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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 144 KB, 800x1125, RE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7084250 No.7084250 [Reply] [Original]

Post games that ruined a franchise for you to the point of not playing any newer games from that franchise.

I'm starting with Resident Evil 4. It made me not interested in the newer Resident Evil games.

>> No.7084273

oh good lord yes. RE4 was a nice enough title by itself, at least to watch someone else play, but it wasn't anything like RE. DESU i didn't really like RE3 either. Constantly being chased by Nemesis was annoying, and the novelty wore off very quickly.

>> No.7084280
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>> No.7084284

Red Faction II left a bad taste in my mouth and I never played the newer games, despite hearing how great they are. FF10 also ruined FF for me.

>> No.7084457

Yeah, I didn't like RE3 much either because of that.

>> No.7084472
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>another re4 thread

>> No.7084571

It's not. This thread is about games that ruined an entire franchise for you.

>> No.7084648

RE1, 2, and 3 are the only true RE games. I can give the remakes a pass, and I can't speak to CV or 0, but the series got super fucking dumb as soon as they did 4, regardless of how well designed it was.

Resident Evil should always be about fighting for your life, not kung-fu kicking people and super cool backflips.

>> No.7084668
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I actually really liked FF12 when it was first released, but the gambit system would go on to ruin the series by being the inspiration for the automation of your non-party leader characters in FF13. The only gambits I ever used was for my party to target the party leaders target and for the healer to automatically heal anyone below 50% hp. All gambits were optional in FF12 though. In FF13 literally 2/3 of the game was automated and playing it was like watching paint dry. I have 0 interest in the series now.

>> No.7084671
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Also fuck FF10 for turning the series into a hallway simulator and for ruining the world map.

>> No.7084717
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i don't gaf i fapped enough to every character in that game to make it worth the money, pleb

>> No.7084724

>this thread again
Pretend I posted a smug anime girl, because if you're going to be lazy with the bait it's not even fun to get mad about.

>> No.7084745

You have to be 18 to post on 4chan.

>> No.7084761 [SPOILER] 
File: 54 KB, 900x695, 1605498804582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well shit i'm 28, guess i'm banned, then.
X2 was better anyway

>> No.7084836

I agree.

>> No.7084842

>fapped to every character
Including men?

Bait? This thread is for games that ruined the franchise for you. For example I could talk about how Silent Hill 4 ruined the franchise for me to the point of not being interested in playing the newer games. Also this thread has never been posted before.

>> No.7084863
File: 409 KB, 1920x1080, kilika jungle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FFX wasn't that bad, there was lots of exploration in the individual areas, and the cartoony overworlds that FFVII-FFIX used just wouldn't have worked with FFX's aesthetic.

>> No.7084869
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>even men
don't be ridiculous

>> No.7085619

REmake ruined the series for me
with RE4 being the sole exception for the only good RE game after the disaster of REtrash

>> No.7085623
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>> No.7086040

Holy confusing timeline.

>> No.7086069

It was Skyward Sword for me.

>> No.7086087
File: 27 KB, 256x250, Final_Fantasy_8_ntsc-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7086258

Yeah, I never liked that game either.

>> No.7086565
File: 28 KB, 250x313, CIVILIZATION-V-FRONT-OF-BOX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It became a fucking chess game

>> No.7086604

FF 8. The enemies level up with you. FF9 is a secret of Mana game and too [insert moe tier noises]. ff10 is just a hallway simulator and hyper gay and tried too hard with le graphics and such. Stopped caring to even try new games by ff10.

RE4 indeed ruined RE.

Zelda was ruined by the Wii era, skyward swords.

Golden sun 3 ruined it's own graphics and also Vegeta'd the Blue haired faggot and it was about the children of the original characters, really lame, and I think shorter, but whatever, it's gay.

Stopped caring about Castlevania by DS, the magic cirlces you needed to do to beat a boss was hyper lame.

Stopped caring about Metroid by wii era too, the wii mote is gay aside, the first two Metroids are best and anything beyond it became an insult for various reasons, especially other m. No one likes that.

mmo's were ruined by normalfaggots as they don't make friends within the game but bring them in from real life, free range talking is now gone, teh games are less social than an ai chatterbox or a life sim

Oh I'm not alone. Good to know.

Indeed everyone hates it. Indeed it is a hallway simulator.

All the zoomers kept making spam threads about it being the best so now people are being no longer disingenuous in spite of all that bait and posting hate threads against it. I'm glad they are.

