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7961693 No.7961693 [Reply] [Original]

what was it like to experience Ocarina of Time in November 1998

>> No.7961696


>> No.7961704

Imagine witnessing the genesis of a new era without even being able to fully understand that concept or what the future was going to be like. Imagining games were going to be packed with that kind of density. Truly next level shit.

>> No.7961706
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it sounds like a dream

>> No.7961710
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>ywn relive being in 6th grade and having your buddies run crowd around you in your living room during Xmas break watching you play the game and beg for a turn
>ywn again tell them to fuck off and get their own game
>ywn again be that "Zelda guy" that people come to for advice on how to beat the water temple and get 4 bottles
Take me fuckin back

>> No.7961720

Honestly, this guy gets it >>7961696

I didn’t own a n64 though loved ALTTP.
My friend had a N64 and we had a sleep over just after launch. We played it none stop all weekend. Shit was fucking magical. Both taking it in turns to find secrets and completing dungeons, shocked when we turned into adult link. I genuinely didn’t want to leave his house after the weekend I just wanted to keep exploring with my best friend.

We had the exact same experience with DKC3. We spent the summer just 105% that game.

Nostalgia is fucking awesome

>> No.7961731

whoa wait did DKC3 come out AFTER OoT? how could that have been nearly as magick

>> No.7961737

Mario 64 was more mindblowing in terms of creating optimism for the future of games. Not saying OoT is bad, but SM64 already was the first jizz climax moment that most people felt towards the new medium of 3D. PCfags had tons of "oh shit this is awesome" between 96 and 98 as well.

>> No.7961748

No anon, was the year/summer before.
But still DKC3 had extreme nostalgia for me. Zelda OOT was something else though.

>> No.7961754

Mario really didn't seem that magical to me, Shadows of the Empire was far more mind-blowing. Mario 64 was the game that you just played to kill time at the Circuit City demo area while your dad bought a stereo

>> No.7961756

bro Shadows of the Empire was such a kickass game, Boba Fett was hard

>> No.7961759

I was more impressed with ps1 games and they had an oot station at the mcdonalds 1 block away from my house so i could literally walk there anytime and play it. i never liked oot it sucked and zelda is a kid for a huge part of the game (or is he always a kid? i dunno)

it was a step back from a lttp or that gameboy link
the games were too kiddish. its for babies. why would I play that when I could play baldurs gate or diablo which had gore and way more adult gameplay. in 1998 i was playing resident evil and parasite eve both which offer gore who is way more realistic than some baby game like oot

>> No.7961768

>Oh, hey, a new Zelda
That's it

>> No.7961779

Fuck yeah it was badass. Fully 3D flying stages, FPS/TPS shooting/platforming, speeder stages? Fuckin amazing at the time. No other game could compare on N64 at it's release

>> No.7961787

You sound like a massive bellend

>> No.7961809

It was magical for me last year, first time playing.

>> No.7961837

I was more into Final Fantasy VII at the time. I thought Ocarina of Time was cool but FFVII really captured my imagination more. I was only 9 years old but there was a lot more to chew on in those JRPGs. A temple in the forest or a temple in a volcano were things I had seen before (not in 3D like in Ocarina of Time, mind you) - but I had never seen anything like Midgar before. The point of this post isn't to stir up some pissing contest, but just to explain where my mind was at back in the 90s. I liked it well enough, but I didn't think it was the "GREATEST GAME OF ALL TIME" - it was just another game, albeit a very good one.

>> No.7961845

That makes sense but as you grew up you hopefully realized that jrpgs are an inherently inferior genre based just on that, capturing the imagination of little kids without much substance to it

>> No.7961850

>capturing the imagination of little kids without much substance to it
You can say the exact same thing about Mario or Zelda

>> No.7961859

Those games can still remain interesting thanks to cool game mechanics/level design/general gameplay

99% of jrpgs are the same in terms of variety and systems. You spam attack, heal when low on health, repeat (not an hyperbole)

>> No.7961863

Mario and Zelda are basic simple games, just like an JRPG. The difference is your are a manchild so you create this cope in your head to make them seem more grand to justify your liking of a baby game. Your favorite game is not more mature than anything else, settle down

>> No.7961869

I rented this and played on 'jamie's' profile (blockbuster didn't wipe the cart) and after a few hours of fishing, my sister and I pooled together and saved up and got it for ourselves.

>> No.7961870
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Where I'm at now is that a lot of these games are time-wasters but I appreciate them mostly for how the art comes together. As an adult I buy paintings and hang them on the wall now, you know? I like concept art books, that sort of thing. So I appreciate things like Final Fantasy VII for having hundreds of pre-rendered screens, I like those JRPGs for depicting cool art set to nice music with a narrative framework for exploring them. At this point, I think that's their greatest strength really - the story itself is silly, the gameplay is boring and simplistically easy, and so on. Same goes for something like Ocarina of Time: the puzzles are trivial for someone in their 30s, the story is really trite children's stuff, but I still appreciate the way sound and visuals come together.

