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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.56 MB, 1580x849, 1588783881584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6404362 No.6404362 [Reply] [Original]

A bunch of trannies took the reverse engineered source code and developed a native port to PC.

DX12 build: https://anonfiles_com/b9g054w7o3/mario_rar
DX12 source code: https://anonfiles_com/78g558w7ob/sm64pc_src_zip

If the game runs too fast cap it to 30 FPS using the Nvidia or AMD control panel, or RivaTuner. Or just change your refresh rate to 60 Hz.


>> No.6404364

Browser version: https://froggi.es/mario/

>> No.6404386

t. a bunch of trannies

>> No.6404416

Based OP rehabilitating trannies in the eyes of 4channers.

>> No.6404463 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 720x1138, 1588759651637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they're being cunts. They developed a Switch port and won't release it, and aren't updating the game anymore.

>> No.6404475

>can't screenshot
>melts down in front of an obvious joke

>> No.6404490
File: 7 KB, 128x120, PantsKirby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6404495

What the fuck? Why can't the person who put in this very based description just release it themselves? I don't follow this Discord shit but why is it up to these fucks to release it?

>> No.6404661

The person who wrote the description is the dude on here that compiled it from the source for Linux and uploaded it. Anybody could've done it but he got to it first and his silly description sent the thin-skinned losers on Discord into a meltdown. Since it's a private discord it's tough to get a handle on this thing's development but I think Roro is the main person behind the port.

>> No.6404781

Heh, this fucking place.

>> No.6404794


>> No.6404871
File: 206 KB, 549x549, 1587364233903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So he uploaded it to them rather than using anonfiles, Mega, or some other filesharing site? It's pretty funny to troll idiots with that, but he's retarded if he didn't think they would not release it like that. I haven't been following this but has he uploaded the source code somewhere so we can at least compile it ourselves? It doesn't sound like he did.

>> No.6405059

christ almighty you fags can't keep your shit in check for like five fucking minutes can you

>> No.6405062
File: 426 KB, 540x512, 1588216548064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those slurs

>> No.6405516

>all these stupid transphobic maymays
Since when has /vr/ become /v/? Has corona brought summer people early? I'm fine with people chopping their dicks off as long as keep rolling quality material such as this.

>> No.6405536 [DELETED] 

Reposting links from previous thread, including linux sources.

OGL Ver: anonfiles_com/p1l7Vbv4oe/mario64pc_7z
OGL Src: anonfiles_com/vbZ9W8v2o1/sm64pc-sdl_7z

DX12 Ver: gofile_io/?c=wOvWRO
DX12 Src: anonfiles_com/J51e3fv6o9/sm64pc_src_zip

Linux DEB: anonfiles_com/Ndh7X4v7ob/sm64pc_deb
Linux RPM: anonfiles_com/l3m1Xev2o5/sm64pc_rpm

Anonfile link is spam for some reason replace _ with .

>> No.6405560

Has anyone got it to work on a mac?

>> No.6405564

Mac is dropping OpenGL support, so you're prolly not even able to compile the source. You're shit out of luck.

>> No.6405570

but I'm on Lion, Mojave is where it was dropped

>> No.6405573

No one is scared of trannies. Just disgusted and disappointed

>> No.6405628

Nobody gives a shit

>> No.6405632

Man N64 games look like shit without scanlines.

>> No.6405648

What does it matter if "they" won't update it? We have the source code and instructions to build it ourselves.

>> No.6405669

>reverse engineered source code

Could you do this with any game? Make perfect PC ports for NES, SNES, Genesis, etc.?

>> No.6405691

Reposting links from previous thread, including linux sources.

OGL Ver: anonfiles_com/p1l7Vbv4oe/mario64pc_7z
OGL Src: anonfiles_com/vbZ9W8v2o1/sm64pc-sdl_7z

DX12 Ver: gofile_io/?c=wOvWRO
DX12 Src: anonfiles_com/J51e3fv6o9/sm64pc_src_zip

Linux DEB: anonfiles_com/L3m2C4wdoa/sm64pc_deb
Linux RPM: anonfiles_com/v0m0Cew2oe/sm64pc_rpm

Anonfile link is spam for some reason replace _ with .

>> No.6405746

most people do care and are in fact, revolted

>> No.6405756

Get out of your totally-not-a-hugbox and listen to normal people for once my dude.

>> No.6405761

Theoretically yes, but decompiling code is an absolutely hellish endeavor that will only ever be accomplished by high-octane turbo autists and isn't something that just happens by accident or something that someone will just randomly decide to do. If you want the source code to something you're better off just hoping it gets leaked by the company than for someone to decompile it.

>> No.6405763
File: 113 KB, 500x414, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a hack for the N64 version that allows the game to run at 60FPS, though the animations stay at 30FPS (nothing interpolation can't fix) and movement does seem a bit jittery. With the 'source code' on hand and given enough time, is it feasible to untie all logic from framerate, or adjust the logic to run properly at a different set speed, like 20?

