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File: 103 KB, 628x354, n64_comm_top10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8036330 No.8036330 [Reply] [Original]

Post an N64 game that you think is underrated

>> No.8036340

Winback was fun (at the time), not sure how it would hold up now though. Only place I see people talking about it is here.

>> No.8036401

Ocarina of Time - I feel like people in recent years have forgotten about based it is and how absolutely mind blowingly based it was at release

>> No.8036405

Ocarina of Time

>> No.8036407

Ocarina of Time

>> No.8036408

sometimes it feels like majoras mask and links awakening are overshadowing it somehow but maybe that's because i'm in these retro circles to begin with.
sometimes when I say OoT is fucking amazing it feels like im the odd one out and people look at me like im some sort of asshole for not choosing one of the other zeldas as my favorite

>> No.8036409

Ocarina of Time.

>> No.8036416

>sometimes it feels like majoras mask and links awakening are overshadowing it somehow
Not really, MM is still the lesser liked of the N64 games. People are only vocal about it because it's the underdog on the 64 and people like to root for the underdog.

>> No.8036424
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So this thing really didn't have any games huh. Yikes.

At least you thought of one.

>> No.8036426

Banjo Kazooie
It seems to make Eurocuck zoomers seethe now

>> No.8036441

Bomberman 64: The Second Attack.
There's only about 4 people here that seem to like it, it's usually rated below 64 and Hero, most people haven't played it because it's a rare cart and prohibitively expensive, but emulate if you can, it's the most balls to the wall of all the bomberman games.

>> No.8036450

it's hard to pick out underrated games for the N64 because the library is so shallow
even if you were to pick out a few games that the average normie hasn't heard of, you'll always get people who are like, "PFFT, OH YEAH LIKE THATS A DEEP CUT LMAO" and they have a point, because yeah at the end of the day there's only like 40 N64 games worth a damn

but anyways some genuinely overlooked N64 games that I quite like include
Beetle Adventure Racing
Rocket: Robot on Wheels
Space Station Silicon Valley

>> No.8036451

They're shitposters. Don't take them seriously. Donkey Kong 64 is underrated by a lot of people imo. If you want an obscure game worth playing try Shadowman.

>> No.8036465

make that 5! got it day one as a kid and adored the shit out of it. adored hero too.

>> No.8036467
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Duck Dodgers. If Earthworm Jim 3D is barely decent, then Duck Dodgers is genuinely good, not great though. The only disappointing thing about it is it's length. Level design can be top comfy at times, the challenges themselves can range from great to mediocre, but at least there's variety. It's very similar to the Looney Tunes platformers on PS1, but Duck Dodgers is N64 exclusive as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.8036489

>They're shitposters
No, we just know what the word "underrated" actually means.

>> No.8036545

>Beetle Adventure Racing
>Space Station Silicon Valley

Great games

>> No.8036569

If I knew this existed it would've been a dream come true. Never saw it on teh shelves or in any of the Nintendo magazines. I saw Bugs Bunny Space Race in a magazine though, but never saw it on shelves.

>> No.8036576

Ocarina of Time

>> No.8036580
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Magical Tetris Challenge
Jet Force Gemini
Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers
Quake / Starcraft / Command and Conquer
Fiighter's Destiny
Rakuga Kids
Blues Brothers 2000
Densha de Go!
Indiana Jones
Scooby Doo

I wish there were translations for Doraemon and Bakusho Jinsei 64

>> No.8036583

Sin & Punishment

>> No.8036589

Majora's Mask came out during the console's twilight years and was kind of the quirky spinoff-ish thing that didn't get the same level of on-the-ground hype that OoT did. I was a Nintendo obsessed tween, but even then my friends and I joked about how reddit it was (we were big 4channers when MM came out) and, lo and behold, look which community still remembers it fondly. People just like it now because it feels like the underground title with muh ebin aesthetic. It was fun, sure, but it wasn't some revolutionary game, just a decent "tide you over until the next proper Zelda" release.

>> No.8036594

>but even then my friends and I joked about how reddit it was (we were big 4channers when MM came out) and, lo and behold, look which community still remembers it fondly.
>Majora's Mask was released in 2000
>4chan was made in 2003
>Reddit was made in 2005

I don't get it, so is this supposed to be some stupid joke to make fun of /vr/ autists?

>> No.8036607

You can cathartically assume they're fucking retarded either way. Retarded for lying, or retarded for trolling, since they're both sad as hell to do on a /vr/ board where like 3 people will read it.

