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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6111608 No.6111608 [Reply] [Original]

>parents didn't like video games when a kid
>only occasionally play vidya at friends' houses
>never get to experience NES, SNES, genesis, n64, playstation, etc...
>2020 rolls around, want to spend a year making things right
I want to reclaim all the missing vidya from my childhood. I want to play chronologically from what I would've missed as a kid. What's a good sequence of games to take me from NES -> SNES/genesis -> PS/N64 -> dreamcast?

>> No.6111625 [DELETED] 

How about grow up and get a life instead

>> No.6111638 [DELETED] 

Just sit down and start looking at issues of EGM in order, even if it's just studying the covers of most issues. Focus on the yearly buyers guides for a somewhat concentrated dose.

>> No.6111641
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Start with Super Mario Bros. 1 and the NES launch titles.
Then read Nintendo Power for the game order

>> No.6111649

The games included on the Famicom Mini and NES classic (they're marginally different) and SNES classic are good places to start. There were some notable omissions though so I'd look at some old threads from when they came out to see what games people said "I can't believe they forgot to include X game!" about.

>> No.6111659

That's what I've been doing the last 27 years, hence me wanting to take a break from being mature and indulge in my childhood inadequacies.
These are all great ideas. I hadn't even thought of looking through old gaming magazines. I had been looking at "Top N games for X SYSTEM" lists and wasn't feeling like I was getting a good indication of what games I would actually enjoy.

>> No.6111685
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>> No.6111712


I'm a late Gen-Xer who started gaming in '87 or so, with Pole Position II and Barnstorming on Atari 7800. I'll tell you what I spent the most time on as a kid:

Castlevania, Little Nemo the Dream Master, Mario 1 and 3, PowerBlade, Dragon Warrior I-IV for NES.

Lode Runner and Super Mario Land for Game Boy.

Keith Courage, Dead Moon, Raiden, and Bomberman for TG-16. (I got my system at Toys R Us for $19.99 after it was discontinued in '94, but these games came out much earlier.)

ActRaiser, Sim City, F-Zero, SMW, Zelda III, Castlevania IV, Chrono Trigger, FF II and III for SNES.

I moved on to PC gaming around the time DOOM II came out, so I'll leave it there.

>> No.6111718
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>NES era
Mario 1 & 3
Duck Hunt if you have the gun
Castlevania 1
Metal Gear
Mega man 2
Ninja Gaiden

SNES era
Super Mario World
Super Metroid
Castlevania IV
Prince of Persia
Final Fantasy III
Contra III

Sonic 1 & 2
Revenge of Shinobi
Shinobi III
Shadow Dancer

Also you left out the game boy which a kid in that era definitely would have played

>> No.6111743

>leaving out S3&K

>> No.6111757

>from my childhood
Start with angry birds and work your way up to candy crush

>> No.6111758

Just play the Mother trilogy.

>> No.6111765

No one outside of Japan played the Mother games until probably 20 years ago.

>> No.6111770


>> No.6111786

untrue, us rpgfags in the 90s all rented it from the corner store with the giant players manual

>> No.6111790 [DELETED] 


>> No.6111791

nintendo power pushed the SHIT out of it. anyone that had played ff or chrono trigger was into it. THE BIKE SONG.

>> No.6111792

I am not going to lie, I have often thought about what it would be like to make friends with someone like you and what I would do to get them all caught up.

This idea sounds rad and the most immersive

This is a good direction to go

Another good

I would recommend a mix of the big franchises and any modern titles that are still around that you may of had interest in starting them from the beginning.

>> No.6111803

OP here. I was born in '92. Thinking back, I probably would have played an occasional game on NES or maybe older, but my first system would have been SNES if I had different parents.

Follow up question now that I'm thinking about it:
I remember in kindergarten going to a friend's house and playing an Olympics game on NES (friend's name was Cole). It was essentially a collection of mini games. I think the one I remember most was a running game.

Thanks for verifying what the other anons said

I've wanted to play those games for a while. I will try Earthbound at some point I'm sure.

>> No.6111809

Thanks for the recs. I'm compiling all of these recommendations into a list.

>> No.6111820

If you play Castlevania 3, try to find the Japanese version instead. (Akumajou Densetsu) The soundtrack is leagues better because the Famicom had 2 extra sound channels the NES couldn't use. It's also easier for some reason, backwards from how the JP > US localization process tended to go.

