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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 386 KB, 474x355, dont_copy_that_floppy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8121189 No.8121189 [Reply] [Original]

You wanna be in jail anon?

>> No.8121193 [DELETED] 

Not retro, go back.

>> No.8121241
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>> No.8121260

pirating small dev's games just perpetuates the suffering of the industry

>> No.8121272

This is why I buy new horror games at full price

>> No.8121273

It’s not like the devs are handing me the best possible version of the game anyway.

>> No.8121303 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8121337
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thank you for supporting independent software

>> No.8121353

That's the way you do it.

>> No.8121359
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Can't catch me if I download a Ferrari

>> No.8121394
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>game original release
>purchase game, supporting devs
>Fast forward 20 years
>"C'mon anon, buy the game again, it has a DosBox wrapper!"
>original devs don't see a dime of the asking price
Buying old games is dumb.

>> No.8121579

>back then: You can make one backup copy
Wow, seems reasonable
>now: You can't legally make any copies because of digital protection laws
Okay so now the consumer is just fucked.

>> No.8121623

Piracy is part of the fun to me, now. I like the scavenging, applying fixes and cracks, and configuring emulators. It's actualizing. I literally can't stop and won't stop, and even if I had millions I wouldn't buy old or new shit if it was cracked. Do what you will, your honor.

>> No.8121651


>> No.8121702
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cracking is kind of fun. i miss those raging chiptunes blaring out of the PC speaker at full blast with the obscene volumes splitting your eardrums open with blood squirting out everywhere all over your desk. and yes it's a fun challenge.

>> No.8121731
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Policja nic nie może

>> No.8122168

Wasn't Spore one of the first big games with that stupid ass "you can only install this game three times, then buy a new one"?

>> No.8122182

I'm not paying 300 dollars for games like Clay Fighter Sculptor's Cut, Klonoa, Rival Schools, Marvel vs Capcom 2 Etc

>> No.8122231

>sculptor's cut
Try 1,500

>> No.8122254

I think they tried and then everyone shat on them so hard they walked it back soon after release.

>> No.8122273

Yeah, I'm not paying 1,500 for that
Thanks for correcting me

>> No.8122276

I just can't understand why making backup DVDs is illegal, one tiny scratch on a disc can ruin the viewing experience forever, and there's so much exclusive shit released only on DVD.

>> No.8122382
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But it's shareware!

>> No.8122406

I want the gaming industry to crash so I'll not buy anything

>> No.8122413

Yes and because of it they got pirated and patched to hell.

They also released a few games you COULDN'T copy. They claimed a new code had been made to stop pirates and that even if u did make a copy, that copy wouldn't work because the code wouldn't be the same.

Then CloneCD came along within about 2 months and pirates won again

>> No.8122420 [DELETED] 

It's been heading that way for awhile anon. It would have crashed 6 years ago if it hadn't been for indie devs saving it.

Just look at the AAA shit u get today.
Remaking kotor (a game which no one asked for) and the writer is a crazy fucking lying jew woman who's a feminist, claimed she was digitally raped in gta5 and has come out with other insane things.

U then have saints row being remastered (again no one asked for it) and its sjw woke trash. Devs going full retard and insulting the fanbase for woke points on twitter.

It's like triple A games are out to TRY and bring down gaming

>> No.8122486

I wouldn't say indie devs alone, rather smaller companies. 2013 is when things started rearing their ugly head, but there was at least Metal Gear Rising to offset the Mass Effect 3s and Bioshock Infinites of the year.

>> No.8122537

You cant put me in jail, im not even a nigger

>> No.8122540

No but i would download a whore

>> No.8122552

They're putting nigbeats in some of them now. I just mute while installing now

>> No.8122554

>I just can't understand why making backup DVDs is illegal
Making copies of your own DVDs for personal use is explicitly permitted under the DMCA

>> No.8122563

If you own a game its perfectly legal to crack it, and why would it be illegal to download a copy of a game you own?

>> No.8122570

Not in Canada, USA, or UK if you're breaking a form of digital copy protection along the way. Australians and Zealandians are fine.

>> No.8123715
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>> No.8123716

I can understand cracking down on pirating a recent release, but why do they go after pirating a 20-30 year old release?

>> No.8123720

you are right, thank you for the correction

>> No.8123751

I hope they keep doing it. It's funny

>> No.8123760
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>> No.8123771 [DELETED] 

That was pretty much the beginning of the end for big triple A games being good.

All the last good AAA games I played were around the end of the ps3s life. There were the odd few which popped up on pc over the past few years but everything decent has been done by indie devs whilst everything else is being butchered by big named companies.

I dont want to see niggers in my games unless there enemies I can attack and kill. I dont want feminist bullshit in my game unless I can beat them up, put them in a trunk of a car and then ditch it in the river. I dont want forced diversity rammed down my throat telling me propaganda which I know isnt true.

