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7767726 No.7767726 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7767748


>> No.7767749

If this counts sonic 2 minigame also counts

>> No.7767765

I never liked Blue Sphere. I don't really like any special stages in any Sonic game besides the ones in Mania. They tend to be amusing for the first couple, then annoying and tedious with large amounts of trial and error guesswork followed by memorizing the entire thing, followed by the final one being retardedly difficult. Plus shit like the special stages being finite and/or having to replay entire stages if you screw one up. Never beat Sonic Rush because of this.
Wait, I thought of another exception. Genesis Sonic 3D Blast. The special stages in that game are pathetically easy.

>> No.7767771
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>> No.7767773

You mean one of the worst special stages?

>> No.7767915

>Filtered by not disabling Tails.

>> No.7767954

I don't play with Tails, 2's half pipes require too much memorization, and I like knowing that I can actually conquer a stage rather than submitting to its bullshit to get through it.

>> No.7769429
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>> No.7769562

I love the hypocrisy from old balding boomer faggots that try to find excuses to shit on N64 and PS1 for being superior to their old NES, SNES, genesis, etc nostalgia boxes.

>durr its early 3d
>but the 3d on snes, genesis, etc games like sonic and star fox was good.....
Yeah no fuck off you retarded faggot

>> No.7769576
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>needing to disable tails

>> No.7771052

Disingenuous answer
>2's half pipes require too much memorization
This. It is fucking retarded. If you spent days on end replaying the game as a child until you memorized every special stage it'll be easy for you, it isn't like that for anyone who didn't do that. If anyone can beat the final Sonic 2 special stage on their first try I would be VERY impressed.
>"you're not supposed to win on your first try dumbass"
What about all the other tries you also need to properly memorize the entire stage before you pass the "remembered the layout" check to get the emerald? Sonic 2's special stages are shit.

>> No.7771382

Exactly, Blue Spheres is difficult, but at least you can beat them with your actual reflexes and don't need to remember where every fucking sphere is.

>> No.7771705
File: 128 KB, 1020x765, sonic-3d-blast-screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm in the minority here but I rather liked Sonic 3D Blast.

>> No.7771749

If you approach me at any given time with a copy of Sonic Mega Collection Plus and ask me what game I'd play first, I'd probably play Sonic 3D Blast. I never really loved Sonic 3 and I just find 3D Blast comfy. It's pretty brainless until at least a few worlds in too. That OST is honestly my favorite Sonic OST on the Genesis, and I'm not going to apologize

>> No.7771818

Our objective is to get blue spheres,simple enough, but it doesn't say I couldn't collect red ones also.
What a shitload of fuck?

>> No.7771852

Are you autistic?

>> No.7771859

she's not wrong.

>> No.7772894
File: 34 KB, 342x302, sonicrush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count

>> No.7773043

Dont get red spheres

>> No.7773047

No dimps sucks dick

>> No.7773665

This game sucks. How did Sega manage to make such a terrible game in 1996?

Look at what Rare and Nintendo were doing in 1996. Donkey Kong Country 3, Super Mario RPG, Super Mario 64... Yeah, let that sink in a minute. Super Mario 64 and Sonic 3D Blast came out the same year.

To top it all off, 3D Blast's gameplay isn't even original. It's a ripoff of Snake Rattle and Roll, a 1990 NES game made by Rare. Yeah, Sega does what nintendon't, but apparently they won't extend the same courtesy to Rare.

I can't even play Sonic 3D Blast for more than five minutes. I look at the clunky slowness, the gaudy visuals, the horrible aluminum foil music courtesy of Traveler's Tales, and I think... really, Sega? This is what you thought was good enough to compete with Rare and Nintendo?

Obviously they thought this game was hot stuff, because they ported it to every machine they had. This game was available on Game Gear, Genesis, Sega CD, and even Saturn.

They should have made the cartridge grey, with the words "rest in peace" on it. Because that's what it is, it's Sonic's headstone, an interactive epitaph to Mario's rival.

