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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 59 KB, 364x198, sega-saturn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6948567 No.6948567 [Reply] [Original]

what's your favorite Sega Saturn game?
my favorite is NIGHTS: Into Dreams

>> No.6948580


>> No.6948583

These three:
Radiant Silvergun
Virtua Fighter 4
Sega Rally Championship

>> No.6948614

Cotton Boomerang, but because it triggers the n64 autist I'll say Quake, Nights into Dreams and Duke Nukem 3D on the Saturn - the superioriest version of all 3.

>> No.6948627
File: 104 KB, 407x390, Not Happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, VF4 was great. Shame Evolution didn't come to the Saturn.

>> No.6948847

i like virtus fighters vs tekken for master system.

>> No.6948887

>what's your favorite Sega Saturn game?
Dragon Force, the whole reason I bothered to get a Saturn.

>> No.6948925

Dark Savior

Honorable mention to Panzer Dragoon Zwei

>> No.6948931
File: 536 KB, 994x1032, 4CABEECE-C5CC-4517-A2A2-395E41561C93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakura Wars
Princess Crown

>> No.6949373

oh HELL yeah!

also: Guardian Heroes

>> No.6949393
File: 97 KB, 343x500, bernie stolar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's your favorite Sega Saturn game?
Mine is using Sega Shiturns as target practice, a more enjoyable game than anything for that fucking failure piece of goddamn shit.

>> No.6949395

Fighters Megamix

>> No.6949404

t. Poorfag Nincel

>> No.6949804

You're incorrect

>> No.6950481
File: 6 KB, 250x159, 250px-Burning_Rangers_gameplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.6950646
File: 282 KB, 704x448, panzer-dragoon-ii-zwei-ending-screen-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point this seems like samefag. Every single time Bernieposter appears, the "t. nincel" guy also follows up.
In case t.nincelposter is actually a different guy, bernieposter is just a shitposter, not a nintendo fanboy. He probably doesn't even like video games at all.
Anyway, Best Saturn game for me is Panzer Dragoon II Zwei.

>> No.6950660

holy based



big yikes

>> No.6950690

time bokan

>> No.6950718

Darius Gaiden
Saturn bomberman
Sonic R (unironically)

>> No.6950876

nights is better on n64

>> No.6950883

Sonic X-treme.

>> No.6951057

how can anyone like NIGHTs? it was cool in the 90s because of grafix, gameplay itself is shit.

>> No.6951067


>> No.6951068

>judging what other people enjoy

>> No.6951095

I dream of a world where we group games based on meaningful traits they might have in common instead of the arbitrary piece of hardware they were released on.

>> No.6951115

Its a meaningful piece of interactive art.

Sometimes there's more to games than a mechanical challenge and dopamine hits(not that there's anything wrong with mechanical challenges and dopamine hits, I like those too).

>> No.6951129

Got a saturn the year it came out and over several years amassed a good pile of games. The 2 I played the most were Dark Savior and Space Hulk. Also really liked Hexen

>> No.6951191

t. filth casual who has never tried these good Saturn games.

>> No.6951207

Judge not a game by the hardware it was released on but rather by the contents of its disk

>> No.6951213

This should be a sticky

>> No.6951241

The hardware is the tapestry, paint and brush of these old games, the games themselves the paintings. There's plenty of reason to appreciate both, and often nuances of the hardware can help elevate games, giving them a uniqueness you can't get elsewhere.

>> No.6951793
File: 117 KB, 640x1104, 61XsozIRIEL._SL1104_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason I wanted a Saturn, and still my favorite game on it.

After that, Guardian Heroes.

>> No.6951814
File: 206 KB, 650x444, pshychiv-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychic Assassin Taromaru
Just play it on an ODE, it even emulates fine if you don't own a Saturn.

>> No.6951818

What's ODE?

>> No.6951823
File: 1.09 MB, 3024x4032, rlqyh3n09hk51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Optical Drive Emulator. It replaces the disc drive of your console. Lets you play games off an SD card or SSD/HDD while retaining the accuracy of original hardware.

>> No.6951827

Oh right, that thing.

Unfortunately it's not easy to install in a Saturn. A Dreamcast sure, but not a Saturn.

>> No.6951829

What. I have one and it took like 15min. Literally a few screws, a ribbon cable, and like 2 connectors. It's not like it requires any soldering.

>> No.6951901

>the hardware can help elevate games, giving them a uniqueness
Absolutely. Always gives me rage when people claim they don't care about the platform."They are only in for the games". Fucking simpletons.

>> No.6951920

This is a retro gaming enthusiast board. Shitting on beloved hardware means you don't fucking belong here. GTFO nutter.

>> No.6951934

Me as well good sir /tips fedora

>> No.6951941

it's also not fun at all

>> No.6951996

The fedora post was >>6951095

>> No.6952016

Sega touring car, its really hard but once you get the hang of it its really fun

>> No.6952150

either fighting vipers or virtua fighter 2

>> No.6952273

I like it mainly for the aesthetics. The remaster looks like shit, the game needs the Saturn quad jaggies for that dreamlike aesthetic.

>> No.6952274

Then you can use PseudoSaturn and a CDr copy. This software typically comes on a cart that includes RAM expansion which you'll need for some of the best games on the system either way.

>> No.6952530

I thought the remaster had an option to use the original saturn graphics?

>> No.6952542

Apparently not all models from the original version are used, and either way it looks like shit when it's run at a higher resolution than it's supposed to.