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File: 954 KB, 831x743, F455B470-AE66-4F0E-9B32-95ECE4780BDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6147049 No.6147049 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6147059

They were probably afraid it looked too much like an angel and could potentially offend certain people.

>> No.6147065

I don’t think they get how much we appreciate their weird take on Christianity. I fucking love that stuff. It gets a little different with Satanic imagery, because that shit soccer moms WILL flip out over, but angels tend to be fine.

>> No.6147073

Wipeout 2097/Wipeout XL

Psygnosis changed the name because one exec was certain Americans were too stupid to understand that 2097 was a year in the future.

>> No.6147353

Nintendo were ridiculous with this shit back in the day.

>> No.6147385

Japanese don't understand exactly what it is about Christian stuff that Americans get worked up about, so in those days when they were even more ignorant about what Americans are like than they are now, they were just trying to be safe.

>> No.6147386

You maybe, but it was being released to the general US public who are notorious for being religiously retarded. It's no surprise they'd change a sprite if it might mean a handful more sales to sensitive burgers.

>> No.6147392

What's ironic is that the religious moms cared more about stuff like depictions of magic (e.g. harry potter is satanic because only god can cause miracles). Turning an angel into "a floating green person" makes it much more "offensive" to them, not less.

>> No.6147457

Thanks, Larry.

>> No.6147527

>also fucked up her dress palette so that it doesn't resemble some sort of judeo-christian biblical dress
christ fuck

>> No.6147550

What version is this? I was under the gumption that the only time Puyo got localized was as Kirby and Sanic reskins.

>> No.6147563

>African-American boxer

>Spanish ninja

which makes less sense

>> No.6147570
File: 44 KB, 250x442, SoR3 pallettes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>switch the black kid and the white guy's outfit colors
although Blaze looks nice

>> No.6147578

Arcade version. It was recently re-released for Nintendo Switch.

>> No.6147654

Extremely rare English arcade version.

Besides that, Puyo Puyo 1 was officially licensed and localized as:
- Puzlow Kids (GameGear) - direct localization included in Puyo Puyo 1 Game Gear when used on non-JP carts
- Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (GEN/GameGear)
- Kirby's Avalanche (SNES)
- Qwirks (Mac)
- Bug Drop, in Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games (PC versions only)

Then SNK localized Puyo Puyo 2 on the NGP Color.
That was it.

>> No.6147682

I'm trying to remember, they didn't even change the cutscenes to accommodate did they? SoR3 is like a fever dream of bizarre choices, especially with how neutered the plot got.

>> No.6147683

Tons of changes in German Nintendo games of the NES/SNES era that were mostly due to the translator being a massive hack that would rather put in some attempts at creating memes than actually give a fuck.

It's especially baffling in Lufia 2 but not because of the censorship iteslf but how it ended up fucking the tilesets of important plot locations among other things to the point where one has to wonder just how the hell it even ended up in stores in that state.
It must've been a MASSIVE rushjob since they didn't even manage to remove all crosses in the game and the ones in the tileset for when Gordovan gets destroyed are still there.

>> No.6147685

Japanese didn’t want to make the Christians mad because back then America was still highly religious and parents and politicians alike were always looking for excuses to moral harangue on the basis of religion. That’s why Nintendo back then had a no religious symbolism in games, hence why the non Japanese Castlevania games had crosses and the like removed (bloodlines aside because SEGA doesn’t give a fuck).

Same thing is happening today except with sexuality, now sjw types (for lack of a better term) are haranguing about Japanese games that have anything remotely sexy in them, so now all the Japanese publishers are censoring the western copies of games.

Anyway, that games has an angel in it, that was a big no no back then.

>> No.6147901

Wasn't that Puyo 2?

>> No.6147905

>because SEGA doesn’t give a fuck
lol no, all big three publishers then (sega, nintendo, nec) had rules against direct religious references, and then many sony third parties still did it (silhouette mirage, star ocean 2, xenogears...)

as for sega, Christian crusaders in Exile were renamed in both its genesis and tg-16 versions, pentagrams removed from Lunar, and the plot of Soleil/Crusader of Centy (and any crosses) heavily butchered in the US but not the Euro translation. Then there was an attempt on the DreamCast to localize Black Matrix, a SMT-wannabe SRPG, but the highly irreverent religious-themed undertones of the anime plot caused an external force (sega? publisher? retailers?) to force a cancellation.

That was because of a moral panic about satanist cults sacrificing children lured by Dungeon & Dragon board games and novels.

>Same thing is happening today except with sexuality
What's happening today is arguably worse. The censorship net is cast far wide than just illegal digital lolis or boobs, now even "problematic interactions reinforcing gender roles" such as "You are talented at cooking! I didn't know you hid that feminine side to you behind your cold exterior" said by another woman in the same situation, as a compliment, or as sony put it in their words, anything that's "out of place in a post #metoo era". Super Seducer is a pickup artist visual novel that does all the cautionary talk against problematic sexist behavior right, and it still got pulled BY SONY one day after release because some journalist on twitter complained that the idea of pickup culture dating is, by itself, problematic. Meanwhile they allow woke child porn in Life Is Strange 2.

What happens now, it's is out of the publisher's hand entirely, and rating boards no longer protect them. Your game can be arbitrarily banned if it has any "problematic" content. We had wooden swords, wedding dresses, navels and bad endings for villains can be "problematic". Now what?

>> No.6148003
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>> No.6148023
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Is this a puyopuyo thread?

>> No.6148032

No, puyoposting goes here >>6138015

>> No.6148054

europe doesn't want to play as buff goebbles / hitler

>> No.6148094


>> No.6148119


>> No.6148137
File: 276 KB, 466x354, fg20.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao I never knew about that. I'm still mad they took away Hulk Hogan's mustache and made Bruce Lee a Korean in the sequel.

>> No.6148150

Slowpoke's belly lines in Silver.

>> No.6148192
File: 16 KB, 284x284, Sistermon_Ciel_b-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digimon in 2018 (self) censored a Nun with crucifix guns because of the Christians here. But they have literal Angel's and Lucifer like SMT and shit. They had them during the satanic panic on fox fucking kids. I will never understand it.

Incidentally it was designed by someone who did a lot of classic Pokemon card art.

>> No.6148225

>Americans were more religious in the 80s-90s
>so we, uh, remove religious imagery from games?
There's some kind of logical disconnect here.

>> No.6148362

>That was because of a moral panic about satanist cults sacrificing children lured by Dungeon & Dragon board games and novels.
that moral panic peaked in the early-mid 80s but yeah it had an effect on things for a long time

>> No.6148380

I think it was more like the Japanese had a lot of satanic shit in their games (just becasue it looked cool), got a few moral-panic related complaint letters/news reports from the US in the mid 80s, then decided "we don't get their culture so we'll just take anything we can determine is related to christian religion out of our games just to play it safe"

>> No.6148574

The SJW's are infinitely worse than the religious soccer mom's ever were. The soccer mom's just wanted the content to be labelled. The SJW's want it out-right removed, history re-written, and the entire industry over-turned. Fuck SJW's.

>> No.6148770

cool dude

>> No.6148787

Wasn't a problem for Rush 2049 or whatever. Americans might be 'stupid', but we don't need IDs to buy plastic picnic cutlery.

>> No.6148879
File: 27 KB, 300x411, outrun2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno man maybe I'm a brainlet but this shit is legit confusing at points

>> No.6148882

They still have to yank out anything that looks like a Nazi for the yuros due to German law.

>> No.6148917

>tfw they didn't remake that last year

>> No.6148927

Looks more like Rommel

>> No.6148935

Says who? The jews?