>> No.8036613

Spacestation Silicon Valley

>> No.8036621
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Maybe it's not so underrated anymore but back when I was growing up no one had heard about this game and I was able to lend it out to friends for Diddy Kong Racing, Mario 64, and Golden Eye.

>> No.8036623

Chameleon Twist and it's sequel
Star Soldier
Knife Edge

>> No.8036625

I disagree, in a thread about a popular game like Ocarina of Time if you make a good, well thought out troll post you'll probably get at least seven or eight funny replies. The problem is that his post comes off as him parodying other users, due to how childishly and stupidly it's written. If he made a single more subtle comment about how he knew that it was reddit as fuck when it was released or something like that it would have worked.

I agree though, he's retarded as whatever his intentions were he did it badly.

>> No.8036657

Bomberman 64

>> No.8036679

Just seen this. It feels like an early res ev game. Might try it again

>> No.8036983

Chameleon Twist and Chameleon Twist 2
Snowboard Kids and Snowboard Kids 2
Rocket: Robot on Wheels

>> No.8037020
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>> No.8037024
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Has this one been a target of Hidden Gems Man? Price seems quite high for a loose N64 cart.

>> No.8037028

Played this a but today, actually. First time.

It's excellent. Story, presentation, combat, all that. It's shockingly good for N64.

On the first boss, he two shot me, after a random hit stunned me on the floor, and I couldn't move. Kicked me while I was down and killed me. Lost a lot of progress. Not sure if I'll go back.

>> No.8037052

I think it's been slowly rising over the years. I bought it years ago for ~$30 loose, but I think its just a matter of games rising in price. There's this obscure DS game that I wanted to buy a few years back and thought it was too much at $40. Now it's hitting $150 numbers for whatever reason. I've rarely heard anyone talk about it.

>> No.8037057

Ha I think this game's main character is what that adult swim cartoon rebel angel or whatever it was called was ripped from

Same look anyway

>> No.8037074

Already own a n64 but like playing it on portable. Only problem is the control layout sucks for the emulators. Anyone know of a good android emulator for this?

>> No.8037129
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Addictive and short. Especially if you are use to schmups you will ace this game easily.

>> No.8037132
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Underrated even though it is a slight alteration of Panel De Pon.

>> No.8037143
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Definitely felt like Puyo Puyo but with Tetris instead.

>> No.8037230
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>> No.8037282

Came here to post this.

It is really the only reason I will eventually get me a N64, just to play this masterpiece on original hardware.

>> No.8037574
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>> No.8037697

>Jet Force Gemini
Fuck yeah. Kill the bugs. Save the bears.
I don't see this game being discussed at all anywhere, and it was ome of my fvaorites on the system. The shooting's fun, there are puzzles and lots of exploration, the game is huge and it offers a challenge.

>> No.8037709

This is the game that came to my mind as well but wasn't sure if it was really underappreciated, no clue how these games stand in reputation or whatever, but my favorite N64 games are probably HH, JFG, and Mischief Makers, also used to love Goemon but watched a Youtube vid recently and don't know if I could play it again.

>> No.8037782

Both Castlevania 64 and Legacy of Darkness. Nobody will ever be able to tell me they're not great.

>> No.8037808


>> No.8037863

Ocarina of TIme

>> No.8037876

I do understand the love for MM over OOT for people that played it when it released. I don't understand the love LA gets though when compared to the Oracle games it's just meh.

>> No.8037914

Pilot Wings 64
Mario Tennis
Mario Golf
Ridge Racer 64
NFL Blitz
ISS 98
64 Oozumou
Snowboard Kids
Fighters Destiny
NBA Hangtime

>> No.8037916

Snowboard Kids and Quake II had some of the finest multiplayer available on the system.

>> No.8037929
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I'm sick of pretending Jet Force Gemini isn't the best Rare game on the N64.

Quake II on the N64 was great. I grew up playing FPS like Doom/Duke/Quake on PC before I finally got a Game Boy, so as a kid I found Goldeneye completely uninteresting. I played N64 Quake II multiplayer much more often.

>> No.8037940

I remember finishing that game 100%. The only problem was the camera but once you get used to it then it's a breeze. There was not many levels but there was a lot of depth to them if you wanted to find all the atoms.

>> No.8037941

anybody know any good jp onry games for the system? so far im only importing どうぶつの森 but i want to find more

>> No.8037947

Winback is a pretty mediocre cover-based third person shooter that somehow got hyped up as the N64’s answer to Metal Gear Solid.

