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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8136967 No.8136967 [Reply] [Original]

So the only difference between this and the X7 is that with the X7 you don't have to reset to save? Why the hell is the price difference so big?

>> No.8137019

Cough up the money already, paypiggie

>> No.8137029

It also has the clock and dev-usb.
Which could be really important. Though for most the x5 is more than enough and a better deal than the older variants before they swapped to the x labels.

>> No.8137083

Premium product = premium price
With no competition, expect zero price drops. I have an X5 but at this point I'm going to sell it and get the X7.

>> No.8137091

More hardware included for dev purposes and RTC.

It isn't worth it unless you're serious about N64 homebrew development or just really, really need to play the N64 version of Animal Crossing without a handicap.

>> No.8137109

What does "save without reset" mean exactly?

>> No.8137116

For 5 and below, you need to reset the N64 after you saved and want to quit

>> No.8137135

That sounds kind of annoying. I'd probably buy an X7 just for that. May be expensive but it's the last thing I'd ever purchase for my N64 anyway.

>> No.8137182

Definitely worth the price of the X7. For the price (roughly 300$ my currency) I could buy 6 good quality games like Mario Kart, Smash brothers, Kirby and Paper mario etc... but now I can play all of those as well as try out the unpopular games that I might like. Playing Smash Brothers Hack is pretty awesome and so is playing all the lesser known titles that I was curious about as a kid but couldn't justify buying or even renting.

tl'dr don't be poor and no I don't know why there is a big price difference. It would be cool to see what is going on inside that causes this and why you need to reset.

>> No.8137186

The x7 was made mainly for home brew development I think, but not having to reset for saving is nice, although I think the method for this is an onboard battery that retains the data until you power the system on again, don’t quote me on that though

>> No.8137192

It isn’t really, you just press the reset button real quick then power down. The buttons are right next to each other anyway

>> No.8137270

It has an RTC feature but I think that only applies to Animal Forest and nothing else.

>> No.8137298
File: 48 KB, 512x384, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy a clone. Works the same.

>> No.8137321

Bought one of those and worked pretty well for 2 or 3 years until I played Pokemon Stadium and the game froze 2 times, afterward the cartridge doesn't seem to function anymore if a SD card is inserted, just a black screen.

>> No.8137430

where do you get that?

>> No.8137667

Can't use alt firmware and gameshark codes on No Mercy.
Other than that it works great!

>> No.8137670

Eh, if I wanted "good enough", I'd just emulate.

>> No.8137687

what is it you think the everdrive can do that this can't?

>> No.8137757

>alt firmware
as a new owner of an x5, I'm interested in this
got any examples?

>> No.8137780


>> No.8137793

>(for ED64v1 and ED64v2 only)

>> No.8137878
File: 29 KB, 900x312, ED 64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded?
Not in an ironical way, I mean are you actually retarded?

There's a comparison-table on the everdriveDOTme-page comparing X7 (formerly known as v3), X5 and v2.5.

>> No.8137958

>ive never llayed a real n64

>> No.8138052

>Game Save Device
who they foolin'?

>> No.8138068

dumbass gweilos looking for a bargain

>> No.8139537

whats the best place to buy them (where you can use paypal)?

>> No.8139553

Were there any n64 games that required resetting for saving? I only remember that on the nes

>> No.8139561

Amazon for krikzz stuff probably
Aliexpress for knockoff stuff

>> No.8139589

Realtime saving without reset is great. Also love the dev port. Used it once already to dump and restore GB/C saves

>> No.8139590

There's a version of Pokémon stadium that fucks all flash carts. Even my x7 had it.

>> No.8139970

got my v5 from castlemania

>> No.8140001

Everdrive dot me
Amazon is almost double the price

>> No.8140003

For most of the "high end" everdrives the extra features are almost completely useless and don't justify the significantly higher price. "oh no muh internal battery for the animal forest clock" isn't enough to pay double.

>> No.8140005

What's the difference between a MEGA EVERDRIVE X7 ($99) and a MEGA EVERDRIVE PRO ($199) and which one should I buy?

>> No.8140015

The big difference is the Sega CD support. It also has an RTC for labeling saves with the right time. There are other small little things like customizing the menu or the built-in NES emulation core, etc

>> No.8140028

at that price though you might as well just get an actual sega cd save cart. Or just not bother with it. Sega CD has internal storage anyway. And there really aren't that many games that even warrant save files anyway, so you have more than enough.

>> No.8140034

Does it work on a modified PAL Model 1 if switch the region to NTSC or are these cards region-independent?

>> No.8140048

It's 79 more not double, shop around zoomie.