>> No.6149085


We want to, but Germany pretends WW2 never happened.
it's like having 3 brothers aged 16 but we can't play Mortal Kombat because mom feels we shouldn't play games that our 10 year old sister can't play.
Germany being that annoying fucking kid here that keeps the rest of us from enjoying the good stuff.

>> No.6149101

That nun looks like marill.

>> No.6149123

It's surprising because the European AES/MVS version still has the original. So it's not like we were unaware of him...

>> No.6149140

I think the problem lies in the person WHO thought that muricans were that stupid...

>> No.6149889
File: 445 B, 56x56, Pokemon_Gold_and_Silver_(J)_Swimmer_F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No winky faces in western releases of pokemon. I guess winks are just too damn sexual for non-jap children to tolerate.

>> No.6149902

Even if you don't always agree with Christfags, at least they mean well and believe they're saving you. SJWs seek only to destroy.

>> No.6149905
File: 633 KB, 1441x1080, black twink fucks old chink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like silver blaze and axel's black pants more desu, the other changes in sor3 suck shit though

>> No.6149957

Is "here" the US? Because those mean ol' KKKristians haven't held any power or relevance in the US for 20 years.

>> No.6149970 [DELETED] 

They censored it because Jews don't want you to accept Christ, anon.

>> No.6149981

more places than the US exist and are full of christians
like the entire third world
i remember getting some cigarettes from the philippines that are usually called 'black devil' but were changed to 'black bat' because of all the catholics

>> No.6149982

Mexico is very conservative and Catholic and a lot of things would also get censored here for same reason.

>> No.6150040
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>> No.6150293
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Same game.

>> No.6150307

This one seems more an improvement desu. Like fuck yeah I'd play a golf game with robots.

>> No.6150316

>woke child porn

>> No.6150327 [DELETED] 


>> No.6150406

what? "soccermoms" (conservative boomers) were calling pokemon the spawn of the devil ie all evil itself back in the late 90s. no need to revise history to scapegoat it with a more modern boogieman

>> No.6150408
File: 630 KB, 2208x1242, 2719C1F0-C454-4DF9-B2C5-DF64EA875526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They removed most of the dialogue, and changed a lot of other stuff just because.

>> No.6150939
File: 163 KB, 995x995, 69209997_2644113395613342_4097476766210892629_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I even start

>> No.6150973
File: 62 KB, 702x770, Ristar changes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ristar have a few
No I'm not gonna say the fact that they made him look pissed off, cause at least that does make some sense.
They changed the story a bit, for example they removed the sprite of that Green Star Goddess in the Mega Drive/Genesis version, but not the Game Gear version. Also they changed the ending in the US version where Ristar is greeted by his father, who looks like a huge Ristar. I find that cliché to be honest.
One other change is that they changed the boss's appearance to remove the reference of the Japanese idiom that someone is said to have a cat's tongue if they don't like hot food. Why the hell did they go through all that effort to change a reference that people wouldn't get, I mean the boss looked fine as a cat monster thing, it's not like people are going to make fun of the game for having a cat monster as boss when the main character is a star with limbs.

>> No.6151015


He's referring to the fact that the main characters are under the age of consent and have several (homoerotic as well as straight shota) sex sequences. One with a dirty older hippy girl, and another with a dirty older hippy boy.

(These scenes are not censored).

>> No.6151016
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>> No.6151019

Reminds me of that "Tintin in America" eurocomic that had all of its blacks changed to whities for the north american translation, because the publisher had... particular "opinions" about black people, even in a gangster setting in the traditional stereotype role for black people they can't mix with whites.

>> No.6151789
File: 184 KB, 1008x1435, Hermann-Goring-Storm-Troopers-1933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is more likely based on Göring. Unlike Hitler and Goebbels, he had a buff appearance (under right angles) in earlier years and often wore full parade military uniform. On the other hand Hitler preferred lighter outfits and Goebbels was a goofy looking civilian.

>> No.6151874

Spoiler: Regional changes / localisation NEVER makes sense. Culture is culture, it hurts no one to learn about another culture and so on.

>> No.6151889

This kinda makes sense in the fact that obviously a Japanese golf celebrity isn't going to to be known outside of Japan, so they changed it to something "cool" to attract customers. The real why comes from why even bother localizing a game like that in the first place.

>> No.6151891

This is untrue in my experience. Everyone I knew, no matter how religious their parents were, had Pokemon cards/games/vhs etc. I even remember a soccer mom saying the anime was wholesome, even if odd.
The only negative I remember seeing was the media calling it "virtual cockfighting" a couple times and no one seemed to care. And that one South Park episode.
I feel like you're just trying to cover for sjws, who are, as the other poster said, far worse, at least in my lifetime. And sjw apologists are almost always sjws themselves.

>> No.6151895

To add, it was doom that caught shit, to my memory, and that seemed to be less of a religious thing and more of a violence thing, especially after Colombine.
And, unlike the sjws that infected the industry through quota hires, those people never got the game or it's sequels censored in the US.

>> No.6152020

that's just your personal, probably biased experience. it doesn't speak for the general attitudes of these people or their influence. if everyone was online back then like they are now their presence would be just as known as any sjw's

there's no such thing as an "sjw quota" either. did you pick up that brainworm from /v/ or funnyjunk or something?

>> No.6152030

This is how you know poltards dont play the shit they complain about

Character isnt underage by that point in the story, neither hipster are that older than them and theres no sex scene for the homo (and you see two seconds of boobs for the girl)

>> No.6152036

1. that first game looks awfully British. Why would the British make a basketball game?

2. while I never played the game, all I dimly remember about Bill Laimbeer as a basketball player was that he'd play rough and start fights so that's actually fitting and funny

>> No.6152040

Sounds like I hit a nerve.
Yes, it's my personal experience, as well as many others, as opposed to your utterly fabricated and absolutely biased statement.
No, but there are quotas for young women, who make up 99% of sjws, whom can only get jobs in worthless positions like HR, PR, or as """idea guys""" on the writing team, fucking with the final product while others do the real work. It's always subversion and destruction with you types, never creation.
It's pretty obvious you are a woman and sjw yourself, what with taking offense at the term "soccer mom", who were women with nothing better to do, much like most sjws, and calling sjws a "boogeyman" when they've negatively impacted the industry far more than the Bible thumpers could have ever hoped to. I'm not defending them either; I'm agnostic, and they were a pain.
But despite your pitiable efforts, you stick out here like a sore thumb. Back you go.

>> No.6152046

but can you imagine having a video game featuring you, but then being replaced by a fucking robot in Europe for some reason?

ow, my sense of self-worth...

>> No.6152050

if i was an old fart japanese golfer i would find great to be turned into a mecha

>> No.6152051
File: 58 KB, 480x360, ristar_the_mass_murdering_star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What also made no sense was removing "the Shooting Star" from the title screen and leaving an awkward blank space

>> No.6152092

I have 3 explanations for this shit:
1. America is a cancerous place, christians raped america at its very core, back when Texas was all about cowboys, now its a place full of religionfags.
Fuck american "soccer" mons and fuck religious scumbags, if you seethe over a angel in vidya, then do the world's favor, get a life.
2. Nintendo tries to pretend the whole happening, not the seething part, the oporsite.
To not invest american children to join their cults, so they decide to hide religion stuff, just to not brainwash them.
3. Some localizer from Nintendo is a shizo retard, i mean look at Actraiser.

>> No.6152104

Christians don't get offended by depictions of angels, or the hardcore ones wouldn't have them covering half their interior.
NoA was just pants on head when it came to censorship. It's the reason Poison was sold as a hermaphrodite to the US; they were worried people would be offended by the idea of fighting a full blown woman.

>> No.6152112

Actually, I guess poison was Capcom themselves. Same principle, though. Japs walked on eggshells because they weren't sure what would offend us.

