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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.44 MB, 963x682, 2021-06-03 16_11_05-41f220_328ca0c023004febb57da778c93af7c5~mv2.webp (960×685) - Iridium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7825718 No.7825718 [Reply] [Original]

Wow this game is bad
I'm starting to think Gamecube really is in this bad spot of being too dated but also not really retro

This plays like it's trying really hard to be a Wario game with all the 3D goofy nonsense Gamecube games are famous for

>> No.7825778

I loved it, looked graphically similar to a Dreamcast game

>> No.7825785

It’s fun for how short it is.

>> No.7825834

my memory of this game is playing it once for Christmas and then it never played again. Think the laser burned it. Idk. Never worked. Never got past the first level. Always wanted to play it though because it looked so cool to me.

>> No.7825864

I wish Treasure had gone hogwild with making a usual Treasure action game that happens to star Wario. Instead, they made what feels like a 3D Warioland. Game was thoroughly meh.

Gamecube emulation isnt very demanding.

>> No.7825879

Late gamecube era is around the time Nintendo started being OK with releasing soulless games. I'm not saying all their games since then have been soulless, but that's when they started being OK with mediocrity.

>> No.7825907


>> No.7825909

I had fun when i played it when I was 7 whats wrong with it?

>> No.7825914

>I'm starting to think Gamecube really is in this bad spot of being too dated but also not really retro
It was never good and it isnt retro.

>> No.7825934 [DELETED] 

it's a repetitive button-mashing 3d beat 'em up with some boring platforming mixed in

also you can beat it in a day

>> No.7825940

6th gen is here to stay whether you like it or not, faggot

>> No.7825941

Reddit. Now.

>> No.7826013

Wario World is Treasure's worst game. To the point that I couldn't even believe they're the ones that made it. I 100%'d the game in one sitting the day I got it, back when I was like 12. Way too short, way too easy, all the enemies are just reskins, no real depth to the combat, those puzzle-platforming sections where you collect treasure are too simple, etc. I remember the boss fights being pretty fun, though.

>> No.7826062 [DELETED] 

What went wrong with Treasure in 6th gen? Only Ikaruga and Gradius V were good, everything else was shovelware-tier garbage.

>> No.7826071

6th gen wont be retro even with you licking jannies cock so they dont delete your threads, faggot

>> No.7826110

I played every Wario game back to back a decade ago and this was probably the worst of them. Why doesn't Nintendo release Wario platformers anymore?

>> No.7826141

This game is awesome, I replay it every few years.

>> No.7826174 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 382x551, trashure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow this game is bad
Not big surprise, considering who made it... kek.

>> No.7826285
File: 3.37 MB, 1920x1080, xs3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6th gen is retro if your only definition of retro is number of years passed, which IMO is pretty useless and narrow-minded as a definition. I choose to believe that when it comes to video games the line of "retro" moves as far as general innovation and technological advancement have come. Each generation gave us successive bombshells. Having representative graphics. The move to 3D. LAN. Online play. And the kinds of games that could be made thanks to these broad developments.

With 6th through 8th gen I often can barely tell the difference between games a generation removed, all things considered. Maybe even two in some cases. Sure, if I really scrutinize things, I can see more sophisticated graphical qualities here and there. Maybe better water effects, draw distance, whatever. But these are the only advancements being made anymore, and even at their most dramatic, they're not meaningful to me. Not like 2D to 3D was. The only real frontier left is VR, and even that realm was already breached generations ago, if primitive.

Look at Xenosaga III. Is there some shadowplay going on here, sure. But this might as well be a PS5 game for me. The character models are essentially perfect, and the backdrops are lifelike.

>> No.7826436

Gamecube really has no good games besides F Zero and Tales of Symphonia

>> No.7826454 [DELETED] 

Dont forget based billy hatcher.

>> No.7826527

>you can beat it in a day
That's a good thing

>> No.7826537

Whats wrong is that youre too young to be here.

>> No.7826553 [DELETED] 

No it isn't. That means the game is too easy and doesn't require the player to git gud in order to beat the game. Typical casual nintenshite.

>> No.7826567

nobody is impressed with your nes feats nigger

>> No.7826754

Astro boy omega factor is a 10/10

>> No.7826792

The team behind the Land series got scattered to the winds, and other companies/departments, after Yokoi left. The WL sales were solid but nothing amazing, without a team that’s passionate about wanting to make them there isnt really enough reason for nintendo to put them out. There were a couple attempts at revival with Shake It (great artstyle, meh game) and Master of Disguise (awful) but those didnt do well enough to encourage more.

A lot of people blame WarioWare but I dont think that really has much effect on Land one way or the other.

>> No.7826794

Gamecube only has like 6 good games. Well worth owning the system for mind you, but still...

>> No.7826795

That's about 3 more games than the N64

>> No.7826807

N64 has a lot of great games anon-kun. And i'm not talking bing bing wahoo games either.

>> No.7826816

>all the 3D goofy nonsense Gamecube games are famous for
I don't care about Wario World but what the fuck does this mean?

>> No.7826817

Kill yourself

>> No.7826820

Uber based

>> No.7826824

4. N64 has Mario, Zelda, the list goes on.

>> No.7826874

N64 was far better than the Shitcube.

>> No.7826897

GameCube was the beginning of zombie Nintendo. Most of its games are easy to get into and at least somewhat fun on the surface but virtually all of them leave you with that hollow feeling

>> No.7826994

Seems like we have the same Wario World thread every week.

>> No.7827017

t. retarded zoomer (self hating)

>> No.7827031

>Not like 2D to 3D was
If that's your standard I guess I can't argue but the 6th still largely existed before the homogenization of 7th gen standards and control schemes were set in stone.

>> No.7827085

Nah, it's just Nintendo, Konami, Hudsonsoft, Treasure, Midway/Atari, and Rareware made better games on N64. Shitcube may have had the bigger third party support, but none of the new devs who signed on reached the highs of the aforementioned ones, aside from *maybe* Capcom.

>> No.7827668

Whatever helps you cope anon

>> No.7829373

Wow look at that. A thoughtful and articulated opinion on /vr/. Kudos.