originally available
I'm just saying that these are fake carts and probably overpriced at 20 bucks

>> No.8368323

Bootleg carts cost pennies to make. Every avenue of retro game coomlecting is completely saturated with them by now.

>> No.8368325 [DELETED] 

Keep coping.

>> No.8368326

>Bootleg carts cost pennies to make
which is why I said 20 bucks is too much

>> No.8368328

No! I never would have guessed.

It's not that bad, given that most of those are double packs. You're really paying 10 a pop, 2x what you'd pay to order direct from aliexpress.

>> No.8368332


>> No.8368335
File: 13 KB, 329x392, let.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like repro carts desu, I just don't spend more than $7 tops on them. I got Minish Cap, Zero Mission, ALTTP/Four Swords and Doom 1 + 2 this way and they work just fine and look fine too. GBA's one of the consoles I give less of a shit about authenticity for so long as it works and has the correct looking sticker

>> No.8368337

Keep paying, piggie.

>> No.8368345

whats wrong with buying things if you can afford it?

>> No.8368346

get a programable repro
download pokemon
download universal pokemon randomizer
change trade evolving pokemon to evolve without trading
put this version of pokemon on the cart

>> No.8368347

Allowing yourself to get scammed is a bad thing.

>> No.8368358

but retro games stores verify it. they can be sued if it is a fake

>> No.8368359
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i dont really care about pokemon desu

>> No.8368362

You should see how bad the DS games are getting. HG/SS are almost 200, B2W2 are over 100

>> No.8368364

Imagine going to retro gaming stores. The very definition of being ripped off.

>> No.8368369

bought castelvania 64 for 3 pound the other day

>> No.8368390

It's really not that expensive.

>> No.8368393
File: 73 KB, 608x612, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek i didn't think people this gay actually existed, assumed it was a troll at first and checked his profile to make sure

>> No.8368394

All the good games are.

>> No.8368441

For me it's pokemon orange

>> No.8368453

they arent though. cope

>> No.8368475

Yep, it's a sad state of affairs. Also PVMs used to be the cheap alternative to buying an expensive 400 dollar framemeister to play on an LCD.

>> No.8368481

I'm lucky that there is still a second hand retro store that still does this stuff near me

>> No.8368485

Your personal finances are nigger-tier

>> No.8368492

I just came here to remembar all of you coomlector faggots that piracy is not stealing.

Piracy and stealing are TWO DIFFERENT FELONIES, and should be addressed accordingly. Stop saying is the same thinkg because it isn't.

>> No.8368523
File: 50 KB, 300x303, 30443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're preaching to the choir anon, everyone here knows that and anyone who doesnt is baiting cuz theyre bored on a saturday night

>> No.8368532

Whats wrong with financing like an adult?

>> No.8368552

whats unadult about this? not manly and mature enough for you? fucking 12 year old

>> No.8368553

Imagine being a poorfag.

>> No.8368561

They're not rare and the pic in the OP doesn't say that they're rare. Something doesn't have to be rare in order to be expensive. In this case it's expensive because it's highly sought after. There's a reason why Super Mario World, the most common SNES game, is not the cheapest SNES game. You're a retard.

>> No.8368595

The GBA and DS Pokémon games retain value because dedicated players can import Pokémon all the way up to the current generation.
The Game Boy / Color titles though, that's not possible unless you play the 3DS VC versions, since that option exists there's far less need for the original physicals.

The process for importing is a bit nuts though. Lots of catching mini-games are involved, and more than one DS system is needed.

>> No.8368631


>> No.8368653

>Remember when retro gaming was the budget option?
Yes, shortly after the end of the consoles lifespans and for about a full decade afterwards. By the 2000's, it was already on the climb. This is how this always works with videogames. NES was dirt cheap once, now it's expensive for the fucking 10-cent SMB/DH carts nearly everyone got with the NES. PS2 and Gamecube shit used to be cheap as hell, now they are pricey. Guess what's cheap right now? PS4, XBox One, and WiiU stuff. Get what you want now, or be complaining in 20 years that resellers are driving up the prices.

>> No.8368678

>What you download
The absolute fucking state of zoomers

>> No.8368682

For all practical purposes cartridges are just a medium for software distribution.
Yes, they are hardware but the important part is the content.

>> No.8368702

>strip mall in middle of no where
>features generic sounding video game store "Gaming Center" or something along those lines
>DKC $40
>Mario 64 $50

Is this some sort of money laundering operation? Do normies actually shop here?

