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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 24 KB, 258x386, Predator_Movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7143854 No.7143854 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: movies that retro game devs couldn't stop copying. I'll start with an obvious one.

>> No.7143867
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>> No.7143908



That's like half of Japan's output in the 80's and early 90's.

>> No.7143918

Big Trouble in Little China

>> No.7143919
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>> No.7143923

Pretty much all of John Carpenter's movies, come to think of it.

>> No.7143942

motherfuckin r-type

>> No.7144008
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now that I think about it, we really didnt get any blaxploitation kind of games at all

>> No.7144023

Alien/Aliens really can't be beaten

>> No.7144058
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>> No.7144493

You could fill an entire thread with just Konami examples. And the fact that they actually made "Aliens" arcade

>> No.7144619

Indiana Jones

>> No.7144628

And Mad Max.

>> No.7144646


inb4 Hardcore Gaming 101, but they had a whole series of arcticles called "Tracing the Influence" on their old site

>> No.7144649

Evil Dead Franchise

>> No.7144878
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name some fucking games that "copy" Carpenter that isn't the Splatterhouse series

name some, be specific. Generic zombies and the undead are common horror tropes that exist across the board, show me an example of a retro video game that copies the Evil Dead in that it resembles a facet of the films in an obvious manner.

>> No.7144902

Duke Nukem and Blood for both

>> No.7144905
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>> No.7144910

How the fuck has nobody said star wars

>> No.7144947

in what way?
makes a lot of sense, in hindsight it's so damn obvious I can't believe I never made the connection

>> No.7145106

Never heard of it.

>> No.7145307

>in what way?
Half of Duke's vocabulary consists of Evil Dead quotes, and BLOOD is literally Evil Dead: The Game.

>> No.7145410

I think the dev for Team Fortress (back when it was a Quake mod) specifically mentioned a scene from Predator as the primary inspiration for the Heavy class. Every other class was made for gameplay reason or ispired by specific gameplay elements

>> No.7146350 [DELETED] 
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Okay, SL is officially just like Shadowbringers in a lot of ways.

>> No.7146360

ctf_rock is literally... The Rock (Nicolas Cage etc)

>> No.7146712 [DELETED] 

Star Wars and Blade Runner

>> No.7147716

>name some, be specific.

The Thing is THE body horror that kicked off Japan's tenacle and body horror love.

Escape from New York is the basis for Metal Gear.

Big Trouble is the basis for Mortal Kombat.

>> No.7147723
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I'm here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.

>> No.7147729

Carpenter is so based.


>> No.7147737

This. That’s the ground zero of every beat em up

>> No.7149284

... and that's a good thing!

>> No.7149312

Much as I adore the goofiness of the first MK movie, I bet John Carpenter's Mortal Kombat would have been damn awesome.

>> No.7149670
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Aliens was also in that mix. Initially, they even entertained the idea of licensing the rights for Aliens, and saw it was available, but then on second thought realized they wanted full creative control (and profits), and thought they could make something more novel by crossing two paths which at the time weren't often crossed, hellish fantasy demons and sci-fi action. They were massive fans of Evil Dead and Alien, and figured they could combine a lot of the elements and traits of both Evil Dead 2 and Aliens; a spacebase/moonbase with futuristic plasma guns and megacorporate space marines, and hell coming out of holes in reality to possess and murder people, unleash powerful demons, and then shooting at these various demons and possessed people with shotguns and carving them up with a chainsaw.

Overall, a lot of the art and design was done very much in a B-movie way (kinda like Evil Dead and stuff). There's some influences here from art by H.R Giger, separate from Aliens itself, and Sandy Petersen would be hired as a level designer during development, which was a man who had a long and passionate attachment to the written works of H.P Lovecraft (and whatever else may be inspired by them, including movies), so much so that he was one of the main driving forces to popularizing Lovecraft's works by developing the Call Of Cthulu pen & paper RPG, a work which really gave it a lot of new attention and which has influences in popular culture since. Naturally, his affinity for these works would rub off a lot on the development on Doom and Doom 2, and especially on Quake. His overall lengthy experience with developing and playing pen & paper games and their modules also contributed to his approach in making levels (if you think about it, designing a level for a game like Doom or Quake is kind of like a Dungeon Master planning out a dungeon crawl).

>> No.7149706

Blood also had tons of references to Evil Dead/Army of Darkness like the little Calebs that come out of the mirror. And of course Duke Nukem took Ash's "hail to the king baby".