>> No.8037952

Oh shut up. Everyone knows what OP meant by underrated in this context. Don’t be autistic.

>> No.8037959

I say this every time Castlevania 64 comes up: It would’ve been a pretty decent game had it come out in 1997. However it’s way too janky feeling for a 1999 release. I strongly suspect it had a troubled development cycle.

>> No.8037995

Quake II because most people don't realize that it's different from the PC version.

>> No.8038208

BattleTanx 1+2
Top Gear Rally

>> No.8038230

you're just confirming the stereotype that N64 owners don't know any games other than Mario and Zelda.

>> No.8038235


>> No.8038236

What is Blues Brothers 2000 like? I remember the game on SNES being alright but not amazing. Is this game along those lines of quality or is it genuinely good?

Based game, and that sounds like a comfy memory. If you ignore licensed stuff Rocket Robot is probably the only really solid collecathon on the N64 not made by Rare or Nintendo. One of the best on the system.

>> No.8038237


>> No.8038281

So many people root for that particular underdog at this point that it’s no longer an underdog.

>> No.8038292
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I don’t know that I’d call it obscure, but it is underrated in that it’s more fun than people say it is.

>> No.8038313

I read that as iggy's friggin' balls

>> No.8038320 [DELETED] 

HeXen 64 is the best version of the game and nobody understands how fucking epic this game is. A 1-4 player fps with an interconnected open world, secrets, puzzles, traps, destructible objects, environmental effects, co-op and PvP, and you can even save anywhere in the game at any time and start back at the exact location you saved. It feels like a real adventure.

>> No.8038326
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Tony Hawk games were very fun but get kinda glossed over today.
Maybe they were a product of their time.

>> No.8038329
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Pilotwings is another one that seemed pretty popular on release but isnt mentioned much now. Amazing soundtrack too.

>> No.8038331
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>> No.8038332

Sin & Punishment
Evangelion (if you care about it)
Custom Robo / Custom Robo V2 (V2 is much better)
Puyo Puyo

I'm sure there's more, but you could probably just as easily find them on Google. I doubt there's a HUGE amount of good JP exclusives, because there wasn't a huge amount of good games on the console period. Wonder Project always looked interesting. Densha de Go, maybe. Then there's the 64DD games like Doshin.

>> No.8038334

Of course it is. Don't be delusional and say OoT is the real underdog. It's one of the most iconic Zelda games, frequently called the best 64 game, and for almost 15 years any mention of MM would just get laughed at in comparison to OoT. MM is still the less popular game. For the record when I see MM threads on here, almost half the thread is full of people shitting on the time limit and saying OoT is superior, while in OoT threads, MM fans are a minority and usually get shit on quickly.

>> No.8038337 [DELETED] 

MM deserves all o the hate it gets because it's a shitty fan mod

>> No.8038339

most fans love both and dont need to bicker about which one is subjectively "better"
but on 4chan people need to get their yous

>> No.8038340


>> No.8038342

you're right, but still, why people are acting like OoT is an underdog game just become some youtubers have talked about MM lately is beyond me. I thought the first half of the thread was just trolls but people really are defending that position.

>> No.8038354

Blast Corps never seems to get mentioned much. Body Harvest is another one.

>> No.8038398

Body Harvest was on foot was dogshit slow, between that, the fog and not knowing what to do half the time, the game was wasted on me. Had a friend who plowed through it and he said it was an awesome game. Wish Rockstar would make one with current technology. Had a lot of potential. While on the topic of underrated: I spent many, many hours on Killer Instinct Gold.

>> No.8038469


>Scooby Doo

The controls killed this game. If you're going to have a fixed camera, Resi style, you need to go with tank controls

>> No.8038479

It kind of is at this point, at least in hipstery gamer crowds. The attitude these days is that OOT is "passe", and you're supposed to like MM or WW more.

>> No.8038483


I own this and played through it about 10 years ago. I didn't actually think it was any good. Environments are just bland repetitive corridors and when the initial novelty of the battle system wears off it's just the same thing over and over.

Cool idea but the execution didn't make for a fun game.

>> No.8038487

BB2000 is pretty decent from what I remember. Actually had it as a kid. Biggest drawbacks are it's kind of short and kind of buggy.

>> No.8038494

It's one of those things that most people played on other systems, and don't even realise had an N64 release.
Worms Armageddon's another one of those.

