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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6391461 No.6391461 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Retro games with dumb titles.

>> No.6391465
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>> No.6391470
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>> No.6391486
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>> No.6391514
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>> No.6391884

Ninja Baseball Bat Man was an incredible game on the arcade! R.I.P.

>> No.6392019
File: 153 KB, 800x1104, 28956-lightening-force-quest-for-the-darkstar-genesis-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think anything can top this for me, it absolutely hurts to look at

>> No.6392280

in the original japanese version it's called (annoyed grunt)donpachi

>> No.6392678
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>> No.6393094

This one is impressively dumb.
>have a successful franchise called Thunder Force
>fourth game is called Thunder Force IV in Japan as you'd expect
>American localization randomly changed to Lightning Force
>except they misspell it as "Lightening" Force for no reason
Truly baffling.

>> No.6393719
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>> No.6393746
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Still don't know why they gave a Japanese as fuck game a random German title(Ambition). I guess they just thought it sounded cool...

>> No.6393754
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This game was released in 2007, but it was on the Sega NAOMI, so I think it counts. Its name is "Akatsuki Blitzkampf Ausf. Achse". I don't speak German, but it seems like nonsense to me.

>> No.6393763
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>> No.6393769
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It's just how Japan do. Here's a list of attacks a Japanese schoolgirl living in Japan in a Japanese game can do to her enemies.

>> No.6393895

Well played.

>> No.6393906
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what the fuck were they thinking

>> No.6394015
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>> No.6394097

Best girl in the whole Lakers series.

>> No.6394173
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Cyber Lip

>> No.6394176
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This is one of the dumbest

>> No.6394214

Did they mean "Cyber Rip"? is there some way that title makes sense?

>> No.6394256
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I wish this subtitle was actually part of the name, so I could nominate it for this thread.

>> No.6394307

I actually like that.

>> No.6394348

Because they knew the game was dumb compared to Tobal, they were warning people

>> No.6394351

Why its fucking stupid, wholesale slice is a fucking retarded name

>> No.6394373
File: 134 KB, 600x450, Metal Slug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possibly but i don't think so.
It's a run and gun game like metal slug.

>> No.6394375
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Japan loves the sound of German.

>> No.6394428

>simulation of girl force since 1993

>> No.6394664

It was a warning. They knew the dire straights Japan would be in back then.

>> No.6394702

Aw man I want hotdogs now.

>> No.6394771
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>> No.6394782

>Thunder Force II was released with it's original title as a Genesis launch game, despite the first game only being on japanese home computers
>Thunder Force III was also released in the USA
>Part 4? now's a good time to change the title

>> No.6394823
File: 1.16 MB, 960x720, ihavebeenevillyreprogammed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "insain" computer in that game is a robotic mouth, it's named Cyber Lip, because it has cyber lips
It makes perfect sense

>> No.6394849
File: 557 KB, 1000x1400, Thunder_Force_IV_(Game).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude lmao let's change the name of the sequel to one our consoles most popular shooters for no reason
I never realized that even the artwork is totally wrong too - the cockpit is supposed to be at the very front of the ship, not towards the back.

>> No.6394898

>the cockpit is supposed to be at the very front of the ship, not towards the back
God dammit.

>> No.6394954

Just guessing, but I bet that either Sega (who published this in the USA) didn't have the license to use the "Thunder Force" name at the time, or they were trying to expand the game's its market reach by not only making it sound "cooler" but also intentionally "misspelling" the word in order to make it further memorably stand out (I put "misspelling" in quotes, since "lightening" is actually a real word that means "a process of illumination or something made illuminated", so they may have intended it as a double entendre since "the player is trying to save the world"). I'm not defending it, and I also think it sounds extremely bad and regrettable, but perhaps one these might explain this obviously bizarre name.

>> No.6394983

>they may have intended it as a double entendre
I think that's being overly generous. They probably looked up "lightening" in a dictionary and didn't comprehend the difference between it and lightning.

>> No.6395195

Well, it is.

>> No.6395742

Space Gallagher is PISSED

>> No.6396031
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>> No.6396468

>Seeren Metzger
Seelen Metzger (soul butcher)?

>> No.6397630

I don't speak German.

>> No.6398202

No. At the end of the game you must defeat a cybernetic pair of lips. So the title is 100% logical.

>> No.6398245
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>> No.6398265

Bulk doesn't mean wholesale here. It's more portraying a large mass, like a powerful blow. Fucking retarded autist zoomer.

>> No.6398279
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Lup Salad

>> No.6398280

A Classic Game.

>> No.6398591
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>> No.6398712

only somewhat related, but the rare unobtainium metal in Gunhed is called "Texmexium"