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6482491 No.6482491 [Reply] [Original]

This game is a legit chore to play. Anyone putting it up there with the likes of Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy VI must be insane.

>> No.6482519

I agree, rolling numbers my ass.

>> No.6482528

RPGs are a chore by design.

>> No.6482532

Feel free to hate me and say I have shit taste while being literally braindead or whatever for having an opinion but I honestly like Earthbound far more than Chrono Trigger. Don't get me wrong, I don't think Earthbound is the best SNES game in the world or whatever (though I do love the charm and some of the music personally) but I uniroincally think Chrono Trigger as a game was worst off for being a turn based RPG. Let's be honest, turn based RPGs were designed to be kinda boring and only existed because they were easy to make with the limitations they had at the time. I liked many RPGs as a kid but I also lacked many of the options we have now when I was a kid. Hard to say I am a fan of turn based games unless it is something like Shining Force where it actually make sense to control your units one by one outside of real time. Any RPG I do play are either live action or basically let you play the game like a management simulator. Not retro but only turn based game I recall having legit fun with was Digital Devil series because boss battles were basically puzzles that you need to solve with your skill sets. Basically what I am saying though all retro turn based RPGs sucks and you either have to enjoy them for the story or just outright hate them at that point and I enjoy the story of Earthbound better than the mess that was Chrono Trigger.

>> No.6482537


>> No.6482540

>number of unique posters didn't go up


>> No.6482861

>RPG that autowin's battles where you couldn't possibly lose is more of a chore to play than the ones where you have to manually fight or run from every low level slime/goblin you encounter

>> No.6482956
File: 54 KB, 1022x367, IMGP5471-good-fake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% agree

All I'd heard and read for years is how Earthbound was one of the best SNES games, period. Regardless of genre. Years later I'm finally able to track down a cheap copy of it, am ultra excited to finally play it and I barely made it 5-hours in after being bored and underwhelmed with it pretty much from the very beginning. And I REALLY wanted to like this game and was even trying to force myself to like it when I was just completely bored with it. Compare this Chrono Trigger, FF3(aka 6), and A Link to the Past, all games I never grew up with and played as an adult and absolutely loved all of them.

Earthbound is an overrated piece of shit.

>> No.6482973

>All I'd heard and read for years is how Earthbound was one of the best SNES games, period. Regardless of genre. Years later I'm finally able to track down a cheap copy of it, am ultra excited to finally play it and I barely made it 5-hours in after being bored and underwhelmed with it pretty much from the very beginning.
That's probably a big problem with the game nowadays. I played it around 2000/2001 when the game was just a quirky curiosity and I enjoyed it even if there were slower parts. After the release of Mother 3, the series began to be overrated by a lot of people and the fame has been overblown, which probably will make a lot of people who tries to play it nowadays to be very disappointed.

>> No.6482976

Video game consensus is ruled by whoever is the most autistic and their preference is for the most autistic games. You can't trust them for anything.

>> No.6483171

And this.
I would never say EB has great gameplay or anything, but when people complain about the battle system or the gameplay as a whole, what are you comparing it to? And what is your criteria?
All in all, EB is a simple RPG, it even adds some nice QoL stuff like being able to see enemies on map, auto-win against weak enemies, and walking in 8 direction. Many RPGs of the same era didn't have any of that.

>> No.6483174

Honestly, yeah. It's style over substance.

>> No.6483210

I like EB and have fond memories of playing it and sharing it with my loved ones, but as far as gameplay goes it's pretty weak. The beginning is absoloutely painful to play since Ness is actually just a healer, and the rolling numbers don't feel like they make a huge difference.

It's unfortunate because the writing is humorous and I enjoy what the story has to offer but not much else.

>> No.6483254

>mfw the walking speed in Earthbound

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulBYfJ4M5ks LMAO AT THIS FUCKING FAGGOT

>Game gives you a bike
>Shortly thereafter, Paula joins your party, making the bike useless



And what the fuck was the point of the condiment system?

>Oh man, waste a slot to carry a packet of salt instead of just having another bag of dragonite!

