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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 239 KB, 466x280, n64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6607401 No.6607401 [Reply] [Original]

Why was the video output of European N64s so much sharper than American ones?

>> No.6607407

Isn't SCART higher fidelity compared to composite?

>> No.6607431

PAL was always higher quality than NTSC, at the cost of a lower framerate.

SCART is RGB, so yes. (It's actually a magic mystery box of possibilities, but it's usually wired for RGB in the case of game consoles)

>> No.6607439

lol 50 hz

>> No.6607512

comparison for ants
and retards

>> No.6607514

No. SCART is a connector not a "fidelity giver" or whatever you think it is

SCART isn't RGB and in the case of the N64 was not wired for RGB

>> No.6607535

Scart is higher resolution.

>> No.6607542

How do they compare following RGB modding?

>> No.6607568
File: 20 KB, 600x800, 1594818979418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RGB modding

>> No.6607627

That's not a comparison of European and American N64. That's between the standard and Funtastic consoles that both so happen to be European.

>> No.6607687

Assuming they're both using the same RGB board since there's multiple(Tim Worthington, Borti, Voultar, etc) they'll look identical.

>> No.6607697
File: 430 KB, 1600x1200, madlittlepixel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope some day this idiots understand that COMPONENT = RGB
No neck bob is the one resposible for this crap, in the mean time have a pic of madlittlepixel

>> No.6607705

Because NTSC is literal shit, and PAL is higher resolution. The only problem with PAL is 50Hz is below flicker fusion.

>> No.6607710

They traded frame-rate for resolution.

>> No.6607712
File: 188 KB, 300x400, I'm the trashman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only problem with PAL is that everything runs worse
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.6607713

Yup I'm a wild haired sőý, you got me anon.

>> No.6607723

I don't disagree. It fucking sucks to play video games, where tracking motion is important, while looking into a strobe light.

>> No.6607724

are you madlittlepixel?

>> No.6607736

SCART could be RGB it's not a matter of "is" or "isn't"

>> No.6607767

>NTSC is literal shit
Fortunately, 60Hz RGB (or component, which is visually indistinguishable) bypasses NTSC color encoding. PAL however cannot be fixed.

>> No.6607812

The comparisons are not fair, because in their day most played on a low resolution, low quality CTR.

The only thing that affected was that the PAL, played at 50 Hz, which was slower and in games of speed that influenced (towards the easier game)


>> No.6607819

Scart is a connector, it can be used for other signals besides RGB like Composite.

Scart + Composite was called Euro Scart in some areas as cheaper TVs were not compatible with 60hz signals despite having a Scart input.

The N64 doesn't output RGB out of the box, you'll need to find an early NTSC or French PAL model N64 and modify it.

>> No.6607835

SCART couldn't be RGB any more than a toaster could be toast. And it is a matter of "is" or "isn't" because you said "SCART is RGB". If you want to correct yourself and change that to "could be" that's a step in the right direction. However, since we're talking about N64 you'd have to qualify that with "in an alternative universe" because European N64 SCART cables weren't RGB.

>> No.6607842

You can't RGB a PAL console.

>> No.6607850

>Zoomer thinks “discussing” politics on /pol/ makes him sophisticating
>Hurr end of da wurldo

>> No.6607854

You can if you have an early French model.

>> No.6608038

because NTSC is garbage

>> No.6608060

You're so fucking deep and enlightened for going on /pol/ bro.

Dude white men are being erased! Dude communists are going to take the world over!

DAMMNNNN I wish I was as intelligent as you, holy fucking shit damn damn damn damn damn. DAMN! FUCCCCKK YOURE SO FUCKING SMART HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6608064

When did he say anything about /pol/?

>> No.6608067

NTSC had higher fps on literally all games
NTSC had proper game speed on literally all games.
PAL had lower fps on literally all games
PAL had lower game speed on a lot of games

30 FPS became 25 FPS
60 FPS became 50 FPS
20 FPS became 18 FPS

Pal had 576P
NTSC had 480P

>> No.6608071

all SCART cables can carry RGB anon.

