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File: 58 KB, 323x308, Chronocrossbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8120053 No.8120053 [Reply] [Original]

Did you genuinely dislike this game or were you just let down it wasnt a direct sequel to Chrono Trigger?

>> No.8120058

It's meh overall and the music is the worst in any Squaresoft game

>> No.8120075

I got filtered hard by the gameplay. Didn't have a manual, didn't have a clue what was happening, didn't really have any desire to push on.

>> No.8120078

Great music, great combat, great art, 10/10 story, not as good as chrono trigger but since chrono trigger is easily the best jrpg ever made, that's fine.

There is no other game that makes contrarian troons seethe as much as CC.

>> No.8120079

I liked it until the rushed ending with half-assed tie-in with the original.

>> No.8120082
File: 189 KB, 640x480, why-not.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did think it was kind of a sleazy move to piggyback on the original's popularity while delivering so little as a result, but that's not why I kind of dismiss the game in general: I always found the number of playable characters impressive, but in practice having a bunch of people around with little or no weight to the overarching plot is pretty silly Plus, the battle system is kind of a chore.

>> No.8120085

the way you would get random party members for no reason just because you talked to someone was strange. the magic system i never understood. maybe i would now 15+ years later. the graphics were awesome. don't remember much of the music. i might dig it out and give it another try idk.

>> No.8120174

This game got 10/10 in every magazine when it came out.

>> No.8120175

>so little
See >>8120174.

>> No.8120204

Now you're NPCing with power

>> No.8120212
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>> No.8120217
File: 392 KB, 750x1334, 5323B412-1D1A-4581-93B1-52663B3B7DC3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chrono Trigger literally got worse reviews

>> No.8120278

so this is the power of NPC!

>> No.8120294

I just finished replaying a few weeks ago. The game's still good, but it's definitely held back by rushed development and Party Member-bloat. By having so many it makes them all way less special. They wanted even more but then the game got too big so they scaled back to about half of the party members originally planned.

Definitely doesn't help that Chrono Trigger is Required Reading while also not really being a sequel to it.

But overall? The RPG mechanics are solid, the fights are fun and the Element system is interesting to mess with. Definitely worth the replay

>> No.8120310

I forget that GTA3 is the greatest video game of all time

>> No.8120313

Seethe more.

>> No.8120330

It was fun for a playthrough, but it does so much wrong that I can't come back to it.

>> No.8120539

It's a beautiful game. Environments are gorgeous. The whole coastal vibe is really strong, and still makes me feel like taking a holiday.

Other environments are highly creative - the Dead Sea is a standout. Super neat.

I don't know that I'd say it has the best soundtrack of any game ever made, but I wouldn't be annoyed if I saw it in the number one place in a list somewhere. Brilliantly evocative- the mixture of freedom, longing, and beauty in Kidd's theme is superb. "Dragon Knight" is hype as fuck. And Chronomantique is laid back and instrumented to match the setting.

The combat is jank as fuck. Nothing else to say.

The plot is coherent, but the narrative threads never tie together to become greater than the sum of their parts. Waking up in a world where you died immediately evokes questions of "How much difference can one man make," and while that's elaborated on with the early decisions, the branches eventually close off, and this isn't really bought back for a strong conclusion.

FATE is about the most blatant metaphor imaginable, but it doesn't really tie in. The cast literally defy fate, but what does that actually mean? Reality (probably) doesn't have a giant AI controlling our every move. You can't deny causality in real life like Serve defies fate, so the metaphor doesn't work.

There are many threads of discrimination - the beastmen, dwarves, fairies, and dinopolis chief among them - but none of this ties together into some greater point.

Every aspect of Cross' plot is like that. It throws out a dozen cool ideas that don't tie together and ultimately go nowhere, leading to a plot that while technically coherent, ultimately says next to nothing, leaving you with a hollow confused feeling at the end as you scrabble for meaning that isn't there.

It was a bold sequel - easy to see why people hated it. Still, I'd rather see game devs trying whack shit like Cross than churning out endless uninspired sequels.

>> No.8120841

I genuinely fucking loved this game and didn't finish CT until years after finishing it.
The story's a mess, like most JRPGs, but I even ate that up as a kid.
The presentation is so strong it could get away with murder in other parts. The animation, atmosphere, and, above all, music is the pinnacle of the genre.

>> No.8120923

I can fully agree with this.

>> No.8120928

i loved it

>> No.8120961

Terrible awful piece of shit game.

Combat system is beyond retarded. It makes the junction system look genius (and junction system is trash too, see FFV for an actual good system). Summoning spells needing full field are retarded

The macro story is good but the game does a horrific job of telling it.
Literally one fucking location (chronopolis) explains like 90% of the actual interesting shit.