When I think about it, this game actually kind of does suck. For an RPG, it has no replay value to speak of

>99% linear with no side quests (woooow, you can buy a pointless house :O, hella freakin' epic lois)
>No party organization to give certain characters priority over others
>No unique equipment builds that reward smarter thinking, not harder thinking
>No way to truly test your characters skills with the lack of a new game+ feature

Would have been nice to have, but this is give or take:
>Alternate party members
>Alternate endings
>Monster/boss arena

At the end of the day, it's still a VIDEO GAME and not an "interactive experience". You don't cut Gone Home any slack(the hipsters that love Earthbound LOVE Gone Home as well), neither should you with Earthbound.

Reminder Undertale is for faggots (and don't give me that MUH MOTHER 3, I just played it and it still has a lot of the same problems as EB). Dragon Quest is for homosexuals.

>> No.6483326

exquisite /v/ pasta.

>> No.6483358

Ridiculous post but that video was ACTUALLY made by a faggot cock sucker youtube essayist who has nothing of value to say.

>> No.6483485

Then you're playing them wrong.

>> No.6483506

Played it for the first time recently, the only annoying part was the one where you have to get items for the monkeys. No idea what your problem is.

>> No.6483585

One of my oldest friends had an older brother who kept insisting CT was an Earthbound rip-off and that Earthbound was superior. It was a years-long debate, and he never accepted he was wrong.

>> No.6483587

I was with you until you shat on DQ. What the fuck is your problem?

>> No.6483732
File: 26 KB, 1440x1080, eb_msu1-200523-174738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fun once you know what to do

>> No.6483738

chrono trigger feels like the biggest chore of them all
>very slow attack animation
>extremely slow atb
>terrible damage display animation/solo bouncing number sprite as opposed to 'juggling' numbers (see; ff4)
>worst music out of the great jrpgs of the past
its only praised because its easy and there are dual/triple techs.

>> No.6483749

I enjoyed the aesthetic a lot but the game is fucking boring desu

>> No.6483757

The main reason to play videogames or watch movies or read or consume any medium really is to either advance some sort of knowledge or skill or to feel some sort of empathy or companionship or at least interest in the characters and their situations, (because lets face it, edutainment is kind of shit by being inherently sort of cloying.)

So the only reason to not like a game like earthbound is because you're such an insufferable misanthrope that you're literally incapable of even being friends with someone who has no existing ability to reject you.

That is a sad thing. Your life is sad because you are sad, that is also why it's boring, it's why you refuse to relate to other people.

You are really blowing it right now.

>> No.6483759

r u ok bro

>> No.6483771

im really stressed out is all.

>> No.6483795

Anyone putting it up there with the likes of Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy VI must be insane

I agree, it's so much better than FFVI and definitely at least a little better than CT. Imagine defending a game with jumpscare-esque random encounters? CT and EB do it so much better so the moment-to-moment gameplay is significantly better. good point

>> No.6483803

>FFVI random encounters scare me


>> No.6483804

Goddamn, I haven't seen this get spammed on /v/ in a while.

>> No.6483805

>i REALLY wanted to like this game
is the same philsophy as...
>i REALLY wanted a tattoo but didn't know which one to get so i got...
you sound like a fucking retard

>> No.6483851

wow you missed the point you fucking retard. I'm saying that they're cheap like the way jumpscares are cheap. They break up the flow of the game so terribly that I literally cannot imagine defending them. Same fucking music every time too which is complete shit, one of the things EB gets so right

>> No.6483856

It's a cute dragon quest parody.

Dragon quest is good. You're normie scum.

Look at this weirdo faggot do you ear hotdogs with no katchup get out of america

>> No.6483857

Yes mr EB fan, EB's music design is truly superior to FFVI's. Lol.

>> No.6483860

>You're normie scum.
Ah, showing your true colors so soon. Earthbound is a very hipsterish game, its value is derived from its relative unpopularity, rather than its actual merits as a game.

>> No.6483872

look, I said based!, am I cool yet?

