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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 623 KB, 600x745, DeusExCover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6043905 No.6043905[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a Deus Ex thread? It was released for Windows 98, so I think it counts as retro as defined in >>1392415

>> No.6044013


>> No.6044030

Of course we can. The first time I played, I made the mistake of finding that laser sword. It really made the rest of the game almost meaningless.

>> No.6044106

To be fair, you're pretty much invincible from the start anyways if you pick the GEP gun. Very easy game.

>> No.6044149

Only if you want to kill everyone.
I prefer to play the game non-lethally, because I don't like to leave a mess behind me and I feel like the game is much better balanced that way.

>> No.6044163

this would be fantastic if it had 3rd person and more melee.

>> No.6044231

based nonlethal player

>> No.6044257
File: 2.98 MB, 300x225, prod.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever get tired of hearing the "Woohoohuu~" when you knock people out?
Because I don't

>> No.6044283

>Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.

>Retro gaming means [...] computer games [...] launched in 1999 and earlier
>Deus Ex Release June 17, 2000

>> No.6044309

>It was released for Windows 98, so I think it counts as retro

>> No.6044331

Just wait 50 more years you impatient fuck.

>> No.6044336

Bob page did nothing wrong

>> No.6044339

>the rules are what I think they are

>> No.6044343

Come on guys, we all know Deus Ex is cool, and we can get cool retro points while discussing it, even if it's not retro. I'm sure the mods share this reasoning

>> No.6044352

Well the mods seem to agree, other games get posted and are allowed to stay up if they were released for Windows 98. Similar as to why mods for older games are fine too even if they were released after '99.

>> No.6044353

Honestly, the game was probably a few levels too long. Paris wasn't very fun and I sped through the underwater lab as fast as I could. Vandenburg was kinda cool though

>> No.6044357

Not him but what he says makes sense, Deus Ex is almost 20 years old. Your only argument is a rule that hasn't been updated for ages.

>> No.6044360

I think the issue with Paris is that you have to spend a bit too much time dealing with enemies just to travel around the hub

>> No.6044475
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when I played this as a kid, I tried to run and gun everything, until I found the datacube one of the terrorists had that was from his wife or some shit asking him to stay safe, and realized oh fuck I killed him
non-lethal is the way to go bros

>> No.6044521
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>> No.6044553

He has no argument. Dx runs windows 98. Hes dumb.

>> No.6044649

Best game ever made. Will always be the best game for the rest of time.

>> No.6044747
File: 1.04 MB, 2160x2025, deus_crusher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One issue I have with the game is its unusually obnoxious flickering lights (like when you destroy the universal constructor in Hong Kong). This seems to be an issue linked with the unreal1 engine, which sucks because otherwise the lighting is fantastic. Disabling dynamic lights fixes this, but breaks the flashlight and some other minor lighting elements. Would anybody happen to know of a screen filter or setting (besides editing the levels themselves) that could at least partially circumvent this?

>> No.6044758

Please tell me you play on Realistic.

>> No.6044883

Not even realistic can save NPCs from having rifles.

>> No.6044938

why not make a /v2k/ general on /vg/?

>> No.6044940

Cancer. Might as well discuss games on /v/ at that point. And /v/ only gives a shit about new releases and waifus.

>> No.6045115

It's still effortless to sneak up and backstab everyone on that difficulty.

>> No.6045123

I always assumed Erin, Decker, and Young were the three NSF troopers you meet protecting Lebedev's 747. They die either way (unless you tranq them before talking to Lebedev, I suppose).

>> No.6045134

>It was released for Windows 98, so I think it counts as retro

bad argument; next time try "it's essentially just an extremely elaborate Unreal 1 TC".

>> No.6045159

huh, did NPCs always respond to the sound of darts / throwing knives smacking into walls, or is this something added by Shifter / Biomod? it's been a bunch of years since i played the unpatched original and my memory's bad.

>> No.6045165

i think they did in vanilla

>> No.6045187

>And /v/ only gives a shit about new releases and waifus.
yea, i mean once in a while you can still find a good thread there, but it gets annoying having to sift through 90% of the threads to find a good one. especially when anything big gets announced and the board is flooded, which happens fairly often.

i understand why people don't want this board to have the dates changed for what's allowed, but sixth gen is in this limbo where it's not retro enough for /vg/ but gets drowned out by all the new stuff on /v/. dunno if another "semi-retro" board would be a good thing though.

>> No.6045316

What's your favorite mod? I love GMDX v9. V10 is just weird.

>> No.6045324


Yeah, it makes sense with the dates, but given how vapid zoomers are, I don't even think allowing 7th gen would attract them here, which is a good thing.

