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/vr/ - Retro Games

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727325 No.727325 [Reply] [Original]

/vr/, I request help. I want to play some multiplayer with my girl, so we're looking for a PC game that we can both play on my shitty netbook. It would need:

>No 3D models. can be 3D as long as it's all sprites. The video card is being weird
>Multiplayer W/LAN or hackable for WAN

Unfortunately, I can't think of ANYTHING despite knowing tons of games because I'm stuck in a clinical depression phase. It would mean a lot if I could get the help. We've played Diablo 2 and Hexen together for reference. Thanks, and pic oddly appropriate.

>> No.727334

Age of Empires?

>> No.727337

Alright I'll put that on the list. I'll be doing a random.org roll for what we play.

>> No.727347

Let me give you an advice: if there isn't an obvious choice for the both of you (i.e. a game that you both play in your spare time anyway), don't. Do something you both enjoy instead.

Purposefully sharing hobbies is a terrible idea. Spend more time with her in some other way that doesn't require her to actually expend energy on somehting she has no interest in.

Again, how to check if she has interest in it: does she play it by herself? Has she been playing before you met? Play that. Not multiplayer? Not a video game at all? So be it.

>> No.727358

But we both love gaming. We're just not able to think right now (me for depression, her I dunno why). We're not forcing anything.

>> No.727365

>do everything she wants to do: the post

Agree on something then do it, if she's agreed to your plan then you're all aces

>> No.727370


Baldur's Gates
duke 3d

>> No.727372

Wait what, Balder's gate is multiplayer online?

>> No.727376

Yes. I've played it online with my friend. It drove him nuts but I loved it. So much pausing and reloading

>> No.727378

Yes. They aren't a huge amount of fun multiplayer unless both of you are really into lots of lore though. Remember how much reading is involved, and only player is in control of which dialogue is going on at once

>> No.727380

Ahahahah she'll kill me. I can't stand not reading every single thing I see. Then again, we're both a bit obsessive compulsive.

Wow. I had no fuck clue the game was like that. Are we both capable of moving around?

>> No.727384

Why did you buy a fucking netbook?

>> No.727389

I didn't. My PC and video card died so a good friend gave me hers.

>> No.727393

Then play Icewind Dale. Less reading, more action.

>> No.727394


Oh, damn.
Good luck with your GF, OP.

>> No.727398


You've never played Baldur's Gate? So you don't know how involved the gameplay is? That'd be pretty funny to watch two people try to figure out baldur's gate at the same time.

>> No.727402

Thanks. I'll try that too.

Thanks also.

She decided on Lionheart so let's dive into this blind. Hope I can get the gog version working on multiplayer easily.

>> No.727404

I'm a patient and methodical person. but yeah I've never gotten to actually play it. Only the weird PS2 version.

>> No.727406


I've played the GoG version with my girlfriend over the internet. Works with hamachi.

>> No.727407

>My girl.

Oh, you~ <3

It's more a matter of she and I just had a brainfart, and she decided to hit up /VR/ for a recommendation. I didn't play a lot of PC games growing up. Mostly SC/Diablo/Doomclones. Moving from console to pc gaming was a more recent move.

>> No.727412

Does it have to be coop? Worms Armageddon

>> No.727413

God dammit, I told you not to go look for the thread!

>> No.727423

Eh preferable. Wouldn't want me to evaporate her at everything

>> No.727505

>muh girl
back to /soc/

>> No.727738

Lionheart is proving fun. Thanks anon. Feels like medieval fallout.

>> No.727743

Has anyone else noticed that they blanked out the Apple logo so as to not be seen as advertising them?

>> No.727759

Worms Armageddon?

>> No.727772

We're going to have to play that after. She told me to back up my words when I said I'd evaporate her.

>> No.727836

It's not retro but if you have a spare keyboard around, then Jamestown on steam is good fun if either of you are in to shoot em ups. I mention it as it stands out to me as a 2D PC game with multiplayer, playable on one computer

>> No.728019

play one of those shoot em ups wher youre both spaceships against waves and waves of enemies, like darius 2

>> No.728045


Dungeon Siege.

God, so many hours playing that fucker in LAN with my step brother.

>> No.728570

Try some Metal Slug, Bomberman for Snes, Pocky & Rocky, Seiken Densetsu 3,...

>> No.728604

Jazz Jackrabbit 2

>> No.728606

Crazy disappointed my husband didn't like SD3. At least he was a good sport about it, even if we didnt make it to second classes before he fizzled out. Kinda in the same boat as op, only I'm the one with the shitty laptop. I can (barely) run Ragnarok Online 2His suggestion, he installed it while drunk after we played RO1 for a while, and we've been timesinking it. He likes more futuristic stuff, but we've played a lot of HoMM3, we've also played diablo 2 and those kinds of games.

>> No.728612

also, to add on, I'd be fine with playing icewind dale and stuff with him, but I think it'd be too frustrating for him and I to play together, seeing as I'm used to tactics/ascension in bg2, and he's completely green and never touched one of these games in his life.