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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6082637 No.6082637 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the BEST RPG of all time?

>> No.6082659

Dungeons and Dragons
or were you asking about cRPGs?

>> No.6082660 [DELETED] 

Dungeons & Dragons

Final Fantasy 7

>> No.6082665
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>> No.6082671
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Obviously GURPS

>> No.6082673

Za Hairaru Fantajī: Zeruda no Densetsu for the Famicom

>> No.6082676


This list is unironically good, choose any of top 5 there.

>> No.6082687

Its a tie between:
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 4
Seiken Densetsu 3
Star Ocean 2

>> No.6082691

Falling Stars.

>> No.6082696

Ultima VII

>> No.6082698

I can only name games I’ve played, fucking duh, but without thinking too hard about it

Baldurs Gate 2 or Fallout 2

Dragon Quest 5, Lufia 2, Chronotrigger, honorable mention to Phantasy Star 4 for trying it’s best

>> No.6082702

Final fantasy tactics I fucking just saw above and remembered that’s my #1 jrpg

>> No.6082705

nothin beats it bro. so good.

>> No.6082708
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I choose this one

>> No.6082713

it's morrowind and you know it

>> No.6082728
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>> No.6082729

Final fantasy 4

>> No.6082747


>> No.6082749

That's a toss up between "my collection is large and valuable" and "look what i found in the trash"

>> No.6082759

majoras mask. no contest

>> No.6082784

Rpgs not Action adventure games

>> No.6082787

>Kingdom Come: Deliverance

>> No.6082793

So right I can’t believe I forgot

>> No.6082798

Sumerians playing PC master race

>> No.6082802

And if you’re the guy who listed Seiken Densetsu 3 that’s way up on the list too. Livin in japan for ten years and I got the cartridge right next to me. I keep my Japanese collection in japan and the American collection is stored at my friends house in the US

>> No.6082803
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That's my pick as well.

>> No.6083136

Why is the box art to all these games so muted?
And why is there a knight with a sword on virtually every single cover? Where is the world variety?

>> No.6083236
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>muhjoruhs !!1!

>> No.6083252


>> No.6083267

Pretty close to my favorites, except swap DQV with FFVI. Haven't played DQV yet.

I'd also include some Pokemon games.

>> No.6083269


>> No.6083298

chrono trigger

>> No.6083332

Captain Tsubasa II Super Striker

>> No.6083345

Fallout 2 is actually the best game ever dudes.

>> No.6083363


>> No.6083372
File: 93 KB, 640x480, DQiiiZoma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Quest III

>> No.6083391



>> No.6083437

not an RPG

gonna go with chrono trigger here

>> No.6083441

> audible sigh

>> No.6083446

>all time

>> No.6083458

Lol but no.

>> No.6083475

What are its RPG elements?

>> No.6083530

My ZZT world file I made when I was 8
It can't be debated

>> No.6083532

michael jordan adventures 2: cortex strikes back

>> No.6083580

Uncharted Waters

>> No.6083585
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>> No.6083589

World of Warcraft

>> No.6083616

Deus Ex

>> No.6083624

You play the ROLE of a fantasy character and you talk to towns people and collect hearts. That's everything an RPG is you fucking noobzoomer

>> No.6083642
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Retro? Threads of Fate, easily.

>> No.6083663
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There is only one answer here

>> No.6083667

Rpgs have to have stats and to be worth playing turn based combat. Zeldas are action games dude.

>> No.6083701

Hearts are no different than stats! I'm so fucking sick you zoomers telling me my favorite game can't be an RPG. I'm playing the role of Link and exploring a fantasy world that's all that should matter.

>> No.6083720

Moraff's World

>> No.6083723

>Hearts are no different than stats!
Yeah, every game with health bar is an RPG now!

>> No.6083724

Shadowrun, pls.

>> No.6083785

Its such a weird and unique dungeon crawler. I fucking love the Moraff games and still spin up Maraff's World every now and then.

>> No.6083824

Yeah VI was pretty rad. I was a little too old to get into Pokémon but I remember my little brother borrowed the first gameboy game from his friend at school and I ended up playing it all night and he was pissed I wouldn’t give it back because it was rad. I only played it that one night because he made sure I didn’t touch it the rest of the weekend but I could see how someone could get into Pokémon. The first gameboy game was good is about all I know about Pokémon

>> No.6083828

Great game

>> No.6083930

You can also level up your sword and shield.