>> No.7149897

Yeah, IIRC the devs said that they often just had Army Of Darkness playing in the background when working on something, which is how eventually quotes would work themselves in, and sometimes elements such as the mirror Calebs, or the disembodied hands.

>> No.7149967

i thought splatterhouse was inspired by friday the 13th

>> No.7149984

other than doom, halo, contra & metroid what else is there?

>> No.7149996

Am I the only one that played The Thing?

>> No.7150010

>what other games have Giger inspired elements
Is this guy trolling

>> No.7150116

No, he's probably genuinely that stupid.

>> No.7150131

Regrettably not.

>> No.7150142

Contra is basically this

>> No.7150251

This is a great link. What happened with HG101, did they get pozzed?

>> No.7150405

The Warriors spawned Renegade which spawned every 80/90s beat em up which was probably 60-70% of arcade games before SFII came along. You could probably add Game of Death in there too.

>> No.7150528

Polygon has a video titled Bruce lee IS fighting games

>> No.7151236

>name some fucking games that "copy" Carpenter that isn't the Splatterhouse series
I'd have to take some screenshots in MAME later, but Sega's Alien Storm has very Thing-esque aliens in it

>> No.7151464

Too obvious. Star Wars had a profound impact on all forms of media, video games only scratches the surface.

>> No.7151475

there was a game about firefighters that had rudy ray moore in it. it was never released tho. neatest looking fmv game i ever saw

>> No.7151478

isnt there a halloween game on 2600?

>> No.7151479

Was it the actual Rudy Ray Moore or was it just based on him?

>> No.7151484

they live. fuck yeah. its gotta be the insliration for the 1st level of bart vs the space mutants

>> No.7151492


>> No.7151494
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>Final Fantasy VII
>Tons of others I can't think of off the top of my head

>> No.7151507

I have no idea what I just watched, but I'm saddened that it didn't get released. What happened to it?

>> No.7151512

me too. that game is amazing looking. a 90s game definately. was gonna be for the 3DO. no idea what happened to it. shame it never made it.

>> No.7151528

Google gave me this, which has some interesting info:

>> No.7153128
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It was kinda funny watching some weird zoomer kid try to call bullshit on an entire thread and get summarily blown the fuck out.

>> No.7153441

Half Life has nothing from Akira, I love both but I don't see the connection. HL as a little something from 2001 though.

>> No.7153718

I really liked that Aliens arcade game. I was balls at it as a kid, but it was awesome.

>> No.7153979

Zelda is basically Ridley Scott's Legend

>> No.7153998


>> No.7154002
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first blood part two

>> No.7154005

>blown the fuck out

Why are you meme spouting faggots so combative?
Some anon asked for posters to be specific instead of just naming movie titles and it's made for a more interesting thread.

>> No.7154029

>Why are you meme spouting faggots so combative?
For every marble top Anon theres ten of these /Pol/ dorks.

>> No.7154089

Except the elevator. Hell someone made a thread about it earlier.

>> No.7154092

Those are right, though it is surprising to realize that Warriors are there.
>Evil Dead
>Carpenter's movies
They are mostly referenced, not copied.
Mortal Kombat is Enter the Dragon, not BTiLC.
>Star Wars
Hints of visual design from it here and there.
>Blade Runner
That's just cyberpunk in a nutshell.
I'd add Matrix and John Woo movies, and Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers for WWII shooters, but that's for very late 90s and 2000s.

>> No.7154147
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I take it this was just a coincidence then.

>> No.7154187
File: 136 KB, 1000x500, zaGizJz8bXIx[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mortal Kombat is Enter the Dragon, not BTiLC.

There is a lot of Enter the Dragon in there, but there's also a shit ton of Big Trouble in Little China. Raiden is the most obvious call out. But the whole Chinese mysticism and supernatural shit but isn't really based on anything real or specific is the same as Mortal Kombat. Even a big dopy macho American walking through all of this feels taken from BTiLC.

>> No.7154197

As i said - referenced, not copied. The movie has very different concept, Duke Nukem is not a game about rebelling against secret alien conspiracy, Duke himself isn't based on Roddy Piper.

>> No.7154210

Yea, come to think of it, you are right. I was talking more about the concept - island, tournament, that stuff.

>> No.7154212

The lines are almost identical.

Anyway, heres Shinobi battling Spiderman, Batman and Godzilla.



>> No.7154226

Oh yeah, of course. Last few articles had pozzed shit in it. One of them was a lot of crying about Lo Wang.