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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 32 KB, 480x360, dragon ninja (zx spectrum imagine 1988).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8118228 No.8118228 [Reply] [Original]

Sir Clive just meant to create a teaching tool to help British schoolchildren learn programming. He didn't mean for it to try and recreate 68000-based arcade games. Really, that's not what he had in mind at all, guys.

>> No.8118351

>Sir Clive just meant to create a teaching tool to help British schoolchildren learn programming.
spectrum was for poor people on the dole. the middle and upper classes bought commodore, atari or amstrad.
>He didn't mean for it to try and recreate 68000-based arcade games
>in 1982
>when no arcades used 68000
what a fucking spastic

>> No.8118454

Demakes on shite hardware can be kino, though.

>> No.8118514

>the middle and upper classes bought commodore, atari or amstrad.
or the BBC (Acorn)

>> No.8119369

Unless they're on the ZX Spectrum, that is.

>> No.8119381
File: 475 B, 32x32, notfunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh christ. Not another ZX Spectrum thread.

>> No.8119389

We could have another argument about whether 3D Sonic on the Saturn was possible or not if you prefer that.

>> No.8119390

Explain why all of us who grew up speccy still love it then? You realise Gameboy was the most basic system compared to Lynx and Game gear and yet it still kicked their ass.

>> No.8119418
File: 129 KB, 1383x605, fuckoffspectrumfagshd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather anything over acknowledging the "speccy" as the brits call it.
Refer to the enclosed image.

>> No.8119442

Ok now post a NEC PC-6001 or Sharp MZ game and get back to me.

>> No.8119445
File: 16 KB, 536x408, best_willyvania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets a superiour remake of Simon's Quest so as to make it not suck fucking arse

NESfags btfo.

>> No.8119448

Stockholm syndrome. Simple as that.

>> No.8119472
File: 143 KB, 1653x605, fuckoffspectrumfagshdremix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sharp MZ

>> No.8119495


Yes this is very much an improvement on the Spectrum I must say.

>> No.8119509

oy me speccy

>> No.8119517

Yeah, but those are early 80s machines soon surpassed by computers with 32-64-128 colors and FM sound while for some reason the Spectrum was still going until almost the Clinton years. Imagine the idea of the PC-6001 still being commercially relevant to be able to get a port of Street Fighter II.

>> No.8119537

The only homebrew game /vr/ ever successfully completed was for the Spectrum.

>> No.8119570

Have you actually played this? It's a terrible game. Like, the first part of the game is a forced path with invisible barriers and there's a ton of dialogue to go through that's written like a high school student's fanfiction about their OC characters. It looks beautiful and the gameplay isn't the worst for the system, but it's something that looks better in screenshots and choice vignettes than it actually plays.

>> No.8119628
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>tfw never grew up with the Spectrum but getting way into it now
If you can't find any enjoyment with it then that ain't my problem. It's polarizing like the Atari 2600 is, people who like it are gonna continue to have fun with it no matter how much other people just try to write it off as garbage. Their loss really.

>> No.8119631

>want to get into zx spectrum because I enjoy jank and strange cool experiences
> A banged up soviet copy ZX is $90

>> No.8119638
File: 435 KB, 1440x1920, PXL_20210824_042433365~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get you one of these. I'm American and have no chance of finding original hardware (Timex Sinclair machines don't count since they're like less than 10% compatible) and fuck paying to import one. Plus then you'd have to deal with a step down converter and you better have a PAL display, then you're gonna need more hardware for joystick ports or to let you use modern storage solutions. The Omni is a great solution for all that. It's a full on hardware clone (contains a Harlequin SuperFO board which has proven timings) and I honestly can't recommend it enough if you wanna fuck with the Spectrum but do more than just emulate.

>> No.8120349

Simon's Quest was a great game. Fuck off, YouTube homo.

>> No.8120404

Never in my life I saw spectrumfags shitting on jap computers. Or vise versa, for that matter.
Falseflagging murrican nintoddlers of nu/vr/ though...

>> No.8120510

The spectrum seems like the kind of device that was best suited to playing single screen games or games where the screen gets changed the moment you reach the edges. It's when developers try to get too much out of the system when things go to shit.

>> No.8120515

If you had actually played literally any of this game you would know it isn't a remake of Simon's Quest at all.

>> No.8120517

Know of any others like this for other micro computers?

