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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 318 KB, 1500x844, secret-of-mana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7971712 No.7971712 [Reply] [Original]

Post games you don't like, but everyone else seems to circle jerk over.

Pic related. I wanted to love this game bros.

>> No.7971721

Final Fantasy/Dragon Quest *
If you like the mainstream JRPGs you can absolutely suck a dick and die. They're bad. Makes Star Ocean look good.

>> No.7971736

There's probably at least one final fantasy you would like

>> No.7971760

Couldn't get into dragon quest, and the only FF i actually liked was X

>> No.7971810

Super Mario Bros 3

Annoying as fuck, repetitive soundtrack, quantity vs quality, shit levels that last 20 seconds, using and accumulating outfits in the menu like a rpg.

Ok controls and original aesthetics though. Mediocre game

>> No.7971853

I agree on Secret of Mana, although I did really enjoy Seiken Densetsu 3.

My pick is Earthbound though. It’s boring.

>> No.7971858
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It feels like a tutorial level stretched out to a full game.

>> No.7971904

kirby super star
rayman 2
kingdom hearts 2 (any version)
anything in the megami tensei universe
zelda twilight princess
ape escape
paper mario ttyd
fire emblem path of radiance
metroid prime
gta vice city
mega man x4
any/all racers with rubberbanding. though to be fair i didn't have a problem with these initially, it's just one of those things where you can't go back once you've noticed it

most sd/mana feel low-budget and janky in some way

>> No.7971925

What about SoM didn't you like OP? It's a comfy rpg with good music. Certainly nothing mind blowing...but good.

>> No.7971989
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Does Final Fantasy Adventure count? XD
Yep, Mario games are not enjoying like sonic. They're chores.
If you didn't live in the time I don't think you could get in to it now. It was just about how fucking 90s and wild it looked and sounded, back then. Grew on people.
I hated how time consuming and no rewarding this game was. SoC was alright

Me, this game. I don't know if lots of people praise it but it was spoken about when I was younger.

>> No.7972002

Drakengard is a pretty terrible game in most ways, but I still 100%ed it because I thought the story was cool and wanted to see all of it. If the premise of the story isn't interesting to you then I would avoid it at all costs.

>> No.7972034
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I actually like this game, but I also feel that it's hideously overrated. The dungeons are enjoyable and challenging, the music is good, and the atmosphere is good. But the combat system feels clunky and the game is an absolute chugfest. A lot of the praise for the graphics is not really relevant nowadays, the attempt to go "realistic" just looks laughable now. It was really groundbreaking for the time but it doesn't hold up as well. I honestly believe that A Link to the Past and Wind Waker have both aged more gracefully, and are more enjoyable to pick up and play today.WWVJ

>> No.7972043

music is cool but enemies all fight same stupid way and puzzles are too easy

>> No.7972068

Resident Evil I guess (although I don't really see much of a "circle jerk" around that).

>> No.7972134 [DELETED] 

Any Metal Gear game. The stealth is laughably poor compared to say, Thief or Splinter Cell.

>> No.7972707

Wind waker is my favorite Zelda game.

>> No.7972709

Links awakening is a close second

>> No.7972861

>It was really groundbreaking for the time but it doesn't hold up as well.
It's not even as groundbreaking as its remembered for being. There's no denying it was ahead of its time. Ocarina did establish a handful of conventions for doing a 3rd-person action-adventure with weapon combat, something nobody else had achieved yet. So it was groundbreaking in that very narrow genre. But people seem to forget that it came out near the end of 1998. Ocarina was quite late to the 5th gen party. Most of the relevant ground had already been broken by the time Zelda came out. It's just that the N64 didn't have many games, so many kids weren't really aware of what was happening outside the Nintendo bubble.

>> No.7972875

Not OP, but I didn't like how it's mostly just endless linear corridors with very samey enemies. Most other action rpgs of this type have a lot more variety. It's cool for its multiplayer feature, but single player is a yawnfest.

>> No.7972914

Pretty sure people only like first drakengard for plot, character and weird stuff. Nobody liked the gameplay

>> No.7973057

Zelda Alttp
what a fucking turd this game is

>> No.7973218
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Guess I don't like walking stairs

>> No.7973346
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I understand this series is held on a high pedestal, but just like Dad Rock (Guns & Roses, ACDC, Aerosmith) it was never good.