>> No.7961873

JRPGs are way more simple and boring than Mario 64 or Zelda.

>> No.7961875

I'd completely checked out of games from like 94 onward (I was mostly focused on PCs), but I'd seen an ad for Zelda at released and vowed to buy an N64 once I had the cash.
Messing around in Kokiri was magical. I have a distinct memory of having Link hop up on those fences near the hole you crawl through to get the sword then hopping down and repeating. Just something about the fluidity of the movement was really enjoyable.
I also started doing IT tasks for the nearby library as a volunteer. When we weren't busy I'd spend my shift looking up all the latest rumors (remember the 'specific things lean' code?)

>> No.7961883

I have met plenty of people like you as a kid. You're the kid who grew up in a poor family and had to make a choice of a single console. You chose the N64 (which had zero RPGs) so you irrationally hate them since you couldn't play them. You probably had a single game, you maybe scrounged up your money for a weekend rental here and there.
Meanwhile the rest of us multi-console and PC kids enjoyed every game and we're not constrained by being poorfags

>> No.7961906

JRPGs are simply not engaging or fun. Pressing attack from the DVD menu until your HP gets low enough that you press heal instead is not interesting.

>> No.7961907

>ywn again be that "Zelda guy" that people come to for advice on how to beat the water temple and get 4 bottles
That was me. I even got a phone call once from some kid at school about how to beat the water temple.

>> No.7961912

The 3D world itself wasnt awesome to me because I had already been exposed to it in other games like SM64, or BK. But I never felt as immersed in a game as I was in OoT. Being a 8 year old ESL kid made the experience even more unique, because every small progress I made felt like a great discovery.
Bottom line, becoming adult Link for the first time is definitely one of the most memorable moments of my childhood.

>> No.7961929

Not him but I understand why a kid would prefer full 3D realtime gameplay to taking turns and menus.

>> No.7961990

you either never grew up around older siblings or you have adhd and can't focus or get into deep games.

you must of been one of those kids that behave like little shits screaming and jumping around and being a general nuisance you probably watched stupid tv shows and you have dumb tastes

you are not based

>> No.7961991

>deep games

>> No.7961996

like a few anons are saying, at the time it was between OOT, M64 and FFVII. M64 was the initial shock which made exploring a new axis feel so fun and free. FFVII, while certainly less "fun and free" added a dimension of depth from another direction. It felt like a movie and managed to make you care about spiky haired lego characters thanks to evocative pre-rendered backgrounds and a gigantic score that gave character to those eerily prescient dystopian locations . OOT combined both of the elements into what is now a fair but conservative bet for GOAT game. I like MM more though.
I'm glad you get it. At some point the joy we extract from games does depend on the artistic impression they leave. JRPGs mechanically derive from D&D but unfortunately remove the collaborative imagination aspect due to obvious technical limitations. What were left with is essentially the pure uncut artistic impression of a dungeon master communicating in 0s and 1s. Far far away from Beethoven or Shakespeare but still a novel and amusing form of art.
It's really not important that you love JRPGs but it's futile to expect the same dopamine rush out of them that other games are after. If you've never played or enjoyed D&D it might not be for you. Same goes for if you don't enjoy literature, or have little interest in art or composed instrumental music.
>its for babies.
your playing video games anon.

>> No.7962000

JRPGs can go from having cute critters in a peaceful forest in a windy, sunny day to systemic genocide and pestilence in a dieselpunk citadel where people fight just to survive.
I don't play JRPGs and never liked the gameplay but saying a fucking zelda game has more substance than those is hilarious.

>> No.7962002

It's the objective truth. They are better games, I'm not talking about the aesthetics (I like the aesthetics of both Midgar and OOT). Gameplay, pacing, progression- if you are a jrpg you are worse, simple as.

>> No.7962003

>your playing video games anon
There's a difference between playing a game with a faggy voiceover yelling EYYYAA every 2 seconds where it features no numbers or stats that even an illiterate baby can play it and playing one with heads flying off and game ending decision taking skills involved and themes like love, deception and storytelling.

not just rescue princess from evil guy

>> No.7962006

The difference is that the one that isn't a JRPG is good and the one that is a JRPG is shit.

>> No.7962009

JRPG gameplay is boring but >>7961837 is specifically talking about aesthetics and theming.

