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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7394193 No.7394193 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think half life deserves it’s reputation?

>> No.7394195

its reputation as the ruiner of video games?

>> No.7394210

The best PC gaming had to offer at the time. Which is to say is the first among the soulless, the pretentious and the vulgar.

>> No.7394219

Was far better than the shitty arena shooters that came before it. Quake was the worst thing to happen to shooter gameplay, and Half Life undid that damage.

>> No.7394243

Do you think OP deserves it's reputation as a gay man? I do.

>> No.7394252

It's a very, very important game when it comes to inspiring so, so many story focused FPS and completely changing the landscape of video games. It might be fairly rudimentary now but that doesn't stop it.

>> No.7394271
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>> No.7394424
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>> No.7394447

your right

>> No.7394452

>furry image
Your the one in the wrong here anon.

>> No.7394475

similar to something like amnesia its imitators fuck up the formula. half life used its linearity to create varied scenarios and reserved story as a small break after long sections of gameplay.

>> No.7394482

Of being an awful game? Yes. You'll never see Half-Life 3 in your half-lifetime.

>> No.7394487


I remember gunplay being bad, scripts exploding in my face, the movement being terrible ... it was a nightmare

>> No.7394494

of making a schizo eternally seethe yeah.
It's a great game.

>> No.7394498

Alyx was released last year.

>> No.7394507

It's a good game and shouldn't be hated on because other companies were too lazy to try to make something better and just lazily copied its linear structure with no clue as to why it worked.

>> No.7394580

As a legendary and influential game? Absolutely.
As a good or particularly fun game? Hell no. It fucking sucks

>> No.7394585

playing recently. it's pretty good.

>> No.7394708

Could you elaborate why Quake is supposed to be the worst thing to happen to shooter gameplay? I'm going through retro shooters atm and just properly started Quake after playing it on and off for some time and I'm loving every second of it.

>> No.7394712

>i remember zoom, zoom, zoom

>> No.7394723
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He's afraid of good gameplay

>> No.7394732

As the best PC game of all time?
Yes. It's fucking amazing.

>> No.7394736

Nope. Still the best. It has aged like fine wine.

>> No.7395220

I'm guessing it's meant as a kind of reflection of the general complaint that half life ruined fps games, a "no u" type of argument, just ignore.

>> No.7395223

>general complaint

>> No.7395228

you don't represent the retro fps community faggots

>> No.7395264

Another shitty alftranny bait thread.
Why does the game live in your head rent free?

>> No.7395283

Why is everything now a community?

>> No.7395285

>bumping this thread

>> No.7395331


>> No.7395334


>> No.7395348


>> No.7395365

Yes, it's a great game and it has a strong legacy. Shaped my childhood tastes for sure

>> No.7395370

based but cringe for bumping

>> No.7395373

Why is there a soiboi on the cover?

>> No.7395389

why are you obsessed?

>> No.7395552


>> No.7396778

Yes. I've never been more mindblown by a game than when I first played Half-Life.

>> No.7396936

does it deserve its reputation?
yeah probably
does it deserve 4 separate threads on this board at the same time?
probably not

>> No.7397049

Halo, on the other hand....

>> No.7397057

>Quake was the worst thing to happen to shooter gameplay,
Go back to your walking simulators, faggot.

>> No.7397951

If that’s true it is really sad

>> No.7398030

It's a good game but even though the scripted events are still fun and cool, they aren't impressive anymore. The gameplay is also not nearly as much fun as the gameplay of other boomer shooters (Doom & Quake are 3x as gun to play). However, it has great atmosphere, it's simple story works great, it has great enemy designs and variety, great AI, and some of the coolest weapons in any FPS ever.

>> No.7398034

Halo is better than Half-Life.

>> No.7398036

shit beard, crap game

>> No.7398054

and those retarded glasses

>> No.7398062
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Of being a shockingly overrated game?
Of influencing the genre for the worse?
Of having the original sóiboi as a protagonist?

Yes to all three

>> No.7398146
File: 19 KB, 310x445, hl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I first played Half Life, and also it was the first PS2 game I've ever played. At the time, my thoughts were that it looked next-gen as fuck. Going from typical PS1/N64 fare to fucking HL, even a console port of it, appeared like an enormous jump in technology.

>> No.7398152

Also, what do you think about Black Mesa? Just played the retail version, having played through the mod version twice in the past, and god it was long, and felt long too. They made Xen as long as Surface Tension, and Interloper twice as long as Surface Tension. I enjoyed it all the way through, but wouldn't be able to stomach going through it all again.