>> No.8038498

The opening cinematics make me wish some of the game was set in that city environment. I love the whole vibe they have there.
Something about the game reminds me of watching seedy anime on late 90's sci-fi channel.

>> No.8038570

Pokemon puzzle league is genuinely fantastic.
Tetrisphere is unique and it's a shame there will never be a sequel due to modern tetris rules.
T. Puzzlefag

>> No.8038575

That's Panel de Pon, right?

>> No.8038801


>> No.8038871
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It's gotta be Ocarina of Time for 3DS, definitely the most underrated N64 game.

>> No.8038879
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>> No.8038882

If you keep making this joke, maybe it'll be funny eventually.

>> No.8038905

>The attitude these days is that OOT is "passe"
It's just the most consistently highest rated N64 game of all time. It's not passe, it's just entry level at this point, like SM64. Everybody still agrees it's a good game.

>and you're supposed to like MM or WW more.
Nobody thinks that. They probably just want more people to play those games.

>> No.8038914

MM I can kind of understand, but WW? What the fuck was so much better about Celda? I actually enjoyed that game, but I'd never say it was better than old-skool Zelda.

>> No.8038915

I've gotten shit from people for saying OOT is better than WW, which it clearly is, but apparently not everyone agrees anymore.

>> No.8038921

Anon, everybody agreeing with each other has never been a thing, why do you think we go to ware? Because we think it's funny?

>> No.8038930
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>> No.8038931

Yeah, but it's actually a common sentiment these days is what I'm saying.

>> No.8038937

It's like saying the Beatles is better than some shitty indie band nobody has ever heard of, it's probably true, but the Beatles is entry level rock that everybody and their grandmother has listened to and the person knows you're just trying to 1 up them.

>> No.8038948

I'm not though. It's just a better game. They're being unreasonable by insisting their hipster tastes somehow trump actual quality.

>> No.8039006

Completely agree, I'm currently playing majoras mask Right now, but it still doesn't make me feel as much as OOT did. I appreciate the attention to detail in Majora but still think the Oot story is till much better.

>> No.8039026
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You would be surprised Just how much fun this is with 2-4 people

>> No.8039253

Do Blast Corps and Jet Force Gemini count? They are both underrated in my opinion.
Winbacks good too.
Body Harvest is a proto gta that rarely gets talked about.
Sin and Punishment a great rail shooter jap only.
Duck Dodger, Rocket robot. Buck bumbles a fun shooter with some slight issues.
For a puzzler anybody ever waste an afternoon playing wetrix?
Not sure if that was an n64 exclusive or not, or if im the only one who ever played it.

>> No.8039263

mystical ninja starring goemon

>> No.8039276

Probably because you're not a kid who thinks the world is going to blow up if you don't beat the game in 3 days.

>> No.8039282

I like Majoras better but both have their strong suits. I definitely think MM is best played after you’ve beaten OOT at least once and just know the game really well. Playing it years later is so cool, because of the way everything is slightly twisted and warped in Termina.

OOT is definitely longer and more traditional. But MM wins me over with all the weird twist like the time control, scheduled events and sidequests like saving cows from aliens and the odd story. Its like a crazy fan made fever dream based on OOT, which it kind of is. Models form OOT all come back but as different characters, the story is so creepy and strange I just like getting that fierce diety mask.

OOT is the original 3d zelda and got everything right. Its a bit by the book but thats good for a huge transition from 2d to 3d. Great dungeons, characters, story, combat, movement, everything.

>> No.8039304
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I'm not sure why you'd think this mindset is necessary to enjoy the game. I liked MM as much as OOT, but for entirely different reasons. If you have an ounce of sympathy or empathy in you, by the night of the Final Day you genuinely feel for many of these characters. If you don't get how that could be, I don't know what to tell you, other than "Now I understand why you didn't enjoy Majora's Mask".

>> No.8039332

>Beetle racing
Anons who say this is a good racing game, have you ever played Sega Rally or Daytona?

>> No.8039338

I don't think you're the person I was responding to. But my point with him is that it sounds like he has childhood nostalgia for OoT, and so it will probably never make him feel "like OoT did".

But that mindset is a real mindset I had when I was a kid and played for the first time. I genuinely believed that the real world would blow up because I was old enough to read but young enough to be totally suggestible and to think media was real life. When the game reached the final day I turned the console off and hid because I thought the real world was going to explode. Feeling so stupid with myself for actually believing the fate of the world was entrusted with me is part of my childhood nostalgia for the game.