>> No.6111827

Don't ever worry about verifying your age to people in this shit hole. They just want what little clout they can get.

Another recommendation is to not get to hung up on original hardware. There are some great games out there that are nice but not worth the money. I made that mistake early on and spent more on games that I never even ended up playing then I should have.

Classic/Mini consoles are also a great resource for catching up with most problems with them being small or unnoticeable to people that just want to play a game for the first time.

Really just don't let the elitism that is around this hobby slow you down or stop you in anyway.

>> No.6111834

>Classic/Mini consoles are also a great resource for catching up with most problems with them being small or unnoticeable to people that just want to play a game for the first time.
This. Plus with Hakchi you can put every NES/SNES game (plus others) you'd ever want on official hardware with just as good official controllers to play on and HDMI out. It is emulation, but it's good enough that I have fun playing on mine.

>> No.6111916

Play Doom and other retro shootan for sure. On PC of course.

>> No.6112116 [DELETED] 

People were still reading Nintendo Power in 1995?

>> No.6112129 [DELETED] 
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>Follow up question now that I'm thinking about it:
That wasn't really a question but the game you're thinking of is almost certainly Track & Field since you're probably describing the frenetic "left foot, right foot" button pressing.

They had an arcade cab of it at the lake in the changing rooms/snack bar when I was a kid. It's better as an arcade cab because it's more fun to hammer on arcade buttons (the cab doesn't even have a joystick, just three buttons)

What you're describing might have been World Class Track Meet though, a Track & Field knock off published by Nintendo that went along with their "Power Pad" exercise accessory

There is a small chance that he had pic related though, the original version of Works Class Track Meet before Nintendo bought the license to rebrand and pulled it off the shelves. It's the most valuable NES game with a modern confirmed auction sale price over $13,000 but it wasn't entirely uncommon to see copies in the early 90s. They were just considered junk back then.

See this is the kind of fun stuff you're going to get to discover.

>> No.6112131

Back to /v/.

>> No.6112432

Thanks, I'm almost positive it was that track and field game. I'm gonna give it a play for nostalgia's sake.

>> No.6112447

Sounds like me and i'm 2 years younger than you but been here since /vr/ started

Honestly choose the systems you wanna really play first or you can use grab as many systems as you can and get flashcarts/ODEs as you can just buy SD cards and then get all the games you want and play them on the spot or pick whatever way you want as long as you can enjoy it.

Order wise for me it'd be
2600/Coleco -> NES/Master System -> SNES/Genesis/PC Engine (Turbografx if you want) -> 3DO/PS1/Saturn (great Japanese imports)/N64 ->Dreamcast

GB family -> Game Gear -> Atari Lynx -> Neo Geo Pocket

>Sega CD and 32X

>PCs: Sharp X6800, MSX 1/2, Amiga, Commodore 64, NEC PC-88/98

>Arcade boards: Capcom( CPS 1-3), Neo Geo, Sega (System series, Model 1-3, Namco, Taito, Cave, Toplan, and more just to name a few

>> No.6112448

You can't do it in one year, sorry to inform you OP. My best suggestion would be to play the games that were on the "classic/mini" systems and whatever else you see that seems interesting. The sad part is, to fully enjoy most of the games, it takes months of playing a single game.

It's not part of anyone's childhood unless they grew up in Japan, but Umahara Kawasi is a must play as is Mr. Gimmick.

>> No.6112697


>> No.6112721

I was a SEGA kid growing up and then I graduated to PC gaming in the mid-90s so the NES, SNES and PS/N64 wasn't a big part of my childhood either.

Just find something that interests you. The sequence doesn't matter today because the feeling of newness is completely gone. A lot of the joy from gaming back in the '90s was being wowed by the increasingly better graphics.

>> No.6112743

>NES Metal Gear
Good lord, why?

>> No.6112783

Exactly, you can't do it in one year. You're gonna get burned and not actually enjoy the games.

>> No.6112805

Millennials who've never played NES always figured Metal Gear must be a VERY IMPORTANT GAME because they liked Metal Gear Solid. You never saw it on best-of lists in the 80s or 90s.