Let kids die? She lives anyway and you miss out on Glenn. Don't clear marbule? You get to skip a boss fight but miss out on the one useful elemental plate (black). For a game about actions having consequences, basically no actions have any meaningful consequences.

It purposefully shits all over Chrono trigger between Porre, everyone dying, reptites becoming dinopolis, garbage double and triple techs, the "bend" of time, and literally almost everything else. Schala shoehorned in at the last second to connect game to CT for sales. Shit execution.

The 900 characters all of whom have no story, shitty accents, and half are cringe and the other half are useless.

At the end of the day, it is shit. And I know this game inside and out better than most of you and basically the only people who like this garbage is the people who like it cause it's "comfy".

Harle is the only interesting character in this game. Chronopolis is the only interesting location in this game. Music is one of the best sound tracks of all time. Literally everything else about it is shit.

It is a completely inexcusable game in too many respects.

>> No.8121370

ha. i own the game faghag supreme. try again. oh, and i have tried several times to like this game. i will give it another shot just for you.

>> No.8121387

I didn't dislike it at all, I loved it, but I was also disappointed it was not a direct sequel to Trigger. Well, it kind of is a direct sequel, so the way I'd say it, it wasn't like Trigger.
I don't blame Squaresoft though, I blame GamePro or whatever magazine I had been reading.

>> No.8121398

You get a couple major facts wrong so I'm gonna call this bait.

>> No.8121583 [DELETED] 
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Chrono Nigger was already a overhyped shit game so I am glad Chrono Gross and disgusting makes Chrono Nigger fags nig nogs their panties.

>> No.8121613

played trigger, played cross

> i liked them both

The game is Ok maybe even above average, we all got what we wanted in the end. big ass elemental attacks and characters with cool weapons.

the also had replayability, and new game + what games had new game + at the time? not alot!

>> No.8121620

I feel like there was at least one more slur you could have squeezed in there buddy

>> No.8121662

Played through Cross multiple times and think the soundtrack is one of the best for any game ever made.

Made it to the first time you can try to attack Lavos in Trigger, got killed, was too bored to keep playing and haven't touched since.

Imagine being so blinded by nostalgia and butthurt that your crappy game didn't get a direct sequel that you attack the better game.

>> No.8121674

while I'm baffled by the game even being a sequel to Trigger at all considering how different it is, at the end of the day I like both games so I don't really mind anymore

>> No.8121748

The atmosphere is nice, but literally everything else about it is dull.
>were you just let down it wasnt a direct sequel to Chrono Trigger?
Maybe a bit, but it wouldn't have mattered if they didn't try to connect them so terribly.

>> No.8121875

right? not even one arab or jewish slur. the absolute casuals flooding the board nowadays. shameful display from that anon.

>> No.8121879

is good
my favorite ps1 rpg ez

>> No.8121886

>think the soundtrack is one of the best for any game ever made.

triggers great tho
no bully
prolly the best pacing in any jrpg ever

>> No.8121929

amazing ost, amazing pre rendered backgrounds, easily the best on ps1. everything else is not good.

>> No.8122183 [DELETED] 
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>Chrono Nigger was already a overhyped shit game so I am glad Chrono Gross and disgusting makes Chrono Nigger fags nig nogs their panties.

>> No.8122468

>and the music is the worst in any Squaresoft game

>> No.8122487

I like it but they seriously should have gone for fewer, more fleshed out, characters. In a perfect world each character would have had at least something like a story arc.

>> No.8122492

Spoiler that shit, gonna have nightmares now.

>> No.8124405

lots of cool ideas but it's the biggest mess of a game i can think of. like everyone on the team got to add whatever they wanted without any thought to how it worked
it was bold to have no XP in 1999 but they /still/ somehow have both forced grinding and characters that fall behind too far to be useful. what the fuck. not to mention 40+ characters when you only have about 4 useful ones max at any given time
the plot is so stupid it's hilarious. multiple time loops, alternate dimensions, nigh omniscient god machines that create life, you play as a furry for 1/3 of the game
i don't think they ever could have made a game that would stand up to chrono trigger and i guess they didn't even try. maybe that's brilliant

>> No.8124426

I don't hate it but I don't think it's better then Trigger. Slap one of the hard mode mods for it on top of it and the game is actually a solid 8 to 9/10. Nothing can fix the stupid story but the gameplay is actually pretty enjoyable when you really have to engage with it.

>> No.8124431

>Every aspect of Cross' plot is like that. It throws out a dozen cool ideas that don't tie together and ultimately go nowhere, leading to a plot that while technically coherent, ultimately says next to nothing, leaving you with a hollow confused feeling at the end as you scrabble for meaning that isn't there.
I think this is how I ultimately feel about it, yeah. It's a game where it feels like everyone on a team threw in an idea and they tried to make it work but ultimately didn't. Sorta like the billion characters where it feels like a bunch of them were just designed by guys spit balling.