>> No.6405765

I'm a normal person. Shitting on someone because they're different is a stupid thing to do.

And here's a hint. Eventually, the focus is going to narrow, and you'll be the stupid fucking nigger eventually so to speak.

>> No.6405768

Read the post I'm replying to.

>> No.6405886

Trannies only really care about themselves, everything else is just a vehicle for their own cause.

>> No.6405904

Yes, but I'd imagine it would be a bitch to implement.

>> No.6405930

You could do fixed time steps. Update the game 30 times per second but render as many times as you want. Interpolate the camera and object positions and animations.

It'd still be a lot of work to implement, but you don't risk fucking up the physics that way.

>> No.6406035

I think that's how the hack works, as a matter of fact. Alternatively, is it possible to force the game to run in slow motion, and when you double the framerate it runs at the correct pace? I know people do that with Kingdom Hearts on PCSX2.

>> No.6406142

A debian build from the /v/ thread
just download, unpack, and run
(might be more compatible)

>> No.6406269

Yeah, you just need to brew install sdl2, libusb, glfw, and glew but it runs way too fast

>> No.6406304

brainlet here, how come SM64 got a PC port like days after the leak but no other game has been ported yet?

>> No.6406321

It's got nothing to do with the leak, it's been a decompilation effort for quite a while. At one point all we had were wireframe-only prototype ports of the game logic where Mario was represented by a vertical straight line.

>> No.6406372

Yes that would work. Also if >>6405930 is how it is in the code it would actually be an easy fix, I think. I'd like to try to mess around with it. I'm looking at the code myself and they've put in very little comments. Is there any more documentation from the people who wrote it?

>> No.6406419

fuck, my mistake. I thought the timing was more than a coincidence

>> No.6406435
File: 10 KB, 270x171, sm64linuxmessage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those slurs
>only 2 slurs (niggers and chinks)

>> No.6406438

maybe they should port a game that isn't rose tinted suck

>> No.6406470

holy based

>> No.6406843

For those on linux still on x86.

>> No.6406860

The fucking BASED linux version

>> No.6406873

or it's all bullshit
we're in the matrix
nintendo is behind everything

>> No.6407096
File: 176 KB, 1200x1249, Take_your_time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw waiting the camera mod

>> No.6407239

Has the source for the SDL Windows 98 version out yet?

I would like to try porting it to the original xbox. Maybe I can get the OGL version running with FakeGL or something...

>> No.6407242

Dreamcast version when?

>> No.6407263

How do I get a Linux build for Arch Linux?

>> No.6407275

You have to compile it yourself or wait for someone to package it.

>> No.6407278

>ignoring the blatant jannyphobia

>> No.6407319

They didn't use the hard r, so it's okay.

>> No.6407327

is the source code linked here different at all from what's hosted on github for the SM64 decompilation project?

>> No.6407349

Anyone have the Linux installer for Super Mario 64?

>> No.6407352 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 500x522, 1581130112542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck niggers
>fuck jews
>fuck chinks
>fuck trannies

>> No.6407389

PS1 port when?
It would be cool only to shut the fuck up of the retards that say that the PS1 is not capable.

>> No.6407403

Never. It's not capable.

>> No.6407406

Pretty sure it would look like trash

>> No.6407423

Could you explain why decompiling source code is so hard?

>> No.6407426

It takes a very long time

>> No.6407432

Because you only have a binary produced by the code, the end product of a specific compiler's work with specific settings, running on specific hardware. It doesn't correspond directly. Reverse-engineering code is extremely complicated and sometimes impossible.

>> No.6407503
File: 23 KB, 423x160, Screenshot_71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is actual bait lol
source: the discord

>> No.6407508
File: 1.26 MB, 640x480, mario_finished-analog-mod.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camera mod anonfiles_com/92H4P3w8of/sm64pc-analog-testing.tar_7z
Building instructions can be found on github_com/sm64pc/sm64pc.

>> No.6407509

>Getting upset over the "transphobic Linux version"
>Literally one version compiled in like an hour by some /v/tard
Why are these people so fucking sensitive?

>> No.6407519

Nice. I now like discord lads.

>> No.6407526

Doesn't the PSX render 3D different from like every other console and have a bunch of unique hardware and shit? The process of making stuff even show up on the screen would be pretty rough.

>> No.6407527

Nice I might actually enjoy playing this game now.

>> No.6407535

From what I can tell Super Mario source also makes use of IEEE754 floats all over which the PSX doesn't support at all.

>> No.6407543

>Why are these people so fucking sensitive?
They're not, it's just an excuse to get attention.

>> No.6407567
File: 505 KB, 148x200, rina_laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6407590

If someone tells me to suck a dick, I suppose that's a fine answer, as I would normally tell lazy people this as well, but, does anyone have a prebuilt version with these analog camera controls?

