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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7390512 No.7390512 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Retro isekai games.

>> No.7390515

>make-believe tale


>> No.7390517

FFTA1 and 2, FF Unlimited and the new manga are all Isekai FF.

>> No.7390520

It's a weeb term, not less or more embarrassing than any other.

>> No.7390519

But why do you call it isekai?

>> No.7390530

Amazing game, but not retro.

>> No.7390531
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>> No.7390548

It is, boom boom. Let it go.

>> No.7391197

Because it has a character from the "real" world by means of magic or plot contrivance magically appear in a world that's completely alien to them.

>> No.7391398
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So...this entire series?

>> No.7391431

Isekai, 異世界, means Parallel Universe or Another World. It's a genre of fiction where someone somehow ends up in another universe altogether, usually after being killed, and is set largely or entirely in this alternate world.

Ultima is an example.

>> No.7391446
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not retro, but retro aesthetics

>> No.7391453

Using weeb terms is inherently embarrassing

>> No.7391454
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I'm guessing this is borderline cheating.

>> No.7391458
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>> No.7391482
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ISomething I just fucking realized.

>> No.7391490
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Technically in-universe "isekai"...at first.

>> No.7391852

Marche is the most based character ever created

>> No.7392362
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>> No.7392392
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>> No.7392527
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A good one. Even ties into the 'unhealthy escapism' thing, as you find a few people like you, each having their own part of the world they imagined up that reflects them as people. I assume the hero would too if he stayed in the experiment long enough.

My favourite isekai game plot is not retro - Contact (DS) had you force videogame ideals and gameplay on a regular kid who just wanted to go home instead of being controlled by a player, getting hurt and having to fight/kill/'level up' to satisfy 'objectives'. He rebels at the very end, but your almighty touch of the bottom screen defeats him easily. You monster.

>> No.7393134

I think Pokemon Mystery Dungeon counts.

>> No.7393136
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Here's one

>> No.7393145

Didn't know there was an Escaflowne game. I hope it's a schmup

>> No.7394221

I believe so. Same goes for some Digimon games.

>> No.7394238

Mario and Luigi go from Brooklyn to the Mushroom Kingdom so I guess that counts.

>> No.7394248
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Does the Dark World count?

>> No.7394287

It's a shame about Contact. I really liked the pixel aesthetic but then it turned out most of the game was hideous pre-rendered assets and then the gameplay itself was boring to the point I dropped it only a few hours in. Sometimes I look at in my box of carts and consider giving it another go but never have.

>> No.7394305
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Pic related

>> No.7394312

>mfw anytime someone here says kusoge

>> No.7394318

The only FF worth playing.

>> No.7394323
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Isekai was always big in western fantasy. Every wonderland, narnia, Peter Pan game counts, plus the wizard of Oz game as mentioned above.

>> No.7394434

The garbage hardware ruins it. battles that would take 5 minutes with decent controls end up taking half a fucking hour because of how slow the AI is

>> No.7394730

No, going through a pipeline isn't taking you to another world. Mario just lives in a nightmare world.
SMB2 is a dream, and 3 is a play.

>> No.7394737

DS is retro.

>> No.7394739

Canonically he's from the "real" world and gets transported to the mushroom kingdom though.

>> No.7394743

No, Hyrule is just a fucked place to be, the "dark world" is just a second place to go, though it was ruined by Ganon.

>> No.7394751

Mario's canon gets retconned constantly. The real world is just "over there" aka through a pipe.
Not a magical dimension.

>> No.7394767

Nobody said Moon for PSX yet?

>> No.7394789

BWAHAHAHA, BRILLIANT, thank you so much

>> No.7394821

Do you have a source on that? It makes little sense.

>> No.7394882

Nobody knew it existed except the sages though. It's technically "another world." Though then you get into dodgy territory like does shit like The Divine Comedy and various journies to hell or Tartarus count. I think the spirit of the topic requires a person from the "real" world going to some wacky ass place. Not going from one fantasy world to another.

>> No.7394889

That'd be a pretty magical pipe. There's clearly a difference between going from Brooklyn to the Mushroom Kingdom than going from Brooklyn to Boston.

>> No.7394954

I haven't played this game but it was instantly on my mind when I entered.
Just tell me, is this game any good? Have to know for the inevitable case I get a Saturn and mod it.

>> No.7394987

It would also mean this mushroom kingdom must be pretty close by to Brooklyn.

>> No.7395226
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>> No.7395361

That's like saying Wonderland must be pretty close to England, it's just on the other side of a mirror.

>> No.7395416

Well Wonderland is another dimension so that obviously makes sense. That guy is trying to say Mario literally just goes through a pipe to get to the mushroom kingdom which also exists in the "real" world. I'm pointing out how silly that is. Obviously it's like Wonderland or Narnia and the pipe is a portal like a mirror or wardrobe.

>> No.7395493

It ain't isekai in the 21st century sense if the characters eventually go back to the real world. 21st century isekai is about not looking back and not learning anything, and only indulging in wish fulfillment. Mewt's trying to be in a 21st century isekai, Marche follows the old form which you may as well call something different.

