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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6294031 No.6294031[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bullet-hells are obscene instant-gratification games.

>> No.6294045

Playing dadshit is more satisfying, especially when you manage to recover from a bullshit checkpoint.

>> No.6294048
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I dont disagree. Love them.

>> No.6294068

If you don't want obscene instant-gratification, play the game of real life. Otherwise, escape to obscene instant gratification. Don't be a deRPGenerate.

>> No.6294080 [DELETED] 

jrpgs are wholesome, delayed-gratification games. I hate them because I have to work, and read and wander around squeezing fun out of them.

bullet hells just lay in front of you with legs spread apart waiting to be fucked. they are the ultimate coomer games.

>> No.6294082

Only on a surface level, once you dig in they demand a lot of patience, appreciation of small gains and persistence which is something zoomers could use more of

>> No.6294094

underneath that is a big, repetitive grind

>> No.6294146

spoiler: you gonna lose in the end

>> No.6294151

It's instant gratification like competitive play or learning to juggle is instant gratification. Which is to say, it is not. You need to train before you can pull off any satisfying and impressive moves.

>> No.6294168 [DELETED] 

>You need to train before you can pull off any satisfying and impressive moves.
Not everyone plays to impress others.

>> No.6294176

Most instant-gratification things require bigger doses and bigger time-sinks to get the same initial effect.

>> No.6294235
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>competitive juggling
>impressive, satisfying juggling moves

>> No.6294242

Juggling is p based ngl

>> No.6294309


>> No.6294663

Shmups in general are all pretty boring, they're basically all the same game with minimal changes between them. There's a reason most homebrew is shmup shovelware.

>> No.6294723

>Shmups in general are all pretty boring
well they're just video games, not much meaning or substance behind them, other than immediate fun

>> No.6294729

this honestly, juggling is pretty cool

>> No.6294905

Is there a game that isn't instant gratification? Even fucking RPG's are since they let you know how much of experience growth you had.

>> No.6295416

>Jarpigs in general are all pretty boring, they're basically all the same game with minimal changes between them.

>> No.6295424

Imagine being so low-iq you can't tell the difference between Sengoku Ace and Gunbird.

>> No.6295976

>they let you know how much of experience growth you had
grinding and working for a reward are not instant-gratification

>> No.6295980 [DELETED] 

>using 2 games that are almost identical to make that point

>> No.6296232

thats the joke

>> No.6296538

>instant gratification

I guess in terms of playing right away, like instant action, but they require extreme dedication and a repetitive, sometimes crushing grind to get good.

>> No.6296547

Can someone name some good bullet hells that aren't 2hu? Preferably SNES games too

>> No.6296560

The SNES game can barely handle 3 enemies on screen how the fuck is it going to handle a bullet hell game

>> No.6296580

how come recca is on the NES?

>> No.6296860

Black coding magic and tons of flickering

>> No.6296889
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Tranny genre, unfortunately battle garegga fans traded their anal virginity for a high ranking replay.

>> No.6296895
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>> No.6296918

why are u guys still mad about cave
and tuhu
and jrpgs for some reason

>> No.6296920

tranny wish posting since you wish every female posted was a queer in girls clothing to cope with your degenerate 5% of the population 41%er lifestyle

>> No.6296930
File: 165 KB, 750x1061, espgaluda-ii-82b41c18-ac4b-4359-a27c-064f70b4ed9-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tranny wish posting since you wish every female posted was a queer in girls clothing to cope with your degenerate 5% of the population 41%er lifestyle
Tranny the genre COPE

>> No.6296940

Remember kids, stick with dadshooters once you touch danmaku. You might as well pump yourself full of estrogen.

>> No.6297168

What? no, you don't get off until you 1CC

>> No.6297173

what is a dadshooter and why is the shooter community so awful when the games are so fun

>> No.6297181

I used to hang out with trannies in Philly sometimes when I was in the punk scene.

They played Darkstalkers on Sega Saturn alot.

>> No.6297189

A lot of trannies are weebs and danmaku is a weeb genre.

>> No.6297242

Reminder: Bananamatic proved garegga and fagawa's shmups in general are kusoge.

>> No.6297263

A lot of normal shooters ran just fine, but thanks for answering my question

>> No.6297264

RPGs are obscene instant-gratification too, compared to life anyway. All games, in fact, are just dopamine hits made much easier than any other one that actually progresses you.

>> No.6297504

cope, "she" has a man voice on his streams

>> No.6297821

Whys this retard so obsessed with trannies and what they play, who gives a shit. Though I guess this is /vr/ so non player fags will talk about everything but the games themselves

>> No.6298932
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>I am a sick man.... I am a spiteful man. I am an unattractive man. I believe my liver is diseased. However, I know nothing at all about my disease, and do not know for certain what ails me.

>> No.6298935
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>> No.6298950


>> No.6298983

Batsugun is the GOAT.

I've also been playing Psyvariar Delta on the switch pretty fun.

>> No.6299141

>Batsugun is the GOAT.
Overrated Ikedashit.

Go play Ikaruga.

>> No.6299149

Ikeda saved shmups.

>> No.6299157

Nice Cave propaganda.

>> No.6299167
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>> No.6299208

There's nothing wrong with instant gratification. /pol/niggers fondly remember the "god old times" which never existed

>> No.6299250 [DELETED] 

saying nigger doesn't make you less effiminate and gay.

>> No.6299256 [DELETED] 


>> No.6299283


>> No.6299291

Based schizo

>> No.6299292

I don't know about the others but the last one is just one seething guy who's trying to force his "jarpig" meme. It's not going very well obviously.

>> No.6299304

Damn Cee really do be like that?

>> No.6299383

Please explain, I’m curious

>> No.6299537

>M-muh /pol/!
Rent free.

>> No.6299542

>You have to play it dead seriously for months on end, hours a day, to even be able to 1CC most bullet-hells
Nah bro, instant gratification would be Mario games. And I'm not saying that's a bad thing at all.

>> No.6299961


>> No.6299972

>bullet hells


>> No.6299979

I don't really care for bullet hell games, I prefer normal shooting games which are objectively the most satisfying genre in video games and appeal to players on an instinctual level. Failure to enjoy them is indicative of deep mental issues. If you require more abstraction you don't play video games for the right reasons.

>> No.6299987
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Bullet hells have no fun middle ground, it's either super boring survival or super autistic scoring.

Thats why I prefer to stick with based dadshit.

>> No.6299997


a few more weeks of not touching your dick and you'll get that girlfriend you've always wanted, just make sure to hide the /pol/ stuff from her for as long as you can

>> No.6300052

Based and redpilled

>> No.6300062

sure look like females to me.... again cope wish post tranny its all you have to hold back the tears over your 5 oclock shadow beard

>> No.6300353

>appealing to the farm
Lmao, all the actually cool dudes left that shithole ages ago.

>> No.6301118

There's nothing satisfying about this shit.