>> No.6152175


>> No.6152190

but they were ok with the intro sequence of Double Dragon where the baddies punch Billy Lee's girlfriend

>> No.6152194

Why did Pokemon replace Brock with some gay 80s aerobics nerd in Season 2? They somehow convinced themselves that because Brock had slanty eyes, Americans would think he was an offensive Asian stereotype.

>> No.6152206

It can't be any worse than Yurop banning the word "ninja."

>> No.6152207

They brought him back later on, though.

>> No.6152214

Actually the anime as a whole was watered down after Season 1 with tamer jokes, not as much slapstick, and less experimentation after they realized it was going to be broadcast internationally.

>> No.6152221

Britbongs, to be exact.

>> No.6152249

pretty sure it wasn't even banned, just some moral panic shit
tmnt became hero turtles but i distinctly remember having ninja power rangers toys

>> No.6152274

>that potentially awesome Indiana Jones adventure game we never got because it would get censored in Germany

>> No.6152295

Again, this is about the Japs playing it overly better-safe-than-sorry, not the actual reaction that the original would have elicited from the West.

>> No.6152298

>one no name televangelist
C'mon, even 99% of Christian's know those guys are money grubbers that play it up for the crazies.

>> No.6152302

I wasn't aware. Who the fuck watched past first season?

>> No.6152363

Rocket Ranger
You are the hero with a jetpack and fight nazis who built a base on the moon.
For the German version, all nazi related story elements were removed and the nazis were turned into an alien race called The Leutonians. Probably intentionally close to the word Leutnant/Lieutenant. There's other amusing parts like "aliens" flying around in WW2 planes and zeppelins with removed swastika markings, and aliens wearing German uniforms.
These changes made no sense because nazis clearly were the enemy and no nazi ideals or symbolism was glorified, but early 90s laws were very strict in that regard. Showing a swastika in a videogame meant instant ban. You couldn't purchase it anywhere, not under the counter, no mail order and if you drove to the Netherlands to purchase it over there and got caught at the still existing border, you committed a felony.
The Amiga was really popular in Germany, and this is probably why Cinemaware even made this version and didn't just say fuck it, we're not releasing it.

>> No.6152364

I remember Season 1 was the only one I liked, never thought at the time that there were external reasons for the show getting shittier as it went on

>> No.6152370

To b e fair the english logo is snazzier at least

>> No.6152381
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I disagree, it's the same but now with "Ristar" looking off-center thanks to the empty space

I'm at a loss as to why they got rid of "the shooting star", Columbine hadn't even happened yet

>> No.6152397

You have many subsets of christianity who disagree on a million things. Some people don’t think God should be depicted, some people don’t believe Jesus was hung on a cross but rather a pole, some don’t think Jesus had long hair as often depicted, and some people will take offense to their religious figures being depicted alongside supernatural beings (being occultism). Anything is blasphemous if you ask the right person.

>> No.6152417

>some journalist on twitter complained that the idea of pickup culture dating is, by itself, problematic.

I will never understand how pickup is seen as any different than meeting a woman naturally. It’s like they gave human interaction a new name and suddenly it’s eeeevil.

Like you can’t go up to a woman in hopes of getting laid, everything from introdution to sex has to be complete chance and without intent. If not, well that’s borderline rape you evil predatory scumbag.

>> No.6152421 [DELETED] 

it reminds me of that discussion on Lemon64 about those shitty German C64 BASIC games where you manage a concentration camp. usually made by edgy teens who'd pass out cassette copies to kids on the playground. there was one called KZ Simulator and another called Hitler Diktator which was a hack of some other game.

>> No.6152430

it reminds me of that discussion on Lemon64 about those shitty German C64 BASIC games where you manage a concentration camp. usually made by edgy teens who'd pass out cassette copies to kids on the playground. there was one called KZ Manager and another called Hitler Diktator which was a hack of some other game. as well as one called Judentod. if you live in Germany it's illegal to distribute any such game and can carry up to 5 years in prison.

>> No.6152440

Not the guy you’re replying to, but you are a dumbshit. There has been a shitload of religious outrage over Pokemon, not just in the US, and it doesn’t matter that your sheltered existence didn’t cross paths with it. I’ve met not only Christians, but everything from Muslims to Jehovas Witnesses who didn’t allow Pokemon in their household.

>> No.6152446 [DELETED] 

Based: The Thread XD

>> No.6152456 [DELETED] 

No need to project, trigglet.
I'm only talking about in the states. Were there Christian against it? Yes, a small amount. Were there non Christian's against it? Yes, a small amount.
Acting like there was some widespread Christian cabal conspiring against Pokemon is as retarded as you are.
My scout troop and school banned Pokemon cards, not even allowed during down time, yet my church didn't care (no longer religious) as long as you didn't do it during service.
Calm down and tip your fedora elsewhere, reddit.

>> No.6152476 [DELETED] 

>I'm only talking about in the states.
Moving the goalpost, great job

>Were there Christian against it? Yes, a small amount. Were there non Christian's against it? Yes, a small amount.
You have no idea of the amount, and it was obviously significant enough that people noticed.

>Acting like there was some widespread Christian cabal conspiring against Pokemon is as retarded as you are.
I didn’t say any such thing

>My scout troop and school banned Pokemon cards, not even allowed during down time, yet my church didn't care (no longer religious) as long as you didn't do it during service.
But no one mentioned churches until you did, you fucking retard. We’re talking about households, what families did in their home.

>> No.6152483 [DELETED] 

I was only ever talking about the US. Y'know, the place with the most Christian's exposed to Pokemon in the world. Sorry if that wasn't clear enough for you, retard.
It was not significant. It was maybe 1% of the outrage caused by things like MK.
You defended the person that said such thing.
Suddenly you're not talking about religion when the discussion centered on religion to begin with. So you were projecting about the goalposts.
Way to go, dumbass. Now fuck off.

>> No.6152485

>They were probably afraid it looked too much like an angel and could potentially offend certain people.

Makes no sense considering the final boss is literally a dude with horns named Satan.

>> No.6152486 [DELETED] 

>you should be able to read my thoughts, so I didn’t move the goalpost!!
>more ass-pulled percentages
>Christians have nothing to do with religion reeee
Holy fuck you are dumb.

>> No.6152487 [DELETED] 

Cool strawman, bro. Take the L with what little dignity you have intact.

>> No.6152494
File: 89 KB, 418x600, decapattack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What made no sense is this localization.

>> No.6152498

Lol nigga yall are anonymous, like how tf can you lose dignity here.

>> No.6152507 [DELETED] 

One can be looked down upon and lose self respect (if not shameless) even when anonymous. It's not like virtue signalling where it needs to confer a long term acceptance and promise of conformity within a social group to apply. But I can understand your confusion.

>> No.6152596

Nah it makes total sense. No one in USA knew the anime it was based off, and morbid characters are edgy and sell themselves. The only thing that doesn't make sense is why his torso has eyes

>> No.6152797

As someone who grew up in the Bible belt, I don't understand this. No one would've gotten offended at a little baby angel, or crosses on tombstones, and all the other dumb things Nintendo of America and Sega of America (but mostly the former) changed back then. No even said anything about the cross on Link's shield, unless they were so militantly anti-religious that it bothered them.

And as for depictions of the devil, America's got The Devil Went Down to Georgie, little angels and devils appearing on people's shoulders in cartoons to represent the characters' conscience, and so many other cultural depictions of Christian iconography that it just smacks of absurdity that they ever thought it was worth paying an artist to redraw or erase these things in video games.

>> No.6152812
File: 76 KB, 640x480, arcade raid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What game is that?

>> No.6152814

It was just a generic German officer. His name is even pronounced "Broken" because he's a robot.