>> No.6483879

Not him and not even a big RPG fan so I don't care about Mother vs FF, but Mother 2's soundtrack is amazing on many fronts. FF VI's OST is great too, but it never goes away from the fantasy-themed orchestra sound. Mother 2 goes for more contemporary music and experiments with sampling a lot. It also counts with an acclaimed music writer that works closely with people like Ryuichi Sakamoto and Hosono, Keiichi Suzuki. Mother 2's music and sound design has really a lot of uniqueness and charm to it. FF VI is great but it's what you'd expect from a standard good quality RPG, whereas Mother 2 is just its own thing, with bits of japanese new wave, synth pop and a whole lot of eclectic different sounds and arrangements ranging from reggae to techno to ambient, to heavy metal. It really is one of the most rich soundtracks in video games.

>> No.6483896

I thought earthbound was an overrated boring slog as well, but I ended up loving Mother 3
save yourself the trouble and play that one OP

>> No.6483926

Did it occur at any of you maybe you just suck at the game? If you think the beginning of the game is a grind (literally)... LEARN TO AVOID BATTLES, DUMBFUCKS. I figured out how to get away from enemies when I was 14, so how is it that 22 years later there are still dopes like you complaining about the early part of the game?
>not /vr/
>literally Mommy's Death Feels: The Game
>babby's first emotional RPG, massive Tumblr meme
>"sAvE uRsElF tHe TrOuBle aNd PlaY tHat 1 oP"
Congrats on successfully baiting me, zoomanon.

>> No.6483931

Lot of useless implications in your post anon. I didn't say it was difficult, I said it was a drag.

>> No.6483934

>no one mentioned the early part of the game
Spare me. Everyone knows that's what you're complaining about when you call the game a "chore".

>> No.6483936

>Chrono Trigger

okay kid

>> No.6483942
File: 50 KB, 510x678, mother2_ness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother 3 is great though, and it's pseudo-retro since it started as a N64 game and a lot of the game's plot remained the same. But yeah it's still not technically retro.
I agree about the "play that one" part, Mother fans are notorious for picking a favorite and disregard the others.
Mother 1 is great and should not be missed. If possible, it's better to play the series in order.

>> No.6483952
File: 65 KB, 1200x514, 35hp79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait what? How the fuck is that the same at all?
>calls someone else retarded

>> No.6483970

>Mother 1 is great and should not be missed
Amen to that.

>> No.6483974

Maybe I'm a pleb but I love Earthbound, although it's biggest weakness is that it has basically no replayability. You get enamored with the weirdness of it's plot and atmosphere and for me, that propelled me through the game. Once you finish it, though, the gameplay is too atrocious to ever want to play it again. It's kind of like ToeJam & Earl in that respect.

>> No.6483976

up there with the pokemons in the most overrated console "rpgs" of all time

>> No.6483985

While I agree that it doesn't really have much replayability (no party customization, no min-maxing, no alternate scenarios), I still had fun going through it a couple more times. I think it wasn't until my 3rd playthrough that I realized how the condiment system worked, and also started experimenting more with Jeff's weird weapons and Paula/Poo's non-offensive PSI techniques. I was able to do a more "elegant" way of playing as opposed to brute-forcing my way through everything by spamming always the same strong PK attacks (and then struggling when I ran out of PP)

>> No.6483991

final fantasy series says hello

>> No.6484006

>Once you finish it, though, the gameplay is too atrocious to ever want to play it again.
Unless you, you know, have a soul and enjoy talking to the NPCs, checking out weird signs, and doing all the seemingly mundane things that make EarthBound memorable. Also
>I love EarthBound
>the gameplay is atrocious
3/10 bait.

>> No.6484057

I didn't even say anything about what you're talking about, I think the game is fucking boring.

>> No.6484075

I unironically love EarthBound. It's just Dragon Quest set in 'modern' times and I loved the connected world and atmosphere. Played it many times, even in Japanese on GBA by memory.

>> No.6484113

off topic but which dragon quest is the best? it will be my first

>> No.6484135

Classic Style - I like 3, 4 and 5. I recommend starting with 3.
Modern - 7, 8, 9 and 11 are all fantastic.
Honestly just pick any DQ game and you'll get a good indication of the series, as they've really been consistent over the decades.

