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6622807 No.6622807 [Reply] [Original]

DUDE! Why dosen't Sonic just SHOOT Dr. Robotnik?

>> No.6622830
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that's an idea I must say

>> No.6623008

his cartoon gloves get in the way

>> No.6623050

Sonic is known for his upstanding morals and strict code of honor

>> No.6623052

You mean Ovi Kintobor?.

>> No.6623085

Sonic is a pacifist. Eggman's murder would also be an unacceptable crime to the majority human population of his planet, the same humans who sent Eggman over to the pristine islands that make up Sonic's world in the first place, hoping to build it up with apartment buildings and factories as part of some colonization project that Eggman was only a part of. Humans tolerate Sonic and the other strange animals mutated by chaos energy, they think it's an inspirational story about standing up for your friends and home, but killing Dr. Robotnik, the CEO of Eggman Industries, would frighten them. Who would be next in Sonic's crusade!? they would wonder.

>> No.6623118

>I made a post of this format involving Megaman and Wily
kudos, anon

>> No.6623128

Shooting is too fast of a death
stabbing him with quills - now that will inflict proper suffering

>> No.6623147

He's just a fucking stinky and dumb hedgehog, he obviously can't handle guns, what the fuck?

>> No.6623152

They gave Shadow a gun, why can't Sonic use one?

>> No.6623161

he doesn't have a loicense for it.

>> No.6623195

because then there wouldn't be any new Sonic games. Sanic needs his antagonist arch-rival so that we can play vidya.

>> No.6623201

better question: why the fuck doesn't Eggman give up caging animals and become a wholesome scientist with morals?

>> No.6623203

Hedgehogs don't have opposable thumbs now stop bumping this shit.

It'd be different if he was a racoon.

>> No.6623207

He made that thread twice so this is the third shitpost. It's spam at this point. It's the same person. Even if it's not it may as well be faggot(s).

>> No.6623243

Animals are highly charged with chaos energy which Eggman can harness to power his machines. A normal battery wouldn't last long, for these long missions in the field the best choice is to harness chaos energy. He used energy-infused flowers on the Little Planet in Sonic CD too, but those flowers can only be found there. It's really the same principal behind his emerald-powered machinery, it's just that the Emeralds contain far more chaos energy than your average irradiated animal in Sonic's world.

>> No.6623270

Ok I have a theory. Suppose egg man is into bestiality? It would make sense, why else would he focus his entire work on abducting mindless horny animals like squirrels and bunnies? He abductes them, puts them in cages, "experiments" on them, then puts them in killing machinery to enforce his will. This is vastly similar to Jewish and Roman capitalism as well as Chinese communism, where the leaders abduct, fornicate, control, and then lead thier mentally battered subjects into thier bidding. There is no independence among his followers, just blind obedience and inability to reject authority. Browser clearly had an agenda to get him some fine Georgia Peach, even if it meant crossing the species line. But egg? You never see his girl friend ever, just complete contempt for any free roaming animal that isn't shackled and working for him. Prove me wrong.

>> No.6623273
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Furthermore Eggman does have morals, but they aren't aligned with Sonic's world. A lot of people eat meat but still maintain they have morals. He has a similar disregard for animal life. Eggman is the President of EggManIndustries and presumably sells products to other humans in order to fund his work. For all we know he's building apartments, factories and casinos on Sonic's tropical island home for the humans on the mainland. Using animals as batteries makes sense as cheap labourforce, he doesn't see them as sentient or as important as humans.

>> No.6623280

This is possible. Whatever reason Eggman publicly has for invading Sonic's island home and colonizing it with buildings and factories, there might be some sick psychology to the man that attracted him to that work to begin with.

>> No.6623437

Because the Asimov's three robotic laws won't let him.
...oh, wait. That's Megaman.

>> No.6624165

DUDE! Why doesn't Bowser just FUCK Princess Peach?

>> No.6624415

This is actually a legit question considering he already kidnapped her as it is. Mario has to spend a long time getting to her, so bowser could easily have his way with her.

>> No.6625051
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>> No.6625263
File: 347 KB, 900x317, ring_monitor_model_by_kbabz-d4qo6bo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DUUUDE! Why doesn't Dr. Robotnik clean up all the monitors and rings in zones?

Don't give me that chaos energy bullshit, either.

>> No.6625280


>> No.6625289

And they implied it quite hard during Sunshine, which nobody played because nobody had a gamecube, but it is there. Seriously.

>> No.6625318

Why doesn't Bowser just try kidnapping Rosalina and make a deal with her? Bowser obviously has a thing for blonde princesses. He wants a mom for his kids, especially Junior. Rosalina is already a mother to the Lumas. It makes too much sense.

>> No.6625968
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, Edson Barboza KO Dariush.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't sonic just knee eggman in the head? Give em enough CTE that he can't think of evil.

>> No.6625981

He clearly designs the stages to give Sonic a fighting chance because he enjoys it. He wouldn't set up casinos and carnivals for Sonic if all he wanted to do was kill him.

>> No.6625985

He tried in Galaxy 2. It didn't work any better for him than with Peach.

>> No.6626075

Well in the last movie, he surely doesn't seem to want to kill sonic. He just wants his body to dissect it and own all his power. tl;dr he looks like god damn psychopath in the latest movie. Jim Carrey was great though.