>> No.8120584

>my less than worthless subjective opinion is actually objective reality
Say what you like. Our games and computers were of high enough quality for us not to have had a crash. These hilariously pathetic anti Spectrum posts of yours are just cope. You're utterly transparent. We're going to hold over your heads the fact that you almost destroyed your industry through sheer incompetence until the end of time. You fucking imbeciles.
>inb4 no bong industry to speak of
There were so many bedroom coders becoming millionaires that a documentary was made about it, you dopey cunt.
>inb4 shit taste
HAHAHAHA! There's literally a stereotype (made by YOU, no less) that Yuros were (are) infinitely more sophisticated than you. Cope. Keep injecting leftist politics into your games, morons. Bring on the crash sequel so the rest of us can continue laughing at you.

>> No.8120692

why is it Bongs think whole world revolves around them or that anyone in Europe outside UK and Spain gave shit about ZX Spectrum?

>> No.8120948
File: 7 KB, 300x253, 6658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact the UK did have a market crash in 1984. This was similar to the American crash in that it was caused by an oversaturated home computer market with too many competing architectures. It also saw a lot of bedroom coders disappear and the software industry become more consolidated and professionalised as publishers like Ocean and Elite came to dominate.

>> No.8120969

I would be fine with both Saturn and Spectrum threads completely disappearing from this board.

>> No.8120987

Wrong, the devs say it started as a port of SQ to the Speccy but they decided to remake it into a game that wasn't absolute garbage like the original NES version.

>> No.8121026

>Bongs think whole world revolves around them
it does

>> No.8121029

Just because you ran the world 200 years ago doesn't mean you still do now.

>> No.8121220

Fuck you. Sinclair had a rich history that kicked off the home computing craze in the UK during the early 80's. The ZX81 was my first computer and the whole reason I got into the field. It had fuck all to do with gaming as anyone who tried to "game" on the machine can attest. It was a sad day when Clive sold up to Sugar and the company was subsumed by probably the worst electronics manufacturer in history. So as I said, fuck you. Don't ever let me see you round my estate you cheeky little cunt or I'll give you a good fucking hiding. Now fuck off.

>> No.8121252

He got butthurt because people just wanted to use his computers for gaming which he considered an unproductive waste of time, so he sold his company off, took the money he'd made, and split.

>> No.8121332
File: 130 KB, 840x560, 840_560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I mean...plenty of South Americans and Russians also care about the Spectrum. Two Brazilians loved the Spectrum enough to make pic related which has been hugely successful. The Spectrum might have been a footnote in America since we were spoilt for choice and had a ton of other hugely influential machines to choose from but in places where people had no money the Spectrum was pretty prominent since it could be easily cloned and built entirely using (cheap) off the shelf components.

>> No.8121348

>so he sold his company off, took the money he'd made, and kept trying to make dumbass electric vehicles that nobody wanted

>> No.8121392

>After Clive sold his company and left, he went further on making electric cars that most people didn't care for
Source on the latter part?

>> No.8121396

Google dot com

>> No.8122884

>In fact the UK did have a market crash in 1984
Kek. Odd how no one has ever brought it up. All the more strange, given the foaming at the mouth, perpetual victim complex, coping retards who post here... Massive false equivalency, or is this more made up nonsense to cover up the eternal shame and COPE?

>> No.8123752

There was never a software crash in the UK, it was just hardware. All the smaller computer manufacturers got bought up or shut down and it was really just Sinclair, Acorn and Amstrad left (and the American companies like Atari and Commodore.) The UK didn't suddenly have retailers stop stocking video games altogether like what happened in America but there was definitely a boom period followed by a crash. It's funny because many bongs will complain constantly about how they never had a crash and it was only in America and how "Americans need to stop assuming their video game market was/is representative of the market as a whole." They bitch about it nonstop.

>> No.8124661

>why is it Bongs think whole world revolves around them
"The meridian line in Greenwich represents the Prime Meridian of the world, Longitude Zero (0° 0' 0"). Every place on the Earth is measured in terms of its angle east or west from this line"

Because it does.

>> No.8124669
File: 213 KB, 420x359, 1587132418665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the do not know everything, and neither does ask.com nor Bing.

>> No.8125223
File: 831 KB, 142x142, 1390469059475.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>search engines don't host information

>> No.8125301

There is a lot of information google gets wrong. Look up anything nutrition or exercise related and you will get so much bogus advice. You would have an easier time going to a gym and asking people in person.

>> No.8125671
File: 92 KB, 1440x1080, R-Type (1988).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8125697

why does no one talk about the oric atmos?

>> No.8125761

quit spamming your fucking gay ass .png you spent all night making

>> No.8127992