Sadly this is how gaming is today.
We got wow telling us orks are racist coz orks = black people.
We got weak willed lefties in warhammer pissing in their pants if a female model looks female.
We have shoya drinking beta males in transformers who cry like fucking children if a female transformer has breasts and lefty websites like tfw2005 BAN you if u mention or show pics of that female character with breasts.

Then in gaming we have shit like saints row, dead space, kotor remakes no one asked for which are written by lunatics with lefty ideals who love communism.

If indie devs just stopped for the next 5 years I truly believe gaming would crash and possibly even die thanks to mental retards like that Jewish woman who's the writer for the kotor remake

>> No.8123774

They fucking legit shut off my internet for 6 months for pirating Deus Ex and a few other old re-released gog games from Pirate Bay. This sucks, use a vpn anons or be like me phone posting and counting data for 6 fucking months.

>> No.8123783

Just use file lockers. Getting dinged once ages ago for a PSP ISO was enough to tell me to avoid torrents at all costs. I ain't doing that VPN shit. Just use mega and archive and shit, where your IP isn't broadcasted to everyone downloading and uploading. They'd have to subpoena the site for traffic related to that file, and it would have to be an egregious legal, not civil matter. There's no risk.

>> No.8123786

you got a letter from your ISP for downloading a psp game? that's kinda hilarious

>> No.8123787
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>deleted the rom 24 hours after downloading it

No jail for me

>> No.8123790 [DELETED] 

cry more bitch. guess ur stuck playing with ur transformers lmao

>> No.8123793

Yeah back in 2010.

>> No.8123797

I know I was just being lazy and it fucked me. Console games I would just use cdromance or a google/mega drive link and was using Pirate Bay for old pc games. I thought it was safe because all the games I downloaded were pretty old.

>> No.8123802 [DELETED] 

Sold them off anon.
Hobby had been shit for years. Now people pay 50+ for a figure with missing parts, hollow pieces and then go out and pay another 30-50 for add on kits to fix said figure.

Fuck that shit. Jews run Hasbro

>> No.8123825
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(but if you do, make it look good!)

>> No.8124947


>> No.8125008 [DELETED] 

you will never be a woman

>> No.8125128


>> No.8125428 [DELETED] 

i can't tell if this is being ironic or if you actually are being genuine.

>> No.8125435 [DELETED] 

He's right

>> No.8125790 [DELETED] 

a mans hand typed this post

>> No.8125835

Dick Protector

>> No.8125838

Raspberry pi is not a crime

>> No.8126091


>> No.8127162

It's only a crime if you profit from it:

>> No.8127964 [DELETED] 

the ironic part is that he (and almost every /pol/ tourist) fails to realize is that they would have more people on their side if they didn't immediately open up with "muh niggers" or "muh jews".

being "woke" is a symptom not a cause and getting rid of it isn't going to magically fix every other problem.

>> No.8127971 [DELETED] 

I really don't care dude. He's right in the other stuff. His core idea is true. Don't fixate on whatever surrounding thing he did

>> No.8128013 [DELETED] 

the surrounding things he said got his posts deleted.

>> No.8128150

I buy used games and cd's the artist gets nothing.
I'm now a pirate.

>> No.8128289

Fuck you ebayer

>> No.8128334

making a backup for your personal use isn't illegal

>> No.8128416

I will NEVER pay for a game, book, film or song
that shit isn't food
even if all the fucking """game industry""" crashed tomorrow my life won't change and I would just move to another hobby eventually
they want us to treat movies, music or games like some essential thing we won't survive without it
this isn't true, has never been true and never will be

>> No.8128458

Using torrents for any piracy without a vpn or otherwise hiding your IP is a bad idea. Unless you're that guy who lives in a third-world shithole where nobody cares about enforcing copyright law, lucky you!
But for normal people "what are the odds" doesn't apply, copyright lawyers have nothing better to do. Maybe you got caught because not many people were on the torrent. Be aware that opening a torrent file for 1 second and not even downloading anything will send your IP and under that law that makes you the same as a pirate site operator.

>> No.8128459

Spent almost 4 or 5 days in jail once. The lunches weren't that great. They all loved them. I wasn't that into it and gave away the weird cake loaf thing pretty often

Was the 2nd DUI charge. No more for me

>> No.8128476 [DELETED] 

also don't use torrents for Captain Planet. you've been warned.

>> No.8128498 [DELETED] 

well america is a corporate dildo country and so too are their bitchy friends up norf and across the pond, so just don't give a fuck about what those faggots at MPAA think.

>> No.8128502

Good luck with that. Retard normalfags have more money to throw around than you and do so more willingly too.

