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6132102 No.6132102 [Reply] [Original]

Time for some Fallout
>Favorite locations
>Favorite music tracks
>Favorite perks/tags/builds
>Most dank way to break the game

>> No.6132675

>Favorite locations
Klamath for early comfy, Hub and San Fran for later
>Favorite music tracks
Modoc's, along with the cheesy tune playing when you ride the car
>Favorite perks/tags/builds
"Tribal run" in FO2, punching thing to death WITHOUT picking Slayer perk
>Most dank way to break the game
Jinxed comnbined with 10LK

>> No.6132704

Is the Temple of trials the ultimate pleb filter?

>> No.6132719

>Favorite locations
sierra army deoit
>Favorite music tracks
metallic monks
>Favorite perks/tags/builds
speech all the way with some outdoorsman for funsies
>Most dank way to break the game
classic "run straight to navarro get power armor goof around the entire rest of the game"

you can also clip through a wall and get fathers tully cheat book in new reno earlier

>> No.6132756

No, it's a shit dungeon to a fun game. I keep a save right after it for replays.

>> No.6132758

>shit dungeon

i wouldnt call it fun but i wouldnt call it shit either
its not that long or bad

>> No.6132778

>Favorite locations
Den. Killing Metziger and his slavers is satisfying af.
>Favorite music tracks
The one that plays in Shady Sands
>Favorite perks/tags/builds
Stat boosing tags (more criticals, lifegiver etc)/Melee, Repair, Science + Small Guns/Melee (spear, wakizashi, BoS hammer) early game) Sniper Rifle late game
>Most dank way to break the game

>> No.6132818


>> No.6133193

It's not filtering if I made it through it.

>> No.6133218

I love attacking a mobster in New Reno and hide behind mobster from another faction. Lots of fun. Especially when team hookers also gets dragged in.

Same in San Francisco. Mass AI fights in turn-base game tend to become tedious, but lots of fun if you are in the mood.

>> No.6133221

The Glow. Best atmosphere IMO. The feeling of an abandoned bunker with an ancient AI in it is so well done here
All of em. I keep the soundtrack on regular rotation
I always played as a gifted thief through most runs but Kamikaze with sub dermal armor is good too
>best way to break the game
Map out the best way to get as many enhancements to 10 with in-game perks. Or just say fuck it an use a trainer.

>> No.6133227

Skills i mean

>> No.6133230

The Glow is best music in Fallout:

Modoc is best music in Fallout 2:

>> No.6133239

I always play with 10 in SPECIAL using a trainer. Fuck not being able to do certain things due to skill checks.

However, a 10 in SPECAL and 1 for the last is hilarious.

>> No.6133256

>every guide says the flamer is shit and not worth using due to ineffectiveness against Enclave and ammo weight.
>still compelled to roast people on every run
I like fire and big guns

>> No.6133265

My favourite skill is Outdoorsman because it saves me from biggest annoyance in the game.

>> No.6133503

>Favorite locations
The Glow, the most fallout-esque of all
>Favorite music tracks
Second Chance (Shady Sands)
>Favorite perks/tags/builds
Small frame / Action Boy
>Most dank way to break the game
Edit your save file, 10 everywhere

>> No.6133534

Flamer is fucking boss, you can get it relatively cheap, carry weight is never an issue with the amount of mules you can have around, it doesn't suffer from the bug where bullets in a burst volley get stuck on a dead body, and it makes multiple locations (entirety of Redding including the mine, Vault 15, Raiders) a breeze. And it's not like your Big Gun points went anywhere, so you can simply start using Bozar or one of the Miniguns whenever you feel like you need additional punch in the late game. Super mutants, deathclaws, aliens, floaters, centaurs all struggle against it nonetheless.

Love Flamer, very recently got through a no-reload run of FO1 with a handful of self-imposed restrictions with it as a primary.

>> No.6134016

What was the point of Vault-Tec using their vaults for experiments? How much use would the data be in a post nuclear war world?

>> No.6134480

I never really followed fallout, but I am aware of how Fallout 3 was in development and then cancelled, then when Bethesda took over the license they turned it into a shitshow. That being said, would New Vegas be the closest thing to "the real Fallout 3", seeing as it was made by some of the original staffers?