Also I might have autism

>> No.8039385
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...How old were you when you did that, Anon?
>I don't think you're the person I was responding to.
The only way you could know this is if you could see my IP. I've already posted in the thread multiple times, so you you certainly didn't get it from the unique IP counter. Is that you, Tranny-Janny?

>> No.8039395

Original Oot poster, I was 17 when I played Oot, but why I feel like it's better is I actually felt a connection to the world and characters whereas Majoras mask is more Engaging on a intellectual level, seeing everybody's schedule and so on. Pretty much what I'm saying is it's more Emotional VS Intellectual engagement. Or I'm autistic, IDK

>> No.8039525

I think I was 6 or 7. My parents weren't divorced yet so probably around that time.
>The only way you could know this is if you could see my IP.
Well the other guy didn't like MM as much as you so I just assumed.

Hmm, I guess I don't know which one is the more emotional or intellectual game. Both have their moments with both appeals. Sorry for assuming it was just childhood nostalgia speaking though.

>> No.8039529

is that on n64? that looks pretty good for an n64 game

>> No.8039531

>I think I was 6 or 7. My parents weren't divorced yet so probably around that time.
That's normal, then. I was afraid you were gonna say you were still doing that shit at 10 or 11.

>> No.8039642

None taken man, it is really the natural response to somebody praising a N64 game.

>> No.8039991

I thought I should add some more background, I've been to talk to girls more and more, I seem to be able to have them give me the time of day, but as soon as I'm about to make the next move, everything falls flat.

>> No.8039998

>BattleTanx 1+2

>> No.8040004

Paperboy 64

>> No.8040014

>critically acclaimed
>massive fanbase
>people fondly remember it even now
Ah yes, truly an underrated classic.

My choice is Mission Impossible. I loved that game, but I seem to be one of the few.

>> No.8040029

>Mission Impossible
Nice. Ethan moved a bit clunky, but I liked the game as well.

Glover is another one that got praised as an unexpected nice surprise at the time, but I think it was overrated back then. It was just ok.

>> No.8040043
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Anybody played this? I played a one level demo for it on PC and quite liked it.
Armorines rarely gets mentioned.

>> No.8040051
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Great game, with great multiplayer. You could play this one with 8 people with a shared controller. Awkward, but good and hilarious times.

>> No.8040095
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Don't know if it's underrated (maybe it's aged like shit), but I had a lot of fun with this one. Never played a serious shooter like this before.

>> No.8040245

All the Mario Sports games are underrated.

>> No.8040267

I'm cooming!!!!!!!!@!

>> No.8040292

Pokemon Stadium had nine minigames. Don't know if Mario Party already existed then, or if this was were the idea grew for a mini-game fest. The main game was boring as fuck, at least to me. But my friends and I used to meet up and get our drink in before we went out and play those nine minigames. Very streamlined: only nine and each one was good. Shame I never tried Warioware at the time, seemed like a blast to try with friends. Props to Nintendo for consequently trying to keep that aspect of gaming, where you have to meet up.

>> No.8040529

He didn't fucking mean just post the same Top 10 games everyone already played so you can just 'me too' like some 90s eternal summer faggot. We get it, you like OoT, no one asked you double-nigger.

>> No.8040858

How is it a joke? There's no rule against remakes or remasters. OOT 3D is still(deep down) a game made originally for the N64, and it is pretty underrated considering the amount of people who autistically sperg out about the lighting being different during the final boss.

>> No.8040875

Because OP asked for N64 games, not 3DS games. Regardless of how much or how little OOT3D internally resembles its N64 incarnation, only a complete sped or troll hands someone a 3DS game when they ask for an N64 game.

>> No.8041343


Wrong, its a top 3 Zelda title

>> No.8042962

quest 64

>> No.8043116
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>> No.8043120

Is Hybrid Heaven a game that people talk about now?

>> No.8043123

I played MM as a kid when it first came out and absolutely loved it even more. It probably influenced me a lot in my life. I think I related to its urban environment more than OoT's big wide epic adventure exploring the big wide world from your small forest home feel.

I use to be a big MM evangelist. But now MM is really big especially with the obnoxious type of people so I changed my favorite Zelda to OoT to fit in

>> No.8043129

No, it has always been sort of a "hidden gem".
I think at one point it almost became a meme because some e-celeb made some funny videos about it, but then it went nowhere.

>> No.8043136

That's nice to hear. I remember liking that game, and I get really bored with people parroting a reviewers opinions rather than playing it and forming an opinion.
So, Hybrid Heaven is my vote, I guess.