>> No.7962018

didnt preorder it because I had never preordered any game before. then comes release day and all the stores were sold out. called around some stores and Target said they'd get some in after thanksgiving so had to wait a week without it which was complete torture since all my friends got it and weren't stopping about how incredible it was.
woke up early and got to the target as it opened where there was already a line of kids waiting outside. the employee unlocked the front door and all of us literally ran to the electronics section, I remember the employee yelling "DONT RUN, WE HAVE ENOUGH COPIES FOR EVERYONE" but we all ran anyway.

got home, played it, and yeah it was pretty fucking mindblowing. whenever I would start playing it I would always sit there and watch the title screen for a few moments before playing. played it for quite a bit, always exploring and trying to find secrets and hidden areas, I didnt have a guide so tried everything myself.

the discussions after that were always, "Which game is the greatest game of all time- Metal Gear Solid or Ocarina of Time?"

>> No.7962020

nah you stick to your baby games with shitty 4 way movement and mindless pushing A button 1 button win gameplay
all you do is slash slash slash for 20 hours

ill stick to my higher IQ and better story gameplay
not saying you have to be smart to be playing jrpg but at least you dont have to be an illiterate baby than even a monkey could finish oot

>> No.7962023

>baby games with shitty 4 way movement and mindless pushing A button 1 button win gameplay
That literally describes every JRPG ever made and objectively doesn't describe OoT or SM64.

>> No.7962025

>We had the exact same experience with DKC3. We spent the summer just 105% that game.
I did that with my best friend with DKC2. I rented a copy from Blockbuster and we spent all week trying to finish it, then it came time to return it. I remember he literally came with me when I returned it so he could stand there and check out the exact cartridge we had been playing and had our save file on, then he rented it for the next week and we kept playing it.
good fucking times.

>> No.7962032

you're an idiot if you think kids can play a jrpg without being capable of reading or critical thinking. meanwhile anybody even a mindless monkey can play any link game. it has very little writing and most of it just involves rolling and slashing

>> No.7962035

>you're an idiot if you think kids can play a jrpg without being capable of reading or critical thinking.
Since when do JRPGs require reading or critical thinking? Is it really that hard for you to press the attack button endlessly?

>> No.7962041

you seem kind of hilariously preoccupied with how you may be perceived playing something that isn't "mature" - like some bully ghost of your past will appear out of nowhere, wedgie you and call you a baby for controlling cartoon characters without fake blood animations. You might be getting "edgy teenager" confused with "adult". I like PE, RE, BG and Diablo too, but I don't feel like an adult playing them. What game does?

>> No.7962052

I played and beat FFVII when I was 7. I had beaten dozens by the time i was a teen. Child and adult me would both agree that OOT is a remarkable game on par with any of them. Adult me can intellectually occupy himself by investigating the technical design of games that work fluidly.

>> No.7962078

clearly you've never played a jrpg then. you can't win every fight by just pressing attack.
some bosses have tactics and weaknesses and sometimes they are immune to physical attacks

I don't know about you but playing something like resident evil when you are 7 years old means you will be some kind of fucked up individual when you grow up. its far too young to be exposed to that kind of gore and gameplay.

point is any link game is kiddy, i can see a kid as young as 7 playing oot

i dont see a kid as young as 7 playing parasite eve
yes those are more "adult" games. or "edgy teenager" as you put it.
also teenagers playing games where you blow people's heads off is how psychos and sociopaths are made.

>> No.7962081

>you can't win every fight by just pressing attack.
Just 99% of them.

>> No.7962083

The pinnacle of humanity

>> No.7962093

i was that kid :(
never got to experience the ps1 and ps2 library until I became an adult with a job

>> No.7962116

>i dont see a kid as young as 7 playing parasite eve
idk how to prove to you that i did, but i did. I also watched "The Professional" at about age 4-5. I can see how "psychos" would be attracted to media like this but it doesn't automatically manufacture them. Personally, I just developed a detached and above average understanding of art. I regularly get jobs with art gallery curators so i'm not complaining
luckily they're both hackable and cheap now so you can experience the whole library for about 30$

>> No.7962123


>> No.7962125
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>> No.7962156

>like a few anons are saying, at the time it was between OOT, M64 and FFVII.
This ignores the fact that Ocarina of Time didn't come out until almost 2 years after FF7 and 2.5 years after Mario 64. A LOT happened in videogames during those 2 years.

My reaction was: despite Ocarina's technical achievements, it wasn't the game I was hoping for. Too much dialog, too many boring puzzles, not enough action. And I was a Zelda fan, most people weren't. Zelda was mind-blowing to kids who only ever played Nintendo games, that was about it.

>> No.7962162

it was boring and slow and i couldnt figure out what to do or where to go so i shut it off and played mario64 again instead

>> No.7962216
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>> No.7962223

Is posting a rageface really the best you got, faggot?

