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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6889651 No.6889651[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When did you realise the Sega Saturn was overrated hipstershit?

>> No.6889653

When I came out as trans and shattered my egg shell

>> No.6889656

Bernieposting is getting a little stale, bro.

>> No.6889659

Funny, because it's typically anime trannies who like the Shiturn.

>> No.6889835

When I became a social justice incel cuck.

>> No.6889845

Hey Bernie, what was the future again?

>> No.6889848

this. give it a rest.

>> No.6889883

Sonic the Fighters > Sonic Battle

>> No.6889928

this is why this board sucks

>> No.6889960

Bernieposting is the only thing that can save /vr/.

>> No.6889967

No, it’s actually the fact that a certain very autistic boomer starts off topic/gen 7 threads in a vain “protest” of the rules that took his board from him. But he’s not very smart or good at what he does so the board is essentially the same board it was before the addition of gen 6.

>> No.6890037

Take your meds schizo

>> No.6890140

One Bernie a day keeps weebs away.
Or so Bernie posters think.

Can't fault them, his ugly mug is rage inducing because who delays a finished game console of an ailing company two years just to coincide with a 9/9/99 date, and then sells it at half price, and before that trying his damndest to sabotage all new game releases on the Saturn including those basically finished?
He killed Sega in a satanic ritual quite basically.

Konami thought the DreamCast was taking too long to arrive and took the Sony moneyhat and ported all their planned games to the PS2. Meanwhile as expected the DreamCast did very good numbers in North America (after his ass was fired, hint hint - Sega had Sonic Adventure 1 fully localized for its TGS versions, why delay it ONE YEAR?) but because of the aforementioned shenanigans that was still not enough to save them from bankrupcy.

>> No.6890327
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>spend afternoon getting the emulator to work
>realize there's nothing I actually want to play

>> No.6890329

>hipster shit
I only seen hipsters buying nintendo products

>> No.6890358

>He killed Sega in a satanic ritual quite basically.
what does that have to do with 9/9/99?

>> No.6892587

when i first entered /vr/

>> No.6892690

>When did you realise the Sega Saturn was overrated hipstershit?
few days after launch. it was a terrible machine.

>> No.6892719

the saturn is the ultimate home console for someone who is into classic ARCADE style games

fuck japanese cartoons shit
fuck turn based rpgs
and fuck you bernie

>> No.6892726

When I saw it was made by Segay.

>> No.6892737

When Sonic wasnt a launch game

>> No.6892750

>Not doing any research as if there is anything you want to play first
The fault is your own retard.
Only game I might be interested in is Policenauts, there might be others idk, for sure not any jarpiggs since I'm not a retard.