>> No.6112842

Skip it entirely
Google a top 20 list and play through it.
Sonic 2/3, Earthworm Jim 1/2. Nothing else holds up.
Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, and to a much, much lesser extent, Majora's Mask.
Could take years to play through every great title on the playstation, find a good anon-made infograph and tackle the entire thing.
Yet another nogamestation, Die Hard Arcade is really fun, the rest is gimmicky unplayable trash and bad ports.

>> No.6112848

It's funny how people pick take the year they were born, look up what consoles were current then and say that's their childhood. Nobody was playing NES games when they were 0 years old. You never got to experience the NES, SNES, and Genesis because the earliest thing you would have played is PlayStation. You were 2 when it came out. That is if you even know what year you were born in.

>> No.6112854

Bad opinions

>> No.6112860

Not him but growing up we played NES and SNES at my grandma's house, ps1 at my parents. Both were fun.

>> No.6112895

But why the NES one? It's a trainwreck of a port, inb4 AVGN, MSX version is really the better one. Keyboard control scheme works way better than gamepad in this case.

>> No.6112901
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>Skip it entirely

>> No.6113050

>6 systems 1 year
You might be able to get through a top 5 for each system.

>> No.6113095

I'm not saying no one played NES games anywhere in the mid 90's. It was all most of the 3rd world had for a long time. Also not saying they're not fun and that OP shouldn't enjoy them. Just that OP is nostalging for something that would have never existed. What he might have "missed as a kid" is PS1 children's games and N64. He was 10 when the PS2 was released.

>> No.6113106

So you just want to argue semantics instead of contributing to the thread.

>> No.6113107

Play Fortnite

>> No.6113296

That's a fair point, but I'm somewhat extrapolating with how I play games now as an adult to how I would've played as a kid. By that I mean that I still play 5-6 year old games regularly on PC when they're on sale. For instance I just played STALKER CoP only a couple of years ago and loved it so so much. So if I had been a kid at that time, I probably would have played NES and SNES games even if they were a bit older because I tend to grab things that are on sale or used.

I was thinking something along those lines, but I didn't want to just mechanically go "5 games each" when there might be 7 top-tier SNES games, but only 3 truly great genesis games for example.

>> No.6113302

thunder force iv is one of the greatest horizontal shumps of all time

>> No.6113340 [DELETED] 


If you're 3rd world and poor you might still be playing NES games today. I've seen niglets getting famiclones as presents as recently as a few yeas ago. Not as "retro" but as "this is all we can afford". But for the vast majority of the civilized world born in 1992 every else was discarded when the PS1 was released. There's no reason for you not to play older stuff. A lot of it is very good. But doing it because you think you missed your chance as a kid probably isn't a valid reason.

>> No.6113341
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If the goal is to retroactively experience the 80's and 90's childhood gaming experience, Metal Gear is part of it. Most kids saw pic related in a gaming mag or comic book and said "holy shit that looks awesome"

And yeah, it was a shitty port, but nobody had a fucking MSX. If you played it you played the NES version. Although maybe OP will go for best version over pseudo-historical accuracy, who knows how autistic he wants to be about it.

>> No.6113380

So yes...?

>> No.6113501


>> No.6113809

> Metal Gear is part of it.

No, not really. For most kids it was a one-time rental. As far as Ultra Games titles go, we'd do better to include Skate or Die! or TMNT. Those were hit games which everyone owned, wanted to own, or borrowed.

>> No.6114242

OP here. Should I play SMB3 on NES, or the version included on SNES with super mario allstars?

>> No.6114268

Play it on NES with the original controller, and see the original graphics.

>> No.6114308
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Speaking of controllers, I was planning on buying one of those 8bitdo SNES-like controllers for the entirety of this experiment. Although I would love to have the original consoles and cartridges for optimal autistic nostalgia, I think I'm going to be forced to use emulation. Are they worth the $90 for two of them? (My wife and I will be playing a lot of multiplayer during this experiment so I need two)

>> No.6114435

Play the NES version first, though if you're only playing on original hardware (not emulation so no savestates) and the ability to save is important to you the SNES and GBA versions offer that. You can also backtrack and revisit previously completed levels in the GBA version. The Wii U release is the most definitive, it includes the E reader levels without having to fuck around with a second GBA, the e reader, and cards.
No. 8bitdo controllers are all garbage, stick to official Nintendo controllers if you can. Your money would be better spent buying an NES classic and a second controller, either another NES classic, an SNES classic, or just a Wii classic controller pro.