>> No.7973360

>so many kids weren't really aware of what was happening outside the Nintendo bubble.
This is what I attribute to the game's success the most. I get that it was an enjoyable game, and probably completely blew the minds of little kids who only had Nintendo 64s, but as someone who played lots of other games on Playstation and PC, I just never got what people saw so groundbreaking about it, and to be honest still don't. It's an OK game, but it's overrated by a great deal.

>> No.7973556

Wario Land 4
Metroid Prime
Wind Waker
Link to the Past
Yoshi's Island
Dragon Quest series
Ghouls N Ghosts seires
Sonic series
Dynamite Headdy
Toejam and Earl
Crash Bandicoot
Metal Gear Ghost Babel
Banjo Kazooie series
River City Ransom
Viewtiful Joe
All extremely disappointing games.

>> No.7973858

>paper mario ttyd
I don't hate it, it's just unremarkable

>> No.7973880

Well it is the best Zelda game after all.

>> No.7973940

Someone please redpill me on why the camera only moves when youre 2cm away from the god damn edge of the screen.

>> No.7974038

Halo, any Mario Party and anything Ps2 or gamecube.

>> No.7974124

Doom is trash venerated by a smalk, but vocal, group of psychos in training.

>> No.7974128

Fuck off

>> No.7974130

If you don't like Mario and Dragon Quest you probably don't like video games as a whole. They are literally impossible to dislike. They are all simple but incredibly well made games
Ico on the other hand I can understand how some people can dislike. It's one of my favorite games of all time though
Drakengard is like Majora's Mask. Everything is good except for the 'game' part. It's straight up painful to play

>> No.7974146
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I get that it was hugely influential, but it's been leapfrogged by successive developments in first person shooters and playing it for the aforementioned reason now is like eating raw slabs of meat because they paved the way for cooked steak in human evolution. As a matter of fact unless it has strafing and free mouse aim I don't consider any first person shooter worth playing at this point.

>> No.7974856

>Mario 3. SMW is better in every aspect. The levels are way too short and easy.
>Golden Axe
>Sonic 1
>Any Megaman game (only have played and beaten 2 and X). Never liked the aesthetic or gameplay. I've never felt the need to play more MM games or even replay 2 or X.
>A Link to the Past.

>Ghouls N Ghosts seires
>Banjo Kazooie series
>Sonic series
You are a complete faggot, anon. Super Ghouls 'n' ghosts is a top game. It seems as though you played 5 minutes of nearly every game on that list and have just given up.

>> No.7974874

The half dozen losers in that decrepit Doom general they keep on life support would disagree.

>> No.7974904

Conker's Bad Fur Day

>> No.7974906

Nope, those are all games I played all the way through because I really wanted to like them. They're just not fun to me.

>> No.7974920

It sucks.

>> No.7974949

But I like Mario games, I just don't like 3.

>> No.7974964

what year were you born in, just curious?

>> No.7974970

try harder

>> No.7974976

Fair enough, anon.

>> No.7975287

Did you try playing it with a friend? The couch co-op is a good time.

>> No.7975328
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You niggers inparticular need to show your work.

>> No.7975394

Not OP either, but it's a terribly balanced game. For such a game, there's a miss % that's too high (that is, if it's actually missing, you get 0 indications. Could just be shit hitboxes for all I know) which gets especially frustrating if it happens after charging your attacks for so long. The CPU friends are constantly in your way and has to be babied constantly, even worse is that they have the same limitations that a second and third player would so you can legitimately get stuck somewhere if you fuck up hard enough
Then the bosses are quick as shit, you can barely hit them, so the only proper solution is to grind magic, spam it for weakness and just melt the boss instead of fighting it properly. I know because on my first playthrough, I didn't grind magic and fighting bosses with nearly only normal attacks was absolutely miserable
Other dick moves includes monsters automatically casting sleeping spell and such the min you walk in. Before going into one of the final game areas, the game has a neko on the otherwise of the map that's hard to reach from where you are. You are told about it, but if you go "fuck it", you get into the new area and gets immediately melted because you NEED the new gear, no matter what, or manage to survive long enough to get very lucky drops there. What a dick move
Also the dialogue and overall story kinda sucks (the translation might also suffer greatly here) and is not worth playing as a single player game and part of the beautiful music is interrupted by sound effects
I learned to somewhat like it on a second playthrough on the mana collection, but it's such a ridiculously flawed game on every possible level

>> No.7975420

What exactly has been done better, anon?

