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File: 13 KB, 176x176, Sonic-Adventure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6167796 No.6167796 [Reply] [Original]

>3D Sonic was a mistake
Why we can't just admit SA was the beginning of the end?
A mediocre platform with good graphic (for the time), the very first bad Sonic game.

>> No.6167798

>Why we can't just admit SA was the beginning of the end?
Because Sonic Adventure 2 and the Sonic Riders series are some of the best games ever made, let alone for Sonic.
If you think otherwise, you are a casual.

>> No.6167812

>Sonic Adventure 2
Worst than SA1

>> No.6167819

Nostalgiafag brainlet.

Looks worse, sounds worse, designed worse, plays worse.

>> No.6167876

Whether e-celebs like it or not Adventure and Adventure 2 were received extremely positively on release, they weren't perfect but lots of people liked them and I don't know why that triggers zoomers into this kind of batshit logic. "Come on! Just admit it! COME ON!", there's nothing to admit. It won't be the first 'bad Sonic game' no matter how hard to retroactively try to make it so, hell it wasn't even the first bad Sonic game released in 98.

>> No.6167890


>> No.6167894
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>> No.6167913
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>Sonic Adventure 2 and the Sonic Riders series are some of the best games ever made,

>> No.6167915

Wow you have really opened my eyes, OP. I was just living in denial. I was having fake fun. One might even say artificial fun.

>> No.6167932

>the very first bad sonic game
That was Sonic 1.

>> No.6167938
File: 39 KB, 250x346, Sonic_Blast_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the very first bad Sonic game.

Stupid nigga casuals don't even play all the games from the era they're obbessed with

>> No.6168363

Its just not a good game man i got my first dreamcast and played it as my first game a month ago and came into it with a very neutral stance, never watched a youtube faggots video on it or anything, its just a bad game.

>> No.6168402

t.Nintendrone who never owned a Sega Dreamcast

Sonic Adventure is the best Sonic game ever made. The worst & the first bad Sonic game would definitely be Sonic 3D Blast.

>> No.6168408

That's 8-bit 3d blast or labyrinth, you zoom zoom.

>> No.6168415

I played SA2 on the Gamecube and thought it was a shit game long before YouTube was even a twinkle in your zoomer eye

>> No.6168425

The Gamecube version is inferior to the Dreamcast version.

>> No.6168435


Literally nothing here is a big deal

In fact, it even had MORE content for me not to enjoy - and that really sucks because it was like $20 when I got it and usually the $20 games I got were usually good. (Maximo, Onimusha, etc)

>> No.6168527

Not even true, and anyone who says this exposes themselves as having had no friends growing up to play the multiplayer with.

>> No.6168529


Fucked up the link but still not impressed

>> No.6168530

shit taste zoomer
redundant, I know

>> No.6168553

>muh Nintendo boogeyman
Every time.

>> No.6168647

What year does zoomer begin anyway? I dont agree with the sentiment through that sonic just cant be in 3d or that it just never had that level of intricacy to begin with, i think theres alot of potential for there to be a good game here it just didnt happen, probably because of the state of sega at the time and the rush to get it out to market the game feels very shoddy and slipshod

>> No.6168709

>What year does zoomer begin anyway?
1997 unarguably
autumn 1996 imlo

>> No.6168710

Chao Garden was genius.

>> No.6168716

I haven't played all the way through SA1 in many years, but the only thing that stood out in my mind as being particularly bad was Big the Cat's missions. I did boot the game up and played for a few minutes not too long ago, but I was surprised by how bad some of the animation looked.

>> No.6168864

Just because you don't like something doesn't make it bad though.

I don't like Guilty Gear much and I like Tekken, but GG is still a good game.

Additionally, you need to keep in mind that different games teach you differently and that you won't always mesh with how one game wants you to approach it. A good example is how SA2 is an arcade style score attack game first and a standard platformer second, but it never tells you this at all outside the ranking system. But once you learn to approach it via trial and error, it feels great to go back for high scores with all 6 characters.