>> No.6134537
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What do people see in it that causes such a shitstorm? I've been playing Fo2 since I was a little kid and nothing ever stood out about the place to me. Not an outstanding dungeon but very easy to do. It's not really well-designed I guess because a more logical way to do it in a fallout game is start your inside the village first, free to explore and THEN say "you can't leave until you finish the trials" which is where the non-combat builds would get some proper options to circumvent it while the rest would just go and deal with it.

>> No.6134541

>How much use would the data be in a post nuclear war world?
Didn't they want to colonize space or something?

>> No.6134542

>That being said, would New Vegas be the closest thing to "the real Fallout 3", seeing as it was made by some of the original staffers?
Essentially, yes. I know there's still a lot of fo1/2 fans that hate new vegas, though.

>> No.6134708

Speaking of traits - does Sex Appeal do anything of value? At all? It's one of those "why is it even here" traits.

>> No.6134995
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I love Fallout so much.
>That being said, would New Vegas be the closest thing to "the real Fallout 3", seeing as it was made by some of the original staffers?
It's certainly arguable. The FO3 that was cancelled - project name 'Van Buren' - has quite a few elements carried over into New Vegas, and the map was simply shifted westwards a bit (Hoover Dam was in the west in Van Buren, in the east in New Vegas.)
What this guy >>6134542 says is also true however because a fair amount of what was criticised in Bethesda's FO3 was still carried over into New Vegas, though that may partly be due to time/publisher constraints. For example the VATS system is an awkward adaptation of the turn-based targeting system from FO1/2 - was nonetheless included in New Vegas.

>> No.6135039

It gives you a mild reaction bonus (normally gated off of Charisma and Reputation) to your opposite sex and a malus towards your sex. There's precisely one interaction in the game where a male Chosen One can get a quest resolution off of it, but it's mostly usable by female Chosen Ones to positively impact bartering (most vendors are male).

>> No.6135139
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Am I not welcome here for liking Tactics over all other Fallouts? Locations, feels, aesthetics, music, sounds, no other game just... clicked for me like it did. It's horribly rushed, barely finished and due to that lacks role-playing component altogether, but I have replayed it over a thousand times by now.

>> No.6135161
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>> No.6135168

Bethesda (a company that have never developed even a single good game) buying the completely dead Fallout brand was a good thing because NV happened.

>> No.6135176

Not necessarily - Bethesda outbid Troika Games in 2004/05, a company co-founded by one of the main designers of Fallout. Pure speculation of course but if Van Buren had informed Troika Games' FO3 then it might have turned out like New Vegas.

>> No.6135226

>Favorite locations
I feel like LA would've been very interesting were it not badly unfinished.
>Favorite music tracks
Didn't ever look up the name of it. The one with howling and moaning wind.
>Favorite perks/tags/builds
Jinxed, Fast Shot, Gifted. Speech and Science are favourite pay-off-wise, but I never tagged or invested in them as much as in my tagged skills.
>Most dank way to break the game
My first ever playthrough, back in 1998. Didn't know a single thing about Fallout. Well trained by unforgiving old games, decided to play a lucky plasma slinger and optimized for it with attributes/traits but in the end still came out pretty well-rounded, if somewhat subpar in strength and endurance. Started exploring map by heading straight west for the coast. Dumb, but then I had no idea that the most difficult location would be right there. Three squares in dropped an alien blaster, one lucky find. Was pretty bummed you couldn't wield blasters akimbo, but eh. The Mariposa base I had to turn-scum and reload a couple a times, which only reinforced the impression that the game promises to be painful and unforgiving. Hell of a surprise that everything else in the game died in a single turn or thereabouts, without getting even a twitch in. And, well, due to that finished up with pretty good skills all-round.

Afterwards I build more for kicks than game breaking.

>> No.6135230

>if somewhat subpar in strength and endurance
Good, you dumped two of the worst stats!