>> No.6407668

So how would someone go about modifying the models? Can I open them in Blender?

>> No.6407842

Someone in the /v/ thread is building it. Lets hope he delivers

>> No.6407904

Do you know if it's possible to compile an universal binary for PPC fags to enjoy as well?

>> No.6407978

Got a link?

>> No.6407980

Not yet

>> No.6408013

Ah sorry, I meant for the thread

>> No.6408035

lmao in your dreams sonygger. That shit console could barely do spyro.

>> No.6408047


>> No.6408049

Anyone got the Windows 7 version?

>> No.6408120


>> No.6408162

Does anyone have a pastebin etc outlining the current projects that aim to fix/improve the original build (such as >>6407508)?

>> No.6408272

Build instructions were simple and very helpful. I built on Arch Linux and have just been modding random shit for a bit now.

>> No.6408280

Remember to commit any useful upgrades to the trunk

>> No.6408281

Got any examples? I'm planning on diving in after work tonight

>> No.6408312


>> No.6408319

On ubuntu it's unable to detect libGL and SDL2 when building. The source clone from the trunk repo is building just fine though. Whoever did this testing build messed up.

>> No.6408350

What a man

>> No.6408470

I told you Nintendo was behind this.

>> No.6408504
File: 407 KB, 673x604, 1326228825137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beena few months since i came to this board so i missed the hype train.

Just a questio n about all these Nintendo leaks... are there any more confirmed or rumored source codes that got stolen back in 2018 when that hacker got into Nintendo's servers? not tahat i want any particular game since i have every console up to the Wii U but im just curious if any "surprise" game nobody knew they were working on surfaced in the leaks.

>> No.6408508

he released it publically

>> No.6408517

The whole thing was a ruse.
They just wanna leak/port the code in a way that doesn't conflict with their brand identity, so they faked some news/wiki articles like publishers do any other thursday.

Buncha nintendo devs faking screenshots from a "private" discord laughing at you nerds right now. They don't even HAVE trannies in japan.

>> No.6408518


>> No.6408624

Why did you ask that question in this thread? This SM64 PC port has nothing to do with any of the Nintendo leaks. The only source codes we know for sure that are still in hoarder hands are pokemon gen 3.

>> No.6409716

Use a real operating system

>> No.6409735
File: 35 KB, 673x298, cuck1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendrones mad

>> No.6409739
File: 133 KB, 661x873, cuck2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6409768

Based taco from Shacktac absolutely destroying this corporate bootlicker.

>> No.6409789

How do I get into the Discord?

>> No.6409791

>faceless corporation
lol, Nintendo has more actors in executive positions to serve as corporate mascots than practically anyone

>> No.6409910

invites are closed currently because of how many people joined when sm64 got ported

>> No.6409916

This. Anyone using that term sarcastically is angered by it.

>> No.6409923

>How do I get into the Discord?
Chop your dick off.

>> No.6409925

>>6407527 >>6407590 >>6408162 >>6408312 >>6408319
Latest test build with camera mod.

>> No.6409958

>At one point all we had were wireframe-only prototype ports of the game logic where Mario was represented by a vertical straight line.

>> No.6410185
File: 1.78 MB, 640x360, mario.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone got a 60 FPS version up and running. Seems to work fine.


>> No.6410189

Any updated version for the opengl build?

>> No.6410208


>> No.6410216

Oh shit very nice. Now someone needs to build this with the free camera mod

>> No.6410237
File: 22 KB, 592x109, trannyretard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you surprised?

>> No.6410410

Is this the PC Port just with the 60FPS mod applied to it or is it just the 60FPS mod?

>> No.6410427

cant they just open up the source, search for that string, backspace and recompile? acting like its cursed and unfixable just gives whoever did this more power

>> No.6410464

Actually yeah, I am quite surprised. A lot of emulator programmers and reverse engineers are furries, trans, or something similar. I mean, Byuu is the top example right there with plenty of others.

>> No.6410470

so was that install description just /v/ coping with this

>> No.6410474

It's DX12. I am on 7 so it doesn't work.

>> No.6410479

you put in all this effort just to force everyone to use a garbage proprietary windows 10 api to be able to play it

>> No.6410483

opengl version works
real easy to compile under linux
they just added windows build instructions a couple hours ago

>> No.6410503

And you know why?

Because they live on welfare and have all the time in the world to spend on these autistic endeavours.

>> No.6410520
File: 62 KB, 769x720, 1408302109247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes too much sense (un)fortunately.
I wouldn't be able to stay so up to date with stuff like this if I wasn't working at home.

>> No.6410578

Let me know when they will allow to read mouse imput, playing with keyboard only isn't really bad but it could be better.

