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File: 6 KB, 302x167, saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7288393 No.7288393 [Reply] [Original]

This piece of shit is probably the worst console ever made. Talk about sega fanboy cope, it has like 3 mediocre games that have better counterparts on n64/PSX. what the fuck even is the point?

>> No.7288428

I dont own a Saturn and never want to own a Saturn, but thank you for your hot take young zoomer from /v/. Kindly an hero now.

>> No.7288440

U mad bro?

>> No.7288448

terrible console with an awesome sound chip.

>> No.7288452

Yeah I am mad that you are here after the rule change and destroying the board

>> No.7288454

The Saturn library is unironically better than the N64

>> No.7288480

>most influential games of all time shaping gaming forever
>underage panty quest weebshit

lmao nah

>> No.7288486

you sound like an 18 year old. its library is niche but great for certain genres. Saturn is the king of shmups and fighting games and there's some other decent stuff like Shining Force III. stop declaring anything you're uninterested in as shit and grow a cock before you kill yourself faggot.

>> No.7288489

I used to defend this console a lot as a teenager but now I'm an adult honestly I find a lot of its best games are kind of shitty. I think Nights, all the PDs, and burning rangers are all deeply flawed games. Which is frustrating, since they could have been heaps better had Sega actually fucking play tested their games instead of the dev teams doing it themselves, internally.

For example, in Nights, every single object should have its hitbox doubled in size. I mean it, doubled. Some of the acrobatics the player is forced to do in that game to keep links going are fucking ridiculously finnicky, and I think double sized hitboxes would go a long way in fixing that. The second big change the game needed was freer movement during drill dashes, not even substantially so, just make movement 10 or 20% faster and that alone would be a big improvement. Also, slow down all enemies, and make it so dashing into the ideya capture shatters it, instead of temporarily slowing Nights down and potentially ending any chain in progress. There, just tweak some of the item placement to allow for infinite chaining and now Nights is a 10/10.

The biggest problem the first two PD games have is that there are really long stretches with no enemies, completely interrupting the flow of combat. So first thing to do is fill these gaps with enemies to kill. The second problem is that they're really mechanically simple games. Only two attacks, and in the second one there's also the berserk attack. Seriously, borrow a page from PDS and Star Fox and give the dragon some more attacks. Give it giant enemy clearing bombs, give it fire breath, give it temporary invincibility. These games could really afford to be spiced up some.

Eh I'm bored now later.

>> No.7288520

It's crazy how much better the Saturn is compared to the N64. Time has been so kind to the Saturn while the N64 writhes with its terrible library. We were all mistaken to not embrace the Saturn back in the 90s. If we could turn back time, liberate us from this cinematic hell hole the N64 has brought to us, deliver us to 60fps games as the standard, we would all do it in a second.

>> No.7288524

Otaku >>> Gay Mario

>> No.7288582

As someone who actually owned one as a kid and who has spent some time with the library you are correct. this thing sucked fucking ass.

The BEST game on the system, Panzer Dragoon Zwei, is far worse than Starfox 64 was. Same exact fucking genre, similar game, Starfox plays a million times better. I still love Panzer Dragoon Zwei and think it's a pretty good and memorable action game but it's outright inferior.
Burning Rangers is actually really fun and unique and deserves a sequel.
Panzer Dragoon Saga is honestly not that good. The rarity and price of the game are more interesting than the game itself.

And dear god, the most famous game on the system is fucking Nights. Fucking Nights? This game is terrible. Absolutely terrible. Imagine a console whose library is so shit the flagship title is fucking Nights.

>> No.7288704

>talk about eop code

>> No.7288742 [DELETED] 

shmups are fucking dogshit and boring meant for asians who lost their desire for creativity long ago.
90% of shmups play the exact same with zero new ideas to offer. im tired of this dumbass narrative that people enjoy shmups and real gamers love them. shmups have always been one of the bottom tier genres next to shovelware platformers that you get as a kid because it will at least take up your time with its nonsense

>> No.7288765

Too hard huh?

