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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 135 KB, 220x307, 220px-Vampire_-_The_Masquerade_–_Bloodlines_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6844685 No.6844685 [Reply] [Original]

masterpieces that console gamers can't experience

>> No.6844707

Any classic Nintendo game at a reasonable price and without having to buy obsolete hardware.

>> No.6844712

I'm deeply concerned regarding the series's next installment.

>> No.6844718

>implying I care about warpigs
call me when westcuck PC devs can make good shmups.

>> No.6844721

Wasn't it ported to the Xbox?

>> No.6844728

why would western devs care about a dead genre that's only of interest to autists?

>> No.6844729

Yeah, it's going to be a buggy, broken,unfinished, poorly written dumpster fire chock full of leftist propaganda just like the original

>> No.6844732

>why would western devs care about a dead genre that's only of interest to autists?
If westcuck devs don't care about autists, then why do they make warpig games?

>> No.6844739
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The Nameless Mod did VtMB better desu

>> No.6844740
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>> No.6844743

>1999 rule changed
>board is not only infested with 6th gen children console war, but also infested with mustard rice poorfags coping about their toasters
nice board.

>> No.6844745

Why does the PC make retro communities seethe?

>> No.6844751

I see it as the other way around, why do retro communities make toaster users seethe?

>> No.6844758

It doesn't. Most people playing retro games are playing them on an emulator. Everything else is just posturing. People have console wars on which 20 year old console is better when they just played them all on their PC anyway.

>> No.6844767

No they don't people here take pride in buying obsolete hardware

>> No.6844769

Nobody has ever owned a console except for literal boomers.
The rest of us normal people played them all on faulty coded emulators.

>> No.6844779

steamdrones are really something. maybe it's the DRM in their brain.

>> No.6844782

Sadly yes. Glad they're consistent

>> No.6844794
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Eat my ass consoletard.

>> No.6844797

>muh consoletard vs pctard wars!
Nice /v/ brain you've got there!

>> No.6844806

I'll never understand why brainlets do this. Editing a screenshots takes like 20 seconds, anybody can do it.
If you're accused of samefag, laugh it off and don't reply. Posting screenshots to prove you're not a samefag comes off as you're actually a samefag trying to damage control.
But I guess I can't expect anything better from literal children.

>> No.6844812

>shmups a dead genre for autists
>any shmup that isn't a bullet hell with kawaii anime girls is declared "dadshit"
Yep you are right

>> No.6844813

dadshit is a dead meme from /shmupg/ kids who were mad at people with jobs being able to buy PCBs.

>> No.6844857

Why are you shmupniggers so obsessed?

>> No.6844863

Well, not like OP isn't an obsessed mustard, so

>> No.6844949
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"Retro gaming" is a product of american corps trying to profit from what would otherwise be profitles, since PC's (and Europeans) are less inclined on the same hardware we can dunk on mindless consumer Americans, and enjoy the best stuff without mental gymnastics about why a console version of a game (with low res and frame rate) is supposedly better than the PC version.

>> No.6844979

Some of the biggest retrocomputer communities are in europe. Stop larping zoomer. I bet you use an ibmlike.

>> No.6845413

What leftist propaganda

>> No.6845419

That said, even the walmartiest grandma computer from the last 8 years can run it with integrated graphics, so I imagine a console gamer could experience it even if they didn't buy a PC for it.

>> No.6845434

Integrated graphics on walmart laptops can run 8th gen on medium settings fairly well nowadays

>> No.6845437

Wasn't that a Goon tier mod centered around a bunch of forum personalities and in-jokes? I remember trying it for 15 minutes years ago, and it was a cringeburger with a side of nah for me.

>> No.6845441

>a cringeburger with a side of nah

>> No.6845447

Am I wrong, though? Am I wrong?

>> No.6845534

Bloodlines was hardly pozzed by modern standards. It implied that Hollywood was a bunch of literal vampires. There's tits in your face all the time. The communist broad was played for a childish stereotype, and the black dude in the same faction wasn't having it. There's a female character that submits to you completely. A funny and subtle bit I noticed was how the netcafe didn't have a female restroom. Actually what WAS propaganda about it? Maybe it had a line or two about how cuckservatives and Bush suck ass? (they did)

That said, the new game is going to be completely disgusting, of that I have no doubt.

