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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 279 KB, 700x483, lick_my_analog_sticks_bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6056820 No.6056820 [Reply] [Original]

>Game ads in 2019:
Every word has been processed by 500 people in marketing to be as asinine and consoomer-friendly and innocent as possible
>Sega in the 90s
lmao joystick dick

Where did we go wrong?

>> No.6056824

That's a British ad, OP. They've always been more cheeky than the states.

>> No.6056849

>How did they get away with it
There was nothing get "get away with"

>Where did we go wrong?
Anyone ever giving a fuck what whiny little bitched think

>> No.6056982

Shut up, Everyone knows that's a Playboy ad you british cock sucker. There's more of them, even for Nintendo.

>> No.6057091

Wow Great thread loser

>> No.6057125

Video games back them were nowhere as big as they are now. (Basically before the Normies got into the PlayStation)

People didn't give a fuck, basically. It was mostly kept to the Gaming mags, I remember Mean Machines pulling a few smutty ads from grey importers back in the day and also not reviewing Stormlord because it was a shit game, but had boobs in it.

>> No.6057179
File: 889 KB, 1732x1094, Mean Job.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pretty much. Also, there was still some remains of the punk attitude of the 80s, which gave birth to some of those ads or things like the Mean Job section of Mean Machines (see pic attached). Japanese magazines weren't so edgy or violent, but they also went full crazy and creative with all sorts of strange ads, caricatures, magazine designs, etc. The social climate just was right for it.

>> No.6057219 [DELETED] 

I remember Mean Yob and the Insult corner, Mean Machines wouldn't even make it to print these days, it was edgy back then, but Jesus Christ Has Rignall would get lynched in 2019..lol

>> No.6057223

>>6057179 #
I remember Mean Yob and the Insult corner, Mean Machines wouldn't even make it to print these days, it was edgy back then, but Jesus Christ Jaz Rignall would get lynched in 2019..lol

>> No.6057225

We decided to listen to liberals' feelings

>> No.6057441

>Mega Drive instead of Genesis
Yep, totally something which would be advertised in Burgerland. Moron.

>> No.6058003

Holy fucking shit, YOB was based af

>> No.6058013

Pretty sure that was from Viz, an adult comedy mag that satirizes the shit out of Britain and is about as funny as Family Circus.

>> No.6058015

>How did they get away with it /vr/?

Because Brits think dick jokes are cutting edge humor

For further examples have a look at the stuff they put into Banjo Kazooie

>> No.6059197

The 90s were different because back then the left was still on board with being edgy and rebellious. The only backlash against sex positivity came from the soccer moms and the religious right, neither of witch were important target groups.

Nowadays because of the internet and the state of late stage leftist politics there's screeching against everything from everybody in every age group, seemingly. There isn't really but the people in the press make it look that way and the people in the corps pretend to believe that it is that way and the boomers in charge have no clue because all those activists are bullshitting them.

Regular people still don't give a fuck but because of that outrage and outrage acknowledgement game being played by the same indoctrinated idiots in the press and in the HR and PR departments, everything is nerfed now.

>> No.6059459

A more niche audience meant that you could tailor and target ads to them. The bigger your audience, the more generalist you have to be. For the era, the customers you were selling to were likely to respond positively to such adds. Not only was such crude humor in vogue for the crowd at the time, people who would likely respond negatively to the ad weren't going to buy your product anyway.

One other thing that isn't often mentioned is the fact that with the internet and social networking becoming as large as they are, anything you do can be slammed over and over by a small minority of people and tank your reputation. A "sexist" or "racist" ad today is likely to get a small group reposting it and attempting to associate the entire company responsible as monstrous and outright evil, vilifying them to everyone within metaphorical earshot. This has actually made it harder for companies to publicly advertise as it requires any ad to be the most benign thing possible for the masses, as their audience is usually everybody.

Stealth and viral marketing still use more targeted tactics however due to their inability to be directly or conclusively tied with a source. Synthetic memes are created or natural ones co-opted and reposted anywhere they might take root, and marketers create discussion and communities without revealing they're getting a paycheck to do so. I suppose it's the natural evolution of things.

