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File: 71 KB, 640x620, 7317_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7969595 No.7969595 [Reply] [Original]

Not perfect, but relatively polished and soulful 3D platformer.

Increases framerate to 60FPS- at the cost of near-endless amounts of glitches, shittier textures and models, and poor collision detection.

>> No.7969597
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Relatively-decent 3D shmup with a cool soundtrack and really good graphics for 1994.

Game runs too fast and controls are so fucking twitchy and overly-sensitive to the point of being unplayable.

>> No.7969617

I was really fucking weird how they released Sonic Adventure 2 Battle which was a good port from what I remember, deleted all the Big cameos so people wouldn't be confused I guess? Before doing an Adventure port. And then in the Adventure port they added Cream cameos from Sonic advance 2 for...reasons?

>> No.7969619

OP has the best example i can think of. Rayman 2 is also close though DC is the best version in my eyes

>> No.7969626

Ok so apparently the reason for the inconsistent quality of the GameCube ports between SA1 and 2 is that Sega, unlike Nintendo as we've seen in the gigaleaks, doesn't really archive their stuff so a lot of DX from what I hear had to be recreated as a lot of the original code was lost. 2 battle meanwhile came out the same year as the DC release so Sega likely still had the original code for that port.

>> No.7969746
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>PC and Xbox
One of the greatest third-person shooters ever and a landmark game of 2001 with a compelling story and badass John Woo/Matrix-esque combat and slowmo.

Generally considered average or mediocre due to cut-down levels, shittier graphics, twitchy controls, and poor framerate. Same applies for Max Payne 2- but to a more drastic degree.

>> No.7969959

Tales of Phantasia. The GBA port is atrocious, but it's the only official localized version, so a lot of people mistakenly think it's a shit game because they only had a shit version to play.
Spider-Man 2 (the movie game). If you only played the PC version, you think it's a piece of shit. But the PC version and console versions are two completely separate games.
SpongeBob: Battle for Bikini Bottom. Same situation as Spider-Man 2.
007 Nightfire. Same situation as the last two.
Splinter Cell: Double Agent. Same situation as the last three, except it was the 6th gen version vs the 7th gen version (PC was the 7th gen version). 6th gen was the good version, and 7th gen was the shit version.

>> No.7969962

Powerslave. PC version is just a generic Doom/Duke3D clone. Console version is like a prototype Metroid Prime, with a focus on exploration.

>> No.7969965

the collision is shit in the original DC game too, I'm fucking tired of hearing apologia about how it's just the port

>> No.7969976

post webm

>> No.7969981

Steam version of SA2B with mods is unironically the definitive experience.

>> No.7969986

You can easily find a video all about the glitches and bugs from the DC version though.

>> No.7969993


>> No.7970015

How many threads do we need on this subject?

>> No.7970062

until you admit SA1 is kino

>> No.7970082
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>millionth thread defending SA being a buggy mess on Dreamcast

>> No.7970087

How can you look at this and not go into a seething autistic rage about how fucking retarded big the cat looks

>> No.7970098
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Why ME?
I love SA1 and all its spasticness. How 'bout YOU admit it!

>> No.7970104

But SA1 is mediocre as fuck

>> No.7970117

It's not limited to collision issues, now shut the fuck up and stop making these threads.

>> No.7970129

cope it saved Sonic.
3D Blast sucked and not real 3d.

>> No.7970135

Its a good game, you just come across as a retard saying that the problems are only in the GC and that the GC version is why people don't like it, when realistically fans of the game like both versions and people who hate SA aren't going to like sonic games in general or are going to be annoying 2D purist boomers

>> No.7970145
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>> No.7970158

so nintendrones? Gotcha.

>> No.7970172
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>3D blast out of nowhere

>> No.7970183
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>> No.7970260

Wow jumping over and off something you aren't really supposed to jump off and never actually need to jump off breaks something? That's a game ending glitch right there...

>> No.7970267

gamecube kids loved sa2b and sadx

>> No.7970389

So none of the SADX glitches are ground breaking?

>> No.7971623

The difference is those glitches are all either non-issues (Ex: Texture corruption, could be a bad disc honestly), or things you actively have to go out of your way to get to happen. DX has shit where you just randomly fall through the geometry while playing normally and not going out of your way looking for glitches.