>> No.6845538

>The communist broad was played for a childish stereotype
You might think she was a demeaning mocking caricature, but the fact that literally every character in the game is an sbolutely retarded, cringy archetype and the fact that they actually tried to pass Nines off as cool and badass is proof that they in fact played her straight and the people who wrote the characters have zero self-awareness.

>> No.6845560

>Nines was supposed to be cool
Bruh if you don't side with them the game ends with him fumbling over himself to get you to join them while you walk off ignoring him.

>> No.6845571

Why is it ever overrated PC """"""classic"""""" is utter jank forgotten by anyone with taste and regarded as a massively flawed game either due to the fact it's painfully unfinished, bordering on unplayable or mechanically under designed? None of these games compare to even mid-tier Japanese games.

>> No.6845579

Yeah, to play up you as the independent badass. 90s is the embodiment of late 90s/early 00s cool and the fact that you're trying to deny this is either a sign that you're arguing in bad faith, you're underage, or just severely retarded. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say it's bad faith.

>> No.6845585

>90s is the embodiment
Nines is*

>> No.6845631

you've given yourself away

>> No.6845639

There is no better word to describe the PC "classic."

>> No.6845692

>arguing in bad faith
Nice left wing buzz term. The protag also doesn't just ignore Nines, they flip him off. The only character you can side with that has good ending is Strauss. The game mocked Lieberman along with Bush.

>> No.6845724
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>> No.6845731

Based as fuck.
Nobody cared about your clunky, meme game even in it's heydey.

>> No.6845743

>west cuck
>talking about dead genres
Holy fucking kek. Put this one next to the graves of the RTS, CRPG and the western tactical game, lol.

>> No.6845752

Do you want me to fuck your ass

>> No.6845757

>liking shmups
imagine being a tranny

>> No.6845762

Implying you care about JRPGs like a squealing, gushing fangirl...


>> No.6845767

The Western world needs it's heroes. If that means dredging the gutter and memeing up some PC trash that nobody cared about the first time around, so be it. To add salt to the wound, you can tell them that the Japs own Wizardry and Thief now.

>> No.6845769

Why are you imagining that?

>> No.6845814

Jap games were never good.

>> No.6845829

It has a fully coherent plot despite its origins. Sounds like you got filtered zoomie

>> No.6845843

Yea niggar,

>> No.6845851

Half the point of Deus Ex is being immersed. If the world's foundation is some gay-ass forum from the mid 2000s I can only give so much of a fuck.

>> No.6845857

>If the world's foundation is some gay-ass forum
By this logic you probably think Serial Experiments Lain isn't immersive either.

>> No.6845861

>heh... you didn't eat the shit sandwich, guess you don't make the cut, kid.

>> No.6845868

Shit sandwich is your average Black Isle/Troika game forcing dated political jokes and Monty Python references into a world that's half grimdark edge and half trashy over-sexualized coombait.

>> No.6845871

Well fuck, you really checkmated me there. I'm sure it's not terrible like all but a few standouts of medium.

To respond more seriously, I doubt it's drenched in 2000s milk-aged western meme culture like The Nameless Mod, so it's probably not comparable.

>> No.6845881

>2000s milk-aged western meme culture like The Nameless Mod
Name two memes contemporary to that time in The Nameless Mod.

>> No.6845921

Like I said, I played it for 15 minutes ages ago. I gathered that it was a bunch of embarrassing 2000s geek self inserts and that was enough for me to drop. Ain't no way there isn't internet cool guy talk of the era somewhere in it. I'd stake my life on it.

>> No.6845939

Perhaps I'll try it again when I'm in a more patient state of mind, I dunno. Just seems lame is all I'm saying.

>> No.6845982

Visited my parents for about a month this past summer and played VTMB on their shitty desktop for a while. Thought it was incredible, real shame I don't have a PC to play it. The combat was pretty shite and awkward but the quests and general atmosphere were top-tier

>> No.6845986
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>> No.6845990
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>> No.6845993

>Ain't no way there isn't internet cool guy talk of the era somewhere in it.
It's ironic

>> No.6845994
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>> No.6845996
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>> No.6846004
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>> No.6846007

Wizardry is the foundation of TrueRPGs. The West has forsaken its roots in favor of CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure) RPGs.