>> No.6135237

I feel like Bethesda's Fallout series ought've been its own thing. They clearly had no regard whatsoever for original setting, but pretty great vision of their own postapocalyptic world, and both lost in so merging. Even if it was just Fallout with paint peeled and numbers filed off, it's not like anyone would call them out on that, what's with tremendous difference between game engines and experience. Many other devs already pulled that with those now-forgotten Fallout clones, even Fallout devs did it in regards to Wasteland.

>> No.6135254

They tried to and didn't - at the same time, if that makes sense. They went for an east coast setting instead, yet basically imported everything from the west coast as seen in previous entries in the series.

>> No.6135362

>They tried to and didn't - at the same time, if that makes sense.
Precisely. They cranked nostalgia lever to eleven, yet at the same time didn't really bother to stay any true to original disposition or develop it further like F2 and Tactics did, but rather used an outsider's perspective of it while peppering it with recognizable brands like mutants, vaults and vault boys, brotherhood and enclave.
>everything from the west coast as seen in previous entries
F3, F4, 76 and so on bear only that base cosmetic similarity to older games, and even then everything form signature weapons and devices to characters and factions is wrong as all hell. Everything else, they can't decide whether it should be near post-apocalypse, shortly after bombs fell, or century, and from continuity viewpoint, they fail to get the most iconic things right completely.
For all that Tactics and Brotherhood are lambasted as playing fast and loose with early games, they aren't markedly different from change between F1 and F2 aside from genre shift and being so-reviled console trash, while Bethesda is apparently hell-bent on getting absolutely everything wrong while trying its hardest to stay authentic.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a purist, F3 is a good game, and one despite many dumb things therein made with care and effort, I just so wish they either stayed true to nature and feel of the old Fallout's world rather than loudly broadcasting superficial appearance traits, or made it its own thing in the same genre just like Fallout rose from the ashes of Wasteland.

>> No.6135363

>Favorite locations
The Hub
>Favorite music tracks

>Most dank way to break the game
start the game with pickpocket and energy weapons tagged, make money with pickpocket in The Hub, go to the Gun Runners, buy energy weapons and energy/microfusion cells

>> No.6135478

I regretted that at times, since with that strength I had to leave most of the great loot and spare equipment I found behind, and endurance made me squishy (not that I ever allowed the enemy live long enough to hit me after Mariposa, though) as well as going anywhere irradiated meant eating a ton of chems, but at the time starting with agility 9 and luck 8 seemed more important. Of course I didn't join BoS until after several months had passed, and so ran most of the game without PA and all those implants and permanently missed what must be more than a hundred of skill points, but all in all I think I made a good call.

>> No.6135579

>I regretted that at times, since with that strength I had to leave most of the great loot and spare equipment I found behind
In FO1 carry capacity can be cheesed because your companions have infinite weight capacity and technically so do you - you can buy gear way over your carrying limit, you just can't pick anything up off the floor or from a chest. And in FO2 you have the car. It's still a nice quality of life issue, but Small Frame is a high tier perk for a reason, doubly so if you're someone who has no reason to carry anything at all (so a melee build).
>endurance made me squishy (not that I ever allowed the enemy live long enough to hit me after Mariposa, though)
Yeah, you kill things too fast and the only damage you have to worry about is crit damage which usually kills you instantly anyway. With EN, I found you either go superhigh (with the idea that EN is the only stat that doesn't meaningfully give you anything if you use drugs; sure Buffout exists, but it doesn't give you temporary HP) or you dump it entirely and rely on positioning and the fact you can infinitely eat your entire Stimpak supply whenever you're on the inventory screen.

>> No.6136508

I'm the only person who picks Chem Reliant

>> No.6136612

Shut up. That was my first character build.

>> No.6136907

>>Favorite locations
Probably the boneyard honestly, I love the shootout.
>>Favorite music tracks
Vault City's theme is prob my favorite.
>>Favorite perks/tags/builds
I'm boring and go for Speech Barter Small Gun transition into big gun for late game.
>>Most dank way to break the game
Fallout 1 Melee build is pretty broken. I forgot how exactly but you could hit people with a super sledge like 5 times per turn.