>> No.6152827


Don't forget that the guys in charge of public relations were enormous pussies, I remember reading this one interview with a.. Nintendo? Sega? employee who once got an angry phone call from this person complaining about how HE WAS 100% SURE YOU COULD SEE E-HONDA'S BALLS IN SF2!!!!
so the guy is like "well I didn't know, for all I knew the developers put that in and it got triggered by some random event, so i apologized profoundly and told the man that we'd look into it."
These days nothing seems to faze people anymore, but back in the day.. pfffff they dreaded every complainer call.

>> No.6152856 [DELETED] 

You're the one who lost, though. That's why you haven't refuted anything, and several people have told you that you're wrong.

>> No.6152857

>5 year sentence
>for playing a game
Holy shit, that's fucked.
Not gonna lie, a well made concentration/gulag/pow camp sim sounds like it could be fun, no offense, Jews or anyone else. I loved prison architect.
Add a prisoner mode where you try to survive and escape. As an SS camp director, try to destroy evidence against the timer when the allies come, and hope it's not the Soviets. If the Soviets do come, you're force into survive/escape as prisoner mode in the gulag DLC, which you can also warden as a commie. If you get captured by the US, you go to trial; if you win there, you get transferred to a prison more like architect.
I can't wait for the Japanese internment DLC.

>> No.6152860

google says "tough guy"

>> No.6152859 [DELETED] 

Ok, samefag.

>> No.6152861 [DELETED] 

lmao pathetic.

>> No.6152862 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6152863

You must get permission from the federal government for any use or distribution of Nazi imagery, writings, etc and of course they only tend to approve it for serious scholarly/educational use. So no your chances of getting permission for a video game are as good as nil.

>> No.6152865 [DELETED] 


>> No.6152869

Thank you, GIS gave me nothing. Interesting stuff. I wonder how many games feature Hitler. Total Carnage has him as the last boss, which was a surprise, then there's Bionic Commando..

>> No.6152872

I live in burgerland. The laws really don't come down on us as hard when it comes to stuff like that because of the 1st. Not that I plan on making a pow camp game, but it sounds like it has potential.

>> No.6152878 [DELETED] 

t. Burger choking to death on an illegal Kinder egg.

>> No.6152891

>number of recorded child deaths due to kinder eggs in Europe
I don't even agree with the law, I'm just saying. They just replaced it with a kinder egg that had a plastic shell in the middle too big to swallow with the toy inside, so you had to take a couple more seconds to open it.

>> No.6152901

The US is rather unique from most countries in the world in the ironclad protection given for freedom of speech/religion/the press. Many countries have various restrictions on what they consider socially harmful subject matter or things that could "damage" the national culture or character.

>> No.6152908

I just GIS'd "arcade Gerdon" fyi
Google is your friend

>> No.6152917

>Google is your friend
Certainly not, but I appreciate the heads-up.

>> No.6152919

Wikipedia only mentions that the toys inside the egg were the problem, not the egg itself. The egg hazard they can get around by putting a hole in the egg, the same way pen caps have holes now in case they are swallowed. But no one gives a shit enough to do it.

>> No.6152923


>> No.6152928

Goddamn I'm riled up now. Like let's worry about the toy and ignore the fact that toy or not, the foil could be choked on. Lets just ban everything to be sure.

>> No.6152937
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>> No.6152943

It basically comes down to ignorance, not stupidity, if I'm being kind. Many parents may not have realized the "surprise" is the toy, nor did the child realize as he/she ate it.
That said, the original kinder egg was banned in the US due to a law from the 30s, not in reaction to kinder eggs themselves. The kinder egg didn't come out until ~40 years after the law.

>> No.6152970

I feel like Japan would find right more appealing.

>> No.6152987 [DELETED] 

The internet becoming an increasingly policed space does not bode well for us Americans, I think, since it has basically replaced the public square and more private locations. You can't whisper over drinks here, like you could in the pubs where the revolutionaries planned to throw off the British yoke. Big Brother is always watching.
Bet I'm listed for that one. YOLO.

>> No.6153035

Winky faces made me pre as a child.

>> No.6153052

I find the fact that they painted the cat brown and called him a bear the most baffling.

>> No.6153067

>Probotector's Retirement

>> No.6153071

You can't blame Japan for censoring mochi in the Pokemon dub and claiming it's a donut, that was 4Kids.

>> No.6153073


>> No.6153104

You really need to stop posting here, i see your underage& ass shitting up threads left and right for weeks now.

>> No.6153285

They were onigiris

>> No.6153793

That's extremely unlikely.

>> No.6153798

Evangelicals were losing their shit at Doom and Diablo, and those still sold gangbusters in Burgerland, and you're entirely ignoring the rampant success of heavy metal music, going back way earlier than any of these games and making insane amounts of sales.

You don't at all understand the religious landscape in North America.

>> No.6153810

Wasn't Wolfenstein: Youngblood released there uncensored recently?

>> No.6153836 [DELETED] 

Please die, juden.

>> No.6153838

So 3th option.

I have bodyhairs nigger.

>> No.6153885

They hurriedly swapped the names around because they were afraid of legal consequences about Mike Bison (now Balrog) being too similar to Mike Tyson.
You KNOW this, it wasn't about what made the most sense in the game, it was about what made the most sense for not getting sued and/or beaten up by the world's most powerful Giganigga.

That's completely false, there was no shortage of religious fundies who wanted to outlaw this or that.
Al and Tipper Gore would have locked up Dee Snyder in jail if they thought they could do it and get away with it.

Cry more about it you fragile bitch.

>> No.6153886

This was overturned or greatly eased up on in 2018.

>> No.6153936

That sounds controversial and novel, I'd love to play it. If you have tight management sim gameplay combined with the cold hard truth, it could be great.

There should be game modes for not just Nazi deathcamps and Commie gulags, but also modes about Unit 731, the Armenian genocide, the Holodomor, the Uyghur organ harvesting, etc.

When playing as the captors, you should have a ticker showing various thoughts from guards and personnel, not knowing from who, the purpose being to find out what to develop.
As they get more traumatized from the cruel and brutal killing they're carrying out, you can develop to try to dehumanize the inmates more and inspire more hatred, and you can develop 'cleaner' methods of execution.
For instance, the Nazis initially would dig large mass graves to put victims into, then shoot down at them as they were lying there, this was a very inefficient method that would cause slow death and lead to the targets often being maimed and buried alive, which had a profoundly traumatizing impact on basically all the workers. The gas chambers were developed with the idea of making the executions quicker, cleaner, and more humane, and have far less psychological impact on guards and operators, as they were much more physically removed from the violence and making it look much less gruesome and visceral.
There should also be special characters for special operations, generally emotionally blind sociopaths like Josef Mengele and Vasily Blohkin, assets essentially who can coldly carry out cruel and gutwrenching research without being fazed, or who can personally execute hundreds of people in a day and it's just like chopping lumber to them.

After the session ends, it should highlight consequences and following injustices, such as how fags were afterwards imprisoned for being fags after being freed from German concentration camps, or how the people who ran Unit 731 all got away scot free for all the horrible crimes they committed.

>> No.6153940

It should also be very well researched and matter of fact about it too, dispel the nonsense myths about human skin lampshades, barcodes, and burning bodies down to ash, and rationalizations like gulags just being normal labor camps.
The actual stuff that happened is the real horror of it.
>inb4 various denialisms

>> No.6153941

Oh yeah, the Boer concentration camps and the Great Leap Forward would be good modes, the last one probably having some minor grand strategy elements.

>> No.6153945 [DELETED] 

>The gas chambers were developed
Please die, you disinformation spreading kike.

>> No.6153946 [DELETED] 

How about they dispel the notion of death camps entirely? Y'know, since jews always accuse you of what they're actually doing (the gulags).

>> No.6153964

Mystic Quest had angels that appeared when you used revive.