>> No.7288785
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based and berniepilled

>> No.7288792 [DELETED] 

no man. i had to play a lot of shmups for work. difficult is not the problem. they are soulless clones of soulless clones of soulless clones of what was popular in american arcades in the 70s and 80s.
i hate shmups for the same reason i hate modern games. the majority of them all play the exact same. for better or for worse i am not a paste eater who can feel fine with just being given a new pattern to memorize.

>> No.7288958

>60fps standard on any 5th gen console
sopa de japones uma delicia.jpg

>> No.7289242

fuckin based

>> No.7289249

Not Bernie pilled
>"I thought the Saturn was a mistake as far as hardware was concerned. The games were obviously terrific, but the hardware just wasn't there."

>> No.7289257

that's nothing to be proud of, N64 was pathetic
honestly the whole 5th gen sucked anyway, a few good games here and there but overall it's a forgettable gen

>> No.7289598
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the Saturn was for playing strip mahjong games at home so you don't have to stealth-fap at the arcade

>> No.7289848

What would you guys say is the quintessential Saturn Library games? the games that are best on Saturn or that you can't play elsewhere?

>> No.7289960
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One of the best consoles ever. Wish i had one.

>> No.7289976

The Saturn is on par and sometimes better than the Playstation. And is by far better than the N64's abysmal library.

>> No.7289984

100%. I was so disappointed after I finally got my v3EverDrive64. There was next to nothing to discover. Unlike my Saturn. My 25 dollar modded cartridge and my old plextor burner. Which gave me over a month of discovery and there's still more to find with the Saturn.

>> No.7289987


>> No.7289989

Not even, the n64 controller sucks balls and all the games have this nasty filter that looks ass even on crt. Thank God I didn't grow up with that garbage.

>> No.7289992

I reccomend a Brawler 64 controller if you want to play N64. I have a crisp 64 Controller and even that I find quickly tiresome to use.

>> No.7289996

The N64 should be regarded in the same way the 3DO or Atari Jaguar are regarded.
That is, it should be disregarded entirely. Why the fuck are we talking about the N64? It's irrelevant, stop it. This generation was the PS1 vs. the Sega Saturn vs. PCs.

>> No.7289998

I thought Dreamcast was the king of schmups and fighting games.

>> No.7290012

>This generation was the PS1 vs. the Sega Saturn vs. PCs.
The Saturn and PS1 were not in the same league as PC, but otherwise you are correct.

>> No.7290092

No, it's good but second to saturn.

>> No.7290137

>honestly the whole 5th gen sucked anyway
Ugly games that played like shit on consoles that were riddled with terrible design choices.

>> No.7290170

The N64 was 100x more relevant than the Saturn ever was.

>> No.7290187

Who cares except for conformist fags?

>> No.7290196

You apparently.

>> No.7290221
File: 94 KB, 640x448, 53956-bulk_slash_j-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're a nintendrone, maybe. We've always tried to talk about and enjoy the actually good game consoles in any given generation, only to be swamped by brainwashed nintendrones coming in saying "WHAT ABOUT THE NINTENDO SYSTEM?? WHAT ABOUT MARIO????" For far too long, everyone merely rolled their eyes and pretended to care, sure SNES, you're relevant too, sure N64, you've got games, whilst knowing deep down that Nintendo shit was laughable and pitifully inferior, but now the charade is up. We're tired of pretending and maintaining this myth that Nintendo was ever good. The N64 was an absolute joke and should be ignored like the other joke consoles of that generation.

>> No.7290238

You really need to get a life.