>> No.8043141

It's a pretty unique game, I liked it a lot.
the 2 player VS mode was also great.

>> No.8043453

Yes, they're completely different games. Which is why they're never mentioned in the same sentence.

>> No.8043471

Diddy Kong racing was a really challenging game and for once it wasn’t the end of a franchise

>> No.8043490

It's unknown yeah, but is it any good?

>> No.8043493

Where's the goddamn sequel? The trailer looked awesome.

>> No.8043513

Beetle racing has modern for the time Beetle cars racing over fantastical tracks. Its a bottom of the barrel racer.

>> No.8043568
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>> No.8043638

Yeah, it's a good adventure game. Ever played the original shadowgate?

>> No.8043775

Great game but such a weird combo and was this the last Capcom Disney game until Ducktails Remastered.

>> No.8043814

I loved this game. The later games that used the same engine didn't add much to the original. I liked how simple and clean the graphics were.

>> No.8043820
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I love this game. It's not a mindblower, but it's fun and has a nice pace and aesthetic.

>> No.8043937
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You could always play SEGA all star racing transformed
Legacy of darkness and pic related

>> No.8044841
File: 57 KB, 500x349, 51P2ERESZFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never once seen this game mentioned on /vr/ but I have really fond memories of it. I'm yet to find a copy as an adult to find out if it's all just nostalgia though.

>> No.8045435
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This is the best Duke game after 3D and Manhattan Project.

>> No.8045572
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>> No.8045574

its shit like this that made me finally just get a flashcart
like maybe ill like it maybe i wont but theres no way im gonna roll the dice for 70 bucks on an N64 game

>> No.8045585
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Robotron 64

Used to rent this game over and over.

>> No.8045645

Anybody play Extreme G?

>> No.8045654

now kiss

>> No.8045681

Worth it since you can just fit everything worth playing on a 16GB SD card, and rom hackers are finally starting to make hacks that run on real hardware.

>> No.8045924

yeah and oddball stuff like the Dinosaur Planet leak is fun to play on original hardware too

>> No.8045927

Truly underrated

>> No.8046991

It's quite shocking how few games the N64 had

>> No.8046993

mario, zelda, the list goes on...

>> No.8046998

The main issue with the N64’s library is there’s not a whole lot of compelling single player stuff that’s worth revisiting imo. Most of the fondness for it stems from multiplayer party games.

>> No.8047002 [DELETED] 

you don't know anything about the N64 library you retarded faggot

>> No.8047003
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>> No.8047006 [DELETED] 

thanks for playing.

>> No.8047007

The platformers and action adventure games, the most abundant games that are remembered well, are a single player mostly experience. All of the FPS and racing games also have single player campaigns. Then you take party games like Mario Party or Bomberman and these have single player modes that are actually more fleshed out than the more popular multiplayet modes. There are few N64 games that appeal *only* as multiplayer games.

>> No.8047014

I get what you’re saying but the library does lean too heavily on platformers and I can’t envision myself ever having the desire to sit down and play Mario Party in single player.

>> No.8047017 [DELETED] 

so you don't actually own an N64, haven't played one, and you judge the library anyway?

>> No.8047018

And I should’ve said there aren’t too many great single player “hidden gems” so to speak. We all know what the big ones are and have already played most of them.

>> No.8047021

The island single player campaign thing was pretty fun when I was a kid, but I do have the most memories of playing the game with my family.

>> No.8047072

Excitebike 64

>> No.8047740

some people here have no idea what underrated means.

Trully underrated games:

aidyn chronicles
hybrid heaven
blues brothers
duck dodgers
roadrash 64

>> No.8047746

Umm Zelda, Mario 64.. just to name a few

>> No.8047747

Just because the N64 is sorely lacking in RGPs doesn’t make an extremely mediocre one like Aidyn Chronicles worth seeking out and playing.

>> No.8047750

This joke was already made multiple times. Embarrassing post.

>> No.8047754 [DELETED] 
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>T-they're just shitposters! Don't listen to them, Nintenbros! COVER YOUR EYES

>> No.8047763

I think most of these games were pretty correctly rated at about 6/10 desu.

>> No.8047767

Why do you think my exquisite taste in the extensive N64 kino library is a joke? I was just getting to some more obscure titles like umm.. Metr.. err no.. umm.. Final Fa..!..no, that's not right..hold on..yes, that's it! Donkey Kong 64!

