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File: 1.85 MB, 1836x2382, s-video_cpnsumer_masterrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6115232 No.6115232 [Reply] [Original]

S-Video consumer Trintron >>> whatever RGBTQ+ tryhard shit on your PEE/V/M

>> No.6115251

Nice bait

>> No.6115253

Y/c is actually really really good. 98% of the time I wouldn't be able to differentiate it from RGB

>> No.6115307

What game so I can prove your ass wrong

>> No.6115308

Poorfag detected

>> No.6115316

Honestly after experimenting with RGB, S-Video, SCART, etc I finally came back home, to composite. As developers intended.
Feels good.

>> No.6115518
File: 239 KB, 1381x476, comp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most based post on /vr/.

>> No.6115524

Same, run composite on 5th gen and earlier and component on 6th gen to my consumer trin.

>> No.6115524,1 [INTERNAL] 

developers never intended composite video just regular av cable conected to a crt.

if it was as developers intended as you claim you should know some developers in 1993 used 16:9 monitors to develop their games

>> No.6115852

this, no reason to use less than RGB or YPbPr unless you can't afford better equipment (mega drive games that rely on composite are not worth playing)

>> No.6115865

"Dithering" is alright, but it's not worth the drop in picture quality.

...but it's better than RF and you don't always have a better option.

>> No.6115908
File: 3.66 MB, 4608x3456, 20190702_094246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can literally get a PVM for FREE.

I've gotten so many in the past year, I donated them to a local gaming expo.

If you're seething because they're expensive, you're doing it so fucking wrong

>> No.6115916

>everything that isn't exactly like my american way of life must mean it's not normal
scart is very common here in Europe burgerboy

>> No.6115926

Component > RGB > S-Video > Composite > RF

>> No.6115935

any good scart to svideo converter?

>> No.6116065

Nothing about Europe is normal no go back to your room filled with hats and feather pens.

>> No.6116278

And Clappistan is a bastion of normalcy? Fuck off amerishart.


>> No.6116289

RGB Scart is very normal.

>> No.6116603

This, I've gotten like 4 PVMs for free in december and I don't even like them. Sold 2 for a fair price to some guys at a facebook group, nice fellas. The other 2 I'm probably gonna give to some of my snob friends as a gift.

>> No.6118795

Please teach me your searching ways.

>> No.6118808

>mfw europoors clapped to a metrosexual yelling TSUUUU near me
>mfw no face

>> No.6118982

None are objectively better than the other, but you've got component and RGB reversed

>> No.6118990

they're lying.

>> No.6119017

You get the most bang for your buck with s-video. Cables are cheap, and nearly every consumer CRT TV made after 1998 has an s-video port. Going from s-video to RGB isn't even justifiable when you have to factor in the price of cables, the PVM, and often the modding costs. RGB is not worth it.

>> No.6119032

Euros have to cope with PAL by acting like component isn't indistinguishable to all but the most intense autists from RGB, it's honestly sad.

Also, OP is basically correct, I just wish that flat CRTs didn't all have some degree of geometry flaws because component consumer sets would render PVMs pointless in that case.

>> No.6119841

You mean to say theres a noticibale difference with component and scart both sending RGB?

>> No.6119892

What's better for non RGB devices? S-video or scart (withouth RGB)?

>> No.6119937

Where the fuck are you finding them and can I have one : D

>> No.6119965

A consumer trinitron usually has YPbPr, so what's the issue? Just use that shit

>> No.6120041

For me, it's slot mask with composite video.

>> No.6120043

I actually like S-video for some of 3stnd gen. Maybe it's because I only had 4th gen, PC, and Game Boy as a kid, or maybe that graphical style actually looks better without dot crawl? I do love dot crawl in Genesis games.

>> No.6120238

Coaxial or bust

>> No.6120245

That looked like a low-res LCD matrix from the thumbnail.

>> No.6120247

>Not recognizing Mega Man X

>> No.6120249

soulless blurry composhit vs soulful sharp digital/rgb

>> No.6120251

Component sends YPbPr not RGB.

>> No.6120291

This. Not to mention many of the older console not supporting RGB in the first place. If I had unlimited time and money, sure I might consider PVMs, but for now I'm completely happy with my consumer JVC CRT from 2000 running S Video.

composite looks completely fine especially on a CRT. It really seems like people only started getting autistic about video signals when they tried hooking up their composite signal directly to an HD TV.

>> No.6120330

This. PVMemes are so common that I've had to start recycling them

>> No.6120350

Non RGB Scart is just Composite via Scart (aka Euro Scart).

S-Video is a lot better than composite, but its always worth it to go with the best signal that your system outputs.

People saying the RGB isn't worth it must be suffering from glaucoma, because the difference is very noticeable, but for Americans , it's not always available.

It is a bit weird though seeing S-Video modded Sega Mega Drives, when they offer RGB out of the box.