>> No.6410596

yeah obama personally comes to every trans furry's house and gives them a billion neetbux

they probably more than likely just live with their parents still like the majority of people who do computer shit for free

>> No.6410605

>screamer at the start
>doom music
>your mom will die in her sleep

>> No.6410613

I replied to this post because I don't want my mom to die in her sleep tonight.

>> No.6410615

>no scatman

>> No.6410623

>no gameshark clothes palette swap so everyone has their own mario oc

>> No.6410673

Not necessarily, many are professional software devs that just don't have much of a social life.

Either way, I thank them for their public service.

>> No.6411103

people better download this while they still can

>> No.6411127
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x720, sm64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you turn on 3 point texture filtering? The grass doesn't look right.

>> No.6411173

how come? there is going to be full analog camera and mod support soon

>> No.6411205

I could attempt to modify the shader to do that. Need a reference so I can get the math right.

>> No.6411207


>> No.6411209
File: 522 KB, 1920x1080, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very funny...
Cool music, though.

>> No.6411212


>> No.6411247

i don't get it

>> No.6411274
File: 172 KB, 1130x1350, disco inferno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6411283


>> No.6411289
File: 189 KB, 583x465, nearest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already solved the first step of disabling the hardware filtering.

>> No.6411291

anyone got the build with proper mouse support?

>> No.6411335

Remember that scene in the matrix where cypher is talking about how he doesn't even see code anymore he just sees a blonde/brunette/redhead.

That's what looking at compiled code looks like. Just a bunch of gobbledygook

>> No.6411340

Here, this guy seems to have a working build going with mouse support. Gonna try it myself after work tonight


>> No.6411360

Most programmers in general have at least a touch of the tism. It's not so surprising that they'd have more than one mental illness

>> No.6411384

>a bunch of trannies

It was nice when this project didn’t have people stirring up shit

>> No.6411549

So how is this any different from just playing it on an emulator? We've been able to play Super Mario 64 on the PC for decades.

>> No.6411560

holy shit just use your brain. that question has been asked 400000 times. you're not smart

>> No.6411568

So it's not, then. Imagine hyping what's basically the same as making Project64 automatically open a Mario 64 rom.

>> No.6411571

it's the same guy posting it over and over retard

>> No.6411574

holy fuck you're retarded

>> No.6411580

Samefag harder. If there was an actual difference, you'd be able to answer the question.

>> No.6411638
File: 98 KB, 1000x2800, 1585193891616.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're probably right, that said...
It's not really that hard to be a welfare queen in the US, despite the constant obsessed meme-ing that "people are dying in the streets", and the trannies are probably mentally ill enough to get the fat checks without faking for it. Yet functional enough to not end up on the streets high in heroin talking about how the people at the food bank are trying to kill you.
When I didn't work for a couple years, my healthcare premiums, deductibles, and copay were $0.

>> No.6411648

Latest LINUX build

>> No.6411653

weak af

>> No.6412030
File: 82 KB, 228x221, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it could be done for 60FPS, could it also be done for 120FPS? Or uncapped? I'm curious to see what kind of performance this code is capable of.

>> No.6412394
File: 7 KB, 231x250, 1526949121938s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i try to run the mario.exe (downloaded both link from the OP) it occurs an error because the msvcp110.dll is missing. Which is not. I installed both microsoft packaged that should fix the problem but it does not work. I also placed the dll in the games folder but no luck. Anyone knows a solution?

>> No.6412436

nice job being in california douchebag but if you live in the south you are dying in the streets

>> No.6412730
File: 499 KB, 319x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I get into making mods for sm64 .

Also how realistic is converting current mods into pc ports.

I feel like that the should be the next step for us .

Also torrent


>> No.6412863
File: 2.17 MB, 1920x1050, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it me or triple jump does not work?

>> No.6412892

nevermind, i managed to do it. capped it at 60 fps. capped at 30 it's even easier

>> No.6412894


Alright you two, take it to /pol/. we talk about video games here you fucking faggots, not the gay shit you're arguing about.

>> No.6412920

>DX12 Ver: gofile_io/?c=wOvWRO
This no longer exists.

>> No.6412924

is there a reason the camera movement is insanely slow right now?

>> No.6412951
File: 439 KB, 809x607, 1575587814621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK King Bob-omb

>> No.6412959

Nintendo had their lawyers make some threats n' promises. Really. It's gone. Good luck finding it.

>> No.6412964

Nintendo says NO:

>> No.6413172

Kinda late for that.

>> No.6413176

was there a last updated ogl version?

>> No.6413249
File: 1.77 MB, 500x560, 1555648983104.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get this thing to work? I've got the .exe file but it doesn't open. Is there something else I need in order for it to boot up?

Also, can you edit the controls in the web browser version?

>> No.6413415

Also having this issue; is it fixable?

>> No.6413519

Oh! Turns out you just need to press start and then R. There's in-game options now to change the sensitivity.

>> No.6413537

Can somebody upload it to anonfiles, please?