>> No.7971663

Not him, but i played through SADX and never encountered any glitches.

>> No.7971686

What mods are there?

>> No.7971715

I suspected that, I've played the SA2 on PC and I had a lot of issues with the gameplay, the GC version, in my mind, played much better. So, maybe, the Dreamcast version was better? It seems plausable to me anon.

>> No.7971759
File: 214 KB, 548x563, chaos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him or you, but every time i take the left wall in speed highway on sa1dx gamecube i fall through it.
anywho, both sa1dx and sa2b have a shitload of new issues. and the hd sa2 ports fucked the shiny chao colors.

better dx is a pretty good way to play sa1, but you're missing out on the sa1 chao system
there is no perfect version of sa2. sega likes to fuck lighting when it comes to ports

>> No.7971767

wrong vid for sa2, but you get the idea

>> No.7971781

I mean, when i played the Dreamcast of the SA1 i kept falling to my my death at the loop in windy valley regardless of the direction i pressed, i was later told that this was a problem with some emulators but by that time i was already too far in SADX.

>> No.7971842 [DELETED] 

GC version is the PC version. The best version of Sonic Adventure is the PC version with the mod BetterSADX

>> No.7971846

The best version of Sonic Adventure is the PC version with the mod BetterSADX

>> No.7972114

>relatively polished
This is absolutely insane to think of any SA version. Medication required imminently insane.

>> No.7972212

There's an infamous one in the section of Emerald Coast right before the Killer Whale Sequence. If you get a little too close to the wall you'll fall through the geometry to your death.
>a problem with some emulators
Go play it on a real Dreamcast and see how many bugs you actually run into.

>> No.7972301

No, the reason Sonic Adventure has a bad rap is because the only fun parts of the game last 20 minutes, the level design is bland and linear, and the style is so dated it hurts

Yeah it's better than the games that came after it but that's not really high praise

Chao Garden was great as fuck tho

>> No.7972507

>>Go play it on a real Dreamcast and see how many bugs you actually run into.
Not him, but I remember that shit in windy valley, took me a few tries to get past it.

There are a lot of parts in SA1 that basically require you to know the direction the devs expected you to press. If you let go, you don't have enough speed and die. If you press the wrong direction, you stop and drop off in mid-air.

Is the DC version less buggy? Yes. But it's still filled with bugs.

>> No.7972853
File: 81 KB, 219x173, 541 - oGMMR4X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of those videos shows someone spindashing and falling through the floor
Also the texture corruption isn't limited to one disc, there's multiple videos showing that same bug. You're an idiot and Sonic Adventure has been a buggy piece of shit from the start.

>> No.7973439

the port was not the cause of sonic adventures bad reputation. the problem was it was trendy to hate on sonic and the adventure games are the best one to pick on for maximum controversy. the originals are harder to criticize because they are considered classics and the late games are already near universally considered sub par and so criticizing them wont stir any outrage. the sonic adventure games sit it the niche of being decent but divisive games that make them a prime target for trolling. the vast majority of the people who profess a hatred for the sonic adventure never played them (and often were not even alive when they came out). the game cube dx port is subpar but if you played it as a kid and are ok with the sonic adventure gameplay formula then you probably would not have been too disappointed. i enjoyed it back in the day.

>> No.7973447
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Blaster Master doesn't so much get a bad rap but they kinda did a half-assed port job with Enemy Below. It's a decent port for the most part but it was still pointless and I hated that they had to fuck with the protag pilot's sprite.

>> No.7973476

Quite a few GBA ports of older games are flat-out unplayable dogshit.

>Earthworm Jim 1 and 2
>Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure
>Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis
>Mortal Kombat Advance
>Wolfenstein 3D

>> No.7973491
File: 94 KB, 640x910, 154527-Spyro_-_Enter_the_Dragonfly_(Europe)_(En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mediocre, but playable rehash of Year of the Dragon. Not good but not awful either.

Unspeakably shitty, barely-functional hackjob with game breaking bugs and egregious slowdown everywhere you look- virtually unplayable.

>> No.7973502

It's only trendy to hate on Sonic because the entire franchise's only strengths was a set of games that were released 30 years ago.