>> No.6154086 [DELETED] 

There we go. Don't worry you crybaby, dry away your tears, there's place for Israel's own warcrimes too.

>> No.6154087 [DELETED] 
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lol, hurt wehraboo feelings

>> No.6154090


>> No.6154098

Because it's a distortion of the truth, to a point.

Not for all of Europe, this would depend on distribution, in fact most games with Nazi imagery in them weren't censored in most games, you could get Wolfenstein 3D, Doom 2, and the uncensored Indiana Jones SCUMM games just fine.

More than 20 years if we're gonna be real.

>> No.6154108

Same. As mentioned in another post I actually in the Bible Belt (in a rural town that's like 50% Catholic 50% Protestant) and I never saw much of the so-called hysteria over Pokemon. That fedorfags still like to wheel out anecdotes of this happening as if it were some late 90s resurgence of the Satanic Panic is just baffling to me.

>> No.6154109


Probably because parents who genuinely thought pokémom cards were black magic, were loud minorities who most kids didn't experience firsthand.

It's like those gay conversion camps, they were never a common thing, you hear about it because it's so absurd.

>> No.6154115

clearly because despite calling it "harpy" it's modeled after an angel which went against most game console manufacturers' approval guidelines in the west

>> No.6154123

It's not entirely fabricated, there were some crazy people who thought Pikachu was the devil, it's just that most Christians aren't lunatics, so it was never a common occurrence.

For example, Doom was thought by some fundies as promoting Satanism (absurd, considering it's a game fully dedicated to violently opposing Satan), and in Utah, ergo Mormonville, nobody gave a shit about that (at least the Satan stuff), and that's a VERY Christian region.

>> No.6154137

This, I just watched a playthrough this weekend, and it was completely tame. The fist game with all the little girl underwear and Max's shower scene was more risque. Still fine.

>> No.6154146

>America is cancer meme
I hope the women in your family were good sleeves for those Christian madmen

>> No.6154150 [DELETED] 

Burn in hell, kikes.

>> No.6154213

Oh no, degenerate Hell-bound heathens will be offended!

Good, fuck em, they made their choice.

>> No.6154310

Wasn't Headdy so piss-easy in Japan that Treasure themselves approved of upping the difficulty for the US release?

>> No.6154326

none of this is true lol

>> No.6154327

They did the same about Working Designs' changes to Silhouette Mirage.

>> No.6154354

So basically, Treasure feels like their games aren't ball-busting enough on the initial release and take any excuse to crank them up more, which works well with the US market as they can say they're making them too hard for clearing on a rental.

>> No.6154359

The tengu was removed from the American release of SOTN because "tHeY mIgHt NoT gEt ThE rEfErEnCe".

Meanwhile what average joe knows Count Orlock?

>> No.6154365

>The tengu was removed from the American release of SOTN because "tHeY mIgHt NoT gEt ThE rEfErEnCe".
No big loss since it's just a head-swapped Demon familiar, and the Pixie is just a recolored Faerie.

The big change as a result was putting a (pre-Crissaegrim) game-breaking Holy Sword in one of the familiar card's place.

>> No.6154383
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>> No.6154389

>The only thing that doesn't make sense is why his torso has eyes

He has his face in his torso, and his normal punch is extending his neck forward to headbutt enemies. The skull is just a prop he uses to throw around.

>> No.6154396

Is it bad that I want a Headdy hack that keeps the US difficulty, but also the storyline and graphics of the Japan version (i.e. Maruyama and not "Trouble Bruin")?

>> No.6154478
File: 144 KB, 220x165, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a huge Bill Laimbeer fan, so I'd rent the shit out of that game all the time and laugh my ass off. He coaches/coached some WNBA team and they were the dirtiest players out there and actually kinda fun to watch for a bit.

>> No.6154723

This post says a lot about our society.

The chances of people knowing who Count Olrox was supposed to be was probably higher for a westerner than knowing some Japanese stand-up comedian who had never toured or been marketed outside of Japan.

I remember that just barely, I was growing up right at the tail end of that, so I remember Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles being called Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles.
It wasn't censored legally here, but I guess the localizers here felt pressured to go along with it.

>> No.6154992 [DELETED] 

>It wasn't censored legally here
Which country?

>> No.6155126

Sweden. At least I'm pretty sure it wasn't. I did remember hearing that Power Rangers was taken off the air because some kid kicked some other kid to death or something.
Power Rangers is pretty fucking tame from what I can recall seeing, so it strikes me as very quaint.

>> No.6155127


>> No.6155192 [DELETED] 

The only thing you can accuse pickup artists of is being really cringe. If you've ever seen someone who's been trying to learn the pickup artist stuff and is trying to talk to women, it's a really horrible sight, the shit doesn't work.

>> No.6155204 [DELETED] 

Wasn't the one known instance of that a super fat British kid who tried to eat the egg whole?

>> No.6155216 [DELETED] 

Sweden is cuck central, and you stupid faggots deserve every indignity that the jews gave you. You spineless faggots.

>> No.6155227 [DELETED] 

Someone is angry!

>> No.6155232 [DELETED] 

Maybe if someone in your faggot country got angry, you could avoid obliteration!

>> No.6155321 [DELETED] 

You're a jew.

>> No.6155334
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Have no idea why they changed this one.

>> No.6155339 [DELETED] 

I wish, jews have money.

>> No.6155346

nazi symbols ban in germany?

>> No.6155353
File: 314 KB, 549x442, totally not hitler on nes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no such ban in the USA, though. The guy shown is the bad guy in the game and Hitler still shows up in the game as obviously Hitler, so it's legitimately a bit bizarre.

>> No.6155368
File: 244 KB, 499x310, eva auf widhersen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was gonna say that maybe Nintendo Of America thought outright showing and depicting Hitler and Nazism would be too heavy of a subject in a game marketed towards kids, but then I remember that you get to see Adolf Hitler's face explode, and very graphically too, like you were playing Wolfenstein 3D.

>> No.6155376

Ha. I've never seen your gif related before. Nice graphics for gore at the time.

>> No.6155380 [DELETED] 

EPic. UPVOTEd beoyond belife.

>> No.6155381 [DELETED] 


>> No.6155395
File: 36 KB, 530x354, D25AD4A4-C26D-47D5-84DD-C70EC2F87A73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The localization team probably weren’t fans of Cesar Chavez.

>> No.6155396


>> No.6155405

extremely fitting though

>> No.6155406

The Moral Majority did not try to rewrite history books and try to shout down and boycott every movie they disagreed with. In the late 80s and 90s, and even through the first half of the 00s you could still make movies and games about men rescuing scantily clad women without snowflakes publishing hit pieces on you and trying to get you “cancelled”. I would unironically go back to Tipper Gore freaking out and video game violence and dirty rap music than the current SJW climate we have in a heartbeat.

>> No.6155412

>Tipper Gore freaking out and video game violence and dirty rap music
*freaking out about

>> No.6155450

None of what you said is based in reality. Go outside.

>> No.6155463

because its a good game, if all they have to change is the main character to appeal to a more mass world audience, then ok.

>> No.6155468

Doom mortal kombat and night trap were the big ones for 'going to far' at the time.

>> No.6155471

I had friends who had parents who did this shit. they also beat their kids into submission that they would call home to ask permission to drink water.

Fucking hate their dad and honestly just waiting for him to die in the front lawn but no one calls for help for a bit too long... he isn't well liked.

>> No.6155481

It actually happened, whether or not it made sense

>> No.6155487

its a better be safe then sorry approach, parents at the time were buying games for kids, who were the majority gamers at the time, and if you are appealing to parents as this is THE toy to get, then you do what you have to

>> No.6155668

Funny enough, that guy got in trouble for embezzling money from his church to fund a painkiller addiction. His name was Phil Arms.