>> No.6413541

Wish I took photos, but I'm in the middle of doing a 16 star run and I just got the bunny through the hallway and glitched through bowsers door with it

I always feel cool when I pull this glitch off.

>> No.6413547

exe sometimes doesn't work for me either, I have to do it 3-4 times before the game starts.

>> No.6413554

I live in the southeast. Stop letting memes rot your brain. But we're off topic.

>> No.6413562

I think I found it:

>> No.6413576
File: 336 KB, 1740x1004, mario64end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, I did the glitch.

>> No.6413610

Tranny here. I would have replaced that with a bunch of trans rights, pro-gay, pro-jewish and pro-everything else 4chan hates slogans, then distributed it as widely as possible, but say nothing.

>> No.6413703

and i think the original builds:

>> No.6413737

So was this made because of the Nintendo leak or was it already being worked on? Will we get more N64 ports?

>> No.6413745

it was already being worked on before the leaks, sm64 was decomp'd a few months ago so we already had the code figured out

>> No.6413751

okay now combine this with analog controller camera version


>> No.6413779

shut up

>> No.6413862

i miss the olden internet days of a few years ago where something like this would've just been silently removed and ignored instead of feeding the shit out of the troll just for yet another opportunity to make something a trans issue

>> No.6413909


>> No.6413914

>fuck up of the retards that say that the PS1 is not capable.
you would need to remake every single level with tessellation in mind

>> No.6413917

my mom survived last night you jumping faggot

>> No.6413927

>Good luck finding it
>every single anon has a copy
damn, I even distributed it to people without internet access

>> No.6413935

can I already add levels without doing the app gymnastics on an emulator?

>> No.6413947 [SPOILER] 
File: 128 KB, 1047x604, 1589058375828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6413990
File: 323 KB, 1920x1080, n64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the result.

>> No.6413992


>> No.6414002

Fuck off with that shit.

>> No.6414083

check out the edge on this retard

>> No.6414104

holy shit am i retarded for being this impressed by this

>> No.6414118

Just modify the source and build for OpenGL retard

>> No.6414172

Check this >>6407508
You'll be able to build yourself an OpenGL version.

>> No.6414240

Just add TARGET_BITS=64 or TARGET_BITS=0, otherwise the testing branch will default to 32 bits and Ubuntu will fail because you don't have 32bit libraries installed like most of us

>> No.6414251

I should learn how to do this

>> No.6414309


>> No.6414345

The opengl version I downloaded when it leaked has perfect audio. The version I build myself from the official source release(https://github.com/sm64pc/sm64pc)) has tons of popping. Lame.

>> No.6414356

This is where you can find a hub for download links
Enjoy before Nintendo Simps start reporting it

>> No.6414467

then post the links, faggot

>> No.6414516

I don't want a Discord link, someone please upload a new mega to Mario 64 4K. Please baby baby please.

>> No.6414614


>> No.6414615


>> No.6414624


>> No.6414638

illegal move

>> No.6414743

I got it but i have no idea how imma supposed to configure the controls and video settings, let alone having it played by my Wii Classic controller

>> No.6415391

>doesn't know how to take screenshots
>feeds low grade trolls
>conflates one package with "the Linux version"
Have people learned nothing in the last twenty years?

>> No.6415426


Is it weird that this question is not only "no" but is obviously no for both Linux users and /vr/ lurkers

>> No.6416170
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I'm all for being a bleeding heart and I'm all for letting dumb shock laughs roll off, whatever way one wants to sail through life, but what kills me is he says "transphobic" but doesn't give two shits about the blatant racism and homphobia as well? How does this dude's moral compass even work?

>> No.6416181

One drop of estrogen and your brain is destroyed

>> No.6416191

You're just another piece on the board, anon.

>> No.6416206

Oh, I know Miyamoto is puppetmastering this whole thing. I'm just appreciating the gags

>> No.6416332


>> No.6416336

Yes, you did.

>> No.6416338

You have no idea that you're the butt of a joke and yet you sit here slapping refresh ready to reply ASAP.

>> No.6416521

They really do only give a fuck about themselves and whatever they identify with. There is NO empathy.

>> No.6416523
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>t. not that guy

>> No.6416653

Why it won´t open on my pc?, i clicked the exe but nothing happened

>> No.6416750

you have a virus now

>> No.6416757

lol, neat

>> No.6417127

The other games I would love to see get this treatment are Goldeneye, WWF No Mercy, Pokemon Snap and Diddy Kong Racing

>> No.6417136

Trans people have the highest position on the oppression ladder.

>> No.6417138

Work great with last version of reshade

>> No.6417171

they oughtta set that latter on fire

>> No.6417190

Goldeneye, Jet Force Gemini, Cruis'n World, Extreme G

>> No.6417436

Jet Force Gemini it's a must. Also i like to see Donkey Kong 64, Perfect Dark, Lego Racers, Zelda Majora Mask, Zelda OOT, Super Smash Bros, Kieby 64: The Crystal Shards and fighters destiny lol

>> No.6417456

Killer Instinct Gold for me, although personally I'd prefer the arcade versions reverse engineered. I wish abystus was still working on that sprite ripper.