Smash bros was killed by brawl with random slipping.

Funny how that post gen 6 shit is so cancerous, no?

Mario was def ruined by the wii u as you can have a literal infant delete all your enemies by pressing the touch screen. I never even played sunshine as it is though, so I can't say if that is when it was ruined. A water hose? Something was gay about that so I never played sunshine.

Megaman was ruined by x7. Megaman zero was too long too though short. Story line went gay.

There should have been a third legends game rather than over 9k battle networks.

>> No.7086613

>era of decline
>twilight princess and windwaker
Something something peaked.

It was for non actual autistics, indeed.

>> No.7086618

its really annoying with only 1 unit per tile

>> No.7086639

As much as I like Chess, I wouldn't want a video game to be exactly like Chess.

>> No.7086652

what a way to burn up all the interest / goodwill generated by VII

>> No.7086657

monster scaling was NOT the reason FF8 sucked balls

>> No.7086738

Mother 3
Persona 3
Parasite Eve II
Mega Man X5
Sonic Heroes
Crash Bandicoot 3

>> No.7086758

Name another jrpg that does it.

>> No.7086791

>Persona 3
>DKC 3
Fuck off

>> No.7086810 [DELETED] 


>> No.7086816
File: 257 KB, 365x286, STOP IT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7087204

So you don't even understand what the thread is about. Please tell me how DKC 3 killed the series beyond being the last of the snes games.

>> No.7087251

daily resident evil 4 seething thread

>> No.7087495

>daily resident evil 4 seething thread
Wrong thread since this has nothing to do with hating Resident Evil 4. It has to do with games that ruined a franchise for you, to the point of not playing the newer games.

>> No.7087554

I would but I didn't even like the first Donkey Kong game that much.

Triggers me.

>> No.7087693

Not him, but why didn't you like the first Donkey Kong?

>> No.7087852

Not him but personally the insta kill and gimmick barrel levels really really wore thin by the end. DKC 2 was so much better about that sort of thing

>> No.7087918

The amount of rage tears this game produces among boomers is further proof of its greatness

>> No.7087950
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Funny, this made me disinterested in RE, and RE4 brought me back. Then 5 made me disinterested again. Then 7 brought me back. Then RE3make made me disinterested.

>> No.7087970

I keep seeing people on here say Minish Cap was bad. What was so wrong with it? It was better than the Oracle games that's for fucking sure

>> No.7088057

The only rage tears I see are from the RE4cucks who defend RE4.

>> No.7088065

Ff x-2

>> No.7088069

I never understood why they called it X-2 instead of 13.

>> No.7088086

Every actual numbered FF game has to be completely different from each other (or at least set in their own world) because of series tradition. That's why X-2 is X-2 instead of 11 or like you said 13. It's just a thing with FF.

>> No.7088092

I meant 11, but yeah.

>> No.7088417


>> No.7088458

I concur it was better.

People hate the side quest searching though as they're zoomers. They hate windwaker for the triforce shards as they hate minish for those pendant halve thingies.

Real zelda fan's like spinning their wheels a bit.

Racism jeok.

>> No.7088905

I concur it was better.

People hate the side quest searching though as they're zoomers. They hate windwaker for the triforce shards as they hate minish for those pendant halve thingies.

Real zelda fan's like spinning their wheels a bit.

Racism jeok.

>> No.7088919
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>> No.7089284

>It was better than the Oracle games that's for fucking sure
Don't really agree if just because I really really loved the dungeons in ages and the gimmick of the ages and seasons thing was way cooler then the get small gimmick.
That being said I still also really like Minish Cap

>> No.7089332

Xbox 360 is not 6th gen.

>> No.7090953

Donkey Kong 64.

>> No.7091554
File: 151 KB, 683x1024, 71oF-R22SNL._AC_SL1024_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the beginning of the end. It was the game that opened the floodgates and filled the Zelda fanbase with tasteless zoomers. We got one more good Zelda game in the form of Twilight Princess, but after that Nintendo capitulated to the zoomers and the franchise was destroyed.

Ever noticed how most BOTW fans also like Wind Waker and vice versa? There's a reason for that. The people who like those games are the ones who can tolerate a barren, empty, open world and can entertain themselves for hours on end just running around doing nothing. They don't even notice how repetitive, poorly designed, and lacking in interesting content both games are.