At any rate most of the batshit televangelists shifted their crazy-pandering to end-times prophecies over the past 20 years.

>> No.6155732
File: 258 KB, 714x1000, ristar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese version always superior
Fuck that cringey ass "Muh father" story

>> No.6155740
File: 19 KB, 260x226, Ristar - The Shooting Star (Japan).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually the same(pic related). Not sure where >>6152051 got that image from it seems to have wierd font and a pink line...it also has a 1994 copyright which is weird.
Also check video below to confirm I'm not bullshitting you.

Japanese version looks much better.
It was idiotic that they removed the subtitle.

>> No.6156091

>some Japanese stand-up comedian
A tengu is a bird demon in Japanese mythology.

I caught some Power Rangers on TV, it showed one of the villains walking through the park with his groceries, minding his own business, not causing a single problem, and the Power Rangers show up and beat the crap out of him. What assholes.

>> No.6156104

>winAMP reich

>> No.6156439

It's not a tengu. It's literally the demon familiar with the face of Boyacky from Yatterman, done solely because of the "Push the button" gag that he often does.

>> No.6156517

I think it's hilarious how many people believe that if anyone even SEES a swastika, they are going to instantly start goose stepping and heiling as if its going to cast a spell on them

If any ideology is that attractive, maybe it's got a point

>> No.6156560
File: 16 KB, 256x384, 256px-Sigmund_Freud_1926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me more

>> No.6156604

Balrog is a weird name either way. I think Vega fits spanish bullfighter better though.

>> No.6156605

They removed the faggot, that's a win in my book.

>> No.6156692

Back in the 80s when the Christian revival movement was strong, you can figure as with anything else, there were always going to be a few charlatans like Jim Bakker who'd find a way to exploit it for money.

>> No.6156823

My 2 cents, I'm 35. I grew up very immersed in culture of that era. I never ONCE thought of M. Bison being a satire name for Mike Tyson. I thought things like "M must stand for Major because hes in the military" and "Bisons are big like him" and "Bison sounds like Boss". Vega was a cool mysterious name for a masked man who looks like Predator. Balrog sounds like an ooga booga name for a BBC wrestler. They did a good job changing the names around.

>> No.6156826

He looks more like a nazi in the Europe version
The USA version he looks like M Bison/Vega

>> No.6157579

Adrian Carmack was amazing at pixel gore. Pixel stuff in general, really, he has a great nack for converting stock photos and shit he has just lying around into usable sprites and textures.
Wolfenstein 3D's gore is cartoony and great, Doom goes for a much grittier style, and you can still see it in Quake, on top of some mid 90s polygonal gore (which ends up looking good still thanks to Adrian Carmack's texuring, but let's also not forget Kevin Cloud).

To get it back on topic, to be able to practically sell Doom 2 in Germany, iD Software packaged it with a modified .wad file with the two secret Wolfenstein 3D levels deleted, as they're full of Nazi iconography. Thing is they forgot to delete the secret exit to access them on Map 15, so if you did find that secret, you'd crash the game trying to use it.
Releasing the GBA port of Doom 2 later on, the Wolfenstein levels are actually there, however the Nazi iconography is censored, Swastikas replaced with a banner depicting the logo for Return To Castle Wolfenstein, as well as replacing the portraits of Adolf Hitler with pictures of Wilhelm 'Deathshead' Strauss, also from Return To Castle Wolfenstein.
The blood and gore in GBA ports of Doom is censored to, supposedly for lower ratings in Germany, all blood is colored green (except for the animated blood floor textures, I guess you could call it red slime), and some of the more visceral textures and sprites are toned down or replaced. Dead monsters also disappear after a moment, though that's probably for performance reasons more than anything else.

>> No.6158185 [DELETED] 


literally just not true but I know Americans need to pretend they have something to be proud of other than obesity

>> No.6158189 [DELETED] 

I'm not even allowed to threaten the fucking president, barely a democracy desu

>> No.6158294

>1994 trademark
Probably a pre-release or beta version of the title screen, then. I never said the subtitle loss was a good thing, just that the logo was better, but if it was a beta that makes sense.

>> No.6158315
File: 262 KB, 284x386, FB8DDC4A-1B24-460F-9D54-C8F610EBF4A9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balrog is also the name of the flying battleship from Strider.

>> No.6158339

>Regional changes that make no sense
All of them.

The back and forth between multiple types of censorious crybabies in tandem with the crying of the publishers and developers is why it's better to archive every video game, regardless of nude lolis, Nazis, trannies, etc. and never give any cowards any money. The archive will hold everything you despise and will be preserved for eternity.

>> No.6158351

Fuck off, ya projecting niglet.

>> No.6158356

Reposting since apparently it triggered the tranny jannies:

No need to project, trigglet.
I'm only talking about in the states. Were there Christian against it? Yes, a small amount. Were there non Christian's against it? Yes, a small amount.
Acting like there was some widespread Christian cabal conspiring against Pokemon is as retarded as you are.
My scout troop and school banned Pokemon cards, not even allowed during down time, yet my church didn't care (no longer religious) as long as you didn't do it during service.
Calm down and tip your fedora elsewhere, reddit.

>> No.6158360

Every video game ever made is kosher.

>> No.6158371 [DELETED] 

Okay. Psychoanalysis was, unironically, Jewish tricks. I say this as someone who's grandfather was a psychoanalyst.

>> No.6158376

They had wrestling on British public television? Or are you just a myth spreading cuck?

>> No.6158461

I always found it quite funny that you have the robot obsessed Japanese, yet it was Europe that got Probotector.

>> No.6158484

They honestly did fit a lot better. My problem is that the idiots didn't just change Balrog's name and leave it at that. Why should the other Shadaloo members have to atone for the sins of the boxer? What would you guys have renamed Boxer if you were there at Capcom USA?

>> No.6158487


>> No.6158498

I'm looking at a Western localisation... and I'm preferring it? Who am I, and what have I done to the real me?!

>> No.6158703

No, soccer moms in the 90's would flip out over anything even semi-religious, or even non-religious and just from Japan at all.

I remember conversations with adults at my church where they'd dissect the Pokemon theme song line-by-line and mental gymnasitcs it into a pro-Satan anthem and back this up by taking me to schizophrenic web 1.0 web sites made by likeminded people.

If Christians have chilled out at all, it's because they're starting to become less religious and integrate more into the mainstream. But back then, things like accepting gays, watching R-rated movies, and basic/logic/reason/understanding/compassion were all very, very frowned upon by the Christian community.

And they pretend to be more moderate now, sure, since they're losing power and they need to pretend to be nice, but if we ever give them any structural power again, we're going right back to the Dark Ages.

>> No.6158712


This was very mainstream thought in all the Christian denominations in several states where I lived.
>it's just that most Christians aren't lunatics, so it was never a common occurrence
In the 90's, they were. In the Bible belt, they still are. It's a lunatic book, and anyone who takes it 100% literally - as many Christian denominations did and still do - will emanate the appropriate lunacy.

I had a friend in middle school who went to a very liberal church where they taught that Jesus was just a good guy and just do your best to be a good person. I guess those kinds of Christians do exist, but I didn't even know they existed until middle school, having had been raised in Christianity in several churches in several states.

>> No.6158835

I was thinking more Metroid.

>> No.6159047

Not that kind of BBC, you illiterate retard.

>> No.6159116

it really whips the rabbis ass

>> No.6159289

>What would you guys have renamed Boxer if you were there at Capcom USA?
B. Oxen

>> No.6159404

Imagine actually insulting someone's intelligence for not being so porn-corrupted that they immediately recognize a codeword for nigger penises. You should be ashamed to be honest.

>> No.6159552

Or don't be such a fucking newfag.

>> No.6160153

Swastika on the Flash symbol would offend his fans.