>> No.6417631

>You have no idea that you're the butt of a joke and yet you sit here slapping refresh ready to reply ASAP.
lol at taking it to 11 like you're having an actual high stakes slapfight

It's amazing how much he missed his point that you're gloating about him having ignored yours, you silly fucking simp

>> No.6417725

Man, I'd love to play JFG in 60fps.

>> No.6417880


>> No.6417907

Never ever, the N64 has a Z-Buffer , and It was the only Full 3D Hardware , PSX had to make 3D perspective using software.


Not only that , the Speed and acrobatics of Mario requires Processing power, and lots of real time calculations that the Ps1 could never match, another problem os that psx hardware cant draw big polygons like the N64 can

>> No.6417908

this webm has interpolated frames that were added on post, you're not fooling me nigga I can tell by the textures fucking up with the HUD as you rotate the camera.

>> No.6418745

You have no idea what you're talking about you schizo.

>> No.6418791


>> No.6418816

No :(

>> No.6418828
File: 219 KB, 1600x800, SI_N64_SinAndPunishment_image1600w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love either Super Smash Bros or Sin and Punishment.

>> No.6418941

Wave Race 64 so we could learn about the wave mechanism and port it, apply proper lighting, then apply shaders to the water and fix the low poly geometry of the 3D objects.

>> No.6419025

Fugck yuo

>> No.6419071

>For each version (jp/us/eu) that you want to build an executable for, put an existing ROM at ./baserom.<version>.z64 for asset extraction.
So this means, for example, baserom.us.z64? Hope I have the right ROM.

>> No.6419118

Yup. Just get the rom from theeye. Worked for me

>> No.6419121

>they let /v/ out in public like this.
sad really.

>> No.6419389
File: 226 KB, 640x480, SM64PC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, it was that, really simple I must say. It is incredible that SM64 is running using less resources than the castlevania on VBA-M.
Good times ahead, I wonder if standalone binaries will become the new fashion in the 20's

BTW, this transparent blocks can be activated within this level, or should I move on?

>> No.6419395

get a few stars then look up in the foyer

>> No.6419484

floats yea but also the whole framebuffer thing
managing textures in PSX VRAM is an absolute fucking nightmare

>> No.6419582


>> No.6419651

Fuck, forgot that the PSX doesn't even have a Z-Buffer. You'd have to depth sort the triangles and deal with overlaps in software.

>> No.6419693

Interesting that a new generation is experiencing this game in this very odd way

>> No.6419828

Holy shit you tiny minded fool. "Mario can jump, therefore the PS1 can't handle it"?. Hahahaaaa

>> No.6419859

I thought the whole point of a dedicated VRAM area / frame buffer was to make it easier to work with.

>> No.6420015

>Nigga clown
Unforgiveness! I go play someone other Switch homebrew port

>> No.6420017 [DELETED] 

Chinese and Jew did nothing wrong

>> No.6420020

I’ve prey and hope Nintendo ninja rekt those cunt.

>> No.6420024

>some shill
No way pc begger

>> No.6420026

does this also have better camera controls?

>> No.6420046

Perfect Dark
Jet Force Gemini
Body Harvest

all with 60fps and pc camera controls

>> No.6420090

I think the dates in that image need to be updated. Or is it permanently 2000 on /vr/?

>> No.6420107

>BTW, this transparent blocks can be activated within this level, or should I move on?

Fucking zoomers I swear. You seem like one of the good ones though.

>> No.6420118

Gtfo shithead

>> No.6420126

Nope dork

>> No.6420128

LOL I remember this guy

>> No.6420163
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>TERFs eat mud

>> No.6420219

Source code of DX12 build?

>> No.6420263

I want to talk about Mario 64 ROM hacks and don't want to start a whole new thread.

Is there a single good hack out there? Everyone always says Star Road is the best one, but it's fucking terrible. It's so bad. It really makes you appreciate the original game that much more. The original is a beautifully designed game built around a garbage engine. But they somehow made it work. When you play ROM hacks, it's like the creators never took the time to understand why certain design decisions were made with the original.

Things like, you're very rarely stuck in tight spaces in the original because the camera gets stuck on the walls. So of course, every single level in Star Road features lots of tiny spaces you have to try to navigate, forcing you to play blind. Also, water physics are fucked to hell, so in the original game, you're never expected to jump out of the water onto an incline, only ever flat surfaces that are barely higher than the water. So naturally, Star Road makes you jump out of the water onto sloped surfaces constantly (which NEVER fucking works!). Also, water physics are fucked to hell (this bears repeating, they're THAT fucked) so the original game rarely has floating objects that are thin enough that you can get trapped under when you try to jump on top of them. That is, say you're trying to jump out of the water onto a platform, the platform will be thick enough that if you miss and go into the water, you won't sink far enough to go under the platform. So of course, every level in Star Road that has water features such bullshit platforms.