>> No.8368707

I live in England and it's the same here
in my small village and the village next to me there is a retro game shop in each that has insane prices for n64 and snes shit
tbf they sell second hand and modern games and dvds too so they make money but their focus is on older stuff
they check the prices on ebay and other sites to make sure they're correct, they're probably just going along with the scalper prices

>> No.8368712

>sell second hand and modern games
*second hand modern games
no "and"

>> No.8368730

Yeah the store I'm describing also had DVDs and other media. Also yugioh and MtG cards.
I just can't fathom paying those Ebay prices for the older games.

I'm glad I bought most of the gamecube games I wanted from Gamestops clearance bins in the last 2000's.

>> No.8368763

yeah I was a "retro gamer" when I grew up because I was poor and all my playstation stuff was given to me for free by a family friend who didn't want the ps1 anymore, same with my gamecube I found it in a charity shop 9 years ago for £15
now some of the games are over £100 its mental

I'm glad emulation and other alternatives are widespread nowadays
I don't particularly care about owning the original hardware as long as emulation is accurate enough

>> No.8368787

Sorry underage poor, i kept my toys.

>> No.8368803

I'm not a zoomer. You're trying too hard to fit in, totally-not-a-zoomer.

I agree, but still going to refer to physical items as hardware.

>> No.8368862

yeah man. my pal and i used to raid gamestop for ps2 games during the ps3 era. they had so many and for so cheap. I went in, years later, to do the same with DS games. those motherfuckers were still expensive.

>> No.8368881

This. They are made out of hard plastic. They are hardware

>> No.8368884 [DELETED] 


>> No.8368910 [DELETED] 

Blowing 120$ on a plastic cartridge that could go to a nice anniversary dinner with your girlfriend or would go into your 401k/ Roth IRA? Yeah that's really manly. Go drink your Onions and jerk off to vaush tweets you absolute faggot

>> No.8368914

i can price a hotdog 50 dollah but does anyone pay that?

>> No.8368924

Duck hunt and smb is 10 dollars loose on eBay you absolute tard.

>> No.8368934

Apparently not sought after enough to justify those prices, given that the tweet explicitly says they aren't selling and the seller is having to lower the prices.

>> No.8368962

cartridges are media you fucking mong

>> No.8368965

simply be a professional and you won't have to worry about money *shrug*

>> No.8368967

Only in London

>> No.8368981

this isn't just collectors, it's outright greed on the part of the sellers/scalpers.
it's like all those ebay sellers that list a beat up copy of Pokemon Blue with a torn label for $500 because it's basically free to keep up there in perpetuity until somebody actually buys it.
they find copies of these games at thrift stores and flea markets and mark them up at huge margins because there's no risk for them to do so.
but the conclusion is the same: emulate, use FPGAs, use flashcarts, use ODEs, don't give these scammers a penny

>> No.8368982

Do we need four of these /v/ tier bait threads up at all times?

>> No.8368985

Stop buying meme games then retard
Anyone actually buying and playing games isn't spending more than $60 on games regularly

>> No.8368989

Next you're going to tell me an optical disc is hardware because it's tangible

>> No.8368996 [DELETED] 
File: 232 KB, 1049x404, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking triplekek @ how western EOP insects are being routinely scammed by jews, meanwhile nihongochads continue winning as per usual

>> No.8369000

These are 100% fake.

An easy tell is every single label is pristine, but that's an even bigger red flag on pokemon games. The pokemon red cart is extremely discolored and has a brand new label. Impossible considering how old it is.

>> No.8369005

you mean the giveaway wasn't just the fact that there there were two in a package for $20?

>> No.8369010

This isn't an issue for me or anyone willing to do research. I have a lot of experience with inspecting pokemon motherboards.

>> No.8369017

It was for me but clearly some people fall for it if that guy posted the image. Either he believes they're real or he is willing to pay $20 for a repro.

>> No.8369019

>implying retroshops will let you open up the games in front of them

I don't get why people would buy repros. Do they not know how to use flash carts?

>> No.8369040

>I don't get why people would buy repros. Do they not know how to use flash carts?
Because they're insane. It's possible that it reproduces the nostalgia factor to some degree for them, but flash carts are obviously better. Nobody should support people that bootleg.

>implying retroshops will let you open up the games in front of them
Why would I go to a retro shop, now? I only deal with ebay sellers that show me the motherboard because I know that they know what they're selling. If they don't know how to open it up, I assume they have a bootleg and don't know. When I get the game, I'll open it up myself to make sure I wasn't scammed.