>> No.6608080

>I hope some day this idiots understand that COMPONENT = RGB
what the fuck are you trying to say here? "we have component so we don't need RGB"?
since when was component easier to access than RGB? i never owned any tvs with component inputs
i don't think anyone would argue to do an RGB mod if you already have component

>> No.6608095
File: 210 KB, 857x867, 1593102242129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6608404

lol, the video game crash, insane censorship, etc...

>> No.6608541
File: 689 KB, 1528x2100, 100F540A-B856-4135-A716-7E51817109D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insane censorship
Shut the fuck up palfaggot

>> No.6608548

How's your gender reassignment going, Pablo?

>> No.6608551
File: 200 KB, 800x1141, A8C523B6-6CE9-4AF5-B88C-E75D7C24C69A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oi m8 u got a loicense to have ninjers in yer game
Go play your shitty 3 color 8bit microprocessor platformers

>> No.6608558

>u got a loicense to have ninjers in yer game
no i don't
read the title again

>> No.6608584

PAL is inferior in every regard. Enjoy your lower framerate and black borders.

>> No.6608602

when he (the maker of that image) said someone meeting that criteria, targeting people that use 4chan, doesn't know anything about politics, which would instantly connect to the politics board, on 4chan.

>> No.6608646

NTSC 480 lines/240 lines per field
PAL 576 lines/288 lines per field

Simple when you have more "canvas" to work with

>> No.6608668

Why would I want less resolution and a vastly inferior color management?

t. broadcast technician

>> No.6608676

99.9% of games didn’t take advantage of the extra resolution, hence the black borders. Its only benefit is for broadcast shows if for some god forsaken reason you want to see freakish anglo heads in higher resolution. And NTSC color is a perfect standard when properly calibrated, and objectively how Japanese games were meant to be displayed. Sorry you grew up with butchered games!

>> No.6608687

Gotta go slow!

>> No.6608702

>forces his kids to have the same hobbies as him

lol this is definitely the only reason why anyone who isn't 50 yrs old likes Star Wars.

>> No.6608706

He's just kneejerk raging over RGB

>> No.6608710

You are mentally ill. Seek help.

>> No.6608740

I'll take a slightly lower resolution for 60hz. I couldn't stand 50hz.

>> No.6608746

Oh god that's painful. I feel sorry for PAL land.

>> No.6608748

just watching that gives me anxiety, fuck

>> No.6608754
File: 29 KB, 399x385, l04he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never The Same Chromosome

>> No.6608761

No dude. PAL is fucking trash. It's laughable really.

>> No.6608764

why the fuck was this tolerated?

>> No.6608765


>> No.6608767


>> No.6608769

I don't think they knew. Oh man who knew things were that bad for PAL.

>> No.6608771

How the fuck are you supposed to film a Side by Side comparison with 50hz vs 60hz?

>> No.6608774

borders simulator


>> No.6608826

Not necessarily so, PAL games were mostly trash because video game companies couldn't be bothered to optimize their games for the PAL region. The Handful of PAL exclusives were obviously optimized and took advantage of the extra resolution etc.

This led to quite a big import scene at the time.

>> No.6608939

They weren't.

>> No.6609048

>all copers can cope
True. But not all SCART cables can carry RGB. Cables such at this thread is about, for example. They just don't have enough wires. Plain and simple. Back to le tiktok.

>> No.6609110


Video games crash of 83-84 in the Us, yes, was a thing. PAL land never had a market to crash

>> No.6609114

Damn straight, who needs turtles when you’ve got zniggy!

>> No.6609129

>PAL land never had a market to crash
1. Retarded Amerilards speaking of Europe as one country again. Common core claims another victim.
2. Every European country had a "market", with Germany and the UK being the largest.

>> No.6610005

zniggy be de mohammads bollocks init

>> No.6611361

I can literally smell the seething from here.
Good going anon, you obviously hit a raw nerve lol.

>> No.6611483

No it's not? SCART is a connector, SCART can carry composite video, S-Video, RGB. Most EU consoles did not magically ship with RGB Scart cables, they came with composite SCART cables.

>> No.6611604

Yea, your tiny markets weren't worth marketing towards much. Hence importing being so large.