Maybe this PC port will lead to some good Mario 64-esque games by way of fixing all the primitive 3D engine missteps. Star Road looks like it would be a fun game, if it had a decent engine it would be excellent. But Mario 64 was very carefully crafted to make the most out of what is, ultimately, a piss poor excuse for a 3D platform game engine.

>> No.6420294

see: >>6413703

>> No.6420302

>BTW, this transparent blocks can be activated within this level, or should I move on?
o.O I think you need 5 or 10 stars to unlock it. You'll see a light shining in the castle main area, look (C-up) towards it while standing on top of that floor painted flower or whatever it is.

>> No.6420684
File: 2.78 MB, 294x233, unnamed-4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mario has over 209 super fast animations parkour style in a pletora of directions Link from OOT has 572 animations , show me a single fucking game on PSX that cant even match that

>> No.6420692

Lmfao....What a fuckin nerd dude. Honestly, get a life.

>> No.6420697

This is your brain on Nintendo, kek.

>> No.6420706

sonyggers btfo once again

>> No.6420710

Who the fuck wants to remember how many frame animations on N64 characters? That's fucking sad dude. Go outside.

>> No.6420728

you first :^)

>> No.6420730
File: 37 KB, 960x960, 0ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah man, I actually play games on my console, instead of counting frames of animation to use as ammo for a console war you already lost 20 years ago. I could mention that N64 can't do 2d properly, that its controller is the worst ever made, that it has maybe 5 games ever worth playing and like 2 of them needed an overpriced memory expansion addon. But that would just be kicking you while history already put you down. It's time to let go, sonny. The Gamecube was the one that was actually more powerful than the Sony counterpart, and it lost even harder. Just let go.

>> No.6420746

>I actually play games on my console
and yet here you are, complaining that someone bothered doing research
this is literally "i entered a thread full of things i don't like and now i'm mad what the fuck"

>> No.6420762

no u

>> No.6420763


>> No.6420818
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Yeah sure buddy

>> No.6420864
File: 251 KB, 668x486, bYagAOV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The N64 could put tons of sprites on screen,
The console had few 2D games because Nintendo wanted the games to bem in 3D in most cases

>> No.6420893

Puzzle games and RTS....

>> No.6420949

kek good one

>> No.6421140

I was going to say that lmao

>> No.6421201

Tetris, Dr. Mario and Puzzle Bobble are some real system pushers! All hail the power of Nintendo!

>> No.6421207

>Requesting to have sex with minorities and disabled

>> No.6421250

>DX12, windows-only
>not OpenGL and cross platform
Wow, what a faggot.

>> No.6421259

Kek, use the OpenGL version; it's more ideologically pure anyway.

>> No.6421437


>> No.6421447

Are you retarded? Serious question

>> No.6421460

>Also, can you edit the controls in the web browser version?
Seconding this question

>> No.6421468

You don't know how your own body works, do you retard?

>> No.6421473

Go back to facebook

>> No.6421486

there entitled to there opinion

>> No.6421523


>> No.6421543

The water physics and camera are garbage, but the regular movement is pretty fluid even for today.

>> No.6421550

holy fucking spoilers batman

>> No.6421556

>people who install random .deb packages from anonymous people online when source code is available to build are retarded
>people who use a gui to install .deb packages are retarded
What else is new?

>> No.6421560

My point is OP didn't link to those and is therefore a faggot.
I already have an OpenGL build on my machine (which is too old to be able to use DX12 anyway or have adequate Windows 10 drivers).

>> No.6421565

That's my problem too, I bet I could play GameCube games if they were natively ported.

>> No.6421578

I can play some GC games on my system (Thinkpad X201 Tablet, 2.13GHz, Nehalem i7-640LM), but I had to build an ancient version of Dolphin, with a few patches from later Dolphin development after the last Dolphin 2.x release but before the OpenGL 2 backend was ripped out (sometime between the last 2.x release and Dolphin 3.0).
Some games aren't doable though. Pokémon Colosseum works.

Oh, and to build it I ended up having to make a chroot and use a bunch of old versions of libraries.

Was it worth it? Eh, kind of, for the "hack value" (I did a bunch of backporting for the improved DSP code from the 3.x series), but not really when I also have a capable desktop with a 7-year-old non-integrated GPU.

>> No.6421580

Oh yeah and the framerate still sucks

>> No.6421653


>> No.6421673
File: 173 KB, 1366x768, C&#039;mon son.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's my fucking hate speech

>> No.6421745

check out /pol/, they usually have some

>> No.6421776

>No fun allowed

>> No.6421948

Based under different circumstances but regarding the semi-farcical nature of the original, ultimately cringe

>> No.6422052

Wasn't it all basically straight male nerdy euros who made this though?