>> No.7290439

I'll bite; There's no obligation to hit enemies really, they are effectively obstacles that influence the A-Life system and that's it. Enlarging hitboxes would make practicing and beating the game less satisfying by extension, in which case you may as well just have the ideya palace, blue chips and ideya capture in a straight line and forgo having enemies altogether (or just watch a playthough online). Raising boost turning speed would only be useful if you want to traverse a course entirely by dashing. Acrobatics address the boost's slower turning by allowing your motion to be redirected with a button combo. If you absolutely do not care to learn and practice the acrobatics, just let go of boost for a second and point yourself in your desired direction; You can still beat the game without boosting the entire time. Ideya captures should only be shattered when you've finished your initial chain and are ready to begin your bonus chains which are worth far more. Flying over the ideya palace can allow for more chains if you really want to get a crazy score and improve your rank. Considering this is a timed game, tweaking item placement for infinite chaining ultimately misses the purpose of the point system. The game has a defined "best route" already, the gameplay comes from exploring the space to determine which route is fastest/most valuable and refining your flight path to make it as efficient as possible. This gameplay design is ultimately for replayability, but I suppose because there's no online leaderboard the gameplay becomes worthless for someone that just wants to experience the content without earning the winstates through practice.

As for PD, the reason for "long stretches with no enemies" is because of ambiance. If something visually interesting isn't happening, you can bet there's enemies to attack. Later levels are super punishing and have far fewer moments of dead air, so again this really just screams of "I only care to play though once".

>> No.7290448

>The best game on the system is PDZ because I say so
>The gameplay in PDZ is worse than SF64 because I say so
>Burning Rangers deserves a sequel because I say so
>PDS is uninteresting because I say so
>Nights is terrible because I say so

Effective communication skills there friend, I'm sure you're good at convincing yourself of your own opnion

>> No.7290451

>not pc-98

>> No.7290616

Highly versting post.

>> No.7290625
File: 11 KB, 1000x600, 4e2bbe4874d9e66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most influential games of all time

>> No.7290642

>not relevant
Holy shit you're fucking retarded lol

>> No.7290656
File: 16 KB, 271x190, image7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ Almighty you nintendrones are deluded. No, the shit SNES is not relevant, it was not relevant, we were all laughing at how utterly inferior it was, and we are still laughing today. It wasn't even in the same league as the Mega Drive, despite the Mega Drive being a whole 2 years older than it, and much cheaper. The amount of mental gymnastics you nintendrones must do to convince yourselves the SNES is at all worth defending must be staggering.

>> No.7290681

Holy shit, you're absolutely fucking retarded lol
Genesis had worse graphics, worse sound, and outside of rare gems like Sonic and Gunstar Heroes, an absolute trash library

>> No.7290683

>worse sound

>> No.7290697

The vast majority of music on the system sounded like buzzsaw robot farts lol

>> No.7290712

OP got filtered by the load screens

>> No.7290738

>3 mediocre games
I bet your 3 games are total rubbish like nights into dreams. GTFO noob.

>> No.7290751

And the vast majority of snes music sounds like interchangeable 16kbps mp3 farts, what's your point?

>> No.7290754

Ban check

>> No.7290763

Saturn >> Playstation > N64

>> No.7290768

The only games that had worse sound were the ones programmed by lazy fools. The MegaDrive/Genesis had a great sound chip. You just couldn't be lazy with it or it would sound like crap. I know what you're talking about, but it's not true because of the hardware. There are some fantastic Japanese Mega Drive games.

>> No.7290774

>Gunstar Heroes
Overrated shit game. Also Mega Drive >> SNES. Deal with it faggot.

>> No.7290807
File: 45 KB, 453x368, 1490117245804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saturn gamer here, I looked into the N64 library but the only appealing game is Wonder Project J2

>> No.7290809

>N64 library

Apparently no one likes the N64 in japan

>> No.7290860

Same. Mainly because it looks like a game that could have been on the saturn.

>> No.7290896

Shame that this pedobait weebcel game had to stain the otherwise great N64 library.

>> No.7290924
File: 294 KB, 220x185, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>great N64 library

>> No.7290949

The devs went on to make Nanatsu Kaze no Shima Monogatari for saturn.