>> No.6114440

Meant to say "...another NES classic controller, SNES classic controller,"...

>> No.6114748

>no punch-out
what the fuck


>> No.6114806

I'm mainly here on /vr/ for the Doom threads, I don't have any retro consoles, so I will list the games I remember most vividly:

>Mario 1 and 3
just like everyone else already said. skip mario 2, its not even a mario game, its another game with mario sprites swapped in
This cannot be overstated enough!
>Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!
I was too young for NES so that's about all I remember

>Super Mario World
IMO its easily the greatest SNES game ever. it left such an impression on me that all through out my life, every now and then, I would dream that I was playing and discovering new secret levels and parts of the world map

damn i cant remember anything else from the SNES

>Goldeneye 007
surprised no one mentioned this. this is easily the n64 game i remember most vividly, but that's probably because i play FPS games the most
>Zelda Ocarina of Time
I definitely have the fondest memories of playing this game, this game was special. not sure how it has aged though
>Mario 64
no surprise here

[Sega Genesis]
>Sonic 1, 2, 3
>Sonic & Knuckles
these games were great, especially sonic and knuckles imo

I'd recommend you start here, but that could just be my bias :)
Go to the Doom/retro FPS thread >>6109410
and open the link that says
and follow the instructions there on how to download:
(I recommend the Crispy Doom source port)
(do an internet search for quake 1.5 and play it with the quake 1.5 mod!! it's god-tier)
>Duke Nukem 3D
I remember I played this one the most, but the modern Doom and Quake mods mean those games have aged super-duper well compared to Duke 3D

>> No.6114812

Good list overall but Mario 2 definitely deserves to be on there, as well as Chrono Trigger and Shining Force. Strike Columns and NES Metal Gear, swap Ninja Gaiden for Castlevania.

>> No.6114814

why tho? what do you need to prove?

>> No.6114823

Mario 2 deserves to make the cut.

>> No.6114827

fuck your snes section is cringe. What is:
>A Link to the Past
>Chrono Trigger
>Super Metroid
>Secret of Mana

etc. etc. yes Mario World is awesome. No it is not "easily the greatest SNES game"

>> No.6114854


>GBA (not retro, but worth it)

Just search for "top 10 games for console x" and there you go.

>> No.6114906

see >>6111659

I never played any of those :c

Now that I think about it, though, I do remember Mortal Kombat 2 and Ultimate MK3 for the SNES... back in the days when you didn't have internet to look up cheat codes so you had to find the secret moves from gaming magazines and strategy guide books.

Remember OP its ULTIMATE MK3, the Ultimate version comes with like dozens of extra characters to choose from. I remember cheesing the game with Rain on the hardest difficulty - you could just button mash the high/low punches and execute a combo that dealt substantial damage, as well as other cheap combos (lightning strike, roundhouse kick, roundhouse kick, roundhouse kick, uppercut - his roundhouse sends you flying and you wrap around the other side of the screen so you can link up to three together then finish it with an uppercut)

>> No.6114956

91 here, my family just had an NES when I was born and when I was around 5 we got an SNES. Those games were my childhood, even if you don't want that to be true. Just because I didn't experience them on release doesn't mean I didn't grow up playing them.

>> No.6114959

>just like everyone else already said. skip mario 2, its not even a mario game, its another game with mario sprites swapped in
doomtards should shut the fuck up and stay in their containment thread, fuck off.

>> No.6115069 [DELETED] 

Jambo! Just because you're a poor nigger doesn't mean everyone else is.

>> No.6115134

Gen 3:
Mario 3

Generation 4:
Link to the Past
Super Metroid
Yoshi's Island
Sonic The Hedgehog
Shining Force
Streets of Rage

Gen 5:
Mario 64
Ocarina of TIme
Star Fox 64
Spyro the Dragon
Megaman Legends
Metal Gear Solid

You can knock these out in a couple months and then go back for long RPGs or tougher games. My personal recommendation is Paper Mario.

>> No.6115243
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OP Here:
I've gone a bit overboard and got wayyyy more than I can play in a year, but I'm starting to realize this is gonna be a long-term goal, but I'm OK with that. I'm hyped desu.
Can anyone post a good infographic on PS1 and N64 games like the anon above mentioned? Harder to narrow down this gen.