>> No.6160382
File: 40 KB, 600x240, gameplay sodomites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These guys were the masters

>> No.6160484

Hehllow yoo! Oim gooroo lahrree!

>> No.6160492

I beg of you, share some of these.

>> No.6160496

They're the same wolf in different clothing.
Also nice you triggered a lefty /pol/tard

>> No.6160510

My dad was a vicar, he let me read Sven Hessel when I was eight, bought me fantasy novels and GW crap and read me Moorcock novels when I was growing up. Religion has done nothing to impact my media or what I can say or do. SJWs absolutely have.

>> No.6160516

Not really. The Boer camp would pretty much be 'oh fuck everyone has typhus, including the guards'. Half of the British guarding those camps died due to disease.

>> No.6160526

>I belonged to a radical sect of dissenters so all Christians did this and it was a majority opinion who impacted media in general.

I've noticed this is the trend. You grew up in an unusual sect which lived largely seperately from other Christian denominations and were exposed to it due to how these sects worked. What you experienced was not the norm. I went to a very famous Christian school in my country and my father was a vey involved lay member of the Church. No one ever complained about pokemon, metal, fantasy games, etc.

>> No.6160528

And yes, you might have moved to different states, but your parents would always be taking you to the extreme churches that agreed with their theology. Thus you have a skewed view on the matter. Meanwhile I grew up with bishop's sons and more and had no issues.

>> No.6160668

Damn I wish this board had ID's. I'm the guy that said "my 2 cents", someone else called you retard. Also not a cuck, btw

>> No.6160905

>but then I remember that you get to see Adolf Hitler's face explode
The story behind that one, supposedly, is that Nintendo only checked games out so far before they approved them, and if a game was particularly difficult or they just wanted to pass it through, they gave it the stamp and off it went. Thats how Hitler's exploding head made it in, it was so far into the game whoever was vetting it for Nintendo didn't get far enough to see it.

>> No.6160961

All regional changes make no sense, I realized this even as a 10 year old reading gaming magazines about censorship in final fantasy. I decided from then on I would play only the original Japanese version. Luckily my grandpa went to Japan for business quite often

>> No.6160984

Ash is cool as hell. I am always upset to lose out on an extra playable character.

>> No.6160992

Or don't be the sort of trash human being who equates 'BBC' with nigger dicks instead of a very old, very well known British television network.

>> No.6161190

Hitler did nothing wrong.

>> No.6161216

Balrog weirdly fits, a black boxer taking the name of a mythical beast as his stage nickname/hood nickname is believable. Vega is a Spanish surname and fits the other character better anyway, imo. I also always though M. was a title, like "C. Falcon".

For a complete accident, I think the names actually turned out more interesting, certainly more than keeping a black boxer named "Mike Bison" in the universe.

>> No.6161392
File: 67 KB, 768x432, wrestling-is-returning-to-itv-at-christmas-what-happened-to-the-original-heroes-00_00_28_22-still008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure we did, but on ITV rather than BBC.

World of Sports ran continuously from 1965-1985.

>> No.6161454

BBC is a network of pedophiles, that's far more disgusting than interracial porn could ever be to anyone.

I agree. If Mike Tyson IRL had called himself Balrog, everyone would have just accepted that, it just works.

>> No.6161463

I thought it was retarded the moment I found out about the change, even as a 10 year old I was against shit like this.

>> No.6161490

Vega is even a Spanish surname

>> No.6161497

What is this

>> No.6161610 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6161739 [DELETED] 
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Ah yes, the very Jewish names of (((Romero))), (((Carmack))), (((Hall))) and (((Miller))), of course.

>> No.6161783

Just as dumb as the first time you posted it.
>le reddit fedora meme
This shows how retarded you are

>> No.6161964
File: 9 KB, 128x160, Bionic Commando.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope that is true, because that's just amazing.

Play Bionic Commando.

>> No.6162169

>the chad milf mom and room for a sequel
>the virgin daddy’s boy

>> No.6163872

Yeah you got it right
Too bad we never got that damn sequel

>> No.6164076

Best guess is "so it doesnt look the game is just a reskin" even it isnt

>> No.6164453
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>> No.6164617 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6164961 [DELETED] 

So, the problem is that they don't like the word at all?

Because I can tell you right now, that's the correct way to translate にゅーはーふ.

>> No.6164969 [DELETED] 
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Essentially, yes.

Kurt Kalata from HG101 and tards in the ResetEra thread say that tranny isn't equivalent to "newhalf" and that "trans" or "transgender" would be the correct localization. Some anons here have said it isn't correct and suggested shit like 'Shemale' or said tranny was the closet thing in English

Here is the translators explanation of why he chose to use tranny

>> No.6165001 [DELETED] 

Honestly, I can see where they're coming from, you wouldn't really see a tranny calling themselves a tranny. Kicking up a big fuss about it is the embarrassing part though, imagine having to virtue signal this hard for a bunch of freaks because you're terrified you'll be next on the cancel culture calling list.

Personally, I'd go with trap or shemale, they have the same overt sexual connotations without being some of the modern "no-no" words you can't say like nigger or faggot. But who knows, maybe by now trap is on that list too.

"Trans" or "transgender" are about as awful a translation as you could get, especially considering this game was made in the 90s. Totally tone deaf.

>> No.6165056

This is the most fedora post on /vr/ right now, with the Reddit-tier "you are mad!" comment on top. Congratulations.

>> No.6165061

>going after SJWs is fedora
wew fucking lad

>> No.6165151 [DELETED] 

I've heard shemale being used in less negative contexts, so I'd lean on that, tranny sounds more vulgar, if that makes any sense.
But then, these are the kind of people who will have an aneurysm about the word 'trap', insisting it's a slur for transgender people, and you know, not a fetishistic nickname for transvestites (which they regularly ignore the existence of).

>> No.6165269 [DELETED] 


Can I please get an explanation on why this was deleted? I appreciated the answer. What was wrong with it?

>> No.6165310 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 570x328, john romaro butthurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy vey!

>> No.6165427 [DELETED] 

And they say Trump Derangement Syndrome doesn't exist.

>> No.6165461

You are supposed to cheer for censorship, past, present and future, and not talk poorly of censorship enforcers. Otherwise you're taking a political position and getting a nice new label then silenced forever.
Didn't you already get your memo?

Also, this topic is in need of getting nuked and replaced with "My favorite regional changes", a more resetera-approved title.

>I'd love to play it.
Uncharted Seas series by Koei never recovered from its third installment's depiction of playable slavery causing a recall, and a cancellation of console ports.

>> No.6165469 [DELETED] 

That doesn't make him a jew.
Go back to /pol/ and call everyone jews, jew

>> No.6165476 [DELETED] 


>> No.6165480 [DELETED] 


I know what it said, i want to know why it was deleted.

>> No.6165486

Yes, because that is totally the only thing that was in the post. Simply going after SJW's. Not strawmen, cringy ranting, and rabid accusations of being a female SJW. Nope, didn't see any of that at all.

>> No.6165492 [DELETED] 

Because jannies are trannies and are shutting down everything related to the Goemon controversy.

>> No.6165493 [DELETED] 

He complained yesterday /vr/ won't be his safe space the next month, so some here are rolling him the red carpet.

>> No.6165539

>Vega is a Spanish surname
Based Bobby Vega

>> No.6165549 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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Serious answer: I think the Goemon guy is full of shit.
Nobody gave two solitary shits about the slur. A couple SJW-y retro gaming people went, "Aw, unfortunate word choice. That sucks. Oh well" but there was no harassment or cancellation campaign. Someone even reached out to try to help him find a better word choice, which makes the rant he posted on twitter a fucking lie, but even that was super pleasant and polite. The only blogs discussing it are the sort of ones that only report on gamergate shit.
I think there's no SJW harassment campaign, and that for whatever reason, this guy decided to make shit up for attention.

