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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6089583 No.6089583[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

itt: post games eops could never understand

>> No.6089589

stop posting this.

>> No.6089661

Fuck off, we just had this bait thread. Post something original.

>> No.6089834
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>tfw you didn't fell for the "learn Japanese" meme

>> No.6090220

Boring thread.

>> No.6092302

>Sex A Doll

>> No.6094158

>tfw final Lolita never ever

>> No.6094684

What's the point? EOPs can barely understand some of the Mario games, it'd be much faster to list games that EOPs can potentially understand.

>> No.6094742

Seriously what's an eop

>> No.6094743

How many times are you gonna keep posting this thread?

>> No.6094753

If rather not learn a language from a dying society just to play mostly uninteresting games and games that would have me see the inside of a jail cell thank you very much.

English only peasant. The funny thing is I personally know three languages and I didn't learn any of them to play games for pedos.

>> No.6094757

Knowing 2 worthless languages isn't mutually exclusive with EOPdom.

But hey, you're enough of a brainlet to think that fictional acts are somehow as bad as real ones, so it's pretty amazing that you haven't handed yourself in to the police for watching snuff films and even committing virtual murder yourself. Hope you rot in jail, buddy, I don't know how you live with a conscience rivaling a fucking war criminals.

>> No.6094941

EOP literally means "English Only Peasant", but what it actually means is that you are pretty much restricted to playing games released in English, since English only and Japanese only games dominate the market of (quality) games.

Then again, I'd argue that's not really true: if a game is Japan only, it probably isn't that good except to a niche audience, just like how Russian games are. Japan makes far more games, though.

>> No.6094945

>Knowing 2 worthless languages
What makes them worthless? Please don't say
>there are no games released in those languages
because that would let people reply with
>I'm not interested in Japanese only games
which would mean Japanese is just as worthless.

>> No.6094978

This argument fails on 2 very simple levels. First, and the most egregious, that English translations of entertainment are acceptable. Sure, you can pretend you don't really care about reading fan-fiction instead of the author's original intent, and hell, there are a couple of "translations" out there that actually improve on the original work in some ways. But these are one in a million. What's sadder still are when people defend awful WD style translations with the misconception that Japanese is somehow "dry" or "robotic". Literal translations are dry and robotic, there's nothing wrong with the original text because it reads like natural speech.

The number of re-translation projects alone should really clue you into this, there are a lot of people who wind up learning Japanese, replaying their favorite game, and realising that it was completely butchered by some underpaid code monkey. That's not to say they do a better job, most re-translations are awful in different ways, usually because the idiot doing them has only a marginally better understanding than the original translator, and weaker editors. But this shit happens a lot.

And then there's the assumption that anything without a translation must be "niche" and thus not fit for western consumption, which is pretty absurd when you're posting on a retro board.

>>>I'm not interested in Japanese only games
No, you don't THINK you'd be interested in Japanese only games, because you can't play any of them, they don't even enter your periphery. I don't think anyone here is dumb enough to say "I'm not interested in Japanese games".

>> No.6094984

Oh no, Americans will miss a handful of coomer-core kusoge

>> No.6094997


>> No.6095016

Your arguments fail on 2 very simple levels. First, believing that Japanese videogames are works of art to the point it pays off considerably to learn the original language. This isn't true, because as someone who speaks two languages I can tell you that I've never experienced a show, a film, or a videogame where the language spoken made or broke the piece for me. To this day, I still watch some films in my language despite knowing English because I like the sound of it better than the original English release. I honestly don't see how I would prefer to play Kurono Turigeru over Chrono Trigger, seeing as I think Japanese sounds retarded.

Second, I'm not talking about retro games only, but also modern games: if it doesn't get an English release soon, it probably isn't worth the average person's time, and I am the average person. I have no interested in visual novels, stereotypical JRPGs, and retarded horror games that make up the vast majority of games Japan can shit out on a daily basis where the language barrier is an actual problem, as opposed to a very minor inconvenience.

And third
>No, you don't THINK you'd be interested in Japanese only games, because you can't play any of them, they don't even enter your periphery. I don't think anyone here is dumb enough to say "I'm not interested in Japanese games".
Which again leads me to this: what makes those other languages anon can speak "worthless"? According to your own arguments, they aren't worthless at all
1) They let you experience more media.
2) They let you experience it in its original language.
3) And you can't bring up "I don't like that media" because you simply aren't consuming it.

>> No.6095028

Shit, I forgot
>No, you don't THINK you'd be interested in Japanese only games, because you can't play any of them, they don't even enter your periphery.
You would have a point if it wasn't because Japanese games are constantly getting fan translated, and guess what? Only a handful are actually good. Those have been translated decades ago. Those that are getting fan translated nowadays are usually crap.