>> No.8369063
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>> No.8369084

It honestly makes me not give a shit about browsing ebay, when the vast majority of results are perpetually relisted overpriced crap. I get why they do it, because, as you said, no reason not to do so, and inevitably some YouTube shlub will make some video hyping up said overpriced game at some point and people will flock to ebay to pay whatever silly price is being asked. I know I've seen some ridiculously priced BINs that eventually sell, sometimes even after a year of being relisted.

>> No.8369087

There are a lot of stupid people in this thread. Software is code, hardware is the machinery it’s run on. A cartridge in the case of games is hardware that contains software. Software by nature is entirely digital and therefore intangible by nature. People refer to cartridges and discs it as software because that’s their sole purpose. They are figuratively software, not literally.

>> No.8369090

>I don't know what that means.
We know.

>> No.8369091

Some of the expensive Japanese MD games are funny to see. I remember Comix Zone and The Ooze were the primo expensive MD games back in the early 00s, and I assume they're still expensive.

>> No.8369113

This is actually normal though, all the late releases on Mega Drive are super rare and have always gone for ridiculous prices. Batman Forever, Maximum Carnage, Foreman For Real, Judge Dredd etc have been ridiculously priced for many years now. I remember buying The Ooze at 20k, now it's several times that. I'm the source of the manual scans of said games at Segaretro btw.

>> No.8369117

What is the most expensive complete Japanese MD game, since you seem to be a fan? I knew some of the ones you mentioned were, but I've also seen Battle Mania Daiginjou way up there.

>> No.8369148

For released games it's roughly a tie between Maximum Carnage and WWF Raw since those were the last two games released in Japan (though I ended up settling on the 32X version of Raw since it was cheaper at the time.) All the late Acclaim games fetch a premium ironically they're some of the laziest releases out there with a reused PAL box with a Japanese sticker on it and completely unlocalized ROMs.

>> No.8369151

Well actually the last MD game released in Japan was Madou Monogatari but it's fairly inexpensive

>> No.8369180

>I remember buying The Ooze at 20k

>> No.8369216

that cover is very aesthetic

>> No.8369254

The absolute state of poorfags

>> No.8369265

Tetris is 3,000,000 yen
Maximum Carnage is 500,000 - 1,000,000 yen
Virtual Bart and some Japanese typing game are 300,000

>> No.8369271

Tetris was unreleased

>> No.8369272

Almost every Japanese mega drive cover has fantastic artwork

>> No.8369281

Hence why the only copies around are people who smuggled them out of the factory. There are only 4 verified copies in the world. One in Spain, an Australian coomlector has 2 of them, and one is sitting in a store in Tokyo for 3 million yen.

>> No.8369332

There are fake ones out there which use the full scans that were included with the Sega Ages Tetris collection on PS2.

>> No.8369349

What does this mean
>very aesthetic

>> No.8369409 [DELETED] 

I bet you this isn't even around anymore because niggers broke into it

>> No.8369547

reminder to keep shilling endlessly emulation, repros, fpga and every possible alternative to real hardware so that
can find all the real cool stuff for cheaper.

>> No.8369958

i don't think any of that keeps prices lower. In recent years, all those alternatives have been accessible, and prices have skyrocketed.

>> No.8369968

accessible is not enough, i want people to start believing they are BETTER than having the real thing

>> No.8370054

be a good little goyim and listen to the kike reseller; everytime you download a rom or buy a counterfeit game, you're stealing from the kike reseller. and we can't have that, only the kike reseller is allowed to steal, strait from the mouths of developers unpaid dues on used game sales.

>> No.8370069

they're obviously fake and I use flashcarts namefag

since the machine is in commiefornia, they probably stole the machine too. less than 950 total, have fun trying to stop them.

>> No.8370089

topkek, this is like bottling air from 2001 and then getting mad 20 years later that people are choosing to just breathe free air rather than "rewarding" you for your foresight in bottling air twenty years ago.
There are few in this word scummier than reseller kikes.

>> No.8370092

No, buy these nuts retard while I play a better version of that game you wasted 100s of dollars on for free while you struggle to to upsell it for more than what you paid for it like an idiot down the line.

>> No.8370097

Reminder copying is not theft.

>> No.8370113
File: 142 KB, 750x1000, 02155F05-9350-45AF-8A19-5A639DFE31F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing 50 roms in an hourlong session with virtual controls on the touchscreen of his Moto G5 and getting absolutely nothing out of it

>> No.8370118

>not playing video games

>> No.8370224

>paying for the idea and not the intrinsic value of the item i.e. cents worth of plastic
holy kek don't tell them about the currency

>> No.8370441

It's theft of intellectual property. Let's say you write a script, and I then make a copy of that script, and I then put that script into production at my theatre, and sell tickets to that production, I have taken food out of your mouth.