>> No.8140068

>at that price though you might as well just get an actual sega cd save cart
A Mega CD alone is more expensive than the cart
Mega Drive has the same boards no matter region

>> No.8140076

That's what I've got, works great aside from the "reset to save" shit.

>> No.8140130

But they dont allow paypal

>> No.8140136

>Amazon is almost double the price
maybe you're not looking at the official seller

>> No.8140137

Shit, my reset button has been caved in and not working for 19 years

>> No.8140207

I don't think the cost is worth it. But then again I'm not a fat fuck and I can get up off the sofa to hit the reset button when required

>> No.8140225

Got mine on amazon

>> No.8140303

I think is literally just for Animal Crossing though, which i don't think even has a full fan translation
I ponied up for the X7 though, I bought it by selling some of my old video games so it was all funny money any way. The "normal" saving feature is a big enough quality of life upgrade to justify it for me.

>> No.8140310

I use Stone Age Gamer
they set up the microsd card for you if you buy one and their customer service is legitimately great
it's worth the money imo

>> No.8140319

I already have a SD card, I just want it the most cheaply and being able to pay with something that isn't a credit card

>> No.8140335

I think Stone Age Gamer takes paypal, and you can opt out of the extras like an sd card
It might not be the absolute cheapest price out there though

>> No.8140343

I mean you could get a prepaid card if that's your issue

>> No.8140349

stone age gamer charges 1/4 extra in price and a much larger international shipping cost

>> No.8141293
File: 51 KB, 886x609, mega-pro-cmp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the difference between a MEGA EVERDRIVE X7 ($99) and a MEGA EVERDRIVE PRO ($199) and which one should I buy?
you useless normies really need to start reading the friggin websites properly tbqhfam

>> No.8141351

Shit, really? Is there a way to know which? Which versions are save?

>> No.8141365

No, I have nerds like you doing that for me. ;P

>> No.8141373

Everything by the official seller is listed to me as 'Currently unavailable' on Amazon. wth

>> No.8141420


>> No.8141523

Is there any reason to not just buy it on everdrive.me or whatever?

>> No.8141718

no paypal

>> No.8141825

SAG has a points system too. If you're buying in flashcards bulk (2+) you'll probably wind up with a $50 coupon

>> No.8141827

For me it was picking Chansey would immediately crash the whole system. I think v1.2 was the fixed one but you can try all three and see.

>> No.8141906

>Also love the dev port. Used it once already to dump and restore GB/C saves
I thought you could just use a transfer pak for that?

>> No.8141953

You use the transfer pak to mount the cartridges and then dump and inject data over a serial connection via USB

>> No.8141956

That ripoff site won't let me pay with PayJew

>> No.8142006

Doesn't say anything about using the dev port and specifically says x5 is supported.

>> No.8142018

>Stoneage gamer and the Everdrive store stopped selling the atomic purple coloured shells that match my favorite controller
>emailing them about it, SAG still has a couple left over from their previous supplier but wanted to charge me a custom order fee that would make it cost as much as their ridiculous gold plated premium ones
The EDS will sell them at a discount again on Black Friday, right?
I can justify getting the plain style if I'm saving 10%.

>> No.8142171

>not joining the glacier blue master race

>> No.8143928

I have Rev A

>> No.8143961

Got a toys 'r' us exlcusive gold edition bitch. I've never had to reset to save ever.

>> No.8144138

isn't burakku fureidei banduru usually -20%?

>> No.8144172

It also has the built in clock for animal crossing.
Also, I can load roms on it over USB, not that it make much difference, but of I was making a room hack or custom ROM that might make development faster.
I bought the x7 a few days ago and have been having a lot of fun, but the overwhelming choice of games kills my drive to play so I'm cycling between paper Mario, gauntlet legends, and conkeri bad fur day whenever I get bored.

>> No.8144174

Anyone here got it? Recommended?

>> No.8144186

Why not get an ifixit screw set for consoles and get in there and see what's up?

>> No.8144538

>buy one to spoil myself and stream N64 games
>mid-stream the game crashes
>"Oh, it's probably just the rom. I'll try a different game".
>freezes again
>check online and people have reported problems with crashes
>send it back to them to fix it free of charge
That was nearly 2 months ago now /vr/os. Am I fucked? Should I just get a chink knock-off?

>> No.8144550

shit like this is why i pay the premium for stoneage gamer

>> No.8144552

we get it, your a shill

heh, no, I got a ED64 and it's the same

>> No.8146454

just to be sure, are you talking about Stadium 1 or Stadium 2? I've seen some messages about this with 2 but it happend to me with Stadium 1

>> No.8146510
File: 233 KB, 800x320, 1572977556736.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a weird thing happen earlier today where I couldn't reset the N64 after a 2 hour gaming session in order to save. Using a v5. I literally spammed the shit out of the reset button and nothing, the damn game kept chugging along. First time the console's ever behaved like this. Had to turn it off regular, and as expected my save file wasn't updated.

