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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 128 KB, 256x362, FatalFrame3Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7013603 No.7013603 [Reply] [Original]

I've been wanting to get into this series for a while. Don't have 1 and 2, which are the ones people always talk about. I have 3. Would I be cucking myself out by starting with it?

>> No.7013609

2 is the best one

>> No.7013624

2 is the best, directors cut on xbox

>> No.7013628

>another 6th gen le spoopy thread

>> No.7013669

Why do Americans always act like you NEED to buy the damn games? You don't have it, well, guess what, you can download it and play it either on an emulator or your modded PS2. What's with that obsession with OWNING everything in America?
>Yeah I want to play this series
>Ok but you should know that these games are hard to come by today!
Nigga what do you mean hard to come by? Just download it

>> No.7013678

Not everyone can be an entitled little emu kiddie.

>> No.7013687

Well, sorry for actually playing the games instead of talking about them. Imagine missing out on Fatal Frame 1 and 2 just because you don't have the physical copies. Fucking hell you can buy them on PSN if you want to spend your money that bad. Yeah you won't have the discs to show to god knows whom to feel cool about yourself but still

>> No.7013691

Butthurt thirdworlder

>> No.7013701

sharts have a stockholm syndrome relationship with big corporations

>> No.7013703

Let me think. I burned Fatal Frame 1 & 3. And bought Fatal Frame 2. Take the games as they come, dude.

>> No.7013707

There is no continuity between games, play literally any of them.

>> No.7013712

>Take the games as they come, dude.
That's what I'm talking about. I mean OP sounds like he isn't going to play 1 and 2 which are must play PS2 games just becaust he won't be able to find them

>> No.7013718

Come to think of it, except for Resident Evil all Japanese horror series are like Final Fantasy and Zelda in terms of story connections

>> No.7013723

Yes because it literally spoils the other two games. You can play one or two in any order but this one specifically takes place after those two.

>> No.7013757

i started with 3 and loved it so much i found myself playing the other games in the series
go for it anon

>> No.7013759

>There is no continuity
3 is a sequel to 1 you retard

>> No.7013761

>it literally spoils the other two games
only 1
2 is referenced at all in 3 except for one cameo

>> No.7013771

im american and literally dont do this
flashcarts and burned discs for all systems
i do collect series i love though
zelda, tomb raider, final fantasy, pokemon, etc

i would argue the owning every game released phenomenon is not strictly an american thing/ check out the "sega my card complete retail library" im pretty sure thats a german dude

also the vectrex guy on youtube is foreign as well

but yes, coomlectors are strange
i always value collecting systems over loosegames & try to convince others as well

>> No.7013782

This is not even a collector thing. Collection fags are way worse, they don't like video games and don't play them. What I'm talking about is
>I won't play it because I don't have it
It's not like Tecmo will get your money anyway if you buy a used copy of Fatal Frame from some fat weeaboo wearing a Disgaea t shirt

>> No.7013807

ya mcboot is literally $10 plug and play
there is literally zero excuse

i got 100 free dvds on craigslist &
burned an extensive library of deepcuts

i would say ease of piracy is an advantage for older disc-based systems
the only thing you should be hoarding/collecting is controllers and now for many systems they're getting ridiculously expensive (neogeo, 3do, pcengine, gamecube, n64, etc)

>> No.7013814

These days most of the cartridge based systems are far cheaper than disc based ones, simply because most of the CD drives are fucking failing now and ODEs are still expensive as shit.

>> No.7014172


>> No.7014230


Maybe because when you purchase something you are creating demand of it, which then hopefully makes capable people become interested in creating more and better versions of it.

But what do we know anyways? go on and download a bootleg version for free, it will keep you warm in whatever corrupt infested hellhole you're living right now, blaming capitalism for the consequences of your own smartass decisions.

>> No.7014273

>buy a PS2 game on ebay
>when you purchase something you are creating demand of it, which then hopefully makes capable people become interested in creating more and better versions of it.
This is whom I share this board with

>> No.7014418

If that's your concern, it makes more sense to buy it after playing it, otherwise you're creating demand for it even if it turns out to be shit.

>> No.7014429

Just emulate the first two then

>> No.7014692

Because they have money.

>> No.7014714

Like >>7013723 said, there are several tie ins and references to the events of the first two games. You may miss out on that if you start with the third but its not like you wont get whats going on. They are more like little easter egg references.

Wrong, maybe you should play the games before giving shitty advice about them, retard.

>> No.7014716

You have the vastly superior one right there in your hands, OP. Super cool stuff, don't bother playing them in order, start right by the best of 'em.

>> No.7014723
File: 146 KB, 1200x800, fatal-frame-2-screenshot_1280.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't make sense. They aren't printing these games anymore. All the stock was either bought or destroyed.

If you want to "own" the games today you're buying them used.

>> No.7014787


America is so cucked by capitalism, they can't imagine not giving what remains of their measly paychecks from their precarious jobs to buy stuff that will either take up too much damn space or be tied to a subscription service that you pay for for perpetuity

>> No.7014798

Funny story, I was pirating ps2 games back when ps2 was still a current console. This game was one of the many isos I downloaded and played. I loved the game so much I ended up buying it. Still have the copy as well as the first two.

>> No.7014814


It was so much easier before consoles had online capabilities and before there was the whole softmod/firmware race

>> No.7014819

Very easy, my ps2 wasn't even modded I just used a boot disc to load burned games.

>> No.7014827

But Fatal Frame is a must buy I member I downloaded a copy of the second one and burned it on cheap DVD which froze at the end and never finished the 2nd

>> No.7014874


I remember the Utopia Boot Disc. And selfboot used to be a descriptor for Dreamcast ISOs.

>> No.7015263

Yes. 3 directly connects 1 and 2 and you're not going to get anything out of the plot without playing 1 and 2 first. They're $10 on PS3, just buy them.

>> No.7015279

I agree with just pirating everything if you can, but also if you can't afford a $10 game, then you don't have a PC good enough to emulate PS2 games anyway.

>> No.7015286

You obviously didn't play 3 as it's a direct sequel to 1 and 2. 1 and 2 on their own aren't connected until you hit 3, though.

>> No.7015350

I bought the first one on ps2 when I was a teen and shit was pretty spooky. I remember being disturbed by the rituals that were described in notes or something, like forcing a sacrifice to first wear a mask with spikes to blind him. It was also pretty hard so I never finished it, although I think I wasn't too far off.
Is 2 that good? Or self-contained? I have the wii remake, though I don't know how it fares compared to the original on ps2.

>> No.7015612

Based Chinaman

>> No.7015660


3 is a direct sequel to 1. I'd so emulate at least the first one.

>> No.7015695

i'm sure you buying an used copy of fatal frame 2 on craigslist is going to push tecmo to do a new fatal frame anon

fight the good fight

>> No.7015703


2 is self contained. I think it's more polished and was a good direction for the series. I know folks tend to say 2 is the best one.

>> No.7015727

Americans do worse than that. Instead of emulating the systems for free on their computers they prefer BUYING the fucking emulator from a corporation and THEN play the game.

>> No.7015730