>> No.6484220

it's kinda like a hike when you're out of shape, in that it is a slog, but in retrospect you can appreciate it. i don't think i'll ever play it again, though

>> No.6484373
File: 371 KB, 680x709, ness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6484561

I feel like it crippled itself by committing to the idea of having everything start out mundane and honestly boring before getting progressively weirder, even despite that being one of the best things about the game. Unless you mean the gameplay, in which case lol I agree, the entire thing is more about what the game is trying to tell the player than actually enjoying the mechanics and I think it's perfectly fair to say it's not your thing because of that.

>> No.6484572

People who don't like Earthbound are invariably soulless shitheads who you'll find aren't your kind at all in time. If you like this game and your friends don't, trust me, they aren't your fucking friends and it will fall apart eventually. They just fundamentally don't see the world like you do.

>> No.6484597

Earthbound is objectively a high quality game, but it's made with a certain kind of person in mind. you have to connect with it personally, otherwise you'll find it boring.

>> No.6484602

>it's made with a certain kind of person in mind

yeah retards

>> No.6484606

Are you perhaps a fan of the game Undertale?

>> No.6484615

no doubt that feeling is mutual.

>> No.6484624

Not him, but I love Mother games and don't give a shit about undertale.

>> No.6484654

Are you being genuine? Or just shitposting, fans of other series don't go around saying mean things like if people don't like the game that they don't like, it's quite absurd that you would act this defensively because someone didn't enjoy the game as much as you.

>> No.6484657

>fans of other series don't go around saying mean things like if people don't like the game that they don't lik
He's probably shitposting, but you're wrong about this. There's people who will insult other people for not liking the same stuff they do, not just in video games but in everything. It's sade to say most fandoms have people like this. On 4chan it's hard to tell which is ironic and which isn't, though.

>> No.6484680

I tried playing Earthbound a couple of years ago an I got burnt out after reaching the Mine (after the cult think). I might give it another go.

>> No.6484701

This. The entirety of sports rivalries is built off of this,

>> No.6484821

Your mom is a legit chore to play.

>> No.6484847

>Did it occur at any of you maybe you just suck at the game? If you think the beginning of the game is a grind (literally)... LEARN TO AVOID BATTLES, DUMBFUCKS.

>the beginning of the game is bad
>it's your fault for not trying to avoid the gameplay
>which would make you under-leveled mandatory fights ness has to do alone

EB fags everyone

>> No.6484938

>and the rolling numbers don't feel like they make a huge difference.
It makes a bigger difference later on when some enemies start doing more damage and your party is bigger. I usually don't like turn-based stuff too much but I thought the rolling meters helped keep it fun. And you seem to have a few seconds after a battle where other enemies in the world aren't tracking your position which gives you a small window to try and get a surprise attack for the next battle, which I thought was fun too. Ends up feeling like a mix of real-time and turn-based because of those things.

>> No.6485247

Every RPG is its hardest at the beginning, what's your point?

>> No.6485262

Turn based in general is pretty boring. You might be growing up for that kind of shit.

>> No.6485279

tell me how to play rpgs, then.

>> No.6485335
File: 862 KB, 500x500, taco.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never played it, but i'm 21 hours in on FFVI and bored as fuck with it.
been having a blast (no pun intended) playing project basefs and front mission gun hazard.
i think i'm just burnt out on rpg's for a while.

>> No.6485346

>It makes a bigger difference later on when some enemies start doing more damage and your party is bigger
No, not really. It only matters for one (1) enemy in the game, that's it.

>> No.6485376

>turn based in general is pretty boring
Thats the most honest thing I’ve ever read here

>> No.6485434

this also "muh story". besides dragon quest, the stories are all shit too.

>> No.6486030
File: 2.19 MB, 3000x3900, Aerith FF7 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>besides dragon quest
Found the silly nigga, now get licking.

>> No.6486312


>> No.6486334

>The main reason to play videogames or watch movies or read or consume any medium really is to either advance some sort of knowledge or skill or to feel some sort of empathy or companionship or at least interest in the characters and their situation

*flips tedora*

>> No.6486396

They smell like strawberry shampoo