Is this a known issue? Afterwards I popped the Everdrive out and it felt warm to me and so did the console around the ram expansion area in front (but after 2 hours that's probably normal right?). Popped it back in and tried a different game real quick and reset was working again.

Fucking weird.

>> No.8147580

>but it happend to me with Stadium 1
are you sure?

>> No.8147605

Yes because I wanted to play Stadium 1 before 2, but I never got to 2 because it the game kept freezing in 1, I was going against Blaine and both times the damn thing froze somewhere mid battle. Now everytime I power up the cartridge all I get is a black screen, no sound, no video, nothing, however, this only happens when a SD card is inserted in the slot, if there isn't any, I get a screen saying it needs an SD card with the ED64 OS file on it.

>> No.8148342


>> No.8149524

sounds more like legit hardware-failure than the issue with stadium 2.

>> No.8151294

so more or less double

>> No.8151493

What if I don't use paypal?

>> No.8151521

What if I don't use credit card?

>> No.8151586

Understandable. Is the everdrive website vulnerable to credit card leaks/hacks? I heard people on here say that they had their card number stolen and racked up after using the official website and not amazon or stoneage.

>> No.8152294

This, honestly. It would be one thing if you could power down from the controller, but it's just an extra step and you're at the console already anyways. I don't regret the V5 at all, but I also have no urge to play Animal Crossing 64.

>> No.8152330

Just as saying as someone who's had their credit card number stolen in the past, it's the most non-issue I've ever experienced. I just tell the company what charges aren't mine, they refund them, and then send me a new card. I wouldn't stress over using everdrive.me. I just ordered a mega drive pro there yesterday.

>> No.8152337

Someone also told me that certain everdrives can "run hot". Like the N64 ones can cause the system to really heat up more than usual.

>> No.8153872
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patiently waiting for the superior 64drive over this ukranian trash

>> No.8156003

>Orders are temporarily on hold (May 2021)
lmao marshall with his usual antics.

>> No.8156005

>inb4 muh chip-shortage

>Apologies for the many people who have had orders delayed for a very long time. I am shipping orders as I can for now, once plastics are done orders will be quickly caught up. - Marshall

>> No.8156163

I’m unironically waiting for this since my n64 is the least played console and I hate the krikz sales model of releasing a new cart for some incremental feature that could have been added to the existing versions

>> No.8156376

What's the benefit of this over the Everdrive?

>> No.8156398
File: 34 KB, 512x320, unnamed (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude just buy a flashcart lol
>meanwhile every other thread has someone getting bitten in the ass by the gorillion of shitty revisions

>> No.8156409

For me I know it isn't a big deal to reset before turning off, but I KNOW I'm going to at least once forget to press the reset button, and lose 3-4 hours of my playing.

>> No.8156430

I got it. Been playing Sega CD games (pretty much the reason to get this), and yeah it works. Lunar, Snatcher, Sonic CD, all works fine. And the couple of MSU games work too. Nothing strange while playing it. No reason to really get it unless you want to play Sega CD, but if you do, it's about the same price as a CD unit alone, so you might as well.

>> No.8156460

Once you can just play any game it won't be special anymore
I say this unironically you should just buy one or two games

>> No.8156479

I bought a Gameboy colour flashcart that fucked my shit up

>> No.8156517

Emulating a poorfag kid is fucking retarded, you'll never get your childhood back and the quest for le epic intended retor game experience is futile. Once you can play any game it's just that, you can enjoy any goddamn game.

>> No.8156525

>works on my machine :]

>> No.8156530

>please buy my overpriced RARE (not really lol) cartridges

>> No.8156539

OK but literally any phone or computer newer then 10 years can emulate n64. You can emulate anything you want at any time. And whatever willpower you have that's keeping you from just hitting download and load ROM, you can use that same discipline in putting ROMs on your flashcart. i.e. you're retarded.

>> No.8157394

>OK but literally any phone or computer newer then 10 years can emulate n64
yeah but they suck balls at it

>> No.8157460

>buying iFixit overpriced shitty tools
Lol you normalfags crack me up.

>> No.8157532
File: 35 KB, 560x547, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah USB-dev, the one useless feauture no one is gonna use but need to shove in to bloat the price.

>> No.8157542 [SPOILER] 
File: 345 KB, 521x599, 1632166902158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grifting people to pay 300 grand for 6 titles that should cost together only 60 bucks at best.

Typicall from the people who forced us to switch to flashcarts and emus

>> No.8157728

for example?

>> No.8157739

dude just buy good flashcarts lol