I like Doom because you move fast, you dodge slow moving telegraphed projectiles like its a 3d shmup, and you get a little bit of dungeon-crawl style exploration and resource management tied in.

It's just such a nice little formula. On top of that while there are mods that obviously improve it, I feel like the original just has a nice balanced enemy roster (one thing I hate about quake is that there's no imp equivalent, a basic mob enemy who shoots slow shmup projectiles and pops from one shot) and decent level design.

>> No.7975786

Goldeneye and GTA are definitely trash.
>Ape Escape
Eat a dick.

>> No.7975795

>Drakengard is like Majora's Mask. Everything is good except for the 'game' part. It's straight up painful to play
that's how I feel about all 3D zeldas

>> No.7976097

>Also the dialogue and overall story kinda sucks (the translation might also suffer greatly here)
The translation is very bad, but the game also suffers a lot from having a massive chunk of the second half axed, which is why everything gets so dissjointed after the emperor's castle and why that one vampire-looking henchman dude is such a throwaway nobody.

>> No.7976143

Secret of Mana
Wind Waker
Sonic CD
Pokemon GSC
Genealogy of the Holy War
Resident Evil 1
Mega Man 3
Final Fantasy 10
Shadow of the Colossus

>> No.7976151

Sorry not everyone likes your favorite game.

>> No.7976202


not him but i like windwaker too and im born 89

>> No.7976378

Dumping a big list of games into a thread like this is just lazy and boring. I'm not that guy and I don't even know if those lists have any games I like or don't like in them because there's no point even reading them. It's clear the poster hasn't put any real thought into it and is unlikely to engage if you respond anyway, so why bother?

>> No.7976403

Could never get into Super Metroid. Atmosphere was good but just hated the gameplay. I appreciate why people like it, but it wasn't for me.
Early Mortal Kombat games (1, 2, 3), didn't feel as fun as Street Fighter.

>> No.7976412

Deus Ex. It's not a terrible game, and I can give it credit for what it was trying to do, but the game itself is so goddamn clunky that playing it just isn't enjoyable for me. System Shock 2 has very similar gameplay(FPS with inventory, stats), but feels far more polished to me, even if it has some jank of it's own. I can see why people like Deus Ex, I just can't enjoy it.

>> No.7976426

I didn't really care for it until I started shield-dashing. Makes the game way more fun.

>> No.7976436

This is one game where everything seems right and enjoyable, but the main component of the game just sucks, the battle system. I dropped the game early when I realized that I wasn't going to enjoy that system at all.
Ico was definitely overrated, but I did enjoy it. Its second sequel on the other hand, is lucky that it's nowhere close to being /vr/ yet, because I have LOTS to say about that overrated hunk of shit.
>KH2 (any version), TP, TTYD
Agreed with these. I also agree with Vice City to some extent, but mainly in where it ranks within the PS2 trilogy for most. I thought it was the weakest of the three, but it's still an amazing game with perhaps one of the Top 3 greatest OSTs ever in a video game.
It's definitely more popular now thanks to Nier, but yeah, I thought it was garbage when it came out. A bland Dynasty Warriors RPG clone is what I thought of it.
>Yoshi's Island, River City Ransom
Both of these are incredibly overrated for sure.
>Pokemon GSC, Mega Man 3, FFX
For sure, especially the first two. MM3 was the worst entry on the NES.

Pic-related is the most overrated game I have ever played. I found the QTE scenes, inventory, and sudden change in tone annoying af, and the over-the-head shoulder gameplay was just too clunky for what type of game it was wanting to be at the time.

>> No.7976438 [SPOILER] 
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The mystery game that was nowhere to be found in the last post!

>> No.7976439

Earthbound was an amazing game for what it was at the time. I can count the amount of turn based fighters I actually seen to completion on one hand, but this one I'll defend. Granted, playing the SNES RPG's in the 90's as a teen was an entirely different experience then it would be picking it up now.

