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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8174840 No.8174840 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a good idea to collect games for consoles you don't own, or is it a waste of money? I own a Super Famicom, Saturn and PS1, but I also want to start collecting for consoles I don't own such as PC-Engine and Mega Drive

>> No.8174850

Games are meant to be played. Holding onto them like that with no intention of playing them seems cruel to me.

>> No.8174879

I'd say yes if you're planning to pick up the console pretty much immediately after.
For example if you find a Neo Geo MVS game for super cheap at a flea market then grab it and go get yourself a console on AliExpress or Ebay for next to nothing. On the other hand if you ever find a PC-FX game then leave it, you're never buying one of those.

>> No.8174887

Not owning a mega drive is pretty gay though.

>> No.8174945

Spotted the emulatorfag

>> No.8174959

It seems like a waste of money if you can't play them.

>> No.8175038

Why would you collect something that you cant play?

>> No.8175039

true coomlectors don't play anyway, so it doesn't matter.

>> No.8175050
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I want Arle to collect my semen inside her cunny.

>> No.8175052

So you admit that emulatorfags actually play games, we're making progress.

>> No.8175105
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>> No.8175115
File: 67 KB, 221x192, 1629083777830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I'll continue to buy games for the consoles I own and buy consoles I don't own eventually, along with games for them. Thanks anons

>> No.8175141

If you're main intent is playing the games instead of collecting than of course you should get the consoles, but at that rate you could just emulate or pirate them.

>> No.8175156

Fuck off

>> No.8175423
File: 10 KB, 599x605, c659abb25ebcc6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I imagine if Moo showed up at Gust HQ.

>> No.8175427

>bro just put the game on a shelf forever

>> No.8176528
File: 2.13 MB, 2016x1512, Killer_app_system_sellers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you do with your money is for you to decide. That is what I did in the past as I raided clearance bins. I would have games for systems I do not yet have. For years, I'd find a cheap 3DO game here and there for a couple bucks, but only last year I finally got a 3DO. It was bothersome knowing I had no way of getting rid of the 3DO games and cannot utilize them for years. It is sort of a gamble that the system will be cheap in the future. I am still hoping to get a Xbox One X (and/or original One not S) and a Switch as I snagged a few cheap games I would love on the systems, but it may take many years for those to become affordable. If you can wait, and the deals are very good for the games you want to play, it may be worthwhile.

>> No.8176542
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>coomlector who has bought games to poverty and thinks nothing of it is giving financial advice
Have you begged your boss for that overtime yet?

>> No.8176550

Yeah, if you plan to get the console and find a good deal on a game you want, it would seem like an obvious choice to go ahead and buy it. I regret more things that I've passed on than those I've purchased. With as fucked as the market is, most of yesterday's poorly thought out purchases are today's profitable sales to fund other purchases.

>> No.8178497

i like using my pc for emulatoion

>> No.8178904

I haz seen on ebay gaemz without the actual gaem in it maybe that's what Op wants

>> No.8179236

These threads are fucking cancer. Isn't there a subreddit for the mentally ill people like you? Stay there.

>> No.8179601
File: 305 KB, 352x590, 1627529456415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf are you talking about?

>> No.8179639

Kys you fucking pedophile

>> No.8179647
File: 1.13 MB, 348x498, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Telling someone to kiss their sister goes against you point anon.

>> No.8179668
File: 115 KB, 870x1010, 1628649395045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can play physical CD games in retroarch but the audio and video aren't in sync, and I don't really know how to fix that, but it's free.

For cartridge games you could buy a retrode or retron 5 to play physical games on an emulator. There's also the ridiculously priced polymega with the separate console attachments. Neither of them are worth it however.

>> No.8180797

Playing physical games on an emulator is like the worst of both worlds, you're paying to emulate. If you have original carts you want to play then pony up and buy the original hardware.

>> No.8181325

I also want this anon.


>> No.8181424

>can't afford a switch
maybe if you didn't spend all your money on games you're never gonna play

>> No.8181436

I always enjoy your posts, note anon. Zoomie bandwagoners get absolutely triggered when they hear that a poorer guy who had the foresight to load up on shit when it was cheap has a collection that eternally btfos their paltry shelf of games bought for 5x inflated prices.

Didn't you post a webm of some of your stash? I'd like to see it again

>> No.8181449

That's what retro gaming is about
Yeah and that's why we hate them on /vr/
>playing games
Poorfag cope

>> No.8181616


>> No.8181623

Meant to say same

>> No.8183304

who died and made you trannyking