>> No.8370446

If you're paying more than $35 for a Pokemon game then you're fucking retarded

>> No.8370524

Probably in yen, so $200.

>> No.8370548

Prove anyone who came to see it at my theater came for the show and not just to sit in my theater.

>> No.8370550

Intellectual property is cancer and so are you. The entire concept rests on an ancient law passed by butthurt royalty that couldn't stand the power of the printing press.

>> No.8370598

cry harder, bitch-ass nigger. intellectual "'"property""" is fake and gay

>> No.8370778

Holy cope

>> No.8370787

Where to buy repro cartridges, re-programmers? How can I make repro cartridges for myself? And in the other side I thin it's not so bad with these prices because more and more will come to the retro video games business, there was only krikzz, now TerraOnion, there are a lot of ODEs and more will come in future I think, the MiSTer and so on. It's good business and we need more players in this business. Fuck shelfs

>> No.8370790
File: 99 KB, 597x948, 1570765879701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the hell is Pokemon of all games so damn expensive? They sell several million copies every time; the supply is ample.

>> No.8370792

This. IP is just another form of government enforced monopoly.

>> No.8370829

This is why I got out of the cartridge shit and got into the arcade shit. Not many people want to deal with 40 year old wooden art boxes, and traverse America looking for them. Plus you need to know a good amount of basics before repairing one, or else your head will spin, and you'll break something.

>> No.8370838

very few people end up selling their pokemon games apparently, while newer younger fans hunt down older copies to complete their collections

>> No.8370843

It's not hard to imagine why people don't wanna sell their pokemon carts when they still have their childhood memories and favorite pokemon on them.

>> No.8370849

rgby and gsc battery saves actually died long ago.

>> No.8370858

Been emulating for 22 years. Its shit. Stop acting like its new and hip you stupid beta faggot.

>> No.8370908

When and why did the price of Pokemon, one of the best selling games of all times, got so high?

>> No.8370946

Game Freak has only ever rereleased Gen 1 and 2 on virtual console so that's why. (and also why those prices are a touch lower than Gen 3-5) COVID brought out people's hobbies more, especially when they were getting free money.

>> No.8370951


>> No.8370985

i think kids lose their games. my brother lost pokemon yellow and silver. I lost my silver. Only have my red.

>> No.8371009

Pokemon fans will buy anything and with the pandemic people are wanting to play games from their childhood so they spend 100 dollars on Pokemon Emerald and don't even bat an eye. I have seen people complaining about prices of the Pokemon games yet contribute to it by still paying it. It's really insane. I think prices overall will go down (not to the level they were before all this started) but I legitimately think Pokemon will hold these prices.

>> No.8371071

fair point

>> No.8371073

We don't need phones to play free pokemon on the go anymore, anon.

>> No.8371086

I don't think the people complaining about normalfag shit like pokemon being expensive are the ones contributing by actually buying at those prices. Those sort of prices are driven by bottom-of-the-barrel normalfags who think to themselves "DUUUUDE POKEMON I LOVED THIS SHIT AS A KID! 200 BUCKS FOR EMERALD? PFFFT LMAO I'M GETTING MY PAYCHECK TOMORROW I CAN AFFORD THAT".

I can't necessarily read the minds of every collectorfag out there, but generally I think those types are the ones that are more frugal about acquiring their games. It's the "drive-bys" who just YOLO some money at something uncritically who are the ones who skyrocket prices on stuff like this.

>> No.8371118

I'd imagine most long-time true collectors have long since purchased Pokemon games if they really wanted them in the first place, and probably had most of the ones they really wanted since release. And even if they don't have some Pokemon game that they want for whatever reason, yeah, they probably aren't wanting to pay a hundred plus for something so common and insignificant in a collector's sense. I've been a passive collector by way of hanging on to shit as a kid in the 90s, actively collecting g by hunting down stuff online since the early 00s, and if I'm going to break the $100 barrier for a single game, it better be something actually hard to find, and not absolute rock-bottom commons like Pokemon games. Sure, maybe some normalfag is more impressed by sealed Pokemon games or a drawer full of copies of Emerald, but I collect so I can sit alone in my gameroom and jerkoff over my superior taste in obscure games, not to impress redditors.

>> No.8371130

I don't necessarily think the people complaining about the prices of things like pokemon games are necessarily intended on buying them either way. It's more that they're commenting on the overall state of the market and how it's a complete clownshow by pointing out how common-as-fuck games that sold tens of millions of copies are going for triple-digits because of retards just YOLOing money at shit with no rhyme or reason.