>> No.6136925

>Favorite locations
The Glow, Mariposa, The Cathedral
>Favorite music tracks
Followers of the Apocalypse, Radiation Storm, Vats of Goo
>Favorite perks/tags/builds
Speech + Melee Weapons (Speak softly and carry a big stick)
>Most dank way to break the game
1 AP throwing flares, sneak + bonus move

>> No.6136927

>but pretty great vision of their own postapocalyptic world
Strongly disagree, it's the same shitty theme park world design we've seen in every beth game after morrowind, and shits all over the lore in the worst way possible with rule of cool garbage. Todd wasn't lying when he said it was oblivion with guns.

>> No.6136972

What's your favorite Fallout, man?

>> No.6137048
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2 is my first choice for replaying though 1 has the better plot, its just that I'm always in the mood to go to New Reno and roleplay Gabriel Byrne in Miller's Crossing. There's a lot more to do I think.

>> No.6137057

fallout's biggest problem is that everyone from the developers to the fans have very different ideas on what fallout should be.

for example some people want it to be about the reconstruction of civilization after a nuclear war while avellone & bethesda want a mad max RPG and even they have different ideas on how that should be done.

also comparing the classic games to the modern ones feels weird to me because it's like comparing XCOM to something like stalker or farcry. they're 2 entirely different kinds of games.

>> No.6138917

>Favorite Location
DC Metro
>Favorite Music Track
Liberty Prime showdown music
>Favorite Build
High INT Gun Slinger
>Most Dank Way to break the game
Headshots kill mod

>> No.6139138
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Avellone is a motherfucker because he thinks that intelligent deathclaws and wanamingos are bad but then makes awful shit that's a million times worse, like the tunnellers in Lonesome Road and fucking all of Old World Blues.

>> No.6140514

>Favorite locations
West tek research facility, necropolis, and the cathedral for fallout 1.
The oil rig, vault city, and camp Navarro for fallout 2.
>Favorite soundtrack
The followers library theme.
>Favorite perks/tags/builds
>Most dank way to break the game
Both on the same topic. Get the gifted trait and Max out agility and luck. Put your perception at 8, and level up to the sniper perk. All shots you fire will be guaranteed critical, and you have a shit ton of action points for pure rape.
It's a good introduction the first time, But it becomes annoying with new characters.

>> No.6140732

I think the part that mostly annoys people is how you have to do it each and every time when starting the game. For comparison, in FO1, you just had to run toward cave entrance and be done with it. In FO2, that "run" takes 2-3 minutes, even if you ignore absolutely everything and just go right through it.

>> No.6140838

Good to know I wasn't the only one to do a Hentai RPGMaker game build.

>> No.6141458

I didn't realise this until today but Fallout 1's cast list of voice actors is much more stellar compared to Fallout 2's. Compare:
Also I had no idea Morpheus was voiced by David Warner.
Not shitting on the quality of 2's voiceacting, but it looks like they decided to hire cheaper names second time round.

>> No.6141543

2 has less voice acting in general. In 1 there were quite a lot of unimportant characters with talking heads, but in 2 there's only a handful in the whole game.

>> No.6141550

Fallout 2, as you may have noticed from playing it, is half-assed.

>> No.6141552

fuck you ian

>> No.6141574

Maybe, just maybe, this being 90s sequel, the game has been rushed to production, leaving almost zero time for anything at all, while also having no time to be picky about actors and who's currently free to do the gig without conflict with their own scheludes.
You know, the standard fare of 90s sequels. Zoomer like you should know that from Ass Creed.

>> No.6141578

What's Ass Creed

>> No.6141621 [DELETED] 

And that is, unironically, a good thing. The voice acting industry is incestuous, with massively overpaid actors that do every fucking voice that makes it impossible for talent to break into and destroys immersion.
Blum and Benjamin have a good voices, I get it. I don't need to hear them fucking everywhere, including commercials for fucking fast food.

>> No.6141635

>Aradesh was voiced by fucking Monk

What the fuck

>> No.6141645

Clancy Brown as a BoS paladin threw me.

>> No.6141650

How do i not get my dick kicked in fallout tactics?

>> No.6141659

Tediously and laboriously move from chokepoint to chokepoint. The AI is garbage and has two modes - hide behind wall and shoot, or bumrush the player.