>> No.7395502

the Ultima protagonist is routinely ejected from Britannia, he has no place there. In an isekai he would stay.

>> No.7395513

Isekai is a convenient genre designation because it lets me know what anime I can automatically skip. Shit is garbage senpai

>> No.7395914

>21st century isekai is about not looking back and not learning anything, and only indulging in wish fulfillment.
Seriously, I don't understand why so many anime of this nature insist on starting their fun fantasy cartoon with the main character fucking DYING. It casts a pall over the whole show, like it's pro-death or something on the sneak. Give me fucking Inuyasha again where the girl just finds a portal.

>> No.7395930
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Based video game isekai.

>> No.7395942

The only anime that is not from Disney or is aimed at little babies, which achieved huge success was Kimetsu no Yaiba

>> No.7396618

It's Shining Soul 2 with a more laid back battle system, really. Just put your dude in combat mode and he'll auto melee stuff in range, with you engaging skills. The suits all have viable skillsets you'll never wind up using cus you have to level wearing each suit. I've seen people go full autism statgrinding in this game, and you can go adventuring for tons of obscure secrets you won't use because every hour you spend galvanising this kid into the ultimate killing machine is an hour he spent kidnapped by a jerkass professor, missing his family and normal life while you forced him to do your bidding. It's brilliant and dabs on completists, but there's tons of this game you don't see otherwise (and now can't cus the Wifi island is unplayable) which is damned interesting to explore. There's silly things like being able to choose a waifu and woo her with gifts that're clearly there cus the devs thought 'haha christ, people will actually put in the hours to do that'.

>> No.7396707

That sounds pretty rad and I'm glad it exists. Probably could have been a good fit for me too since I typically rush through a first playthrough blind and only look up stuff if I'm stuck so there's more to discover on the second if I want to keep playing. But as is it's way at the bottom of a huge pile and I'm not really interested in grinding to make a kid get a bad ending at this point.

>> No.7396902

That is the name of the genre. Not what distinguishes it.

>> No.7396913

I will allow this because it's like the Planet of the Apes. It maintained the perception of isekai for the majority of the story.

>> No.7397106

Kid Chameleon

>> No.7397117

Chrono Cross? It's weird when the original world is just as made up as the alternate one. I think the spirit of Alice in Wonderland and Wizard of Oz is the person is from Earth.

>> No.7397197

What distinguishes it then?

>> No.7397625
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Valis should count.
>Yuko Asou (麻生 優子, Asou Yūko) (voiced by Sumi Shimamoto) is a schoolgirl in late 1980s Japan who is fated to protect three different realms – our own Earth, the land of spirits, and Vecanti, the Dream World – by wielding a mystical sword known as Valis.

>> No.7398483
File: 53 KB, 279x395, CE746FF7-054E-4E72-8A90-68D1C0853BCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is kind of an inverse. Fantasy "person" shows up on Earth.

>> No.7398485

Are you serious

>> No.7398491

I like starting shit

>> No.7398502

based on his living conditions in our world you're making the assumption that the avatar actually wants to stay in britannia forever.

dude's pretty well off especially for an isekai protag who are usually beta losers.

>> No.7398504

Alright. Which youtuber said it?

>> No.7398604

Astyanax was like this. Also possibly Little Nemo? I don't clearly remember the story of Little Nemo though.

>> No.7398772
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An inverted Isekai. Samurais from a fantasy setting reach a post-apoc Tokyo.

>> No.7400691

How do you make a game as good as FFT and then make FFTA

>> No.7400759

Are you retarded? Isekai has been a standard anime and light novel word to describe the setting for years now.

>> No.7400869

Well sort of... They're from the future though not an alternate dimension.

>> No.7401068

No, also not retro but great game

>> No.7401621

What about the original Megami Tensei Digital Devil Story?
Nakajima and Yumiko are transported to the demon world.

>> No.7401629

3DS is retro.

>> No.7401638

It's fucking great

>> No.7401642

does it count as an isekai if the protagonist wakes up in the future and it's effectively a different world?

>> No.7401674

I can google, fag, it's just no one ever fucking says it outside of your /a/ hugbox and you know it. I've never goddamn seen it used here til today and I lurk here constantly.

>> No.7402480

That's because this isn't an anime board. Maybe you're a shut in with only one interest, but not everyone is. There's more to the world than this board and fucking Youtube. I don't even watch anime any more and I've heard the term.

>> No.7403228

kek no

>> No.7403270

It really isn't

>> No.7403625


I learned it on /r/manga, which will probably not satisfy you since you appear to be a standard 4chan complainicus which suggests you hate (or at least maintain an exaggerated affectation of hating) everything associated with Reddit for no clear reason, but yeah there has clearly been a big fad of goofy mundane-nerd-sent-to-fantasy-world stories in the manga industry semi-recently, plus lots of silly/clever/absurd variations of that general premise, and anime is closely related to manga, so probably any community focused on either of those two media will be using this word at least occasionally