>> No.6846010
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>> No.6846014
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>> No.6846019
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>> No.6846021
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>> No.6846025
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>> No.6846028
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>> No.6846031
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>> No.6846034
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>> No.6846039
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>> No.6846041
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>> No.6846043
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>> No.6846047
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>> No.6846050
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>> No.6846052


>> No.6846053
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The end

>> No.6846063

I thought the game had some neat assets and it's an interesting setting to explore, also decent music, but the game itself is absolute dogshit. Like wtf was with the floaty ass controls? Gunfire sounds like literal farting.

>> No.6846071
File: 38 KB, 635x448, BE1A66C5-3BD1-4511-88EF-958041C8DCD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>None of these games compare to even mid-tier Japanese games.





>> No.6846082

Also you barely interact with any characters. It doesn't hold a candle to the amount of options you have and the overall intrigue in Deus Ex, it mainly had nicer graphics and facial expressions. Are people who say VtMB is "way better" than Deus Ex for real?

>> No.6846086

>Also you barely interact with any characters.

>> No.6846087

On what planet are Fallout and Deus Ex forgotten and "under designed"?

>> No.6846097

Disposable Hero.

>> No.6846101

Not him, but the difference is like this: in Deus Ex, basically every single non-soldier/grunt character is unique and has a few lines of their own. Graphics are recycled and sometimes the differences are minor, but they're still there. For the major NPCs, there are full conversations that give one or two choices in interaction per encounter.

In VtMB, 95% of NPCs are basically walking zombies with generic passive "Hey watch where you're going" encounters. However, the 5% you can talk to have full Baldur's Gate/Fallout-style complexity, with many conversation choices per encounter, and a bit of a reputation system and all of that.

imo Deus Ex has superior interaction because the whole world feels dynamic and as if the NPCs exist to gain or lose from you. In VtMB it has more traditional RPG depth at its deepest, but there's a lot of filler character, and the deeper NPCs are just objects you use to extract things (items, missions, etc), and exist for you to use at your leisure.

>> No.6846102

Mitsoda just got fired off the project and all the dangerhairs and all the incompetent Hardsuit Studios/Zombie Lab fags are still there so that's a given.

>> No.6846105

It was nice to have another imsim at least. VTMB is a cool game, Troika jank and all. I pirate just about everything, but made sure to buy Dishonored 2 and Prey new. Guess I was the only one.
>tfw no imsim renaissance
I wish this genre was as popular as roguelikes and battle royale, but the world is full of faggots and these games take effort to make.

>> No.6846115

Have you played Deus Ex? It implodes in on itself half way through the game. The game literally says fuck it and gives you a 1 hit kill stick.

>> No.6846126
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>> No.6846129

>I have to use the easiest route possible whenever I play a game, I have no player agency

>> No.6846131

path of least resistance

>> No.6846134

Sniper is still better anyways probably, one hit kills all humanoids but at 1000 yards instead of melee range.

>> No.6846140

Yeah but it feels even worse than the 1-hit kill stick because the combat design is horrible in deus ex

>> No.6846150

Weeb site, westcucks.

>> No.6846152

Name two FPS games from 2000 or earlier with superior combat.

Hard mode: no Half-Life

>> No.6846156


>> No.6846161


>> No.6846164

You can't even headshot enemies in Doom, let alone shooting weapons out of their arms to disarm them.

>> No.6846170

>let alone shooting weapons out of their arms to disarm them.
you can't do that in gay sex either. This isn't Perfect Dark.

>> No.6846176

Yes you can, spotted the casual that just rushed the game and never tried to dig deeper. Protip: the targeting aug tells you the health status of enemies' arms for a reason.

>> No.6846180

sounds pretty useless when you can just use the 1 hit kill stick or just ko/kill them. very under developed.

>> No.6846183


>> No.6846185

post a webm of it right now

>> No.6846190

I don't have Deus Ex installed, I don't have any recording software, and I don't care what some ignorant tranny doesn't know. Shoot enemies in the wrist and they'll drop their weapons, it's a fact, I'm not here to handhold you.

>> No.6846192

Sounds like you can't do it then and are making things up to defend a bad game and are getting backed into a corner lol

>> No.6846195

ok vampire tranny

>> No.6846196

never understood why pc gamers need to lie about the quality of their shit games

>> No.6846197

Do weebs really?.