>> No.8047776


>> No.8047782

Both castlevania games, and don't let anyone tell you the second one is a remake of the first 1. They are different games

>> No.8047783

It's dogshit recommendations like this that give the N64 a bad rep.

>> No.8047820
File: 118 KB, 1000x719, Doom64 prototype cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom 64. It's gotten more appreciated over time with stuff like the unofficial PC port, and a lot more with the recent official rerlease, but it kind of went under the radar for a long time because Nintendo did the stupid thing and demanded it be called "Doom 64" instead of "Doom : The Absolution" so everyone thought it was just another port. It's no "hidden gem" or anything, it's liked and people are pretty aware of it these days, but so many people passed on it back in the day because they thought it wasn't anything different.

It's pretty different though. New visuals and graphics, new sound and music, all new levels, also using some more advanced functions to make for various puzzles and traps, and the monsters are changed a little (a few had to be sacrificed due to limitations and constraints, though they try to make up for that), as well as altered weapons, including one new one.
The gameplay is still Doom, and still fun, but it puts its own spin on things, and it has its own aesthetic and atmosphere which makes it distinct from the original games. I think for any fan of the original Doom games, it's a must play, it's like a really good megawad.

>> No.8047869

If you just happened to have no interest in some of the biggest 3D platformers and adventure games of the era, maybe.
Most people I know specifically bought the N64 for OOT, Mario 64, and Rare platformers. Games like Mario Kart, Smash Bros and Goldeneye were just a bonus.

>> No.8047872

Yeah sorry, I should’ve said there aren’t many overlooked single player games outside of the big names we all know.

>> No.8047874

It and hero were my faves of the series. I had it back in the day and traded it to Funcoland for probably 5 bucks in the mid-2000s. Can't say I regret it (can't spend your life losing sleep over a video game), but it is funny. The minigames were awesome too. I made a submission to a Nintendo Power contest for it, but they said "fuck you we can't see your N64 in the picture". Fuckin hell, that minigame took child me forever to beat. Humorous, as I booted it up on flashcart earlier this year and the same challenge was easy as fuck. Part of how I've realized that adult me is so much better at games, even if young me has more hours to train.

>> No.8047885

This is correct, in a retro circle it's basically impossible to have a "deep cut" in such a shallow library. He also took my vote for tetrisphere.

Also maybe not that relevant, but people really overlook NBA Hangtime for N64. Shit is basically the arcade version at home, with four player support and no need for multitap. Basically no reason to not have it in your 64 set, besides the fact that nobody actually plays retro as a group activity anymore.

>> No.8047887

There at least seem to be a small handful of single player titles repeated by different posters in this thread which aren't Rare or Nintendo.

>> No.8047893

There's some good ones. Mystical Ninja is one of my favourite games on the system. A lot of people forget about the first Paper Mario. The Chameleon Twist games are two really fun and totally overlooked platformers. Rayman 2 was one of my favourite games at the time, though that's kind of moot now, since it got some better ports later down the line.
It's not Playstation when it comes to variety, sure, but there's stuff there.

>> No.8047897

I'm playing Castlevania now, and so far I've already found two "WHO THE FUCK THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA" moments. The first was that shitty platforming over the poison rivers, and the second is the fucking hedge maze. The camera for the boss fights also sucks. Whoever approved this shit can fuck right off.

>> No.8047905

I remember this getting advertised a lot but never played it. Ubisoft poured money into Nintendo mags.

>> No.8047909

That's my experience for tons of DS and GBA games. I'll try them on flash cart and say "oh, this is a cool game, I should get a dedicated copy" only to look it up and see it selling for three figures (in this case, it was a japan-only wizardry game). Like, unless it has English in the menus (like some JP releases of different CRPGs do) I can't imagine why Americans would fork out tons of money for an RPG that they can't read.

>> No.8047914

You can drum up all the people who played it in the day by bringing up the need to find all of the tribals.

>> No.8047924

I just washed my hands of it once I beat the second to last boss. It was a fun game. I'm not finding all of those tribals though.
That game could probably use a romhack, come to think of it. Just change the end game requirement to finding two thirds of the collectables like any sensible collectathon.

>> No.8047925

I haven't played the Oracle games in 20 years so I need to revisit them to get an updated opinion. My feeling at the time, however, was that they were a bit too large, better to say oversized. I thought LA was a perfect length and very enjoyable from start to finish.

>> No.8047931

I think the Oracle games are less memorable, because they released two of them at once. I remember them being really good. I just don't have strong memories of what content was in which game.