>> No.7962228

this is pretty darn true, even normies and chicks were playing this game

>> No.7962235

obligatory edgy contrarian reporting for duty

>> No.7962250

Haven't checked this thread, are there already people ITT larping as boomers saying it wasn't impressive because there were already incredibly clunky open-world games on PC that had a gorillion features and much bigger (i.e. completely flat and uninteresting) worlds and were therefore better games?

>> No.7962252

>expecting anything better as a response to mindless shitposting

>> No.7962257

I've heard of ESL kids learning English through the game. One mentioned on here that he thought "Spirit" meant "desert" because of the Spirit Temple.

>> No.7962283

>playing something like resident evil when you are 7 years old means you will be some kind of fucked up individual when you grow up. its far too young to be exposed to that kind of gore and gameplay.
LOL trying to make yourself sound so edgy and cool then saying something like this and showing how immature and soft you actually are. Do you really think a zombie getting its face blown off is ~adult~ and not kitschy cartoony shit?

>> No.7962295

You are the first one. Congrats cocksucker

>> No.7962390

lol. i was a that kid except i let kids from school come over to play. then one faggot stole a few football cards and i rarely let anyone in again. one of the other kids that was there got them back for me and we became bros. then he shot himself. good times.

>> No.7962602

Games before the internet's ubiquity were so fucking magical.
My eight-year-old ass took two years to beat OoT but it felt like a lifetime, I wish I could relive that.

>> No.7962608
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>> No.7962682

I watched my cousin play it and it looked cool

>> No.7962716

my brother likes to talk about how blown away he was seeing the game transition from 3rd person to 1st when crawling through a tunnel.

>> No.7962786

Ocarina of Time was the first time many kids had ever seen a game with true 3D graphics.

How was it? It was actually mind blowing, and as a kid I did not think graphics could improve beyond that.

I remember feeling that mind blowing feeling the first time I tried VR too. Those are the only two times though to be honest

The game itself, as a kid whose parents put a password on their AOL couldn't access the internet, so I also didn't have a strong idea about how video games "worked" so to say. So the game was mysterious. I didn't know what it was capable of if that makes any sense, so the line between my imagination and the game's contents was heavily blurred, and maybe didn't even exist. I was enchanted from beginning to end.

Unfortunately, much like VR, nobody can describe it to you in a way that's going to give you an understating. You had to have been there, and I'm actually sorry you weren't.

>> No.7962857
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>completely flat and uninteresting
You mean like Hyrule field?
Most overrated game of all time, easily.

>> No.7962861

I don't want to cheapen the memory by posting about it here but it was definitely the best Christmas ever (Christmas 98).

>> No.7962870

I was born in '95 so most of my memories of OoT were from 99-01 or so. I remember my cousins would play it at my house and I was blown away by it. But the Zelda game I rented the most often was MM (owned DK64 so I had the expansion pack). MM was much more impressive, and as I got older I would play that exclusively when I figured shit like emulation out and then eventually tracked down the original cartridge. Played OoT later around '08 or so and the graphics were shit compared to MM and my childhood memories of my cousin's copy. I had totally forgotten that so many areas were just fixed perspective shots with low res backgrounds.

>> No.7962875

>I had totally forgotten that so many areas were just fixed perspective shots with low res backgrounds.
Hate to be "that guy" but those shots were... I'm really sorry for this, but the only word I can think of is kino.

>> No.7962878

This unironically describes FFVII. Don't get me wrong, FF7 is a cool game but it's easy as shit. I can probably count the number of times I died on one hand, and I don't remember what the game over screen looked like, and most battles are just mashing X over and over until it's done.

>> No.7962890

don't apologize
i like those areas pretty much announce
"look we had to STOOP DOWN to FF7's level here"
like sure why not, the rest of the game is innovative and revolutionary, and falling back on something that was a masterpiece of the area is Understandable

>> No.7962893


>> No.7962905

>graphics were shit
you probably weren't emulating on sony trinitron crt though

>> No.7962915
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There's an element of truth to it though. If you were a playstation house (few had both systems) and had older brothers you might have only played more mature games whether you liked it or not. I was too young to play RE2 but I would watch my bros play the resident evil games...

>> No.7962930
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I was only about five at the time and it was the summer of 1999 but it's one of my fondest memories.
>Older cousins came to visit from out of state, always lots of fun when they come
>Family goes out to one of our favorite restaurants
>While my parents pay the bill my older brother and I walk down to the Blockbuster at the end of the strip mall like we always do
>I pick up Yoshi's Story and my cousin recommends my brother get a game that she had been playing with her roommates at college
>Get home, family gathers in the den
>Among the sounds of a summer night, this starts to play:
To this day that theme just takes me somewhere else. At first I was too young and sacred to mess up my older brother's file so I only watched him play, but as I got older I was so proud of being able to go it on my own. Not only was it influential, but I still think it's one of the closest things we have to a perfect game.

