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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6921608 No.6921608[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What retro console is the biggest signal that the owner is a beta faggot? In my opinion I think it's the GameBoy Advance.

>> No.6921617

What happened OP, your crush started dating a GBAchad? Venting online won't solve your problem.

>> No.6921619

all of them.
no really. vidya was always for degenerates.

Milo said it best. if you'd rather hold a game controller than a pair of tits you're fucked in the head.

>> No.6921623
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The Sega Shiturn.

>> No.6921626

Reviving ancient memes?

>> No.6921631

A Neo Geo Pocket owned by anyone who isn't Japanese.
We all know you didn't buy that to play games.

>> No.6921638

>inb4 ZX Spectrum is mentioned

>> No.6921648

The GBA isn't a retro console, it's an allowed console.

>> No.6921665

That fat pale tranny is totally alpha I concur.


>> No.6921689

Any other Nintendo console, and you would have been 100% right. But GBA had Advance Wars, so there was a legitimate reason to own it.

>> No.6921708

Ok this is based

>> No.6921715

There's also Famicom Wars and Super Famicom Wars

>> No.6921754

Shit games. The series didn't become good until GBA.
If you were a real man you would know this.

>> No.6921758

>Super Famicon Wars
>Advance Wars

Sorry lad, know the difference

>> No.6921760

Handhelds were always for women and children.

>> No.6921762

You're a kind of weird individual if the only game on ANY nintendo system you like is Advance Wars, but ok.

>> No.6921764

Two things you will never have.

>> No.6921765
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Aye 'appen.

>> No.6921769

To be fair it's one of the least nintendo-like nintendo series out there

>> No.6921772

Never having handhelds or children? That's based.

>> No.6921778

who the fuck is milo

>> No.6921780


>> No.6921794

milo yiannopoulos

>> No.6921796

aaahahaahhaa, you mean the guy who defended pedophilia?

>> No.6921798

>some bong e-celeb
absolute state of neo /vr/

>> No.6921801

I'm not saying I agree with all of his shit but that was a really good quote.

>> No.6921802

what if im a literal faggot like he is

>> No.6921804

It's literally just "lol video games are for virgin loser nerds", he didn't really invent anything there.
Also, in this day and age when video games are as integrated into normie society as they are, it barely has any effect. Maybe if he said it in the 80s, and mostly referring to computer games like D&D shit.

>> No.6921805

then you just apply that to finding a man.
don't hold plastic joysticks, grab a human one or something like that.

>> No.6921808

I literally did though, I wanted to play Sonic and Metal Slug

>> No.6921809

I don't really disagree but he was actually helping younger guys to be less of a mindless consoomer who wastes his time with vidya and kiddie shit and actually go out and do something with their lives. there is nothing bad about that. Jordan Peterson did even more for that but it's pretty neat that Milo also addressed the issues.

>> No.6921819

Cringe. Put your namefag back on autism resistance betaboy

>> No.6921820

that isn't cringe. it was literally the truth.

>> No.6921861

No one is saying it isn't. But the way that you're going about it reveals that you're 14 years old. Fuck, this board actually sucks now.

>> No.6921874

>"consoom woman good, consoom video game BAD"

>> No.6921907

>if you'd rather hold a game controller than a pair of tits you're fucked in the head.
PC Chads reign supreme

>> No.6921981

Funny, because I'm happily married to a woman who seems more than satisfied with just, well, me. And I've a 19 year son. Both of these things you don't, and never will have. Found the boy perusing /pol/ the other day. Hey, at least it wasn't /lgbt/... Not a homophobe. I just want grand kids.

>> No.6921983

Fucking hell, that looks like Frank Skinner.

>> No.6921997

Literally Milo who? Despite receiving so much coverage and brand recognition he couldn't even make it in today's vacuous society despite being young, handsome, gay and culty. You really are a shithead if you think Milo Yiannapolous ever said anything good that was original or made any interesting points.

And what you're saying was good was the most retarded thing of all. There are certainly times when anyone would rather hold a controller than a pair of tits.

>> No.6922004


Hold them in the correct order, tits, then relax with some GBA.

>> No.6922031

The way you write makes me naseous, not saying you're wrong but I can feel how much of an irl douchebag you are through this post.

>> No.6922039

Some broke ass bitch.

>> No.6922084

What if I like holding a controller only a little less than holding titties?

>> No.6922089

can I just have the titties and not the needy whiny thing they're attached to?

>> No.6922105
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>> No.6922114

>gays are obsessed with sex to an unhealthy degree, and don't understand the idea of having interests not centered around their sex drives.
Yeah, we know that.
He has sex with kids by the way.

>> No.6922116

>women are stimulating enough to entertain you 24 hours a day, and you don't need anything else
No really, it's a pretty dumb thing to say. Something only a virgin or a faggot would come out with, really.

>> No.6922126

LITERALLY a gay Jewish fed

>> No.6922137

Peterson only addresses half of the problem, and ultimately falls short. His worldview doesn't allow for a critique of society or group dynamics, only individuals, and sometimes as an individual you can only do so much. Sometimes you have to turn to others and say "hey, I need some help here", but Peterson runs a mile from that reality, because he thinks "collectivism" is going to put him up against a wall and have him shot (which he might deserve).
A healthy society encourages the individual to grow strong, so that he may turn around and assist the growth of his fellows, and then we can all be stronger still as a unit. Not this dog eat dog bullshit.

>> No.6922153

Right. He has said so many mindless and terrible things about single people, about childless people, about women with multiple partners, he calls them things like miserable bitter creatures or whatever he said. He called MGTOW weasels or something but then he realized that a lot of mgtow were his supporters so he apologized immediately, he's a joke.

You know there have been people born around the same time as Peterson who actually are full of the wisdom he does without all the shit to go along with it. They just don't have a big platform like he does, they aren't as eloquent as him, with him having spent his entire life practicing speaking to persuade people as a professor. What he says can be good in some ways, but there is something very rotten about how his brain works. It doesn't allow for tolerance of people who go a different route, he has a lot of hate and puts a lot of fear in people about how they will never be happy.

>> No.6922156

what do tits feel like? 34 yr old virgin here.

>> No.6922190
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not while this exists.
>giving a shit about milo

>> No.6922202

>trollb8ing loudly.

>> No.6922212

Did you just wake up from a years long coma? That autist spams that unfunny shit every single day.

>> No.6922234

feel your butt
now feel your nipples
now imagine feeling your butt with nipples on it

>> No.6922358

A professional walking shitposter who panders to monkeys like the person you responded to