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6377472 No.6377472 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on Fallout 2 and how it compares to the rest of the franchise? I’m only a few hours in and I’m loving it

>> No.6377919

Great game, but I personally prefer the first one.

>> No.6378104
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>> No.6378673


>> No.6378679

Good game, better than 1 is all aspects in my opinion except MAYBE story but I really love the Enclave. That opinion isn't the popular one, people prefer 1 over 2 for a variety of reasons, usually story or objections to all the silly 4th wall breaking and pop culture references in Fallout 2. Functionally though Fallout 2 is the better game no question.

In short, it kicks ass.

>> No.6378691

I've beaten 1, after a few months of off and on attempts. It was fun, though perhaps I was just too burnt out when I tried 2 because by the time I got out of the canyon I wasn't really into it.

>> No.6378972

It rules. The most immersive experience I've had with a drug addicted character in a video game since it's not something can be easily cured like in the other Fallout games. You really do have to constantly think about and plan around your dependence on drugs or you'll get absolutely fucked when you're too vulnerable to defend yourself.

>> No.6378978

Maybe a bit too gimmicky, but gimmicky is not necessary bad. Lots of fun to have. Wish there were more games like this.

>> No.6379150

>The most immersive experience I've had with a drug addicted character in a video game since it's not something can be easily cured like in the other Fallout games
You can literally just walk off every addiction with no issue except for Jet.

>> No.6379192


>> No.6379202
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>First time playing FO2
Next thing you gonna say you were born this century and yet aren't underage

>Doing drugs

>> No.6379361

And that Jet addiction changes the game significantly. If it's your first time playing and you don't know how to cure it you'll be stuck with drug addiction for most of the game.

>> No.6379371

Or you can just not use Jet the whole game and not notice.

>> No.6380040

Riddle me this:
Why would you use drugs in Fallout and more importantly, why the hell would you even try to use Jet?
Or you are some zoomer that started out with FO4 and decided to give the game a shot and realised that oh noes, drugs are bad and aren't just bunch of combat stimulants. Amazing, right?

>> No.6380429

using drugs to be able to pick certain perks in fo1 was fun

>> No.6380924

>Why would you use drugs in Fallout
To max out stats you don't have at 10 yet. Mentats can be used before conversations. Psycho lets you hit high damage reduction in the time where your HP pool is low and crits aren't as potent (Psycho really helps with soloing the Slaver's Guild early). Psycho and Buffout make low AG builds more viable. Lastly, addiction to non-Jet drugs isn't a concern, all you have to do is wait them out in peace. And, also, drugs help you meet perk requirements. Anyhow, the option to use them is there, I don't know why you would find it so incredulous that someone used it.
>why the hell would you even try to use Jet?
It is a pretty broken / overpowered drug once combined with the broken Jet Antidote.

>> No.6381397

Someday I'll mod fallout 2 so you can snort jet off a hookers ass.
Or smoke it out of her vagoo.

>> No.6381573

>I’ll make my own fallout 2, with hookers and jet

>> No.6381836

I'm sorry that my RPG characters aren't all straight edge autists.

>> No.6381921

>once combined with the broken Jet Antidote.
>once combined
Yeah, which you don't have until mid-game point, so what's your point, again? Do you even have one?

>> No.6382597


To me it felt like more of the same only less serious and more "funny"... and therefore worse. I didn't dislike it enough to quit playing but I didn't want more of the same, I wanted some actual development. But development toward Monty Python references and crap is worse than no development.

That was like twenty years ago though I guess?? I should play it again and develop a new opinion. But then I remember some of the parts that annoyed me about it and I lose interest. Oh well. I'm sure it's fine.

>> No.6382975
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1 > NV >2

2 has too many pop culture references and stupid stuff for me.
>forced tutorial
>talking animals and xenomorphs
>avellone even admitted that the xenomorphs were throwaway critters modeled at the last minute
>there were even gonna be ghosts but they cut them
>super intelligent martials arts chinks that have anime fights in the street rule san fran and they are enemies with scientologists
>there is a super mutant that can literally summon deathclaws with magic
>did I mention fucking talking rats and deathclaws?
>all skills like throwing and traps are still useless
>the game railroads you into using trash and makes guns impossible to find early on
>new 3D modeled sprites are godawful and stick out like a sore thumb compared to the reused scanned clay model sprites from f1

Overrated meme game.

>> No.6383863


>> No.6383874

The main quest sucks ass. The second half of the main quest anyway. To be fair this problem persists in every fallout game, from 1, 2, 3, to nv, but 2's main quest is the worst.

>> No.6384028

Confirmed for not playing the game at all, since:
The only "animals" that talk happen to be either cyborgs, abnormal mutants or heavily modified deathclaws.
There are ghosts in the game.
There are no anime fights, but I guess it takes to be at least 35 at this point to know what Big Trouble in Little China even is
The only "useless" skill is Outsdoorsman, since it's only useful to avoid combat encounters.
The game doesn't railroad you into anything, nor hides guns away from you, to the point that your statement sounds like you never even reached fucking Klamath, aka played the game for 20 minutes
Literally what?

In other words - get fucked and next time at least give yourself the advantage of playing the game you plan to trash, rather than making bunch of bait-tier claims

Have you tried Tactics? I mean the "plot" is barely there, so go figure, but it's still the biggest offender, at least until 4 is taken into account

>> No.6384063

>Have you tried Tactics?
No, I would never play a fallout game that isn't open world.

Also I'd rather play 4 than NV or 3 or even 1. I think it's the closest thing to the wackiness and light hearted fun of 2.

>> No.6384074

Great game but it's a like a retarded theme park. Every area has a gimmick. Mobster town. Wild west town. Kung fu town. Mutant town. Ghoul town.

>> No.6384916

>Confirmed for not playing the game at all
Cope faggot