>> No.7290974
File: 89 KB, 1140x516, 597651_1140x516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx anon, gonna look it up

>> No.7290983

Almost all multiplatform games are better on the Saturn. The fuck are you going on about?

>> No.7290995 [DELETED] 

>Genesis had worse graphics
Better art direction
>worse sound
No. SNES music is heavily compressed and low quality. Developers worked miracles with the MD sound chip.

>> No.7290998

False. They typically perform worse, look worse, and sound worse on the Saturn vs. the PSX. Very few cases, like the RAM-expanded Capcom fighters, are better on Saturn.

>> No.7291014

Bullshit. Every single capcom or snk game performs better on the saturn. Even without the ram cart. PSX does not have nearly enough ram. Many PSX ports like sonic wings and capcom generation cant even fill the whole screen with pixels. Its been 25 years now. And people still propagate snoy lies.

>> No.7291063

If you don’t know japanese it’s obviously not for you.

>> No.7291073
File: 204 KB, 616x448, 00000631-616x448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again this nintendrone attempt to attack another console has royally backfired, with the nintendrones desperately attempting to defend their garbage N64. One would think they ought to have learned a lesson by now, that Nintendo is shit, simple as, and attempting to push one of their litany of terrible consoles as a superior choice will always fail because of this basic and objective truth, but alas. It's actually quite amusing to see the pitiful nintendrones continually attempt to pick out what they believe to be "easy targets", and continually flounder regardless.

>> No.7291082

>Talk about sega fanboy cope,

>> No.7291085

>>most influential games of all time shaping gaming forever
gaming turned out to be shit after the N64. coincidence? I think not.

N64 ruined gaming forever.

>> No.7291104


>The only games that had worse sound were the ones programmed by lazy fools
So the vast majority of games on the system were programmed by lazy fools then
Wow what a superior system lmfao

>> No.7291112

You sound like a faggot

>> No.7291113

Nintendo fans are the most miserable trolls on this site, they spend all their time shitposting and none of it playing games.

>> No.7291131
File: 45 KB, 611x427, bulkslash2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saturn with only the US library is rather mediocre. While there are some great first party games and some interesting ports, it does feel rather thin.

The Saturn JP library is fucking awesome and holy shit there are so many amazing games. If you had even the slightest affection for arcade style games, then being a Saturn owner in Japan must've blown everything else out of the water.

>> No.7291181

I mean what are they supposed to play, Nintendo games are shit

>> No.7291248

Sony killed vidya with the moviegamestation.

>> No.7291268
File: 143 KB, 876x1225, PS2 ruined gaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gaming turned out to be shit after the N64.

>> No.7291278

>N64 influenced gaming for years to come!
>except when talking about bad games, that's sony influence
mental illness

>> No.7291292

it appears some users enjoy the saturn while others do not. can't wait for 100+ more threads about this on the hellsite i cant leave

>> No.7291327

>>most influential games of all time shaping gaming forever

this meme needs to die

>> No.7291453


Agreed. Especially considering 3D platformers completely died in the following generation, and there have been so few games that follow in the footsteps of OoT that the ones that do get made are called Zelda clones. They don't even have a name for the genre because of how few games there are.

No first person shooter games ever really borrowed from Goldeneye or Perfect Dark either. Instead, later FPS on consoles stem from Halo (though started as a Mac game, essentially came from PC lineage) and Call of Duty, an actual PC game. Multiplayer FPS ignored Goldeneye and primarily looked to Counterstrike as their inspiration.

In every respect, the N64 was an evolutionary dead end for video games. None of the genres, ideas and games it introduced survived into the next generations of consoles. If you measure the N64 objectively, by the actual influence its games had, then it was a failure.