>> No.6083950

Dragon's Dogma

>> No.6084012
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>> No.6084014

I concur.

>> No.6084016

Threads of Fate is an action/adventure.

>> No.6084032

Not /vr/ but are Gothic and Black and White any good?

>> No.6084037

Black and White is super janky but a good deal of fun. It's not an RPG at all though.

>> No.6084057

What about Gothic? I haven't played it because most of the mods are Polish or Russian

>> No.6084064

Never played it either. Didn't interest me.

In B&W I taught my creature to eat children as his main food source but that gives them terrible diarrhea so I taught him to throw his shit into the food supplies of other tribes to poison them all.

There were always plenty of children around too because I found child sacrifices give so much god energy that it was more efficient to toss a couple on the pyre and then summon the grain myself than have humans farm for it. So the only two things any of the humans I presided over were permitted to do was worship me or fuck to produce children for food and sacrifice.

Good times.

>> No.6084179

Gothic 1 and 2 are some of the best rpgs ever, definetly a must-play if you consider yourself a crpg fan

>> No.6084202

why do weebs pretend that j"rpg"s are roleplaying games?
fucking retarded gook insects copied wizardry and ultima for 20-30 years in the most souless manner imaginable

>> No.6084219

Wizardry and Ultima are awful.

>> No.6084228

they're certainly better than any jrpg in existence that's for sure

>> No.6084257

Saga Frontier

>> No.6084316

I love crpgs and I have played every isometric rpg, loved all of them. Are there any mods worth for Gothic? All the ones I see are in Polish or Russian

>> No.6084565

That question depends what you expect from games.

If you expect overall a satisfying but simple and accessible experience, Chrono Trigger.
If you looking for a deep but relatively linear story, Xenogears.
If you're looking for a deep but interactive story, Planescape Torment.
If you're looking for a game that truly captures feeling of tabletop RPG, Fallout 2.
If you're looking for a real challenge that will test your understanding of in-game stats, resource managament and navigation, Wizardry IV.

>> No.6084779
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Betrayal at Krondor

F5 for Gorath, the hero that Midkemia didn't deserve

>> No.6084830

Made before 2000? FFT

>> No.6085260


go here and click "translate in english", that should make things clear, the system pack removes the 25fps cap, fixes bugs and allows you to play in widescreen resolutions

>> No.6085324

Shining Force II

>> No.6085331

Stop hoarding pointless retro games and consoles and maybe you won't be this incompetent.

In the meantime

>> No.6085456

Anything from Koei's retro catalogue like Inindo or New Horizons.
Not retro, but Rot3K 9 is the ultimate RPG.

>> No.6085458

Absolutely abyssmal, dead franchises. I think the Japanese own Wizardry now, but who cares?
As for Op: Metal Max

>> No.6085514


>> No.6085712

>dead franchise
>still played to this day especially by japs
ok zoomer

>> No.6085718

Japan just made it more palatable.

>> No.6085784

>source: my ass

>> No.6086013
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It's not that hearts are a health bar, it's that they're a health bar which gets its size upgraded.
See pic related. And stop gatekeeping RPGs, you must be the biggest sperglord on the board.

>> No.6086280


Beyond kek.

>> No.6086339

god CRPGs / 90s PC games had the best fucking box art in the world

>> No.6086347

anyway, it's F2 / BG2 for WRPG, Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, or SMT: N for JRPG

>> No.6086376

I can vouch for this.

>> No.6086379

Gatekeeping is not a bad thing, zoomer.

>> No.6086439

IX and the rest of the nu wars proves this.

>> No.6086458

ITT: linear weeaboo horseshit

>> No.6086514

>no you

>> No.6086515

>never played Koei Rpgs or Metal Maxx
Ayylmao westcuck.

>> No.6086624

>#1 Planescape Torment

And with that, the entire list is invalidated in one swoop.

>> No.6086628

Ching chong ching chong pee pee in your coke.

>> No.6086630
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>Not /vr/

>> No.6086635
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It's very telling of the quality of this site that Knights of the Old Republic has yet to be mentioned.