Wind Waker didn't kill the franchise right away, but it lurked in the background like a malignant tumor, and the moment traditional Zelda faltered with Skyward Sword, the tumor spread and took over the whole body. Now the franchise is just zoomer Zelda wearing traditional Zelda as a skin-suit despite having no understanding of what made it good.

Curse Skyward Sword for failing in the way it did. That game actually had potential. If it just had a little more time in the oven it might have been decent enough to save traditional Zelda. But no... instead it had to completely shit the bed and leave the door wide open for zoomer Zelda to take over. And now all is lost. Zelda is dead.

>> No.7091663

To this day I've been afraid to play skyward sword to see how bad it is in comparison to previous zeldas gen 4-6. But I played albw, of which is... 8? Whatever, I wonder how bad gen 7 is.

t. anon over 30

>> No.7091854

I agree.

>> No.7091859

I don't necessarily agree with >>7091554, but do yourself a favor: *don't* play Skyward Sword. It's peak wagglan'.

>> No.7091864
File: 180 KB, 1048x518, CVSotNpsxJPN_00-27cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fuckin game. Fuck this monstrosity

>> No.7091878

>It was better than the Oracle games that's for fucking sure
Only insane people could think this, Anon.

>> No.7091927

If you can get it cheap or (somehow) rent it I'd recommend giving it a go. Like >>7091859 said it leaned too heavily into the motion control gimmicks which among other things led to bosses being too easy and monotonous once you figured things out, and the maps themselves don't offer much in terms of open exploration compared to other Zelda games. Still, I liked the narrative and the gameplay itself was plenty fun... I just don't see myself revisiting it anytime soon even though it's been over 8 years since I played it, unlike older titles like OoT, LA, LttP, etc. which I replay regularly. In a weird way it's a lot like modern Sony games where they're story first and gameplay second, except with SS it was unintentional as they focused on things that ultimately hurt the latter.

>> No.7092745


>> No.7093773

What, this is my favorite Civ game... but I honestly I haven't tried Civ IV or VI either. Actually I did try VI a bit when Epic released it some time ago, but I didn't like it, and I don't like Epic either. I'm waiting for the Steam sale to see if it's worth picking up.

The only thing I've heard about Civ IV is Caveman and Cosmos, but nothing beyond that.

What are your thoughts about those games, Anon?

>> No.7093779

Why do people cry about this game on /vr/ every single day?
It's a fun game. Get over it.

>> No.7093961

No one is really crying except those who defend RE4.

>> No.7093994
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Not /vr/ but they just took a sickle and tore apart everything that was previously setup for the story

>> No.7094028

This is nu /v/ get the fuck out of here while you can. You can't discuss the things you enjoy in this place, there's always some fucking douche crying or making a war thread about it.

>> No.7094217

----> >>7093961

>> No.7094758

Skyward Sword is the last Zelda that had an ounce of creativity or soul left in it. Don't get me wrong, it sucks, but you can see through all the suck that someone, somewhere along the line, had some decent ideas. Sandship and Ancient Cistern are genuinely good dungeons. The silent realm trials were fun. The motion controls were the best implementation in perhaps any Wii game. It actually used the motion controls to their full potential instead of just mapping shaking the controller to a single function like most games.

But the elephant in the room - the thing utterly, horribly, completely fucked up - is the pacing. The motion controls? They aren't actually that bad. They're tolerable and occasionally even enjoyable. But the pacing is just horrific. The game is packed with filler content and everything about it is just slow. If I had to pick one word to describe Skyward Sword, "slow" would be it. The combat is slow, the filler quests are slow and time consuming, and the game wastes your time at every opportunity. The best thing they could have done to fix SS, is to remove about half the content. Cull the worse half of ideas in the game and it wouldn't be too bad.

If you decide to play the game, I highly recommend waiting until you're in a patient mood and want something you can just kinda zone out while playing.

>> No.7095779

Not him, but I would certainly check out Skyward Sword. Shenmue started out slow for me. So Skyward Sword being slow isn't a huge deal breaker.

>> No.7095795

You posted a picture of a hallway.

>> No.7095997
File: 118 KB, 1920x1080, cc44d8c5-ee07-42f2-ad47-1bda2ea0c264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much beauty, so much potential
So much fucking pain and suck
So many years it it still hurts boys
How do i make the hurting stop?

>> No.7096019

Yea... Blood 2 sucked pretty hard. I actully bought that game new back in the day. Since I loved the first one so much.

>> No.7096036

I have no answer to this. Some games really do suck and you end up regretting buying it. Like I did with Mighty No.9