>> No.6846201

>pc gamers
Oh so a console tranny then

>> No.6846203

that's N64CHAD to you, you whiny bitch. Take your shit non-retro garbage and shove it up your ass.

>> No.6846208

Cringe, even as a kid I thought Mario 64 was gay

>> No.6846282

>JRPGfag falseflagging
Kill yourself

>> No.6846665


Blood and Heretic

>> No.6846740

>Being this triggered about some island nation shitting all over your gaming industry
The ability of Japs to make cucks and npcs furious makes me love them even more.

>> No.6846752

Quick! Hombrew port this games on console!

>> No.6846756

Extremely based. There's a reason the jew fears the samurai.

>> No.6846760

PC are too modern tech. It doesn’t feel retro.

>> No.6846763

>PC dick riding
Euro are poor

>> No.6846767

Can't speak for Fallout 1 and 2 because I haven't played them (and really, who has?). But Deus Ex is rife with pacing issues, with the last 1/3 completely shitting itself. Couple that with the poor AI and you begin to see the picture. Deus Ex is still a favorite of mine, though.

>> No.6846783

no you can't like it.
The weebs hate it.

>> No.6846786

>PCuck proposing an ass fucking
Much better than some Doom incel threatening to shoot a place up.

>> No.6846796

You will never be white.

>> No.6846806
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>> No.6846809

Better than western trash all day, every day.

>> No.6846817

Peach kiss Mario in end

>> No.6846819


>> No.6846825

So much truth here! EA and 2K is now cancer.

>> No.6846829

nice mental gymnastics, low IQ monkey

>> No.6846839


>> No.6846872

Does this game give me the option of blowing other dudes as a vampire?

>> No.6846881

Are you alright, mutts?

>> No.6846910

You will never be a woman.

>> No.6846924

Who? You mostly one.

>> No.6846927

and you'll never be a man

>> No.6846953

poor weebs will never understand Deus Ex or Thief.

>> No.6847313

The insecurity levels are off the charts with this one Carl.

>> No.6847317

When you talk about a man, you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.6847404

anime is brainrot for social rejects and trannies but keep telling yourself it’s “red pilled” because it sexualizes preteen girls

>> No.6847760

lel, this is always the dumbest thing to say, you like spending more for less? You pay out say 70 average for a game on a console and it will run and look worse than on a computer, what's the point?

More like the only buzzword you can use zoomer, don't you have to use some other buzzwords to describe it

They don't call it retro, just computers, you americans should stop throwing useless labels everywhere

>> No.6847868

Paris was a huge letdown compared to New York and Hong Kong. It didn't truly implode until you get to area 51 though.

>> No.6847878
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Man this thread really struck a nerve with the weebs. I guess because this game has a very brief moment were it transcends anything the Japs were ever able to come up with.

>> No.6847992

I play both westeros and nihon games folded 1 million times and enjoyed them. Even Moraff's World. This is just a shitpost b8 thread. A true HARDCORE GAMER like me, tries to play every game from all over the world at least once. I can prove because I drink doritoes and eat redbulls everyday.

>> No.6848412

Why does the word jank trigger you?

>> No.6849078

broodwar! wait a second...

>> No.6849098

flash games
porn games
sam & max hit the road
Monkey Island
Unreal Tournament
QuakeIII Arena
Ground Control2
Impossible Creatures

>> No.6849109


>> No.6849283
File: 106 KB, 620x465, mpkunkfu3_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that many, many max payne kung fu mods

>> No.6849507

You will never be a woman or a man.

>> No.6849516
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>> No.6849520
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>> No.6849537

Gook genre.
There's been a ton of awesome crpgs released over the last ~8 years.
>and the western tactical game
Nu-XCOM, Wasteland 2/3, Shadowrun Trilogy, Shadow Tactics, ATOM RPG.

It's a great time to be a fan of crpgs and trpgs.

>> No.6849581
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>> No.6849705
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>> No.6850108

It's like "aged"

>> No.6850195 [DELETED] 


>There's tits in your face all the time

Leftists were about liberation back then.

>> No.6850220 [DELETED] 

"Liberals" were, leftists are about infiltration and control.

>> No.6851603

F u c k y o u !!

>> No.6851608

Based pic

>> No.6851623

Shmups are garbage. Get some taste.

>> No.6851742

Vampire Killers