>> No.6115265


>> No.6115280

How can you be so wrong. Games had a longer shelf life then. I was 92 as well and I knew many people who still had an NES hooked up. Also it was customary for kids my age to inherit an NES while the older brother played with a SNES or PS1.

I can also remember renting out SNES games from the store, even if it was technically the 64 era.

>> No.6115289

Defenitly play the castlevania ganes

>> No.6115318

hey OP where are you getting your games? i downloaded a few games but i dont have a controller, and i could not stand playing super mario world on a keyboard, so i havent touched those games in a long time and i forgot where i got 'em

>> No.6115320

The Genesis Mini and PlayStation Classic controllers are both USB, pick one and use that.

>> No.6115357

i was gonna get one of those $20 logitech controllers so that i can use the joystick to also play goldeneye, i just havent gotten around to it yet

>> No.6115392
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>Skip it entirely

How about just skip the rest of your life instead?

>> No.6115478 [DELETED] 

Jambo!. Another poor autistic nigger just samenigger?

>> No.6116517

Don't listen to zoomers. They wouldn't know a good game if it yeeted them in the ass.

>> No.6117187

Did you not read the OP? He is atleast 30 at this point, and wants to salvage some of his lost childhood. Maybe you should grow up

>> No.6117227
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>> No.6117251
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my philosophy is shotgun 2 great games a system. anything that i felt really scratched the same itch i gave as an alternative

>super mario bros 3
>ninja gaiden or contra or castlevania

>umihara kawase or super mario world
>legend of zelda a link to the past or chrono trigger

>sonic 2 or ristar
>castlevania bloodlines or ecco the dolphin

>super mario 64 or doom 64
>ocarina of time

>castlevania symphony of the night
>tony hawks proskater 2 or umihara kawase shun

>bomberman 94

>saturn bomberman

>doom or blood

>> No.6117261

What would you suggest for the Dreamcast?

>> No.6117265

sonic adventure or jet set radio
typing of the dead, but really play the pc port

oh add nights into dreams for sega saturn its good too, but that also got a pretty good pc port. in fact all these games in this post have either good pc ports or ports where autists have compiled mods that fix all the ports problems like sonic adventure

>> No.6117328

Get fucked kid

>> No.6117624


>> No.6118259

OP here, I like this recommendation. I went too overboard and ended up making a list that will take 5 years at least to complete.

>> No.6118296

play some early 3d games such as wolf 3d, starfox, stunts and hard driven so that you will really see what the big hype was about ps1 and saturn

>> No.6118440

I grew up playing Genesis, NES, and even 2600 games, but that was because I also had two older brothers who would hog the living fuck out of the N64 (one of them kept taking it over to play with his friends, too), and when one brother bought a PS1 with his own money, none of the rest of us got to play it since he'd hide it.

Mario 2 is fun. There's no real reason to skip it.

>> No.6118493

Terrible idea.

NES games are 99.9% garbage. I would skip that generation altogether.

>> No.6119037

What about metroid? SmB3? Mofucking Jackal? Son, you don't know what you're talking bout

>> No.6119316

Metroid is ass.
Remaining 0.1%. I don't like platformers so I can't judge it myself, but every platformer fan seems to love it.

>> No.6119345

remember the games that you were hyped about back then

or based on the genre or themes that you like right and work from there

no one can figure this out but you

and try those PC games too not just consoles as they are tons of varieties that are not suited on consoles like those comfy tycoons and city builders

>> No.6120576

if racketboy is still around, then go read their articles

>> No.6121263

Sorry you are never going to feel what it was like back then. You will never be able to play gyromite while making your little brother run the other controller because ROB sucked.

>> No.6121681
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Nah, man.

>> No.6121697

Earthbound was not as popular as zoomers think it was. A cult classic, but not a "hit game" as Mother for Famicom was in Japan.

It cost 135 USD in 2020 money, for one thing.

>> No.6121729

It wasn't popular at all. Most people outside of Japan only found out about it because of Smash Bros. Just like Fire Emblem.

>> No.6121736

Wrong retard. I was born in 93 but my family was poor so I had an NES for years as my only console.

>> No.6121738

>friend's name was Cole

This made me laugh

>> No.6121742

Remember to grab something at complete fucking random once in a while. Every kid ends up owning at least a few games that they only got because it was a gift, it was 50 cents at a flea market, or it was the best looking thing in the clearance bin. Sure, it'll probably be shit, but it'll be YOUR shit.