A similar case can be made for SA1, except SA1 is more emphasized on physical route choice and optimization in level replays. Which is an emphasis antithetical to anything mario enforces in how it teaches you to approach platformers.

Again, not bad, but innately different.

>> No.6168879

I haven't played this game in over a decade but I remember that I absolutely loved it as a kid.

>> No.6168962

Yeah, but in 2B.

>> No.6168969

Go back to fucking your 3/10 asian whore, Egoraptor.

>> No.6169232

Im 95 so im not a zoomer you lose what do you i have now?

>> No.6169243

I agree i think sonic has far more in common with star fox then mario

>> No.6169295

She's not asian, just retarded and fetal alcohol syndrome.

>> No.6169521

SA is fun and I don't even like Sonic much. it's amusing to abuse the physics and the voice acting makes me laugh. not all games have to be masterpieces, it's okay to enjoy a freddy got fingered instead of an Ordet sometimes.

>> No.6169713

Not him, but I was born in 1982 and I fuck women around your age. Although late 90's kids are clueless about video game systems as old as Dreamcast.

>> No.6170495
File: 8 KB, 200x199, download (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you im into the occult and have a succubus from goddess lilith one of most powerful entities in this universe what do you have to front against that besides lolololololol gtfo back to /x/ schizo?

>> No.6170496

Also what are you talking about dreamcast is a sixth gen console they could have gotten one in 2001

>> No.6171062


>> No.6171071

Because, believe it or not, many of us actually like the game and think it's objectively good.

>> No.6171112
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Live & Learn > Open Your Heart

>> No.6171694

>Adventure and Adventure 2 were received extremely positively on release
This means absolutely nothing.

>> No.6171701
File: 32 KB, 500x308, d4e2fbdbc138f8417d5ba171a616ae04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disparages zoomers while talking about how they first experienced SA2 on the GameCube

>> No.6171703
File: 157 KB, 798x802, 1542861136769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6171719

Sonic Colors was a mistake.

>> No.6171727

not him and haven't played SA or SA2 but I had fun with Sonic riders zero gravity when it was new

>> No.6171748
File: 362 KB, 540x448, 1521895943664.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just dont know how you can honestly say sa1 is an objectively good game. sure sonic playstyle is good but not all of sonic's levels are fun, then there's knuckles and gamma who have potential but are underdeveloped and then tails/amy/big who are all just plain shit and only seem to exist to pad out the game. the music is awesome but the cutscenes are just plain bad even in the original japanese version and the story has pretty much nothing going on. the plot isn't anywhere near complex enough to necessitate the whole 6 different perspectives thing, it easily could have all been told in sonic's story alone. the adventure stages are pretty much just to waste your time if you don't find them charming anymore. the graphics were good at the time but are showing their age. there's the chao system but it's underdeveloped to the point where it's basically unrecognizable from how it appeared in adventure 2. overall adventure can be fun when you're playing on sonic levels yeah but the rest of the game just doesn't hold up very well in my opinion. it's like a 4/10 at best if i want to be generous. to me the fact remains a solid 60% or more of the overall product just plain sucks

>> No.6171764

great post, .05 cents has been put into your SegaNet account

>> No.6171838

>one of the cool Sonic 3D is a mistake

>> No.6171841

Sonic Colors felt great at the time but in retrospect the fact that a good 3/5 of the game is in the weird 2.5D perspective turns me off.

>> No.6171848

I hated em cause I thought riding stupid skateboards down hills through a city with real humans wasn't fucking sonic.

>> No.6171852

I still enjoy Sonic Adventure 1, and nobody can take that away from me.

Sonic Heroes blows though.

>> No.6171873
File: 62 KB, 800x600, 1577411088575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6173382

SA2 is fucking dog shit - it's not good. It's awful. SA1 is poor but at least it has some interesting speed tech.

>> No.6173397

Based. Retard e celeb worshippers have no place on this board.

>> No.6173406

Sonic Adventure 1 was on the Gamecube.
Hell, I think most SA fans played the series on the Gamecube.

>> No.6173664

>Game journalist reviews don't matter until I want them to

>> No.6173683

The very first bad Sonic game was released in 1991.