Game pretty much sucks except as a party game. Get 6 players or more on free for all death match and its quite fun.

>> No.6142004

>it looks like they decided to hire cheaper names second time round.
idk, both games seem to follow the usual pattern of "big TV star" (Michael Dorn), "household names in voice acting, had roles on Disney and shit" (Jason Marsden, Kevin Michael Richardson and the rest), "that guy from an old TV show you liked that isn't exactly a huge star anymore" (Dwight Schultz) and so on

FO2 had fewer talking heads in general too

>> No.6143307
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>> No.6143431
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>implying console memory, resolution and control input could even even handle this game from a technical standpoint

>> No.6143454

I can't imagine why the nerdiest turn based RPG on PC didn't get released to the console sold on fast paced arcade action.

We saw what Fallout for console would be a few years later with the absolutely wretched Brotherhood of Steel game.

>> No.6143607

It certainly had the best combat out of isometric ones, and - to my surprise - the best special encounters in the desert. Also, there were some moments of great soul - like tribals at the base raising in the ranks through the course of the game. Tactics was a neat game, and it is sad that the sequel was droped - it was supposed to have FEV-infested Florida.

>> No.6143843

>intelligent deathclaws
Intelligent deathclaws aren't really fit the setting IMO, so i am glad that even Bethesda didn't took it for nostalgia factor, leaving them in "happened once in California" status. Tuneller is what happens when a Warhammer squig tries to write a perfect Mary Sue. But even they are not that bad as Bethesda's androids.
>and wanamingos are bad
I miss them. Ayy lmao origins were bullshit, but couldn't they pass as pre-war experiments like Deathclwas?

>> No.6143845

what is this screenshot?

>> No.6143849

Well, Fallout Tactics managed to get Lee Ermey.

>> No.6143862

hidden location in fo2

>> No.6143863

Rare intelligent Deathclaws are fine because they're FEV experiments like super mutants. Wanamingos AREN'T aliens, they're experiments too.

>> No.6143925

But the dreamcast got lots of pc ports at the time https://www.ign.com/articles/1999/06/22/the-pc-predicament-an-in-depth-look-at-pc-ports-on-the-dreamcast

>> No.6144472

Nothing comparable to Fallout, not even RTS.

>> No.6145149

It would have been like Baldur's Gate for Ps1, a nice curiosity but mostly unplayable.

>> No.6145674
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Welcome to Camp Navarro. So, you're the new replacement... You are out of uniform, soldier! Where is your power armor? Don't have any? You expect me to believe that, maggot? The truth is you lost an expensive piece of army-issue equipment. That suit is going to come out of your pay, and you will remain in this mans army until you are five hundred and ten years old, which is the number of years it will take for you to pay for a Mark II Powered Combat Armor you have lost! Report to the armory and have a new suit issued to you, then report back to me, private! Dismissed!

>> No.6145748
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>Favorite locations
vault 15
trekking to the glow was memorable
basically dungeons where you need ropes
>Favorite music tracks
in 1, the traveling overland track
in 2, the car theme and ghost farm
>Favorite perks/tags/builds
max agility/int/per/luck gunslinger with That Gun
in my head it's female Sherlock Holmes mixed with the man with no name
female with sex appeal in 2, mutate late game for fast shots
gifted, one handed, alertness, action boy, better crits
small guns, speech, lockpicking, science/repair/first aid/doctor
Slayer is the coolest perk, hands down, but I never play melee
>Most dank way to break the game
^ with power armor, in 2 you use the gauss pistol later on
kite enemies with superior agility/move while shooting their legs, arms, eyes
use doors/windows to pop out, shoot, move back
narrow hallways to line enemies up and lock them in place

I remember thinking it was really cool how you had to use ropes, dynamite, crowbars, multi-tools, etc in various not-quite-intuitive ways. Right-clicking things for more information. Using science/repair on various shit. All the various little ways to get extra exp, like telling the farmer about crop rotation, or studying on the computers in vault 13.

play underrail, you're missing out

in 2, a female with sex appeal is actually a pretty good choice