Seeing as how everyone has failed to name something better than it, this is the game that shall get my vote until proven otherwise.

>> No.6086638

>Anachronox is the second best JRPG produced in the West (right after the timeless classic Planescape: Torment, of course).
How can anyone take these idiots seriously?

>> No.6086650

>How can anyone take these idiots seriously?
By feeling unconfident in their own ability to judge quality. I mean, the site is named *RPG* Codex, they must know their shit, right? Can't be them that's wrong. This ancient mass of pixels and early CGI has got to be a masterpiece, they told me so. Guess I'll just learn to love it too.

>> No.6086668

I'm not sure I understand your response. Did you think I was mocking them based on their praise of Anachronox? I couldn't care less about that. It was their labelling of Torment as a JRPG that should stand out as being mind-bogglingly fucked in the head.

>> No.6086679


>> No.6086684

It's not retro, so that's probably why no one's mentioned it.
Good game tho.

>> No.6086692

Then the phrase you were looking for was "idiots like this guy".

>> No.6086696

braindead response in more ways than one

>> No.6086791


>> No.6086824
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>Phrase not found
Come on, guys.

>> No.6086951


That's not a fair question to ask. The best RPG of all time isn't relevant to the topic of this board.

(It's 2018's The Quiet Man.)

>> No.6087042


KotOR was released in 2003. It doesn't belong here, fuck off.

>> No.6087106


>> No.6087143

>shadowrun dragonfall at 28 and hong kong not even on the list
>vtmb at 5
you are a literal dogsbody the entire game. no.

>> No.6087169

Your opinion was shit and the confirmation I had about it being shit was exactly you spitting zoomer buzzwords because your brain can't process losing an argument. Get fucked faggot.

>> No.6087282

Says the guy spewing buzzwords and trying to talk like opinions are objectively right or wrong.

>> No.6087412

Girls, girls, you’re both pretty.

>> No.6087465

Planescape Torment or Fallout.

>> No.6087469

I thought channers were more likely to get the Codexian humour.

>> No.6087475

DQ3 is a boring snoozefest.

>> No.6087480

I think Morrowind better captures the feel of a tabletop RPG.

>> No.6087486

best rape plot that would be banned by all Baldie's Gate's writer.

game mechanic however is ass retarded. you 're forced to talk to your enemies before fighting them otherwise the code fucked up the entire game and everyone attacks you!

>> No.6087493

>current yr
>still recing SJW games

>> No.6087504

Being unable to tell sarcasm from truth is a sign of autism.

>> No.6087562


Also Daggerfall, Diablo 1-2 and Baldurs Gate, Fallout.

Those games are amazing.

>> No.6088118

On this very case, your opinion is objectively wrong, yes.
Blow it out your ass

>> No.6088419


>> No.6088421

based as fuck

>> No.6088425
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I'm looking for an older FPS game but I can't remember the name
Takes place in a mine, I think it was a cold frozen setting
It was also lovecraft inspired maybe? Big spook was after you

>> No.6088427

Thanks creep

>> No.6088462

I wasn't him but the an opinion can't be objectively wrong.

>> No.6088539


>> No.6088562

In my honest opinion little turd.
>Shin megami tensei
>Some final fantasy
>Dragon quest
>Mass efect
>Fire emblem

>> No.6088576

>Dungeons and dragons
>Warhammer fantasy and 40k
>Shadow world

>> No.6088591

You play a role in any game that has defined characters.
HOW you play that role is what makes Adventure and action games differ from RPGs. In RPGs you can make a significant difference in the character development.

In Adventure game you are given a defined role (some times several to chose from at the start or divergent path in the middle, the point is your choice is fairly limited). The bonuses and powerups you collect are just that - bonuses. The only choice you have in that matter is taking or not taking the bonus/powerup.
In the end if you collect all the powerups and bonuses, you will end up with about the same character as anyone else who chose same role and collected all the powerups and bonuses.
You made no difference in development of your character.

In RPG you can make important decisions that define your character, what abilities he has and how exactly he plays. The game that allow you such impact on the protagonist is an RPG. The game that does not, is not an RPG.

In Adventure role defines you, In RPG you define the role.

>> No.6088678


>> No.6088990

>Dark souls always makes these lists
What is even the roleplaying aspect of dark souls? It always seems to just be there to please people.