>> No.7962931
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Here's what it was like to take the Northern route across Antonica in Everquest. The only difference is that it would have been a lower resolution in 1999 and the UI would have been different. Also, you probably wouldn't have been level 60 so wouldn't have been able to just run the whole way without getting killed by something. Even the level 60 character puts up an invisibility-to-undead spell to travel through Kithicor Forest at night.


Going the other way would involve taking a ship across the ocean of tears to arrive at Butcher Block mountains (pic related) on an entirely different continent.

>> No.7962942

Actually I guess there are updated textures there, too. So the scenery looks a little bit better now than it did then. But the meshes are all the same.

>> No.7962949

>Played OoT later around '08 or so and the graphics were shit compared to MM
Lol it's literally almost the exact same engine. The textures are slightly bigger in certain places and the art direction is more out there but that's about it, beyond that the graphical fidelity is almost exactly the same.

>> No.7963215
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Didn't play it on release but all my video games were hand-me-downs from my brother, so I went from 2D Genesis/SNES games to OoT around 2001. I can honestly say I haven't experienced a more "magical" leap in video games since then, it was like entering another world seriously. Zoomers will unironically never understand, purely in the sense that there will probably never be a leap like that in media again.
Yeah dorks at the time already had better looking PC games and shit but for a lot of dumb kids like me OoT was that leap

>> No.7963258

i too chose PSX FF7 over waiting it out for OOT
had already spent a summer on quake

>> No.7963261
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I felt some magic when I tried VR for the first time in 2019, and it was astro bot on the PS4 kek.

VR was literal scifi when I was a kid, so I was impressed that I felt like I was really there. Idk if the feeling would be the same for them though.

>> No.7963290

But all the areas are fully fleshed out, there aren't any areas with just fixed perspectives and backgrounds. There's more effort. Even the shops are areas you can walk around and move the camera in.

>> No.7963303

Nobody cared. Everyone was playing Goldeneye or Mario. It didn't get meme status until years later.

>> No.7963312

Why lie?

>> No.7963348

it was pretty cool.

>> No.7963351

The tutorial area felt like an adventure in itself. I remember the rolling boulders being so exhilarating.

>> No.7963390

>(not an hyperbole)
that is though. this post screams "i don't really play jrpgs"

>> No.7963403

play it while you're on mdma and it'll be like playing it for the first time in '98

>> No.7963413

I didn't get a 64 till 2000, but i remember renting oot and it was truly a grand experience. I had played alttp not too long before, so i was hyped about playing 3d zelda. It did not disappoint. Though, once i got a ps2 with gta3 my preteen mind, it was over, especially when kingdom hearts came out. The gamecube couldn't keep up with The edginess of the ps2 and xbox.

>> No.7963414

How so?

>> No.7963415

>Kingdom Hearts

>> No.7963424
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Yeah and? Its one of the shining examples of trying too hard to be edgy

>> No.7963437

I can’t imagine liking this Saturday morning anime tier garbage even as a kid desu.

>> No.7963439


>> No.7963450

>people getting butthurt over a simple fact
Nintendo did make childish games, especially by 90's standards. Yet, you explain to some faggot here that a kid might not want to play a game that looks childish and you're a bellend. This shit got even worse with the Gamecube era.

>> No.7963539

Actually the GameCube had considerably more M-rated games compared to the N64.

>> No.7963542

british people have terrible tastes in games so yes this checks out.

>> No.7963618

>the attack button
Or maybe some of your hundreds of spells and abilities. Magical attacks, debuffs, buffs, healing, summons, etc.

>> No.7963619

It felt like the first true 3D adventure, if only we knew it would never be as good

>> No.7963662

Obligatory FPBP but anyway:

I was just a kid and my parents didn't have internet and I had no consoles, no nothing. We all had that one friend who was lucky enough to own a console. This was at the time where not nearly every household would just have one lying around so those kids tended to be popular in primary school.

I was at my friend's place a lot. His parents got divorced but his dad kept trying to win him over with expensive gifts such as that console and card games. We played a lot of smash bros later on but the first game he showed me was OOT. I had never seen 3D before that in games so it was truly the pinnacle of gaming. He usually rented games at the VHS store but OOT he personally owned.

He hardly let me play but somehow had me convinced that the second n64 controller could somehow influence the direction navi is going into. I was an idiot but I guess he just wanted to get away with playing more. We'd play for an hour or so before doing other stuff but it was never enough. As a kid I thought I had to do anything to play that game again.

I mean he showed me perfect dark, pokemon snap, mario and great multiplayer games but I often went home thinking 'man I really want to play OOT'.

I asked my parents so many times to be able to get a console to attach to their tv but even if I would pay for it with my own money they wouldn't allow it. "No gadgets attached to the TV. It might break it." my dad always said. We weren't very rich. For the record, I didn't get a console until I was 16.