I'll agree with Residnet Evil and Secret of Mana. I grew up with those games, and didn't like them at the time either. Especially Resident Evil 1. I beat a few of the successors, but couldn't get into that one.

My list:
Ghosts and Goblins (annoying hard)
Smash Bros. (never got into it)
Majora's Mask (a bad remix of OoT, with a punishing "back in time" mechanic)
Sonic (any of them. It was the same boring game anyway)
Castlevania (never enjoyed)

>> No.7976469
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The Metal Slug games

>> No.7976621

As a zoomer playing them in the 2010s I just didn't really get the appeal. The game certainly has a lot of charm, but it just a pain to play.

RE 1 is strange, everyone says that it's one of the "scary" ones but with all the camp and low quality graphics I really don't see what they're getting at. Also the remake absolutely blows it out of the water.

Also if I'm allowed to add some more modern games to that list, I'd put down the Souls series. I respect them for providing a challenge, but don't enjoy playing them. Along with the fact that they all just feel like level pack extensions of the same game.

>> No.7976660

Early MK games aren't as good as street fighter. No big mystery there. MK is good fun and not a bad game but SF2 is much deeper mechanically.

I liked MK but I'm a shitter at fighting games

>> No.7976675


>> No.7976682

81, its fun but damn i hate boats.

>> No.7976701

Mega Man X

>> No.7976736
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only passable game in the series

>> No.7977621

There's still no FPS to this day that is as snappy and satisfying as Brutal Doom.
They're way more fun if you play with someone else. But yes they're carried by the godlike sprites and animation.

>> No.7977634
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>> No.7977659
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God this cancer thread already sucks.

>> No.7977671

FTL (Faster than Light)
I assume that those like it, also like text adventure

>> No.7977830

>but as someone who played lots of other games on Playstation and PC, I just never got what people saw so groundbreaking about it
Nothing controlled like it at the time (at least nothing as high profile), and now every 3rd person game afterwards are more or less controlled like it from then onwards. 3D action PC games were largely first person, and mouse control feels very different anyway, and the Playstation was generally tank controls for the most part, thanks to the analogue stick not being mainstream on it at the time.

>> No.7977837
File: 19 KB, 380x380, tmp_2F1583790192093-zfupj1eh7j-83d898b06c2f0a1284b31dc314985d73_2FSkyrim+box+set+cover+WEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just feels boring. I don't get how people could put thousands of hours in to this game.
>inb4 lots of people hate Skyrim
That's just people on 4chan reacting to how synonymous with reddit it has become. When it came out people on here loved it too.

>> No.7977846

Unfinished plot and broken gameplay

>> No.7977852

it's just the dregs of /v/ that stumbled onto this board spreading their shitty opinions for (you)'s
pay them no mind anon

>> No.7977853
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Only Mega Man with a non-existent weakness system.

>> No.7977870

you seem to be lost, let me help you >>>/v/

>> No.7977875 [DELETED] 

aaaaaaand opinion discarded

>> No.7977876 [DELETED] 
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guaranteed (You)s

>> No.7977885

Alright change it to marrowind with its bullshit combat then. I tried to love that game so much but the constant *miss* *miss* *miss* drove me crazy.

>> No.7978152

kirby ss: it's not awful, just never been a huge fan of variety games
ray2: several steps down from ray1 artistically and otherwise a ho-hum platformer
goldeneye: i'd played better multi and better fps
kh2: button-mashing, lazy rehash of kh1 with donutsteels
megami: poorly paced timesinks
zelda tp: too easy, wolf parts suck, worst zelda aesthetic
spyro: isn't fun to control, art is too "loud" generally
ape escape: loses its charm and gets repetitive quick
ttyd: i don't hate it, but compared to the first it sacrifices presentation and puts an "ironic" veneer on the whole story, just never sat well with me
fe:por: i hate tellius' story and world, too much laguz drama. japanese maniac is too tedious, all other modes way too easy
metroid prime: too much to go into here but, pathetic enemies, OST is farts, formulaic zelda-ish bosses, lore implementation is clunky and bloated for starters
vice city: >>7976436 summed it up well
terranigma: i don't hate this either, but i also don't see what it did that wasn't fairly generic. i think it acquired "cred" at some point because people all kind of discovered it after snes' heyday and said "hey, this game is overlooked" and were too generous to it
mmx4: run/jump/shooting feels downgraded (player sprite is too bulky), story/cinematics are cringe, stages that take you away from the core gameplay too often, sloppy boss design
rubberbanding: shameful practice. i'd rather rightfully win a race by three laps than have the computer generate fake tension where only the last 3 seconds of the race matter.