>> No.7973521
File: 21 KB, 225x300, Turok-2-Seeds-Of-Evil-Free-Download-v152-225x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>great ports that make the poorly-aged original completely-obsolete

>> No.7973572
File: 93 KB, 640x541, 4070_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grandia I and II are both underrated to this day because the superior version was either on a failed console (II on Dreamcast) or never localized (I on Saturn). The PS1 and PS2 ports are both shit.

>> No.7973574

It's a rehash of Ripto's Rage, not Year of the Dragon.

>> No.7973617

What makes the sega versions better?

>> No.7973641 [DELETED] 

The Saturn was a bigger failure than the DC.

>b-b-but muh 6 million units in Japan...
Lmao, you call that good sales?

Meanwhilst, Dreamcast fared well in multiple regions for the 2 and a half years it lived (could have been longer if the Saturn hadn't been such a shitty fucking failure which doomed Sega as a hardware maker forever, but alas...).

>> No.7974059

he's delusional when it comes to the first game (don't know about the second one)
Saturn version looks and sounds slightly better, has stable 30fps, but it doesn't make a massive difference because the PSX version still looks acceptable. other aspects of the game (gameplay, content) are exactly the same, and FMVs are actually better on PSX. Saturn version is superior, sure, but if people didn't like the PSX version, they wouldn't like the Saturn version either.
and I played it on Saturn, it's not a cope

>> No.7974078

it's the same shit no matter which version you play

>> No.7974121

Good one. Also Rayman 2 on PC...

>> No.7974750

I literally just played it Dreamcast last night for the first time in years, I had no issues with that level, and I never really did the first time I played it either.
>There are a lot of parts in SA1 that basically require you to know the direction the devs expected you to press
Is that really hard to do? There's literally arrows and Tikal Orbs that constantly tell you what to fucking do.
>one of those videos shows someone spindashing and falling through the floor
In a very specific spot of a map where no rational person would do it during normal gameplay. It also didn't do it every single time.
> You're an idiot and Sonic Adventure has been a buggy piece of shit from the start.
I didn't say it was free of bugs. I said the ones in the Dreamcast version aren't anywhere near as bad as the shit in DX. The bugs in the DC version are ones you typically have to go out of your way to find or are purely cosmetic like the texture corruption one.

>> No.7974762

Saturn version has the following:
Higher Resolution battle backgrounds
Better looking floor textures due to VDP2 usage
Better Water effects (again VDP2)
Different (sometimes better) spell effects.
More stable frame rate.
Higher Resolution Map Screen

>FMVs are actually better on PSX
Barely. Saturn FMVs are still using an MPEG based codec. The frame rate for the letter boxed ones are 12fps on both Saturn and PS1, only the full screen ones are higher on PS1 at 15fps vs the Saturn's 10fps. Why they went with that custom codec over something like Cinepak is beyond me though. You could easily match the PS1 versions with that, as we saw with the Prelude disc:

Overall the Saturn version is just a more polished product.

>> No.7974763

Nah, game is shit either way. Unpolished and buggy as all 3D Sonic games.

>> No.7974905

>relatively polished
Compared to Crash, Spyro and Rayman? Hell no.

>> No.7974934

I dunno, Wolf 3D seemed fine when I was a kid. It seemed much more faithful than the Doom ports were (Doom 1 was great, Doom 2 felt off)

I've always wondered what the Sega Smash Pack ports were like, internet says they're shit

>> No.7974982

Yikes. I get "he went out of his way" but a game should NEVER brick, ever. Many guidelines back in the genesis era actively prohibited this back then. It's sad zoomers grew up with broken games and accepted them so now "DLC/Patches" is mandatory for a 60USD game.

>> No.7974994
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>Random 3D Blast bashing out of nowhere

>> No.7974996
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>DX has shott where you just randomly fall through the geometry while playing normally and not going out of your way looking for glitches.

>> No.7974998
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>> No.7975003

Doing the lord's work btfoing op, I love you

>> No.7975045

I can't defend that, but honestly I never encountered that from years playing. As Tails I typically flew around as it's faster. I'd imagine when that happens as Tails you can fly to save yourself.

DX however has this kind of shit:

There's stuff like that all over the action stages in DX. You basically have to avoid entire routes through levels because of it. And none of them happen in the Dreamcast version.