So before then, I had to rely on emulation to finally be able to play OOT again. This was years later because even though I knew what an emulator was at like age 12 the idea that it was 'illegal' made me so scared of trying it until like 2 years later.

But I did. And despite it being janky with keyboard controls it was exactly as I remembered it. By then I was familiar with so many 3D games but it was still magical. GOAT

>> No.7963673

I was slightly underwhelmed for the first 10 minutes in the starting area, I felt that using 2D backgrounds in some areas was a bit cheap.
Once I got outside to the open world I realized it was pretty cool to see far into the distance. The combat seemed the same as Tomb raider to me but with an extra retical. I was slightly down on N64 at that point as I felt that Nintendo lied about the specs of the machine. The more I played it the more I appreciated it.

>> No.7963674

OOT was just a anther rehashed zelda game with zero new ideas. It falls flat with its kiddie shallow story. Graphics are just butt ugly and the game runs at sub 20 fps. People calling this game GOAT is just nostalgia coping for their shitty childhoods. Any one who was older then 10 at the time like me would agree that OOT is the most overrated game in history

>> No.7963754

Not a lie. Not everyone was forming the same sleepover memories you were.

>> No.7963802

nice blog you insufferable faggot

>> No.7963816

Disappointing. There were too many, deeper more intriguing RPGs and much more competently designed 3d worlds even back then. The real kicker was all previous Zeldas were more fun.

>> No.7963869
File: 21 KB, 324x310, oot-goron.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hilarious how tryhards nowadays are tripping over themselves to call it shit.

>> No.7963874

all i remember is gaming magazines sperging out about OoT, no one else was really talking about it that much

>> No.7963902

So you’re claiming you and your butt buddy friends completely ignored the biggest fall release of 1998? I don’t buy it.

>> No.7963928


>be 6 y old anon
>playing some kid videogame like mario 64
>dad get home drunk again from heavy metal concert
>"what the fuck are you playing anon, a childish videogame? are you a babby? grow some balls"
>be sad
>have to get dad's approvation
>proceed to trash the nintendo 64 and buy RE2 instead
>dad sees me playing RE2
>"thank god my son is not a fag anymore"

>> No.7963932

>heavy metal

>> No.7963950

It’s no masterpiece, but it certainly isn’t garbage like these shitposters make it out to be.

>> No.7964040

Believe what you want. Not that guy but lots of people just never gave a shit about the Zelda series at all.

What do you expect us to say, anon? OP asked for reactions and we're just saying that we didn't really think much of it. The reasons given are fairly consistent. Slow, got bored, child-centric, didn't like the puzzles, not enough combat, too busy playing goldeneye, quake etc.. I don't think it's a bad game. My 4-year-old loves watching me play it.

The fanboys who routinely claim without hyperbole OoT to be the greatest game of all time just cannot handle criticism of the game, or even just encountering someone simply not having the exact same reaction they did to playing Ocarina of Time during a sleepover when they were 8 years old.

>> No.7964092

>holy fuck this looks like shit
>wtf is this controller supposed to be?!?
>holy fuck the controls and gameplay are bad
>3D on consoles need another generation to mature
>PC is where 3D is at and I rather just play all the 2D games on prior consoles I haven't yet for now or PS1/Saturn

Pretty much the reaction of any sane person at the time, the N64 was the start of the rabid cult of Nintendo cocksuckers only rivaled by k-poop koreaboos you see today.

>> No.7964094

Contrarianism ought to be a bannable offense.

>> No.7964102


he was the one who stole the cards, he couldn't live with the lie any longer

>> No.7964198
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, rogue-squadron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rogue Squadron was pretty good but yeah I still preferred the sim games for PC (X-Wing, TIE FIghter, etc)

>> No.7964205

>Ban people who aren't identical to me!
Millennials really are the worst generation.

>> No.7964207

Go listen to Radiohead fag

>> No.7964209

No, he's just an annoying contrarian coming in and ruining a nostalgia discussion thread. It could even be considered trolling if it weren't for his own self-validation. I don't care if they have different opinions as long as they don't ruin threads.

>> No.7964210

>innovated third-person 3D games for decades to come
>zero new ideas

>> No.7964212

are any of the innovations used today though

>> No.7964215

You are a fuckin retard Jesus Christ.

>> No.7964228

>Everyone was playing Goldeneye or Mario. It didn't get meme status until years later.
Pre-orders sold completely out lol. Goldeneye only outsold it by about 400K despite being bundled with some consoles. You can meme about muh sleepover nostalgia but the numbers prove you're objectively wrong. And this is before getting into all the GOTY awards in 1998, the same year as Half-Life and Metal Gear Solid.

>> No.7964309

Probably some redditor from /int/ or somewhere who thinks fpbs is synonymous with based.