We probably just need a /boomer board or something. Obviously not as that name, as that would be like waving a red flag at a bull made up of shitposting little cunts.

>> No.6045328

The Nameless Mod. Almost as good as the original in terms of scope, content, etc.

>> No.6046270

Oh god, that gave me a good laugh.

>> No.6046292

Anyone tried ghosting the game?
I had to get seen in order to break out Gunther
Used save glitch to bypass the laser then the inventory lock-smart tool glitch to open his cell door then skipped his dialogue and gave him my pistol
Then I ghosted my way to the n word

>> No.6046405

I'm shit at ghosting games. How do I git gud?

>> No.6046421
File: 538 KB, 1273x1825, Call_of_Duty_Cover(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we have a Call of Duty 1 thread? It was released for Windows 98, so I think it counts as retro as defined in >>1392415 #

>> No.6046854


>> No.6046858


>> No.6046889

>bad argument
works for diablo 2

>> No.6046908
File: 101 KB, 1024x614, steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paul had a nice ass.

>> No.6046925
File: 31 KB, 324x309, jamesgiantpeach[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>warren spector: "we researched current conspiracy theories and put them in the game"
>whoa this game is redpilled and predicted the future everyone around me is a sheep

>> No.6046931

Not to mention it runs on Q3 engine

>> No.6046947

C'mon m8, one does not need to resort such foul techniques.

>> No.6046952

Was playing it until last month. Kinda lost interest, but I will try to resume it. One question -- if, hypotetically, I spent the laser sight and magazine extend upgrades on the pistol, would I be screwed?

>> No.6046957

no, a fully upgraded pistol with maxed pistol skill makes you pretty damn strong

>> No.6046972

Also, you'll come across more weapon upgrade modules. You're not screwed if you want to upgrade other weapons later on. Plus there's pretty much always multiple solutions to almost any situation in the game anyway.

>> No.6048013

I always upgrade my pistol with laser sight, it's The Terminator thing to do.

>> No.6048014

Nig nog

>> No.6048085

Welcome to /VR/ Deus Ex. Heh, might as well start using yout codename.

>> No.6048134

As long as you didn't put the scope on the pistol, you're well on your way to making a nice hand cannon.

>> No.6048146

sticks and stones

>> No.6048159

i always stop playing after leaving hk

>> No.6048191

I loved Paris, it's rare to see historical stuff in a cyberpunk game, but it makes the world feel grounded in reality (something that Eidos Montréal doesn't seem to realise).

>> No.6048259

Literally the best game ever.

>> No.6048325

Is the stealth pistol a good option for stealthy players?

>> No.6048348

>"Not retro": The Board

>> No.6048352
File: 83 KB, 1125x806, 1572244023151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.6048359

it's a game released 19 years ago, it is retro

>> No.6048365
File: 287 KB, 481x501, 1572105715073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>launched in 1999 and earlier
>June 17, 2000

So this is the power of American education?

>> No.6048372
File: 22 KB, 474x474, 1563798201344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't think for myself, I can only parrot the rules

>> No.6048373

you just need to learn how guards behave
their reaction time
Their view vision
And use everything in your disposal to bypass them
I just couldn't ignore him and had to do it

>> No.6048384
File: 465 KB, 388x506, 1561482580360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You either accept the rules or fuck off to /v/.

>> No.6048386
File: 2.89 MB, 432x299, 1575274878555.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know just as well as anyone else here that if there isn't a hard line here the definition of "retro" is going to be stretched untill this becomes /v2/.
Hope you like smash threads!

>> No.6048397

But it creates this weird "lost period in gaming" situation. I want to talk about Blade of Darkness or Spellforce - it's not retro enough for /vr/ but too ancient for /v/. Where can I go to talk about all the cool games from 2001-2003 period? And more and more games will hit that wall moving forward.

>> No.6048402

I think we need a /v20/ board
that way we
won't get spammed by coomers and we'll actually have good threads about those games

>> No.6048403

Games after 1999 can't be cool, zoomer

>> No.6048406

This thread is still here after several days so obviously the mod has allowed it.

>> No.6048410

>thief ii
>Jedi academy
>splinter cell
Yeah, no cool games

>> No.6048414

Max your pistol skill and add a scope to it
it becomes the bfg 9000 of dx

>> No.6048425 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1.32 MB, 368x640, 1575379719174.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a flying fuck about the moderators, let alone the jannies.

>> No.6048567

>Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.
>platforms launched in 1999 and earlier
I don't see a problem here, chief.

>> No.6048593

I see. Thanks fellows, I'm glad it is just a hypothetical situation, anyways... *sigh*

>> No.6048602

>Operation system
Grow up.