>> No.6089008

wizardry and ultima lasted for 20 years you buffoon
if they were so shit then why did japs plagiarize these two games for about another 20 years you dumb fuck

>> No.6089013

Final Fantasy X

>> No.6089015

Good job perfectly describing how OoT is a RPG. As you said, it's up to the player to unlock what abilities Link has. To complete the game you don't have to unlock the ability to hold 40 or 50 arrows, but you can.

>> No.6089021

>what is reading comprehension

>In the end if you collect all the powerups and bonuses, you will end up with about the same character as anyone else

"not taking a powerup" is not a meaningful RPG choice.

>> No.6089062

It's 3D Castlevania and grimdark Zelda, that's all there is to the love it gets. You need to remember the world is full of casuals, and then it makes total sense, whereas before you assumed much better of people than you should have.

>> No.6089069

Standards were low when there were no other games. The bar has now been raised so high to the point where Wizardry and Ultima have for most intents and purposes been rendered obsolete.

>> No.6089076


>> No.6089081

That's true for many old games.

>> No.6089084

where do you think you are

>> No.6089105

show me one current game that has the same level of item interactions as Ultima 7 (Elder Scrolls is similar but not as good) or the same combat system as Wizardry 6 7 8

>> No.6089118

This is the only exception to the rule.

>> No.6089132

When opinion is based on facts that are verifiably wrong, then it sure is.
Flatearthers are of opinion that the earth is flat, but their opinion is wrong since its verifiably isn't so.
Therefore the statement "opinion can't be objectively wrong" is in itself wrong.

>> No.6089157


>> No.6089227

I tried to play this game recently and was actually pretty disappointed by it. The gameplay is extremely clunky and the RPG elements are as shallow as it gets. I'll admit that it's got some nice music and it's art style is pretty comfy, but everything else about it is pretty obviously meant to be heavily geared towards children.

I could only stomach about 8 hours of it before I decided to just ride it off as babby's first RPG and find something else to play.

>> No.6089259


Unlocking The Spyglass and The Spider was the best gaming experience I've ever had in this lifetime.

>> No.6089287

>Wizardry 6 7
Etrian Odyssey
Nobody's ripped off Wizardry 8's combat system yet, to my knowledge, and seemingly never will.
>same level of item interactions as Ultima 7
Crafting is all the rage this gen, and has been popular to varying degrees of complexity since the time of Arx Fatalis; the mechanic as it's been commonly implemented isn't my cup of tea, so I'm not familiar with candidates that certainly surpassed Ultima VII in that regard. Using items in environmental puzzles is probably even more impoverished.

>> No.6089289

Many people use these threads to shamelessly shill their childhood games to bolster the numbers of people to discuss them with.

>> No.6089349

>combat system
Combat system in Wizardries is really mediocre. What props those games up is character building.

>> No.6089916

the magic system was bullshit. you're basically just casting dragonskin on everyone.

>> No.6090981

>no Golden Sun ITT

>> No.6091031

Overrated demi-trash.

>> No.6091147

"Planescape: Torment as an jRPG" is an obvious joke stemming from
>heavy reliance on storyfaggotry
>long-winded spell animations and cutscenes
>edgy brooding protagonist with long hair
>weird aesthetic mix of things that evokes the magitek vibes from FF6 of FF7
>Chris Avellone or someone let it slip they were enamored with Final Fantasy 7 when developing PS:T so it's a joke that they stole a lot of things from there
>multiple companions that wouldn't be out of place in a whimsical jRPG setting, most notably Nordom
That's all it is: a joke based on exaggeration. Calm down.

>> No.6091153
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It entirely depends on how you decide to play it, anon. Maybe your playstyle is a snoozefest. Maybe you're a boring person!

>> No.6091204

Baldur's Gate 2 is the best CRPG ever made and a viable candidate for best computer game ever made.
The Ultima games (Underworld and 7) were more technically impressive and detailed for their time, but are very difficult to enjoy in the 21st century as they've dated so badly, whereas BG2 has translated really well to the touchscreen / mobile age, it still looks fantastic and it's not so slow that you get fed up with it

>> No.6091429

Or it might just be the game, since other DQ games aren't that bad.

