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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games

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6834647 No.6834647[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone from the 2014-2018 era of /vr/ still here?
I miss you guys, even babbage's gramps.
please just invite me to the discord everyone moved to

>> No.6834650

That shit is for children.

>> No.6834657

where's /saga gen

>> No.6834669

2009-2020 user here. Before 09 I knew about 4chan but had not the lifestyle, the access at home, to get to 4chan conventionally. Proxies never worked back in the early thousands for me and even searching for proxies was blocked. I lived in some shithole where they banned hugging and kissing so yeah.

2012 through 2014 was the most frequent I posted on 4chan though. Then it died too hard past that point.

It's for sheep that want to use what everyone else is using. Of which is worse of course.

>> No.6834687

How new are you? Sure I use discock for certain games because it's a shit platform that bans lolis. It's almost as bad as GAB.
>everyone moved to...
I don't remember when but I was here when some people decided to move eightchan for more freedoms. From what I've seen , the refugees to eightchan disappeared real fast to their own cuntry-based safespaces and chans. 4chan ,to me, died when moot abandoned us to shill-lord hiromoot. I'm still here because everywhere else is shittier or already dead.

>> No.6834690

>Anyone from the 2014-2018
Me, but if there is a Discord, I wasn't invited apparently.

>> No.6834691

>I use discock for certain games BUT i hate it because it's a shit platform that bans lolis.

>> No.6834696 [DELETED] 

discord .gg/c9H43y

>> No.6834708
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Still here, my bro. Slightly less frequently, however. Gramps and sevenleaf dying of zoronaplague is a huge plus, though.

>> No.6834738 [DELETED] 

Let's never acknowledge a trip fag again please. Especially a tranny.

Source: Am tanny. We don't need more attention.

>> No.6834746

Let's never acknowledge a trip fag again please. Especially a tranny.

Source: Am tranny. We don't need more attention.

>> No.6834750

What's your personal record for sm64

>> No.6834754

I don't run sm64. I run [REDACTED]. Sorry. Not /vr/...

>> No.6834783

>namefag saying a solid chat client is for sheep
>namefag saying anything is for sheep
Checks out

>> No.6834807
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>> No.6834828

Discord is shit and yet it's still miles better than nu-vr. Really makes you think

>> No.6834847

>asking for a discord
you were never one of us, faggot

>> No.6834860
File: 1009 KB, 390x219, considerthefollowing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could all just migrate 8kun. The /v/ board is so incredibly dead we would effectively have the whole thing to ourselves. They only get like 1 maybe 2 posts at the absolute max every hour over there and I think they would really appreciate the new traffic.

>> No.6834872

It's only popular because other people use it.

Be more brain dead.

>> No.6834874

Also, if you are implying that tripfaggots, of whom by tripping refuse to act as others do, are more sheep than others, then you're indeed retarded.

Unless you were not being sardonic and really meant that a tripfaggot would indeed hate on sheep tier things, in which case disregard my griping. Though I doubt that is the case, so kindly fuck yourself.

>> No.6834927

Oh boy, we got a new trip fag? Sounds like an illiterate pajeet that doesnt know what anonymous means?

>> No.6834980

bans loli, it's as shit as discord

>> No.6835009

Thank God. Fuck those pieces of shit

>> No.6835023

Is it the demon guy? How do you not have that weird kiddo filtered already?

>> No.6835060

>not /vr/
/vr/ died a week ago. What game?

>> No.6835065

This board is so shit now

>> No.6835074

This board was always shit.

>> No.6835107


>> No.6835281

Ohh grow the fuck up you triggered baby.