>> No.6121746

>It cost 135 USD in 2020 money, for one thing
Wouldn't all SNES games cost something like that after inflation?

>> No.6121748
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Hell, I'll even "give" you a game to simulate the experience. Congratulations, you're the proud "owner" of the NES Muppets game. Now play the hell out of it, because it's one of the only three games you "own".

>> No.6121754

Goldeneye blows. PD is marginally better but OP should skip that too.

>> No.6121813

Don't buy into the "I had a worthwhile childhood and you didn't but can play now" nonsense.
There's no value in consuming entertainment and only is a vice.
If you really want to be able to talk to people about /vr/, just watch a <10 minutes youtube review and you'll have their opinion on it too, you'll get along better if you don't actually play the game.
So create higher values for yourself than just "reclaiming your childhood."

>> No.6121860

Nah, most were $45-$59, with $5-$10 off if there's a sale at KB Toys or Electronics Boutique. 32 meg carts (most JRPGs) went for $79.99 ($135 today) and were almost never on sale. The only exceptions were the DKC games, which Nintendo might have sold at cost.

FF Mystic Quest retailed for $30-something- the cheapest SNES game if I remember correctly.

>> No.6121948

Brain Transplant, $39.99
I don't know why I remember that

>> No.6121981

Why be such a negative peasant?

>> No.6121985 [DELETED] 

OP here, I'd be lying if it wasn't secretly because I miss that nigga like you wouldn't believe and part of me wishes he was like, "<anon>, is that you?" and I could rekindle one of my only true childhood friendships :(

>> No.6121990 [DELETED] 

OP here, I'd be lying if it wasn't secretly because I miss that nigga like you wouldn't believe and part of me wishes he was like,
>"<anon>, is that you?"
and I could rekindle one of my only true childhood friendships :(

>> No.6121992

OP here, I'd be lying if it wasn't secretly because I miss that nigga like you wouldn't believe and part of me wishes he was like,
><anon>, is that you?
and I could rekindle one of my only true childhood friendships :(

>> No.6122026

>There's no value in consuming entertainment and is only vice...create higher values for yourself than just "reclaiming your childhood"
I think you're picturing people abandoning their responsibilities and perception of reality to use media to fill a void in their lives. For all we know it OP just has some free time to enjoy some classic vidya and wants suggestions to better manage the time they have.

>> No.6122030

Wish more people had the mental maturity you do. And btw that doesn't come with age.

>> No.6122075

Why thank you! Have a good thread, I'm going back to /trash/ to post about monster girls with dick-shitting nipples.

>> No.6122518

Based Sony Chad

>> No.6123745

What playstation games would yall recommend?

>> No.6123765

A few great lesser known titles to start with : Wild 9, Alundra, Brave Fencer Musashi, Future Cop LAPD.

>> No.6123876

>I think you're..
I'm not. I'll clarify that you don't need to be a deadbeat, but it could be just a flaw.
>just has some free time
What are you doing with your life if you have time that you don't have anything you could do in your time?
>Better manage the time
Do you really think that playing a video game for 30 hours is good time management?

>> No.6124013

You're really tense. Pay someone to blow you before you post again. You're trying so hard to be negative it's fucking comical.
>What are you doing with your life if you have time that you don't have anything you could do in your time?
People will do what's important to them in their time. For you, I recommend ESL.
>Do you really think that playing a video game for 30 hours is good time management?
That's not what I said. To clarify, someone crowdsourcing ideas for games to play from /vr/ is likely trying to get the best experience for the amount of leisure time they have. This isn't rocket science, I can't believe that I even need to explain this concept to you.

>> No.6124706

Spyro 1-3, Crash Bandicoot 1-3, Gran Turismo 2, Star Ocean the Second Story

>> No.6124873 [DELETED] 

What's with all the zoomer hate? I thought we all liked zoomers.

>> No.6124896

Super Mario Bros.

Solder Blade

Hokuto no Ken

Gunstar Heroes

Mega Man X

Slap Happy Rhythm Busters

Conker's Bad Fur Day


>> No.6125863

ESL made me lol.
It mostly just comes off super-negative when I type, although it probably is because of being actually tense.

>> No.6126092


>> No.6126104 [DELETED] 


>> No.6126104,1 [INTERNAL] 

Oh wow, Fuck /vr/ mod