So I', confident its just DQIII being a boring snoozefest.

>> No.6091436

FF7 was definitely influential on aesthetic choices such as spell animations.

This is a good thing because FF7 is aesthetically one of the coolest things ever designed.

>> No.6091437

Allow me to disagree, fellow anon, for I think you are utterly wrong, Dragon Quest III is the best Dragon Quest game.

>> No.6091441

Even the first game is more fun.

>> No.6091445

DQ1 is a classic, but DQ III is the quintessential RPG.

>> No.6091447

Nah, Wizardry is the quintessential RPG, weeb.

>> No.6091450

Wizardry? not bad, also Wizardry IS a weeb series, newfag.
but Dragon Quest III did everything right, you're just a brainlet who was unable to play it the right way.

>> No.6091567
File: 79 KB, 500x625, Suikoden 2 Castle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not one mention of Suikoden so far.. Come the fuck on guys.
At least give 1 and 2 a try.

Also, Good Yule everyone!

>> No.6091602

Divine Divinity and Beyong Divinity are non-VR
This too. And the freemium FLASH game Deadmaze.

Why insist on talking >>>/v/ in VR ?!?

>> No.6091606

>Beyong Divinity
Beyond Divinity

>> No.6091772

I love artwork like this. What's the best way to play Suikoden? I'd like to try out the first entry.

>> No.6091778

ePSXe just werks, anons.

>> No.6091979

Gothic 1
Bought the game because of the remake and been enjoying the shit out of it. I don't think the remake is going to live up to it.

>> No.6091985

All you really need are the player kit and the system pack if you get it from GOG. I couldn't ever get the DX11 renderer to work.

>> No.6092028


>> No.6092035

anachronox kind of does feel like a jrpg

>> No.6092221

Can anyone recommend a JRPG that splits up the party often? I absolutely love that as a trope, Final Fantasy 6 and 8 are great at that for reference. To clarify, I don't mean when members just leave then return later, more like you have 6 members and at some point in the story it asks you to make two teams, who reunite later.

>> No.6092226

People often recommend to play 1 because it's quite short and then 2, but honestly I'd rather you not be put off from the series by playing 1 when the story is much better in 2.

It depends on the kind of gamer you are, if you do finish the first game you can transfer your save for some goodies and extra content.

>> No.6092239

If you aren't being ironic I never understood the love people have for that game, the story IS different from your average game but the dialogue is so one-dimensional it's painful, most exposition isn't different from a skit in a Tales game it's just a bit more verbose, the strife and content is just as detailed.

I could write an essay on the failings of the mechanics as well, but the gist is that like all games that try to adapt tabletop rulesets they focus too much on combat and barely anything on the flavour/puzzles.

It gets an A for effort, it's certainly a polished game for what it is but as an experience you're always fighting against it.

>> No.6092246


It is very much a JRPG in the most important ways, except one: It has a genuinely enjoyable story and is hilarious.

But as noted above, anons were taking exception to the idea of Torment being a JRPG, even though that was apparently just a joke or something.


An additional point: There is some carryover of story points and characters from the first to the second, so if you care about that sort of thing then definitely play them both.

>> No.6092641

darksun: the shattered lands

>> No.6093124


final fantasy tactics advance was my life between age 10 and 11

>> No.6093125

How does KOTOR stack up.

>> No.6093129

>citing any jrpg ever
Literally like claiming happy meals are your favourite food.

>> No.6093132

>you're just a brainlet who was unable to play it the right way

A real RPG would have no wrong way to play it

>> No.6093134

These are probably the same person which is funny.

>> No.6093674

The characters are bold, colourful and relatable in the manner of a (good) JRPG, the story is simple but strong enough to motivate you to progress and win. The backdrops look like oil paintings. Every location in the game has its own personality, you can tell where you are in the game with your eyes closed from the music and ambient sounds. So the aesthetic and narrative are fantastic. As far the gameplay, squad based realtime tactical combat with 100s of spells and abilities...how can you NOT enjoy taking on opponents that are just a bit too hard for your party and beating them using creative combinations of low level spells, items and manoeuvres?

>> No.6093680

>A real RPG would have no wrong way to play it
Tell that to cRPG developers, who never playtested their own games, often resulting in getting softlocked and having to abuse quicksaving.