For example I haven't bought any pokemon games since I got Y version back in 2013 but I've absolutely used them as examples of how ridiculous things have gotten and to gawk at how bad the prices are.

>> No.8371160
File: 121 KB, 256x374, Ffxboxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come to realize I have a massive infatuation with box arts. I probably spent dozens of hours looking at my game boxes. It's probably for that reason that I look at something like this and, even though I can emulate every one of those games I still really want the real copies.
Especially those GBC. They were so fucking aesthetic

>> No.8371432

With OPL you can get all the box arts

>> No.8371448

can't play and look at the box at same time
fuck retro game collecting though

>> No.8371535

As a kid I could buy Nintendo and Super Nintendo games from the pawn shop for .25 cents a cartridge and N64 and PS1 games for 2-10 bucks. Now a "remastered" Nintendo game goes for 20 bucks.

Steam ruined the gaming industry.

>> No.8371549

>Steam caused people to inflate used prices on ebay
>Nintendo selling remasters on steam
is this a schizo post?

>> No.8371747

Trippy McTripper just revealed he is Larping because arcade prices are through the fucking roof now too. Log off and go to bed, kiddo.

>> No.8371864

I made a copy of your movie script there is still one left. So copying is not theft. Also defending Hollywood and it's unoriginal writing is the highest tier of stupidity.

>> No.8372042

Just checked ebay in my country and I'm seeing sapphire going for over 100 bucks.
I don't really care about anything past gen 2, so I guess I'm selling my copy.

>> No.8372258

All creative work is derivative.

>> No.8372335

I'll never forget that time I bought FireRed for the first time when I was 12 (game was already like 7 years old by then). Popped it into my DS and was finally about to live the dream game I've waited for half my life. Game cartridge was corrupted. Emulating just doesn't feel the same, but for that reason, I find collecting stupid.

>> No.8372403
File: 511 KB, 1170x905, 9A681233-25A6-4472-A20B-B4BFB0C057FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a real cartridge. You have no battery, you have no manufacturer stamp, you have no compatibility with bank or other official titles. You are a homosexual repro twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your cartridges ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
Real fans are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed players to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even fake carts that “pass” look uncanny and unnatural. Your cartridge structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy to buy one from you, he’ll turn tail and demand a refund the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, repro cartridge.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man and his chink repros are buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a cartridge collection that is unmistakably fake and gay.

This is your fate.
This is what you chose.
There is no turning back.

>> No.8372798

what if you write a novel and I memorize it word for word? Is it then theft if I remember it back to myself in order, not even written down?

>> No.8372821

Downloading stuff will never be illegal deal with it bootlickers

>> No.8372849
File: 24 KB, 640x400, moo-The American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. push return key.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, the real problem is copyright lasting through infinity, it would be fine if it had the same length a patent has. There's a reason why patents last 15/20 years, everyone knows anything more borders on retarded.
If we did not have copyright for vidya the only thing we'd see after pong would be USSR and East Germany tier arcade "games", and equally abysmal shit once personal computers start to become popular. Since only lone basement dwellers would care to write anything for it, without the foundations of gaming established by the big bois in our timeline, it would all be crap.
Fast forward to today and you'd have the same trannies writing soulless whiny text adventure "games", but we wouldn't have the ludo commercial and indie games we have today except Tetris. Maybe some freeware Chip's Challenge style puzzle games but that's it.

20 year copyright is the actual good timeline where everything remains the same except Nintendo seethes even harder at people legally downloading, manufacturing and reselling Super Mario Bros.[!][u1].zip and countless romhack remixes, with those Mario games becoming public domain cultural artifacts as they should be.
pic unrelated

>> No.8372959

I've been getting rid of a lot of my stuff. The used game store where I live is super weird. Things that (to me) have no value are great offers from the place, but things I actually want are cheap. Shit blows my mind, but whatever. Also I don't fancy myself a collector. Have pretty much all I want for now, and don't see the bubble crashing for a while yet

>> No.8373002

They’re built shittily though. Usually they have the wrong save chip type and have a botch job patch applied the to ROM to make it save to whatever piece of shit component they could find. Some even write the save directly back to the ROM chip itself.

>> No.8373015

"will be prosecuted" >sells fake Nintendo carts, yeah about that........

>> No.8373042

Aesthetic = good looking

>> No.8373119

No more dead batteries? Sign me up.

>> No.8373124

>”all anti hardware posters spam wojacks”
>proceeds to post a wojack

Anon, I…