>> No.7979690
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I'll bump it just for you.

>> No.7979970

Pick a game on which you'd like me to elaborate

>> No.7979980

Last time I played this I made a thread saying it sucked and a lot of people agreed with me, surprisingly.

>> No.7980309



>> No.7980326

You pick one. Say, which ever one you percieve to have the biggest circle jerk vs your feelings about it.

>> No.7980401
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>> No.7980427

do terranigma

>> No.7980432
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>> No.7980440
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cawadooty but in much worse

>> No.7980474
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>heavily story driven
>cutscenes every 10sec.
NO FUN the game

>> No.7982546

Castlevania is one I played a couple months ago, and the controls were a huge annoyance, especially around stairs. If you try to crouch near stairs, Simon will walk towards them instead, meaning you'll take a hit from not ducking and probably take another from trying to walk back up the stairs to where you were. This caused me a lot of annoyance in the hallway with the knights and medusa heads, since my natural inclination was to wait by the stairs dodging attacks and letting the knights approach me.

Also, if you approach a staircase from the top, you drop through it unless you press down as you approach. This is an understandable design choice but it caused me several deaths. I remember in the last level there was a staircase that took you up to the right into another room, but there was a jump to the left immediately after. I'd climb up the stairs into the new room, instinctively press left to reorient myself, and just like that I was dead. They should have made it so you automatically walk down stairs and could press down to drop through them.

The second to last level where you fight Death is too long. It was so tedious having to plod 5 minutes to the end again and again just for 20 seconds with the boss. I finally gave in and used the holy water cheese, but I didn't realize you needed the III power up on my first attempt, so another 5 minutes were wasted. Of course, all that's ignoring the ridiculous difficulty spike in the hallway leading to the fight, so in reality it was more like a 5 minute slog for the chance to lose to Death.

(to be continued)

>> No.7982561


Often times when I was advancing through the levels it didn't really feel like I was mastering the game but rather memorizing a sequence of movements to exploit the AI. In the cave level I had to memorize a random sequence of moves at the beginning when jumping to the moving platforms so the fishmen wouldn't spawn in an impossible-to-dodge way while I was on them.

In the first screen of the last level, the giant bats kept hitting me until I realized that if you jump while you're a certain distance away, they won't swoop down to hit you. Except it wasn't obvious from their animations or patterns or anything, they just decided not to swoop down for some reason.

I was never able to find out a strategy for killing fleamen so I just had to memorize where they were and immediately kill them when they came on screen, or in the case of the two fleamen at the beginning of the second to last level I just moved in such a way that they jumped over me off the screen and despawned themselves. Overall the game just wasn't satisfying to beat.

>> No.7982616
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What did u say m8?
SoM is a masterpiece.
Fuck anyone who says otherwise.

>> No.7982695

Lame opinions, I guess you also hate 8?

>> No.7982749
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The game is good but it needs a polished remaster/remake so badly. I'd rather play the Link's Awakening DX.

>> No.7983581

the save mechanic in that game is retarded and single handedly made me stop playing.

>> No.7983693

Yes, all playstation mega man games are fucking trash

>> No.7983720

You just dont get them because you are nogs is all.

>> No.7983731

Nah 95% of the playstation library aged like milk most of them are barley unplayable on orignal hardware

>> No.7983742

>dipshit contrarianism: the thread
It always amazes me to think there are people in the world like the ones attracted to threads like this. People who I am sure without a doubt would never have an opinion worth listening to. The "faceless unwashed masses" that are always being obliquely referred. The kind of people who have so little personality they can only define themselves by what they DON'T like to stand out from others.

>> No.7983952
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>> No.7984062

I'm sorry we hurt your feelings but SoM is a 5/10 at best

>> No.7984069

I'd much rather play Adventure compared to Secret.

