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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 897 KB, 1880x920, Atari2600a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6497862 No.6497862 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a definitive list of the best games worth playing on this system? I dont want to google a list cause they are all missing tons of fun games, so /vr/ what are all the 2600 games worth playing. they dont have to be the best version they just have to be worth checking out, like atari space invaders is still worth playing and is fun for a while. They dont have to be excellent something thats fun to pick up and play for 5 minutes is perfectly acceptable. My recommendations are moonsweeper, mountain king, alien and koolaid man (i know that one sounds dumb but its pretty fun)

>> No.6498042

Uh, Kaboom is kinda fun. For like, 2 minutes.

>> No.6498059

Desert Falcon

>> No.6498084

>I dont want to google a list cause they are all missing tons of fun games
You don't need to lie and make up stories to hide your disability. Zoom is just a disability and nothing to be ashamed of.

>> No.6498123

Haunted House
Chopper Command
Midnight Magic

>> No.6498127
File: 133 KB, 720x486, GS_Show.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chopper Command
Cosmic Ark
Demon Attack
E.T., Yeah. I said it. Read the manual. Get used to the mechanics. It's pretty cool.
Haunted House
Jr Pac Man
Keystone Kapers
Ms Pac Man
Realsports Volleyball
Secret Quest
Space Invaders
Star Voyager
Video Pinball
Warlords, especially if you have friends
Wizard of Wor
Yar's Revenge

>> No.6498130
File: 92 KB, 630x875, demon_attack_ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

River Raid and Enduro are a must. And don't forget to check Demon Attack.

>> No.6498235

Maybe with the bugfix, otherwise I think you are on crack. I grew up playing it, its deserving of it's reputation.

>> No.6498236
File: 83 KB, 458x525, U-072-S-00030-A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost all Activision games
Yar's Revenge
Space Invaders
Jungle Hunt
Frogs & Flies
Frankenstein Monster
Demon Attack
Fast Eddie
Fast Food
Ms. Pacman
Worm War I
Mountain King
Montezuma's Revenge
Missile Command
Cosmic Ark
Jr. Pacman
Haunted House
Flash Gordon
Donkey Kong
Dodge 'em
Circus Atari

>> No.6498314

If you're only enjoying kaboom for 2 minutes; you're not very good at it.

>> No.6499323

No there's a lot of stuff missing in the /v/ recommended games wiki actually like moonsweeper for example a fun imagic game. I have scoured the internet and have a pretty good idea but I'm sure I'm missing something. I got most the Activision, imagic and good atari games. CBS and fox had some decent games too actually but I'm sure there is something obscure out there that's also worth checking out.

>> No.6499875

>I dont want to google a list cause they are all missing tons of fun games
>I have scoured the internet
Again, you don't need to lie and try to hide your zoom. Mental illness isn't something you need to be ashamed of.

>> No.6500067

Joust (especially 2 player)
Solar Fox
River Raid
GI Joe. Cool with up to 3 players.

>> No.6500113
File: 46 KB, 778x684, 2600 games.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats your problem retard just talk about atari games. ive actually pulled a bunch of roms from the set I consider worth trying these are all just ones with joystick controls though and I know this machine has a shit ton of games so I probably missed a bunch. Its got a bunch of decent titles from developers that arent atari, imagic or activision

>> No.6500394

Atari blows, people who still enjoy it are either old or autistic

>> No.6500517

>whats your problem with me being a retard
Nothing. As I've said before, being mentally challenged is nothing you need to be ashamed of. You were born this way and should be loud and proud about it, as you're being. Even if you weren't actually born with an extra chromosome you still identify as a downie are entitled to all the privilege that comes with.

>> No.6500518

Actually they're great games for playing on a handheld emulation device on the shitter you little faggot

>> No.6500523

You're fucking retarded mate get the fuck out of here. I actually did some research cause I didnt want the durrrrrr google it shit answers and all you can do is come in here and act like a massive faggot.

>> No.6500856

What youtuber lied to you?

>> No.6501242

no one mentioned H.E.R.O. yet

>> No.6501272

Jungle Hunt is based.

>> No.6501701

>all I can do is come in here and act like a massive faggot.

>another mong appears

>> No.6501704

All of the Supercharger tape games.

>> No.6501716

Star Trek (simulator game)
Star Raiders (second menu, need manual)
Ms. Pacman
Congo Bongo
Original Super Mario Bros game

>> No.6502107

buddy you're the only one acting like a massive faggot

>> No.6502169

Homebrew games like Dragon Descent, Halo, Draconian, Evil Magician Returns, Dungeon, Wizard of Wor, Roach in Space, Scramble, Oystron are absolutely excellent, they're better than most NES games. I must've missed a lot of great titles there, but the 2600 homebrew community is really nice. There are shooters, dungeon crawlers, adventure games, vertical and horizontal shoot em up with almost as much complexity as snes and genesis shumps, and even RPG. Very smooth framerate too.

>> No.6502175

that anon does this in every thread, he's also the one who suffers from autism attacks if someone mentions gen 6 in passing

>> No.6502196

Enduro was the one I liked but Hero / pitfall were the strongest. Gg

>> No.6502209

I can't recall if Rampage was a reased title I maybe thinking of vic20but it was the best 2 up game

>> No.6502214

Dark Cavern is always a solid choice. Not quite as good as Berzerk, but still a nice way to kill 30 minutes or so.

>> No.6502515

Nah, that'd be you, buddy

>> No.6504874

Midnight Magic

>> No.6505859

Any of the prototypes or unreleased games worth playing?

>> No.6507109

Can you link to the youtube video you got your opinion from?

>> No.6507892


>> No.6508015


>> No.6508023
File: 28 KB, 488x171, Screenshot at 2020-06-10 11:35:36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't pick one with an obvious title

>> No.6509485

Pitfall is probably the best 2600 game ever made.

>> No.6509641
File: 17 KB, 640x400, TheRiddleoftheSphinx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riddle of the Sphinx from Imagic

>> No.6509653
File: 4 KB, 770x577, HERO ZX81 CU1xb2SWwAAaEFd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H.E.R.O. from Activision

pic shows Sinclair ZX81 version

>> No.6509664

Was this a magazine ad? I want it as a poster

>> No.6509678

Star Raiders is much better on other platforms for the record, same with star wars for example.

>> No.6509681

Skeleton+ is awesome, especially if you emulate or have a stereo mod Atari.

>> No.6509784
File: 98 KB, 881x1064, PitfallMap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course

>> No.6509789
File: 63 KB, 2580x1500, PitfallIIAtari8Bit-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6511015


>> No.6511050

The game where you play as one of the three pigs and the wolf tries to blow away your brick house, the one where you’re a toothpaste inside a mouth shooting hamburgers, the one where you’re a chomping mouth eating green sausages, the one where you’re a white circle in the middle of the screen and stuff come from top bottom left right and have to shoot them, one where you dodge a dragon’s fire and then collect treasure on another screen, and finally the one where you throw pots from the top of a house to kill various spiders.

Hope this helps!

>> No.6511190

People will say the same about you when you are shilling the console of your childhood at age 40. Who cares?

>> No.6511251

Or maybe they are actually interested in the history of the medium and can appreciate score attack games.