>> No.7773676

>This game sucks. How did Sega manage to make such a terrible game in 1996?
wasn't it made by europeans? there's your answer

>> No.7773679

I'm not some Sonic autist.
Can you go a post without saying this word? F Zero sucks and Sonic special stages are great that can be beaten with fast reactions. You get enough chances at them as well before the game is over. Suck it down Nintoddler.

>> No.7773743
File: 213 KB, 704x698, Sonic Adventure Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's Sonic's headstone
And then Sonic Team one-upped Mario 64 with pic related. It also shits on Super Mario Sunshine released 4 years later for the transcube as well.

>> No.7773748

Despite Adventures flaws Im going to agree. Based post.

>> No.7774445

t. TransStitioner

>> No.7774793

>How did Sega manage to make such a terrible game in 1996?
>Look at what Rare and Nintendo were doing in 1996.
It was a lower budget game, mostly the passion project of one dude, with minimal involvement from Sonic Team, meant primarily as a swan song to the Genesis because even in 1996 Genesis sales were still that good and the install base would appreciate a new Sonic spin-off.
For what it is, it's fine.
>Obviously they thought this game was hot stuff, because they ported it to every machine they had. This game was available on Game Gear, Genesis, Sega CD
When the hell was Sonic 3D Blast on Sega CD? Now I definitely know you're just bullshitting and don't actually know what you're talking about.
Also, if you tried Sonic Blast for two seconds you'd know it isn't a port of Sonic 3D Blast.

>> No.7775763

Indeed. Sonic Adventure made me forget about Mario 64 completely.


>> No.7775824

They never said dont get red spheres

>> No.7775834

>replying to ancient copypasta

>> No.7777465

Patrician taste. And the soundtrack was so good that they mostly reworked it into Sonic Adventure. It's definitely not the best Sonic game, but it's fun in its own right.

>> No.7777489

>Sonic game where you can't go fast
>Gee I wonder why everyone hates it?

>> No.7777570

You rarely can or want to go fast in Sonic CD and people seem to like that game

>> No.7777792

Sonic CD gets plenty of shit, too for it's bad level design.

>> No.7777972

Up until the HD ports came out everyone loved Sonic CD with only about a third of the people who said it was a great game having not even played it

>> No.7778337 [DELETED] 

...I mean.......... I hate to say it, but....... Sonic....had..........

>> No.7778560 [DELETED] 

The BLUE BLUR had a rough-

>> No.7778642 [DELETED] 

Tranny dick in his ass, if I may be so forward.

>> No.7778659 [DELETED] 

SEGA really botched his transition. He will never be a good 3d game.

>> No.7778701

It's a nice and comfy game, but some of its designs are... Ill-thought, I'd say. From the top of my head comes:

- Went to bonus stage? Then come off it without any rings and items, even though its requirement for entering is just 50 rings.
- Wander a labyrinth-like level finding each enemy to kill and release Flickies. By that point, Sonic was a free flow game, and 3D Blast made kinda annoying having to sweep every corner on search of baddies.

I think if Sonic 3D Blast was more streamlined with multiple optional paths, exploration would be encouraged, instead of required. Having to search every nook and cranny makes it more akin to some Metroid-esque game than a proper Sonic one.

Even after my rant, I still like the game. It's not bad at all, just a little tiresome. The kind of game I could never managed to beat in one sitting. Always had to pause (nowadays, using save states) and come back later.

>> No.7778893

You could give the Director's Cut a try
The guy who programmed the game made an enhanced version with all sorts of updates including the addition of Super Sonic

>> No.7779008

I tried it and found it better. Nice touches, especially since it was made by the original developer. But the issues I noted still remain. Well, I do like the game and play it from time to time, I just wish it was a tad better, cause it does have potential.

>> No.7779896

>sonic 3d blast has the best OST
fucking based. the genesis rusty ruins songs are amazing

>> No.7781841

That is the logo to the blasphemous ruined version of that game. My life will forever be incomplete because of what they did to it.