What shit tastes you have.

>> No.7984071

Born in '81.
Still posts on 4chan. Doubt or either just sad

>> No.7984079

You just don't like stuff. Ape Escape loses charm too quick lol. It's like a 5 hour game.

>> No.7984106

Go write about it on twitter fag

>> No.7984114

You've never been disappointed by a highly praised game?

>> No.7984245
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>Skill system based on equipping accessories (95% of the time being enemy drops) with the right combination of runes and colors then grinding them out to actually learn and keep the skill rather than finding skill books and learning the skills right then and there like in VP1
>Einherjar are mostly randomized when finding their relics in dungeons so if you want a particular one then you're savescumming for them
>Sealstone system
>Needing an absurd amount of magic crystals to even truly benefit from sealstones, which you can only get a max of 80 per fight or 30 if you just rush the enemy leader
>Mages being far less versatile compared to VP1 which makes encounters with enemies that can't be harmed by normal means even more of a pain
>Fun combat system held back by fucking awful battle arena designs where it makes dashing, the most important aspect of this combat system, tedious and easy to accidentally leave a party member behind to get fucked by an enemy because they grazed a wall
>Split exp (why?)

I'm not going to judge the story or characters yet because I'm around the end of Chapter 3 I believe but it feels like such a massive disappointment compared to the first game so far. Just feels like tri-Ace tried to fix things that weren't even a problem with VP1 but made it feel tedious and boring as fuck. Does it get better at all or is Chapter 3 this bad?

>> No.7984274
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This fucking game. Who tf decided it was acceptable to release a game with that atrocious "gameplay" (more like neverending menu scrolling)

>> No.7984309

VP2 only gets worse as it progresses. You're inevitably going to accidentally destroy the game's balance one way or another at some point, and then the combat becomes completely mindless because you can effortlessly overpower everything. The combat mechanics are the game's only good point, so it's unfortunate that they are so easily rendered irrelevant.

>> No.7986240


>> No.7986517


>> No.7986954

This 100%. Ruined a completely fined franchise and turned it into a shitty super metroid wannabe, and for some reason has created an entire genre of shitty wannabe super metroid games. Will forever be my least favorite video game.

>> No.7986976

Yes, the first 3rd of the game, at least, is complete garbage.
After that it's good. If you're overdoing the menus then that's on you.

>> No.7987106



I don’t even hate it. I just wish it had more replayability but the game is so short it kind of brings it down.

Rhythm Heaven and Taiko are better rhythm games.

>> No.7987128
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Doom, Doom II, Quake, Secret of Mana, Chrono Cross, Half-Life, most Fighting games, a lot of racing games, anything ever produced by Quintet, Final Fantasy IX, Fire Emblem as a series in general...

>> No.7987143

The original Secret of Mana is one of those games that people play less than an hour of, think it's pretty good but never finish the rest of the game to experience the janky combat and mediocre writing.

>> No.7987168

shit bait

>> No.7987176

>decrepit general
>95 posters
literally the most active thread on this board wtf.

>> No.7987184
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>20 fps
>"its clunky."

Well I mean.. it came out almost 3 decades ago- we've come pretty far. However, and I'm not entirely unbiased but it will always remain one of the most thematically consistent and perfect examples of a successful early 3D adventure game. When you read about a lot of older games, the actual ability of a team of people to create a 3D game or engine from complete scratch was often met with terrible results (especially in Japan).

Anyway, I totally agree with you and I grew up playing it as a kid. Check out the development of Castlevania for the N64 or the stories about crash bandicoots development in order to peer into the strange world of pre-pre-3D textured polygonal games.

>> No.7987191
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Generally I kinda agree with you, but isn't that literally the point of this thread?

>> No.7987268
File: 83 KB, 960x500, Kingdom-Hearts-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kingdom hearts 2. I loved KH1, and while the gameplay is a bit more fun in 2, I can't stand to play 2. The Disney worlds have absolutely no relevance to the story unlike 1, it just feels like I'm playing through an ad. I enjoyed KH2 up until I finished the intro with Roxas, then it just takes a dump as I have to go through Disney shit in a fruitless attempt to get back to the real plot. Just feels like a major waste of my time.