>> No.7398159


>> No.7398185


>> No.7398661

>The gameplay is also not nearly as much fun as the gameplay of other boomer shooters (Doom & Quake are 3x as gun to play).
It's literally better than both, especially Quake.
hi alf still mad over the fps general OP pic?

>> No.7398723


>> No.7398726


>> No.7398729


>> No.7399567

The console port having even better graphics than the PC GoldSrc version helped. A lot of it was also repurposed from a scrapped Dreamcast build.

>> No.7399580

God, the fucking nugamers that need to stay in /v/ who actually believe a fucking ultra-linear shitfest with slippery controls, bad gameplay mechanics, and a dumb fucking whogivesashit story is better than classic FPS.
There's no hope for you. I want you to know this. You are the reason gaming today is laughably bad. Your love of shit like Mario 64, Metal Gear Solid, and Half-Life is the reason gaming is fucking dead now. You. Your fucking fault.

>> No.7399612

Quake was great, it was the cancerous exploits that fueled the shitty gameplay of the late 90's and early 2000's, like Rocket Jumping and Bunny hopping, which were never intended gameplay aspects of Quake and Carmack always despised, which is why he made sure to nerf both of those things in Doom 3 so they were impossible.

>> No.7399628

Metal Gear Solid is one of the bigger reasons gameplay is laughably bad today. Filled with non-interactive cutscenes, linear set pieces, and gimmicky mechanics.

>> No.7399675

Not fooling anyone faggot.

>> No.7399693
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>being a schizo
>for literally no reason

>> No.7399702

Ironic coming from you.

>> No.7399712

I've only made two other posts ITT

If you can't cope with that, I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.7399729

SECONDED, this should be the fucking STICKY

>> No.7399736

You should kys samefag

>> No.7400124

I think HL deserves it's reputation. It was incredible when it came out. It's definitely not perfect though. My main criticisms are
>Xen being complete garbage
>annoying sound effects
>terrible platforming
>enemies that use hitscan weapons
>bullet spongy enemies with almost no hit reactions
I don't think you should judge games based off their perceived negative influence they had on the industry though. Progenitor games shouldn't be held accountable because everyone else either copies them and/or learn all of the wrong lessons.

>> No.7400163

for hl the linearity was a way for them to unchain their gimmicks from explorative fat like keyhunts. A modern game that uses hl's structure feels like shit because it doesn't have the tools to make the linearity worthwhile, a setpiece is just an animation breaking up normal gameplay, there's no means to explore a weird gimmick in a gameplay sense.

>> No.7400175

Doom clones suck

>> No.7400473 [DELETED] 


>> No.7400480

HL is good.
Get over it alftranny.

>> No.7400489

The first three are wrong.

>> No.7400493

>with 3D spaces came awesome environments, rich in detail, unique and fun to explore
>tons of little spots to check out, fantastical environments to wrap your mind around
>talk of upcoming games featuring portals which bend space to seamlessly connect completely different environments, rewriting the rules of world design yet again
>even games based in the real world are absurd and full of chaos, like duke3D as they cutely recreate snippets of our own world before blowing them to smithereens
>tomb raider gave us fantastical ruins full of traps and made platforming and navigating around it an intimate and deeply satisfying event
>quake gave us hellish medieval worlds with danger around every corner and monolithic gothic construction
>half-life gave us generic office corridors
That's where it all went wrong.

>> No.7400509

What's xen retard?
Also sin, goldeneye and perfect dark exist.
You posted the same shit on /v/ and people told you to fuck off.

>> No.7400526

This is getting old. I'd rather see Doom vs Quake or id Tech vs Build or Q1 vs Q2.

>> No.7400535

The schizo will never stop until you agree with him.

>> No.7400548 [DELETED] 

Because you know i am correct in my assessment

>> No.7400551

No really.
It's funny to see how obsessed you are with the game.

>> No.7400558 [DELETED] 

I mean it did ruin my hobby

>> No.7400564

Because is not a doom clone?
You sound like a fag.

>> No.7400570 [DELETED] 

>doom clone
Games like duke nukem, ROTT, and blood are not even close to clones

>> No.7400571
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>I mean it did ruin my hobby

>> No.7400576

Right it's a shitty wolf clone.
Don't know why you shill it so hard in the fps general.

>> No.7400603 [DELETED] 

Leave newfaggot

>> No.7400614

After you alfcuck.