>> No.7964314

It was the first open world 3d adventure game I played. Fuck dude, I've never been happier than that moment. Take me back

>> No.7964348

Love these memory threads, they always showcase how each person experiences the same thing in a completely different way.
For me it was like
>Really like ALttP back then
>Mario 64 blew my fucking mind
>Get that sweet, robust OoT cartridge home
>No internet back then where I lived so know nothing about what to expect
>I'm controlling Link inside his beautiful house in a 3D environment
>Sweet, sweet tunes
>Exchange secrets and tips with friends for days on end, we all call one another at home to tell about stuff and to ask about stuff
>Overall a great experience
>It was the school holidays so I just played all day every day
Good times.

>> No.7964358

I wish I had grown up with the early Zelda games like LTTP and OoT, but unfortunately, for whatever reason I never heard of the series before Smash.

>> No.7964370

>lol numbers
The N64 sold a lot of consoles based on the success of the NES and the SNES, before people realized that Nintendo was running a No-Games policy for 5th gen for some reason. So Ocarina didn't have any competition on its own console, which had a much higher distribution than it would have without the Nintendo bonus.

And even with all those advantages Ocarina of Time would barely crack the top 10 as a PS1 game. It would sit down near 7th with Crash Bandicoot 1+2 and Tomb Raider. PC and PS1 games that beat Ocarina on sales include Final Fantasy VII and VIII, Gran Turismo 1 and 2, Tekken, Starcraft, and Half-Life.

And again, there are a LOT of popular games on the other platforms to compete with. Majora's Mask at 3.6 million wouldn't even crack the top 20 on the PS1 best-seller list.

>> No.7964462

A good entree before the main course that was Majora's Mask

>> No.7964563

leave him be, he thinks a one note answer like magic is a good comment to make

>> No.7964808

Didn't play it on release, but my grandma's neighbor gave my cousins and I a N64 with OoT, DK64, and StarFox 64 shortly after the GameCube came out. We were so young that we didn't really understand OoT, it was daunting and we never really knew what to do or where to go so we never played it much. Same thing with DK64 for the most part, but we at least had fun exploring and fighting whatever bosses were accessible from the menu on their save. StarFox 64 was more my speed, even though I couldn't ever get past the fourth level. I ended up playing through OoT in middle school and enjoyed it, but by that point I'd already played through Twilight Princess which I still prefer to this day

>> No.7964817

I don't know about OOT, but my mother told me everyone's minds were collectively blown when Mario 64 came out. My dad bought a Nintendo 64 specifically for it and they played it all day with another couple they were friends with.

>> No.7964872

Mario 64 was impressive when it came out. It was smooth and polished, played really well and was just fun. I wouldn't say my "mind was blown" but I would say it made me way more optimistic about the future of 3D games.

>> No.7964882

Its must be weird having parents young enough to have played videogames in the late 90s. Or maybe they're not young, idk. My dad likes dig dug

>> No.7964891

>it's weird having parents who are at least 21 years old
This is the first post on the first thread I read on this board today and I'm already pissed
thanks anon

>> No.7964908
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I didn't play it when it first released since I was only a month old (yeah I'm a zoomer, whatever), but I played it alongside Wind Waker on the Gamecube on the Pre-Order disc around 2002 or 2003.

Despite Wind Waker having more polished gameplay, I was still just as invested in OOT and love both games equally.
Something about those two Zelda games captured my imagination like nothing else, and I have very fond memories of playing through both games with my Dad.

>> No.7964909

you changed the meaning he was going for though, go back to sleep bruh

>> No.7964993

Man the 1990s were 30 years ago. I'm 28 and about to have my first kid in October.

>> No.7965042

It was insane, then Majora's mask came out and it was even more insane

>> No.7965061
File: 18 KB, 250x250, frogger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the 1990s were 30 years ago

>> No.7965118

/VR/ is probably gonna add PS3/xbox360 era games to what's considered to be retro soon enough. The kids who's first Mario game was new super Mario on the DS are likely old enough to drink.

>> No.7965296

i kept playing at the demo booth in game for some time before xmas. i bought the shiny magazine guide (still have) with awsome art and kept going to this store (wasn't game) to stress i was going to get it and they would reserve a copy- but they flogged the lot at xmas release (assholes) so got it from game anyway. graphics of this level were never seen before- i was never super good at games but collected everything- all hearts etc.
if you never lived it you will never appreciate the upgrade we got in graphics over those years- to go from shit 2d to good 2d to shit 3d to good 3d and beyond. the pre rendered scenes fell short of what r.e2 did and were unnecessary but game play was great- auto jumping was entirely new but worked, i fished for hours and left wanting more at the end. sad i got rid of my cart with game data :( seeing something that radical can never be replicated again unless you insulated your kids from the world and only allowed them to play/see stuff order over a period of years. it was also the year i lost my back teeth due to fueling myself with infinite m&ms cause my mom worked at a chocolate factory. i will always associate oot with discovering my own mortality.