>> No.7781845
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>> No.7781915

Nah, the newest version is absolutely better than the previous

>> No.7782169

No its horrible. They ruined the existing level layouts, they have now ruined the music. I believe they also changed sonic's physics. I used to love SRB2 back in 2008, but then they started to really fuck the whole thing up. The first thing they did was nerf the turret room in technohill 2, and they nerfed the technohill 2 boss by putting a roof on the train, and it only got worse from there. Later they completely redesigned technohill 2 and the new layout was horrible, and they replaced the original castle eggman. Just every change they made was shit, the new levels had all kinds of hideous gimmicks, it just did not feel the same.

>> No.7782298

play the Director's Cut

>> No.7782304

>dimps sucks dick
haha no
this is only true for Sonic Gens 3DS/Lost World

>> No.7782370

>Snake Rattle and Roll
>Not Flicky
It's literally Flicky mixed with Sonic Labyrinth from Game Gear. The Flickies even scatter when hit like in the arcade game, something that the Director's Cut missed the point on when he fixed it.

>> No.7782453
File: 210 KB, 1080x943, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasn't it made by europeans? there's your answer

>> No.7782858

>If this counts sonic 2 minigame also counts


>> No.7783407

I played the older version and I don't agree with you at all. I think everything they changed was an improvement, especially the level design, aesthetics, and music. I understand everyone has their opinion but to say it's now "ruined" is downright incorrect and sounds more like you're afraid of change. Take off those rose tinted goggles next time.

>> No.7783514


Dude fuck those levels, the tunnel and racing ones were much better.

>> No.7783525

>Sonic 2 special levels
>better than anything
Said nobody ever.

>> No.7784003
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I find this game to be quite underrated, not saying it's a great game by any means, it's too flawed for that, but decent, certainly not a terrible game like it's usually considered to be on the web.

Obviously the best way to play this one is with the Director's Cut, which improves it exponentially, especially with the password system, so you don't have to beat it in one go, however the original is still a perfectly playable and competent platformer.

One thing that makes me really infatuated by this game is the fact that it's pretty much the only real collectathon in the franchise, perhaps alongside Sonic Labyrinth, though in this one you can actually run and jump, so it feels more like a real Sonic game.

I'd love to see SEGA try this formula again in the future, not for a main series title, but for a spinoff, like 3D Blast was always meant to be from the start, however this time actually 3D instead of isometric, and with all of the content DX added, alongside some new ideas for extra stuff.

>> No.7784014

>Get Blue Balls
Wish they didn't change it to sphere.

>> No.7784060
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Hey, you are wrong and you are a fag. Everyone look at this chuckle fuck and laugh.

>> No.7784102

>horrible controls making it nearly impossible to avoid running into the red balls
It's bad. Sonic 3/S&K is already the worst classic Sonic game by far (it's still not terrible like the rest, but just not even close to being as good as 1/2/CD).
>lol you use emulator enjoy your lag
It was like this back when I had a real fucking Sonic 3 cart on a real fucking Genesis on a real fucking CRT television back in the fucking 90s. Nothing's changed. It's trash.

>> No.7784145

Literally filtered. It's not even that hard, plenty of people including myself can beat more than half these stages first try.

>> No.7784182

No you can't. Bad controls and gameplay isn't a fucking opinion. When a fucking game doesn't respond to input done in plenty of time because it's so fucking involved with showing pretty graphics, it's trash.

>> No.7784275

Adapt, blue spheres is one of the easiest special stages in the series.

>> No.7784278

>mixed with Sonic Labyrinth from Game Gear
Why do people connect Labyrinth with 3D Blast solely because they're both isometric? Each game's development has nothing to do with each other and I've never seen Jon Burton mention Labyrinth as an inspiration.

>> No.7784287

honestly ive also had problems with what feels like input lag even when playing it on genesis

>> No.7784757

Are you seriously trying to assert the idea that 2.0 is the best release? Gee, you really are stupid.

>> No.7784817


>> No.7784820

learn how to adapt

>> No.7784832

I guess you will eat the bugs too.

>> No.7784857

No, I prefer gaining better quality food to the shit I've been eating as a child

>> No.7784882

holy fuck you couldnt have made a worse post if you tried. the part where you tied to talk up CD is especially hysterical

you are right in that there is input lag due to how the special stage animates, but it's still incredibly easy even with that and you are probably just mad because you're terrible at it somehow. for the record, you can jump.