>> No.7291479

Sixth gen had a crazy amount of 3D platformers to be fair

>> No.7291485

>If you measure the N64 objectively, by the actual influence its games had, then it was a failure.
What about if you measure it objectively by measures that actually mean something instead of this weird metric nobody has ever given a fuck about

>> No.7291486

>If you measure the N64 objectively, by the actual influence its games had, then it was a failure.
What does that make the Saturn then?

>> No.7291506

Like what? Everything he said is true, and you come back with nothing.

Saturn was a pile of shit, but N6 was mediocre as fuck. My question is: what's worse? Being a bad platform that actually helped shape the future of genres like shmups and 2d fighters, or the mediocre console people only remember because Mario?

>> No.7291508
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Swan song of the arcade era. The last, mighty call of the dinosaurs as they roared into extinction, before the PS2 meteorite crashed into the earth and the fires of GTA3 and FFX sundered away the old world.

>> No.7291524

Also an immense failure.

>> No.7291563

Why are you pretending that you aren't samefagging lmfao

>> No.7291637
File: 419 KB, 800x563, panzer-dragoon-saga-valley-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no way more than one person thinks the Almighty Nintendo Box is shit, it has MARIO! and ZELDA!
We're out here. There are far more of us than you think, nintendrone, and our numbers are growing by the day.

>> No.7291641

What drives people to go on a jihad against Nintendo?

>> No.7292117
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>> No.7292181
File: 1.37 MB, 3970x2467, 20201231_132955_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As an adult collector with no prior Sega bias, I can say that this is my favorite Sega console. I do love that gen 5 early 3D wonkiness aesthetic, and I know that is a very unpopular opinion.

>> No.7292238

>I know that is a very unpopular opinion.
Not among adult collectors. Or even adults in general.

>> No.7292242

Got damn that looks like a microwave

>> No.7292246

That's the whole legacy of Sega isn't it? Inferior cope consoles that Yuropoors bought because they couldn't just get a Nintendo or Sony system like everyone else. Even the American TurboGrafx-16 is a way better system than the Genesis and its stupid farty sound chip.

>> No.7292375

I don't doubt there are multiple edgy contrarians around here but like you are clearly samefagging in this thread lol

>> No.7292424


>> No.7292434

nah, its the sonic simps who samefag their shit takes on every thread. Only good thing sega had was its marketing, it brainwashed so kids so hard that 30 years later they can't let go of their console wars butthurt and advertising talking points

>> No.7292435
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Sounds like somebody didn't own a console with blast processing.

>> No.7292450
File: 113 KB, 866x768, soytendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N64 library:

>fucking tiny. not even 400 games worldwide and 95% are shit.
>zero light gun games.
>zero serious and GOOD car racing games.
>zero fighters that compare to Saturns top 10.
>zero shmups that compare to Saturns top 5.
>little to no GOOD arcade games.
>has a library mostly aimed at retarded kids and often censored for them.
>in (((current year))) now attracts degenerate onions manbabies and kiddy fiddlers.
>typical game/cartridge size of 8 - 16MB so the sound/music on practically EVERYTHING is fucking awful highly compressed shit and textures often look like actual smeared shit with a colour tint.

>> No.7292738

>Only good thing sega had was its marketing,
Sega innovates. Sony steals. Period. Without segas Model 1 there would be no playstation you uncultured mongoloid. Many of SEGAs 3D innovations are still being used in todays games.

>> No.7292749

>Sega innovates
>more marketing shit
the brainwashed corporate dicksucker just can't stop doing it, the programming was just too good, 30 yrs and the mkultra psyops that were sega ads is still deep rooted in his brain

>Without segas Model 1 there would be no playstation
So Sega's greatest achievement was to give way to a much superior console by a much superior company who still makes consoles today, got it.

>> No.7292763

The point is that it pisses autists like yourself off. I love the saturn it's great, but I like most consoles as they all have their positives. And I'm not bothered about being cool to fit in either like you kids seem to obsess over these days

>> No.7292785

Sega of america was just a subsidiary company. And you obviously havent seen an arcade from the inside ever. But i really wonder what your story is, sugar tits. Did Kalinske grope your faggot ass?