>> No.7965312

>Anyone who doesn't like my peter pan simulation is a contrarian

>> No.7965709

Honestly, I don't remember much. I was 9, so I don't think I thought about it much, it was just a fun game.

>> No.7965746

you're completely wrong. jarpigs, outside of the tactical ones like nintendo wars or fire emblem have completely infantile gameplay made for the japanese pachinko brain, casualized from the brilliant western rpgs

>> No.7965769

Its like watching lord of the rings or star wars for the first time but you are part of the experience.

>> No.7965774

Its even weirder for me because I was born in 88 but i have crazy anti-aging genetics so I have the mindset of a boomer but look only slightly older than a zoomer.

>> No.7965775

He's posting that image in the resolution you'd probably find it online in, in 1997

>> No.7965778

>what we expected
>games will be densely packed with even more living worlds and AI and even more complexity to drive gameplay
>what we got
>cutscenes with lens flare

>> No.7965779

They need to make a different board for that shit. GameCube and PS2 era is bad enough.

>> No.7965783

It's the same post every day. and I was thinking /v/ was bad

>> No.7965825
File: 104 KB, 1024x765, 1625427261862m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we need more classifications.

Antiquity describes consoles that take place before the 80s, retro describes consoles that take place in the 90s, millennium describes consoles that take place in between 2000-2010. Modern describes 2010-2020, and obviously beyond that is current.

Maybe don't use those years exactly but i think you get the point.

>> No.7965853

>I think it do; therefore it be like it is

>> No.7965863

Lmfao thanks for reminding me how dumb this looked.

I had fun with the games, but the stories were kinda shite.

>> No.7965906
File: 11 KB, 191x263, tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have the mindset of a boomer but look only slightly older
how do you know this

>> No.7965925

so where are all these other jrpgs that dont play like that?

>> No.7965941
File: 38 KB, 198x141, 1457113804162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have the mindset of a boomer but look only slightly older than a zoomer
This board and it's posters are driving me up a fucking wall, man!

>> No.7965972

yeah 80s-90s was an era of rapid technological advancement where the race to innovate game designs within constantly changing constraints dominated the industry. That era saw the transition from arcades to 2D home consoles to experimental 3D.

Most of that had stabilized by 6th gen. This isn't to say innovation stopped and there aren't trends and fashion and that games no longer grow old, it's just that it's happening in a very different way for very different reasons now.

>> No.7966203

Yeah souls still uses the z targeting system popularized by oot

>> No.7966240

>get 4 bottles
There are two guaranteed bottles, one from Taron and one from Lake Hylia that has the letter in it.... there's also the cucco lady who gives you a bottle for collecting all the cuccos... Where's the fourth bottle? I couldn't find it in my latest playthrough.

>> No.7966242

DRPGs, wrpg-like games like Dark Souls, robot-battles in Xenogears, SRPGs.

>> No.7966249

Ocarina of Time didn't invent Z-targeting though. Megaman Legends had something similar and that was like a whole year earlier.

>> No.7966250

PS3 is not retro

>> No.7966303

Big poe fighting

>> No.7966313

Note that he said popularized, not invented. Are you stupid?

>> No.7966323

Even besides that, there's a lot of things that OoT did well. The transitions between 3rd to 1st person for aiming and crawling in tunnels comes to mind.

But really OoT is a game people enjoy for the soul. Compare it to LttP, and the gameplay might not be objectively better, but everything that surrounds the gameplay has a lot more personality.

>> No.7966335

Yep. Nintendo succeeded with the N64 where many others failed which was bringing legacy 2D franchises into the 3D era. Mario 64 and OoT were the gold standard.

>> No.7966540

A friend got it before me but we played it together.
He thought the name you had to input when you start was a password, and it was really confusing to see Navi say weird shit in the first dialogue.

We were stuck for a long time before entering jabu jabu, and he played alone a bit so he could try to progress. He told me he was able to enter it by swimming under the belly, but then he went out and never managed to get in again.
I didn't believe him until 15 years later when I saw it was the way speedruns do it.

Getting my own copy for Christmas and waking up the next day was one of the hypest moment of my life.

>> No.7966714

Not yet, but time marches on.

>> No.7966730

LttP is a more well rounded and fleshed out gaming experience, OoT is simply a pinnacle in game design a complete technical marvel and incredibly revolutionary and innovative

it's a really tough call but when in doubt i edge toward older titles when push comes to shove

>> No.7966742

Neither is ps2 and yet, here we are

>> No.7966781
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>> No.7966967

Kill yourself

>> No.7968248
File: 53 KB, 600x395, 1587748376801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was apparently