>> No.6059462

Dick jokes are probably the oldest joke in existence, at this point they're more venerable than anything.

>> No.6060332

>A "sexist" or "racist" ad today is likely to get a small group reposting it and attempting to associate the entire company responsible as monstrous and outright evil, vilifying them to everyone within metaphorical earshot. This has actually made it harder for companies to publicly advertise as it requires any ad to be the most benign thing possible for the masses, as their audience is usually everybody.
Which is why we need to shut down Twitter forever and shoot every single cunt that openly supports such a shitty platform.
Fuck twatters for ruining the general social enviroment.

>> No.6060372

It's outright flipped. It's the far left who are church lady puritans, and it's the right who will fight for a person's right to draw big boobed women in comic books.

>> No.6060376

You either have no idea what the right actually is or live in a bubble. Probably both.

>> No.6060512

I know I'm going to catch flak for saying this on a retro board, but we can't go back, we can't put the genie back in the bottle or the toothpaste back in the tube. We're simply going to have to find a way forward and evolve more quickly than these people can ruin things.

Given time, a solution will present itself in which these groups are once again unable to get their fingers on public discourse and find themselves completely unaware of the pulse of society's habits. I don't know what form it will take, but in reality, it's only a matter of time before the gated communities of old spring up again and cultures develop without the intervening hand of the masses that we see today.

>> No.6060528

It depends on the era and location. If you were using America as a reference point, it was typically the right leaning side of society that showed disdain for video games, anything sexually charged, violence, etc, until the last decade or two. The reasonings changed, but now it's typically the left that pushes the hardest for censorship against their ideals because they have began to become a majority.

That's not to say there still isn't a faction on the right that wants to censor "offensive" topics or a group on the left that would fight to the death to see any expression of ideas allowed. Neither side is completely homogeneous, it's just that currently you have an American right that leans more towards tea party libertarianism and an American left that swings towards radical feminism and positive racism, and these groups are fast becoming the loudest voices of their respective sides.

That said, I think the concept of censorship is also employed more by majority groups while free speech is often supported mostly by minority groups. This is because the majority has nothing to fear from expressing their thoughts and ideas in the public sphere and the power to drown out opposing discourse while the minority is most in danger of having its voice shut out from discussion. I don't doubt when the pendulum swings the other way, the majority side will once again attempt a deathblow against their opponents by shutting them out of discussions.

>> No.6060558
File: 97 KB, 790x973, 1376186197885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody say old game ads?

>> No.6060560
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>> No.6060563
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>> No.6060565
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>> No.6060567
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>> No.6060569
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>> No.6060570
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>> No.6060572
File: 629 KB, 2500x1630, 1376155191017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro but still edgy

>> No.6060573
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>> No.6060575
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>> No.6060579
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>> No.6060580
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>> No.6060586
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>> No.6060591
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>> No.6060592
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>> No.6060593
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>> No.6060597
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>> No.6060598
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>> No.6060607
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>> No.6060608
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>> No.6060613

>What did you think we were talking about, you little degenerate!
gosh i miss sega so damn much

>> No.6060645

Sega had great ads


>> No.6060670

>tfw my first fap was to this

Thanks, Gamepro

>> No.6060676
File: 76 KB, 640x850, what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I like how crude the ads were back before whiny moms took over.

>> No.6060679

Fuck sjws

>> No.6060712

>using degenerate in a commercial
Fucking based

>> No.6060719

>whiny little bitches

So every jew that ever lived.

>> No.6060726

Left vs right is a false dichotomy. Only retards see politics like that.

>> No.6060793
File: 228 KB, 640x845, spellbound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6060823

You seriously can't think the "left" is more church oriented and bitchy than the "right". LMFAO you probably do!

>> No.6060831

>Super Nintendo
>not SNES
wow I thought only Americans said that

>> No.6061426

good lord.

>> No.6061431

Sweet, Imhotep!

>> No.6061461

actually nuanced discussion instead of collecta-sperging? in my /vr/? gtfo fag

i agree

>> No.6061474

>this is your mind on /pol/turds

>> No.6061504

I don’t know why I laughed at this