>> No.6422349

>trying this fucking hard
Dude just cut your losses.

>> No.6422392
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Do these guys browse 4chan?

>> No.6422441

fucking cringe

>> No.6422446

Sõyboy (PS fandom)

>> No.6422449
File: 156 KB, 536x440, 1572977988582.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PSX had to make 3D perspective using software.
>the Speed and acrobatics of Mario requires Processing power

>> No.6423747

this is stealing

>> No.6423757

Copyright is culture theft.

>> No.6423786

How do I into 60fps?

>> No.6425330
File: 12 KB, 259x194, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You didn't make a thing, it was the universal mind!

>> No.6425359

Thanks Obama.

>> No.6426694
File: 35 KB, 525x384, 78e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i own a physical copy of super mario 64 (which I do) it literally isn't. thanks for playing though.

>> No.6426927

Is it a 32 or 64 bit dll?

>> No.6427005

>kids are just now playing super mario 64 for the first time
cute and wholesome

>> No.6427018 [DELETED] 

There is something seriously fucked up with that one. Mario loses his hat when he enters the castle, I get a random amount of stars after collecting 1, and then it refuses to save. Did you just give me a virus anon. Camera was smooth though.

>> No.6427376

This image is somehow even more depressing now

>> No.6427434
File: 55 KB, 750x600, CV3E6FAJ3JHWLLFYCPOV6RQLR4KF46XS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QUESTION: why did it take 20+ years to decompile super mario 64 in the first place?

and what are the chances of this happening for zelda 64?

>> No.6427485

To put it into a bit of a comparison, imagine having a bowl of soup. Then, knowing nothing else except maybe the main ingredients, you need to recreate the entire recipe from scratch. This includes the proportions, the types of ingredients used, and so on.

For Mario 64, it was easier because it wasn't fully optimized. This meant that the code didn't have many obtuse workarounds in the code that would only appear in the source code and not the actual game itself. In my analogy, it's like the soup is nothing but chicken, carrots, and broth, so you know the ingredients and just need to guess and check the proportions. For Zelda 64, it's a little more complicated since there are optimizations (imagine getting a minestrone recipe from one sip), but progress is being made on that since it and Mario 64 share the same engine.

>> No.6427496

that doesn't really answer my question, i already know that sm64 was able to be decompiled because of unoptimized code. why did it take so long? how much time was actually spent decompiling?

>> No.6427498

Nobody wanted to do it until recently and it took years.

>> No.6427510

>2d games
>in the 3d hype generation
>boasting about having shovelware with zero replay value
Ok, retard.

>> No.6427565

it's because the state of IRIX emulation was shit until very recently

>> No.6427610

please let us get a Goldeneye port like this

>> No.6427732
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>> No.6428923
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>> No.6429112

Is there a modding community yet? Adding in some of the assets from the DS version would be nice

>> No.6429118

Cringe and basedpilled.

>regardless of your gender, color or creed
Yeah, shout out to all the black women who helped... hahahahahahaha

>> No.6431060
File: 77 KB, 300x300, limmy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's even the point you are trying to convey? That there is no PS1 game with this oddly specific criterion?
That's the worst example of cherry picking I have ever seen. Are you trying to make a fool of yourself?
Even then, I could argue that something like Spyro has way more quality to its animations than fucking Super Mario 64 of all games.

>> No.6431227

how do I get it to work with my n64 controller via usb?
the controls text file is just random numbers.

>> No.6431267

ok who is the autist responsible for making this dx12 exclusive?
Do you need DX12 features for a 1996 game? Of course not.

All you did was make this unplayable in older gpu cards, like my 2013 era laptop.

So I can play games like GTAV no problems, but I can't even launch Mario64.

Learn to code idiots.

>> No.6431318

20 years ago there wasn't much of a point for the decompilation. Now you have make your own games (handle input, window, OpenGL context). All the effort went into emulating, which doesn't seem to have progressed far for the N64. Reverse engineering is a slow progress that might be worth to learn a new algorithm or how to hack a software, but it isn't worth for a single player game, and I guess every hacker was more concerned for the computer FPS scene back then. Now that retrogames are drawing more attention than ever, there is a reason for being an attention whore.

>> No.6431319

*Now you can make

>> No.6431386


>> No.6432307

Brainlet question from a guy who knows nothing about game coding / programming, go easy on me

With a DX12 PC port like this, would it be theoretically possible / technically feasible to create a mod which adds real-time lighting and shadow casting, sort of like what Windwaker HD added to the original game?

>> No.6432380


>> No.6432387

Where do you see shadow casting in that video?

>> No.6432908

how do i 60fps on linux version?

>> No.6432947

Ngl that looks terribly hacky

>> No.6433928

nintendo jannies nuked the discord server