>> No.6611608

I'm so fucking confused. This image is comparing a PAL console to a PAL console.

>> No.6611610

Guess again short stack

>> No.6611615

Both images are of European versions. It says right there. 50Hz caused a ton of issues with conversions aside from the framerate.

>> No.6613484


>> No.6613486

RGB N64 is garbage, contrast is pure shit. S-video is fone.

>> No.6613518

They look the same.

>> No.6613669

Not really, my brother liked the ships
Honestly /m/echas are much better

>> No.6613804

>one country

its called the european union dumbass

>> No.6613814

>insane censorship

Things that never happened for 200, Alex.

>> No.6613823

Fucking hell

>> No.6613921

Not every game was like this. Most games were tweaked and optimised for 50 to mitigate it

>> No.6613993

because that's literally all i'd seen? it's not like i could jump on youtube and watch some ntsc footage in 1995
it wasn't slow to me, it was the speed it always was
don't worry, i was taken aback when seeing ntsc footage many years later
still not used to the ntsc speed though
i also didn't know the version i had wasn't the original

>> No.6614217
File: 73 KB, 599x586, image0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah honestly the pal slowdown is really bad, pretty much means that all pal systems before 6th gen aren't worth much.

I still like pal region though, because we got the better box design for ds games lol. A lot of 60hz games are also cheaper over here as well, and our copies of games may hay have a bit more value in the future for having more languages.

>> No.6614252


>> No.6614260
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 3-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile, what actual european gamers were playing

>> No.6614340

True, but less frames per second.

So for example F-Zero X *literally* goes faster on NTSC.
(They modified the time attack scores to match this, but still: it is easier to go much faster on NTSC.)

>> No.6614341

Don't know about the UK or France, but Germany was home computer (Amiga/ST/PC) territory during the late 80s and first half of the 90s, with people looking down on consoles as kid's stuff.

>> No.6614374


NTSC-U/C & NTSC-J are 480 interlaced lines.

PAL is 576 interlaced lines.

better resolution so sharper image, but the down side is Euros where bound to 50hz, whereas NTSC countries got 60hz, now later model PAL region TVs did have a 60hz option in the TV settings, but weather or not the game actually supported 60hz is anyone’s guess, usually not

>> No.6614379

no, just a cleaner and more vivid picture

>> No.6614403

SCART is just the connector standard. You can run as much or as little(as required) though that as you want. That's why the actual pin number on SCART connectors for consoles or AV equipment vary wildly.

>> No.6614404

>I like that my games run like molasses

no thanks I’ll take higher refresh rate

>> No.6614410

You are like two old men fighting over nothing, lol

>> No.6614634

/vr/ is two old men fighting over nothing: the board

>> No.6616613

>/vr/ is one young psycho child fighting over nothing while a few old men laugh at it

>> No.6616732

It wasn't all that intentional. I think it's just what they had to work with due to the electrical standards there.

>> No.6616767

The speed problem betwen NTSC and PAL standard isn't the 50hertz, but only the number of lines.
When the NTSC take 1 second to display the 480 lines, a bad port like Sonic 1 (Genesis/Megadrive) take 1,2 second to display the 576 lines.
If one level take 60s to finish him, on PAL it will take 72s.
A good port like Nintendo Games take the same time but after the 50hertz makes the game less fluid and therefore when we compare the two standards side by side, the PAL seems slower.

>> No.6616810

>it's not the rate at which frames are drawn, it's the speed at which lines are drawn
anon you are one dumb motherfucker

>> No.6616827

soul vs soulless

>> No.6617365

>knowing anything about politics

>> No.6617372

They were personalized for EU players.

>> No.6617373

why are the carts in the wrong systems in this video.

>> No.6617448

>"mah look, I posted it again!"

>> No.6617701
File: 77 KB, 785x785, 1506134965614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you're just going to play video games while civilization collapses?!?

>> No.6617851

>I hope some day this idiots understand that COMPONENT = RGB
No it's not you retard. RGB carries the values individually, whereas component carries one value and then takes the difference from it for the other two. If you could read at above a 1st grade level maybe you could learn that from probably the first sentence on Wikipedia