>> No.8047937

The story about it is kinda interesting. It was the first game developed by Sucker Punch, and due to industry ignorance, went ahead and made a large portion of the game without having a publisher signed on to it. Apparently they struggled to find a publisher because nobody really wanted to agree to publish a game which was already fairly far into development. They used E3 '99 (game came out later that year) to show off the game and aggressively court different publishers. Obviously Ubisoft agreed to publish it, but apparently would've had very little say in the majority of development, save for maybe the last 20-30% that was left when they agreed to publish it.

>> No.8047959

>wind waker

u wot m8, pro skater sold through very well on N64.

If you had the option though, then you'd want to go nowadays with the dreamcast versions. Superior graphics to N64 and CD quality music like PSX.

>> No.8047961

What are the modern Tetris rules preventing tetrisphere from reemerging? That game is like a drug trip, would be amazing in VR.

>> No.8047964

This version is great, I just wish there was a restoration mod of sorts to bring the art direction more in line with the first release.

>> No.8047982

I've never seen any semblance of a consensus among Zelda fans before. Even back when wind waker was being shit on as kiddy garbage in the 2000s, I remember almost no one agreeing on best Zelda. There were the 80s lads insisting it was Zelda 1, the SNES boys and their Zelda 3 love, the 3D dudes for OoT and the hipsters for Majora, plus link's awakening and the oracles had their fans. The only game that nobody openly loved back then by my memory was Zelda 2; I think that game only recently had a rediscovery and appreciation in the public eye, though it's definitely still tops many people's lists for games that filtered them. Anyway, what I'm saying is that Zelda seems to be a series with few widespread opinions. There are populous and vocal camps for most every game in the series, and you'd be hard-pressed to assert that one game has always been held superior to another in the wide majority of fans. OoT has the normalfag vote, but hardly the universal love of the Zelda fandom.

>> No.8047996

The game gear version also had "2 players on one controller" option. Didn't ever know about the 64 version, sounds like my kind of party game.

>> No.8048003

Only racing game to give me motion sickness. Way too fucking fast. Seemed cool otherwise.

>> No.8048139

Yeah Mystical Ninja is definitely a hidden gem and I don’t think Ogre Battle 64 got much notice when it first came out.

>> No.8048209

Buck Bumble for a true 3D third person shooter.

>> No.8048227

>I'm sick of pretending Jet Force Gemini isn't the best Rare game on the N64.

Based. If there was ever a game that deserves a remaster its this one.
>Fix the default controls
>Better framerate
>Modify some level layouts to be less confusing
>Change Tribal content gating
People would finally see how amazing it really is

>> No.8048287
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Shiren the Wanderer 2. Really great mystery dungeon game with good graphics/music.


>> No.8048338

Lego Racers is a competent Mario Kart alternative. The PS1 version takes a minute to load each track, but N64 is instant.
Only 2-player multiplayer, but you can build your own car!

>> No.8048390

Wind Waker filters another pleb. Most based Zelda game of all time.

>> No.8048403

Shiren 2 is fairly popular in Japan, but yeah most westerners have no idea it exist.

>> No.8048417
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Loved this one.

>> No.8048791
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I don't understand the thought process that leads to enjoying wind waker. First off, the game just has so much padding. Sailing takes too long and ultimately isn't an interesting way to cover up load times. Too many islands are small and insignificant to justify the sailing required to reach them. The plot, characters, and atmosphere are, in order, unimportant, somewhat charming, and overall pleasant, but the whole of them are insignificant to the actual quality, by which I mean the game doesn't really benefit or suffer from those elements, they are simply "just there" without having any real impact one way or the other. The game's dungeoneering isn't particularly challenging to dexterity nor cleverness, and exploration in the game requires more time-wasting than blind-searching all of the hidden locations in Zelda 1, not for tedium of repeat actions but for tedium of hiding load times with a damn boat.

About the only great thing about WW is the visuals and the music, which come together to really make a nice experience. If those are the best parts, however, then yyou could just as well watch a longplay of the games and skip the boring parts. You'd probably save a good 40% of your play time by skipping the stupid boat shit alone.

If you're the type that likes sailing that fucking much, then play a game that's good at sailing, like Sea Dogs or its unofficial sequel, Pirates of the Caribbean. Or you can play another fantastic waste of time Zelda, like Twilight Princess, and at least do a variety of different time-wasting gimmick activities. Of course then you have to deal with owtheedge + D00D REMEMBER OCARINA???!! 8D so maybe you should just skip both shitpiles.