>> No.7292881

He's probably youtube educated and has never played a sega before

>> No.7292892
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>> No.7292925

Not bringing a ton of the import games to the system, as well as the ram cart probably killed it just as much as the VP did.

>> No.7292935


I recently got into saturn emulation. There is nothing worth playing it on it. The 2d fighters would have been amazing back then but nowadays nobody cares.

>> No.7292989
File: 143 KB, 840x1132, 1603988215767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>zero shmups that compare to Saturns top 5.
it has the best shmup ever made

>> No.7293312

It's got parodius??

>> No.7293321

They had the same exact fucking games as everyone else.

>> No.7293325

There are a few that play better on Playstation, but I'm pretty sure you can count those titles on one hand.

>> No.7293328

No... the people that play exclusively with Emulators on their PC are the most miserable.

>> No.7293331

Makes me want to vomit in my mouth looking at that.

>> No.7293341


>> No.7293343

those would be the segatards actually

a laughable mistake with nothing but shallow arcade ports like all the Sega consoles

>> No.7293347

It's a fucking 3D shooter.

>> No.7293373

I decided to dust off my japanese Saturn that I got from a friend of my brother years ago and found out it might actually be chipped, as a burned japanese disk ran perfectly fine on it. US games don't seem to run though. Anyone know of a cheap way to unlock the region protection?

>> No.7293390

You do know that influencing does not only mean making an exact copy of a certain game, right?

>> No.7293503


I did this mod about 8 years ago as well as installing a mod chip and it still works great. I did a 50/60hz switch too which I think is part of the guide or should still be on his site and these were good early soldering projects

>> No.7293520
File: 9 KB, 209x233, 1438995334231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The console that killed Sega. If this console wasnt a stinking turd people might have actually bought the dreamcast.

>> No.7293528

It's a 3D shmup, like Space Harrier and Burning Force.

>> No.7293536

Thanks, but I just found out I could just patch the region of the game before burning and it works fine.

>> No.7293663

No such thing as a 3DSHMUP

>> No.7293868

You're constantly moving into the screen shooting things and can move a ship/person/whatever around. Hence, it's a 3D shmup. The genre is mistakenly referred to as Rail Shooters, but those are actually lightgun games like Virtua Cop, Time Crisis, etc.

>> No.7294556

Oh shit yeah I forgot about that easy one sorry!

>> No.7294772

>Saturn was my first console, turned me off from games for a little while
>found out later in life that my parents got it for free because a coworker's kid didn't want it a year after release

>> No.7294803

Saturn > dreamcast
Bernie was a cuck

>> No.7294967
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Both are shit compared to the Chadesis.

>> No.7295041

>Rag-obtained opinion
Furry star wars

>> No.7295186

This is basically a Saturn game.

>> No.7295228

Get one faggot. Theyre dirt cheap on yahoo auctions. Get it on zenmarket

>> No.7295242

oh wow. another uncreative bait thread.

>> No.7295386

I think it's a fairly popular opinion. I fucking live for 5th gen 3D.

>> No.7295708

based and blastprocessingpilled

>> No.7295795

Anyone counter signaling n64 is a hipster the end.

>> No.7296126
File: 35 KB, 128x128, 1595969496305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some must-plays form saturn from a gaming history perspective? Definitely doing PD and Nights.

>> No.7296165

No u

>> No.7296216

Those would be the key hipster meme ones. But you can't even pretend to have even touched on Saturn "gaming history" without playing some weebshit, even if it's just some soft core puzzle games that don't require not being an EOP. There are also some legit good Saturn exclusives that you should play,
Clockwork Knight, Mr Bones, Bulk Slash, Astal, off the top of my head.