>> No.6048649

>on platforms

>> No.6048684

Not him but it kind of is a platform, because a lot of games don't work on newer platform unless tweaked, even if you have the same hardware (also, PS2 plays most PS1 games just fine, does it mean PS1 isn't a separate platform anymore?)

>> No.6048753

And I agree and wouldn't mind it being a couple of years later, just saying that whatever the rules are they have to be strictly enforced because I think it'll turn into /v/ very quickly otherwise.

>> No.6050114

>a lot of games don't work on newer platform unless tweaked
This. Modern systems don't have 16 bit support.

>> No.6050152

Blue-pilled game, vaccines help people.

>> No.6050178

Also, (((transhumanism)))

>> No.6050273

>making your body dependant of pills and the like

>> No.6050416

>Rather die from the disease then risk the chance of getting your baby autism.
You anti-vaxers crack me up

>> No.6050421

The game never said vaccines are bad. JC basically helps create a vaccine against the grey death.

>> No.6050462

>The Conspiracy Theories ended up being real.


>> No.6050487
File: 349 KB, 680x512, 1552982183962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most people actually talking about video games
>Some people just parroting rules

Just talk about video games holy shit. It's not hard.

>> No.6050752

The only vaccines that are proven to help people are smallpox and polio and a couple other ones, for example the H1N1 vaccine didn't do anything and the vaccines you usually get are useless ones for diseases that no one has died from. Don't be an idiot, they are crooks mostly long nosed stealing your money.
I can't write, I meant the opposite.

>> No.6050806


There's always room for a COMPLETELY BOARD LEGAL Deus Ex thread. It's one of my faves, the other is Fallout 2.

Played through it recently, still holds up. Some levels are a bit slapped together (the Paris graveyard comes to mind), and level quality decreases steadily after Hong Kong, but the story is great and it's just a nice ride.

>> No.6050808

PLATFORMS launched in 1999 or earlier. Win98 was launched in... ... ... ... 1998

>> No.6050818


The rules state without a doubt that this game is allowed. Platforms launched in 1999 or earlier. Windows is a platform. Win98 is a version of windows. Win98 was launched in 1998. Deus Ex was developed for windows 98.

>> No.6050820

Okay then. It was launched on the PC-platform which itself was launched in... 1975 with the Altair 8800

>> No.6050828

/Pol/ is the other way retard

>> No.6050838

Do you recommend any mods? I've played through vanilla several times.

>> No.6050860

We've had Deus Ex threads for years now so obviously it's retro.

>> No.6050952

Not him, but my favorite mod for Deus Ex is 2027. Very moody story mod with little to no vanilla assets.

>> No.6050990
File: 3.06 MB, 2000x1345, Halo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Halo was made to run on Win98, can we start having Halo threads on /vr/?

>> No.6050996

Nice try, but it was first released on Xbox which is not retro.

>> No.6050997

also not him but, “The Nameless Mod” has pretty solid gameplay and level design, but the story is half in-joke about the old deus ex forums
might be worth a look

>> No.6051003

Then the PC version is retro but the Xbox version isn't.

See how retarded /vr/'s rules are?

>> No.6051010


heh, that's pretty funny when you actually think about it.

>> No.6051021 [DELETED] 

Neil time lads.

>> No.6051058
File: 109 KB, 532x635, splintercell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rules work perfectly you retard. Many, many games from early 00s support Windows98, but that's not the only requirement for retro. Deus Ex is also running on Unreal Engine 1 which makes it a retro game. Go to /v/ if you want to talk about Halo.

>> No.6051062

VtMB dancing.

>> No.6051070

Rules only say platform, not game engine. If it can run on Win98 (a retro platform) then that makes the game automatically retro.

>> No.6051085

>With the release of the 8th generation of consoles, the Sega Dreamcast will now be considered "retro", though the remainder of the sixth generation (Xbox, PS2, GameCube) will not

Halo is an Xbox game ported later on PC, therefore it's not retro.

>> No.6051113

No where in the rules does it say modern games ported to retro platforms are banned. All it says is if a game runs on a retro platform, then it's /vr/.

>> No.6051118

Well go ahead and make Halo thread then and see what happens.

>> No.6051128 [DELETED] 

>deus ex passionaries disregard authorities and talk about their favorite game
>halo peasants and conformers are crying and appealing to the rules

>> No.6051140 [DELETED] 

halo > soi ex

>> No.6051159 [DELETED] 
File: 226 KB, 640x492, d78a1gj-c045369a-5863-4aee-a662-4119ea237653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F*** yeah bro!

>> No.6051186

>theres a tiny mages thread right now

>> No.6051195

>and the vaccines you usually get are useless ones for diseases that no one has died from.
2/10 made me reply

>> No.6051285

Are you implying dude sex memes are any better?