>> No.6165550

https://www.movie-censorship.com/list.php?k=4 has tons of games covered due to localization and censorship. Sometimes the images don't show up though.

>> No.6165557 [DELETED] 

tom is a known attention whore he takes criticism towards the game he translates as offenses towards him because "it makes his work feel like a waste of time" and had threatened to quit the scene countless times before

>> No.6165562 [DELETED] 

Yeah, it sounds like /pol/ took advantage of another hapless retard to make another culture war flashpoint. It was kind of suspicious that suddenly EVERYONE was talking about it overnight on 4chan even before there was a resetera thread.

>> No.6165572 [DELETED] 

That last one, holy shit ahahaa

>> No.6165580 [DELETED] 

if you check the resetera thread very few people were looking for his head and they were only speculating if he did it on purpose to offend trons because they don't like dds since he's pro trump and has a resetera block chain. It's just Tom being Tom like when he said he would stop when people were saying that meikyuu game he translated was a shitty game.

>> No.6165592 [DELETED] 

Yeah even a bunch of people there on Ree didn't want him to leave the scene even if they were pissed off, they wanted him to translate Goemon 4.

>> No.6165597 [DELETED] 

Delete this.

>> No.6165604
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Reminds me of this

>> No.6165615

The reason isn't because it would have caused a marketing problem, that's just a cover.

You gotta remember that Japan's economic penetration of the West wasn't accidental, it was a really patient and deliberate Confucian cultural infiltration.
That sounds kinda silly but that's the point. I mean this totally unironically. When I was a kid, there were still people around who thought of Japan as a cultural enemy. It wasn't that weird a perspective to encounter!
Meanwhile, today, what's the number one language nerds wanna learn? Why do they wanna learn it? What's the one country absolutely nobody wants to drop a nuke on?

My point is that Nintendo (who btw is run by the same yakuza group who run another huge gaming company which owns a headquarters literally adjacent to the old imperial palace in Kyoto and PUBLICLY hold their annual formal yakuza leadership meetings in that building) were just playing good cop super aggressively to keep ahead of potential propaganda counter-moves.
Satanic scares were actually a thing in the 80s. It was totally an artificial media panic. Having symbols in your games that someone could latch onto in order to direct one of those media panics at you was an easily avoidable thing.

That's why you can still make the final boss god or satan or whatever.
It's more of an investment in time and requires more explanation than a sprite you can see in the first thirty seconds of gameplay and take out of context.

>> No.6165620

I was about to make the same joke.

You know, I'd also play a game about what retired contra musclemen get up to in florida. They don't NEED to be robots, but one of them could be in an iron lung for his gulf war syndrome or whatever, I guess.

>> No.6165621

It really makes me sad that the first two wouldn't have had a chance of selling in the US.

>> No.6165704 [DELETED] 

Um.. no?
There are no less than 3 posters who admit to heckling him in his DMs "urging" him to show "sensibility" and drag his ass back and retranslate, even after he said he wants to get away. This is besides at least 4/5 public twatters now-deleted posts, and still online DDS posts.
He was contacted IN REAL LIFE by acquaintances that were told by resetera / hg101 followers he is an uber alt right bigot. The reason is, in hg101's words, that "resetera is cancer is an alt-right meme". Nobody should defame resetera's holy name.

That HG101 guy admitted he knew the translator wasn't alt-right, that the work problematic nature isn't his fault, and a few minutes later he still says he (Tom) is a right winger. cj_iwakura tried to correct him, he said he gives no flying fucks, and cj_iwakura and other HG101 collaborators were horrified by this attitude.

Also, we know that HG101 guy frequents /vr/, and accuses anyone who disagrees with him (on subjects like "is resetera cancer?" for example) of being right-wing, something pointed out by actual trans and left wing feminists he accused of being that because they weren't on board with his shitfit here.
He also jumped on the comments feed of a podcaster to ask him to refuse to cover Goemon 3's release or ensuing situation because "nothing happened" ... why? Weren't you desperate hours ago to tell the world how evil the "translation group" of Goemon 3 was?
Lots of big names from his site are deserting him (Jason, Pennywise, etc) and at this rate not even jannies would associate with him anymore.

At least we may finally have an answer who posted that "Examples of racism in retro video games: Ganbare Goemon 4" in /vr/ a year ago.
One hell of a way to avert offensive material release.

>> No.6165705 [DELETED] 

It's offtopic bullshit that derails threads.

>> No.6165713

Who cares about sellability, everything needs to be localized. Remember The Ignition Factor, by the same Jaleco localizers as Totally Rad?
They replaced the ending with a jab at the Japanese developers and accused the game of plagiarizing an American movie, because both had firefighters.
Good riddance, Jaleco USA.

>> No.6165720 [DELETED] 

Go live in Communist China if you want censorship, trannigger.

This is AMERICA.

>> No.6165721 [DELETED] 

It's not about censorship, take it to /v/ if you want to discuss this shit.

>> No.6165731 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6165792

Not exactly retro, but I remembered that Twisted Metal Black had all of its cutscenes and story cut out of the game for the European release, which sucks, because that shit was fun and interesting. I had to go online and discover that later and be very disturbed at the No-Face cutscenes, because I was still young and couldn't quite handle that kind of edge. I can kinda see the rationale given my last sentence, but I'd rather the game could keep its artistic integrity and be given a higher rating.

What'd the other guy be doing? Shooting clay pigeons? Only he'd be doing it with a machinegun, jumping and spinning in the air, recklessly endangering onlookers.

>> No.6165793 [DELETED] 

He sounds like a lunatic.

>> No.6165794

Now you can't beat the shit out of him though

>> No.6165805

Orange Islands was the last one worth watching. Also the best one, Tracy was a fucking cool guy.

>> No.6165845

got me

>> No.6166260
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Persona 1, which easily had the worst localization ever seen in a video game

>> No.6166481

I honestly think they're both pretty good names.

>> No.6166487

Would it really have resulted in less sales if they kept the Europe one?

>> No.6166501


>Cute girl and her two friends
>Nice blue sky

>Cute girl
>Better put an evil looking man and his slut wife there too
>Getting cloudier


>> No.6166581
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>> No.6166602

We did it lads, we live in the cyber punk future!

>> No.6166612
File: 114 KB, 504x354, 894DD016-6CEA-4D28-8CDE-C8BBF3806824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can’t the west just leave stuff alone?

>> No.6166614
File: 97 KB, 666x456, D67379F3-C4CA-4865-B4A6-06BE9BD248C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the need to just ruin things?

(it baffles me some people actually defend this one)

>> No.6166664
File: 85 KB, 640x480, 405EF105-7EA6-474E-A0FF-65B11947694B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans usually make a fucked up/misleading cover, bit Alisia Dragoon is one case where the western version is closer to the game. There is absolutely NO whimsical-pastel-colored-enchantment in that game!

>> No.6166669
File: 236 KB, 1280x720, 223F00BD-E3F5-44FA-B024-D35D76A047C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got that right! Got my season tickets for the Robot Baseball League! I love living in the future.

>> No.6166678

Ok reddit.

>> No.6166684

We get it, you're an asspained sjw. Move on.

>> No.6166717


>> No.6166803

This one kicks ass though

>> No.6166846


>Do we have any unused leftover art with females on it?
>Here's one called "The Great Giana Sisters 3"
>Well now they're Trouble Shooter!

>> No.6166945

The right one has a more interesting scene, in that there's a landscape, but the left one has WAY nicer art and character design, hands down.

That one is actually good though, and suits the game in question. Not that the original cover isn't good, mind.

>> No.6169142


>calling your own posts based
Fcuking cringe