>> No.8128506

for me it was Lost Planet 2 (actually a new release to be fair) and Soul Calibur 2 on Dreamcast (weird miss there).

I suspect I just hit bad dls as I had hundreds of GBs of downloads over the years there and never got dinged for it past those two times. Probably helps that I was on a small cable company that put more value on keeping subscribers than on pushing the law shit.

>> No.8128510

in other words, "I want something but won't pay for it because I'm special for no reason"

>> No.8128518

My ISP is like that too, it's not one of the giants like Comcast. But I haven't used torrents since Obama's first term anyway.

>> No.8128525 [DELETED] 

all you needed to know about why big tech is shit and completely compromised/in bed with glowniggers, especially when you hear of stuff like Apple wanting to make CP facial recognition software (wait, how's that supposed to work anyway unless Apple has CP images on hand to use as data to write the shit with?)

>> No.8128551

yeah same, it's amazing now how much blatant piracy now occurs through fucking google drive of all things.

>> No.8128557

the big tech companies are all absolutely compromised and in bed with glowniggers

>> No.8128612 [DELETED] 

And 90% of what you buy is from USA or Canada (Dominion) because the only alternative in your country is nigzlam or the pride flag, fat fuck.

>> No.8128701

Would this include the first person FMV game I'm making?

>> No.8128706

Damn, it's an airtight defense.

>> No.8128709

If you're on private trackers you don't have that problem. Also you get a far better selection.

>> No.8128716

I struggle to think of anything I've missed out on or had distinct trouble finding outside of torrents. Maybe some weird-ass old movies and books?

>> No.8128721

You either pirate or you own nothing.

>> No.8128725

Each type of thing you're trying to download has it's own pitfalls. For movies quality is the obvious reason to be on private trackers besides the wider selection of more obscure stuff. Public trackers are littered with 1gb 1080p encodes of movies that look like shit. I never had great luck downloading console game isos from public trackers. I remember it took me a week to get a single xbox game when xbox 360 was already out and only the PAL version had any seeds. From private trackers I can get full sets for every console and they're well seeded.

>> No.8128732

I just use file lockers and have found just about any movie, within reason, at 1080p or 4K HDR. No sharing ratios or DMCAs for me. I'm just not gonna use torrents, ugh, I know, hahaha.

>> No.8128736


>> No.8128748

File lockers are far worse for DMCAs than torrents. A VPN won't bring back dead links. Also there's all the shitty ones that want you to pay for large files. I built huge ratios on every tracker I'm on years ago so I don't even need to think about it. I just search for what I want and download it. Most of the time I don't even need to worry about not finding things even if they're insanely obscure.

>> No.8128760

The DMCA won't be my problem is the difference. The onus is on the site, and they just comply and take it down. Oh no, one of the hundreds of links down, unless it's some turbo-obscure 70s movie.
>muh torrent gudboy pts
I'm happy for you but I never shared a thing, and I pirate tons of shit. To be fair there's lots of stuff I'll watch on shitty streaming sites, but if I want to show my gf a movie in decent quality it's never been an issue. ISOs are mad easy to get too.
Jdownloader2 > your shit.

>> No.8128770

>Oh no, one of the hundreds of links down
Meaning you waste more time looking for one that isn't down. That also limits your choices. I played that game before and even had a real debrid account. Even with a premium experience I still wasted a lot of time hunting for working links.
>Jdownloader2 > your shit.
Nah it's cancerous java bloatware.

>> No.8128775

It's not that much work to avoid needing your gay little club. I might join one for more thorough book collections and obscure trash cinema, but games and most movies are easy

>> No.8128786

lmao, the US really has these sorts of dystopian rules regarding torrents? Land of the (((free))) indeed.

>> No.8128789

Pretty much everywhere does. I live in a 3rd world country and torrents are not any more legal here. They just don't think they're going to get any money out of you, blood from a stone, so they leave you alone.

>> No.8128795

I'm a huefag and never had this sort of problem. Also, torrents were never """legal""".

>> No.8128807

In the US they abuse the subpoena process basically to try to squeeze money out of you outside the court system, get you to settle. It's a shady way for copyright owners to make money on the side orchestrated by crooked lawyers. One of the main ones doing it was buying up copyrights on old porn nobody cares about then pulling this shit with it. I think he was even uploading the torrents himself to trap people. He's now in prison. The same scam has been done in other countries too. I think I even read about it being done in Brazil. Once it actually reaches court it doesn't always work out too good for them.

>> No.8128813

Found the article:

>> No.8128824
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Lol, I always assumed that large scale torrenting, as in having a separate machine in your home just for seeding and downloading could possibly get you into trouble over here, but I find hard to believe downloading 30 year old roms or modern games from FitGirl can do you any harm. Good thing is that I've just accepted that the future is dark and have transcended anger and despair for the most part.

>> No.8128938