>> No.7296509

Don't listen to the stupid fag above. Clockwork Knight is mediocre and Mr Bones is fucking awful - a very poorly rated game at the time and it will remain shit no matter what year we're in. Although, Astal is good. Also:

Guardian Heroes, Exhumed ("Powerslave" in the US), Radiant Silvergun, Thunder Force V, Die Hard Arcade, Saturn Bomberman (amazing with friends), Last Bronx, Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers Revenge, Vampire Saviour, Virtua Cop 1 and 2 (but it's not the same without a light gun), Dark Savior, Virtua Fighter 2, Keio Flying Squadron 2 (AKA Keiō Yūgekitai: Katsugeki-hen), Sega Rally Championship, Three Dirty Dwarves, Burning Rangers, Cho Aniki: Kyuukyoku Otoko no Gyakushuu (fucking mental), Dead or Alive (arcade accurate, unlike the PSX version), Game Tengoku: The Game Paradise!, Gunbird, Darius Gaiden, Shining Force III,
King of Fighters 95/96 and 97, Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special, Marvel Super Heroes, Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, Street Fighter Alpha 2 and 3, X-Men: Children of the Atom, X-Men vs Street Fighter, Fighting Vipers, Fighters Megamix (Sega did a Smash Bros type game first), Pocket Fighter, Sexy Parodius, And obviously Panzen Dragoon 1, 2 and Saga (2 is best). Duke Nukem 3D is also great on Saturn (best console version or that era).

Some of the fighters are also on PSX but they're inferior versions with missing animation frames. If you're doing emulation i'd recommend Retro Arch with the Beetle Saturn core, or alternatively Mednafen (Beetle is based on this) as it's the only good Saturn emulator.

>> No.7296513

Clockwork Knight 2 is great

>> No.7296516

>Fighters Megamix (Sega did a Smash Bros type game first)
It's odd to write something like this while mentioning King of Fighters in the same sentence.

>> No.7296756

Thanks a bunch. I've managed to setup Saturn RetroArch pretty easily and even found a giant collection of games on rutracker. Really nice to see that there is a bunch fighting games and arcades available on the system.

>> No.7296776

I think it's great to appreciate the Saturn library for what it is, especially on real hardware, but if you're just going to emulate these arcade ports, why not just emulate the arcade versions?

I mean, not only is every arcade version better (even the Capcom fighters that are nearly perfect, have a good chunk of their real resolution cut off and the sprites appear stretched and fat), the actual emulation for the arcade systems is better and has more options.

Don't get me wrong, I love the Saturn, but it really only has a benefit when someone has a need to play on a real piece of hardware, preferably hooked up to a CRT of any kind.

>> No.7296898

I've meant that in a general sense. Like "it's great that Saturn as a console had a lot of arcade ports of good games available in its lifecycle"

>> No.7296991

>almost every one of those has been ported or originates from a better console

Here's a fantastic Saturn exclusive typical of the library:

>> No.7297165

>i got filtered by mr bones
>i play inferior ports which I call arcade accurate
lol. If you're going to emulate arcade games you do better to emulate the original arcade versions dingus. No Saturn ports are "arcade accurate", whatever the fuck you imagine that's supposed to mean.
Fighters Megamix isn't a "Smash Bros type game" and isn't the first fightan game to have characters from other games.
But I if you filtered all that shit out you'd be left with a few decent games that are exclusive or not better on another platforms. It's a shame you mixed those up with all the other shit.

>> No.7297273

Sega fanboy who cried himself to sleep from ages 9-14 trying to cope with the shitty games he had to play vs the library of games available to all his Friends who’s parents bought an SNES instead

>> No.7299589

OP is incredibly based the saturn fucking sucks

>> No.7300459
File: 2.08 MB, 837x955, d9opz2o-95d4bb8d-82e2-4448-8768-c701ca8ae275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7302212

pedobait is when your daughter wears pink panties under a short skirt nghhhhhhhhh

>> No.7304251

Spoken like an expert of the genre, that is if you weren't wrong