Shin Megami Tensei: If...? Crap. Majin Tensei? Crap. Lots of eroge games? Crap. There are thousands upon thousands of American games out there, and I have no intention to play them all or even know about them all. What makes you think I'm interested in learning Japanese just to have another thousands upon thousands of Japanese games which I have no intention to play or even know about, especially when this language barrier I mentioned concerns JRPGs, visual novels, and weird horror games?

>> No.6095040

Did I lol at EOPs too much?

Cause now you autists seriously argue about it.

>> No.6095050

I already speak 3 languages. Why would I waste time learning the language of a dying country like Japan?

>> No.6095079

All languages are worthless except english and japanese.

>> No.6095196

Why are all of these shitty early computer games?

>> No.6095258

>To this day, I still watch some films in my language despite knowing English because I like the sound of it better than the original English release.
Are you watching movies you once watched in your native language again, or brand new movies like this, though? I can understand the former for the sake of nostalgia, I can't really understand the latter. Back when I was worse at Japanese I'd occasionally play games in English just to save on reading, but at this point there's barely any difference so I just play the original if it's something new.

>3) And you can't bring up "I don't like that media" because you simply aren't consuming it.
I'm not a big fan of books or TV, and these make up pretty much all the media produced by other countries. It's pretty obvious that Japan's impact on gaming is easily an order of magnitude higher than any country that isn't America.

If we were on an image board about French poetry, I could understand an appeal about the validity of learning French. But we're on an imageboard that's a knock-off of a Japanese one, whose focus from day one has been about Japanese media. Maybe you could make an argument for learning French because there's a lot of J>F translation work, but even that is pretty stupid.

But are they crap because they're crap, or are they crap because you're reading them through the lens of some retarded ESL translator? Ace Combat 3 is one of my favorite games of all time, and it took 20 years to get translated. Sakura Wars is great, Machi and Moon are great, there are plenty of titles out there worth playing.

99% of everything is shit, and obviously that applies to games. I can understand not wanting to learn a language for the sake of, say, 20 games if we pretend that's all the language has to offer, but language isn't a bubble. Learning it for games doesn't mean that has to be the only thing you use it for.

>> No.6095982

Mostly because of the former, but the truth is that older dubs were simply better than newer dubs. They were really soulful.
>But we're on an imageboard that's a knock-off of a Japanese one, whose focus from day one has been about Japanese media.
The truth is that, ultimately, what I said rings true now and forever: only a handful of genres require heavy knowledge of a language. If you are not interested in those genres, no reason in learning the language.
>but language isn't a bubble. Learning it for games doesn't mean that has to be the only thing you use it for.
It's true. Then again, I don't watch anime, I don't read manga, I don't care about Japanese literature (or literature period, but that something I would like to change... someday). And the more JRPGs I play, the more I'm convinced people are pretending to like these games because I refuse to believe someone's taste can be this bad.
>But are they crap because they're crap, or are they crap because you're reading them through the lens of some retarded ESL translator?
There's "the setting", there's "the writing", and then there's "the translation". By all accounts, Shin Megami Tensei is superior to something like Final Fantasy (NES): it has the most interesting setting, it has the most interesting writing, and it has the more polished translation (accurate or not). When it comes to the gameplay, however, SMT is a chore where 99.99% of the time is spent fighting random battles.

I also can't ignore that Japanese gamers consistently rate some of the most boring games ever made as some of the best games ever made: the Dragon Quest series. You can say it is the language differences, but to me no amount of writing will improve these games because the problem is the slow, outdated gameplay.

>> No.6096007

Lol have fun when everything is in ching chong and you can't read the papers your chink overlord has you sign before he slaves you some more.

>> No.6096040

I called you a pedophile not an actual child abuser. And leave it to the pedos to argue that they aren't hurting anyone while it's most likely illegal to have even written fictional stories in their possession. That ship has most likely sailed where you're at pal. Hands where I can see em you're coming with me.

>> No.6096058

>fictional stories are hurting people

>> No.6096267

>I also can't ignore that Japanese gamers consistently rate some of the most boring games ever made as some of the best games ever made: the Dragon Quest series.
Funny you bring up DQ. Back when I was an EOP, I tried to get into the series a few times, and every time, I couldn't make it more than an hour into them. The writing was heavily aimed at children, the characters all had obnoxious gimmicks, I just couldn't see the appeal at all.

These days, in Japanese, it's one of my favorite series. The gameplay is still bland, nothing will change that, but when the writing is palatable, the games actually work. To this day, I still have no fucking idea how anyone can enjoy DQ in English.

>> No.6096601

It's already a done deal. Argue that in front of the judge, pedo.

>> No.6096810

So are there any actual games I'm missing or is it just jrpgs/vn's and other similar story based junk?

>> No.6097068

>say something patently stupid
>promptly get blown the fuck out
>realize how retarded you sounded and get embarrassed about it
>proceed to double down on the dumb in the hopes of playing it off as trolling the whole time
Like pottery.